LaurenBlu — Parodypackage

Published: 2017-09-28 01:49:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 574; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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This was originally posted by @/sparkeythehamster, and drawn by @/bridgenose and is being posted here with permission so their pages don't get swamped when he gets used for a thing in DoW ;3

He is not intended to resemble any characters anybody else may own, he was completely made up by @/sparkeythehamster and @/bridgenose

Part two created by me: 

Name: Galexykit | Destinykit | Destinypaw | Destiny'sEdge
Name Meanings:
Destiny('s)- Because of the promise of what his life will bring
-Edge Falling off a cliff in his previous life.

|| Gender: Tom ||
|| Rank: Medicine Cat/Warrior/Loner ||
|| Breed: Munchkin x Savannah x Ocelot x Castiel || 
|| Mates: Glorysun, Emeraldshimmer, Opalheart, Moongazer ||


Adaptable - Brave - Charming - Cold - Intuitive - Romantic - Ambitious - Self-loathing


Destiny'sEdge can adapt to any situation he is in, going so far as to instinctively know the exact moods he has to use to take on each enemy. He can survive the harshest of winters and the warmest summers, and survive over a moon without eating in times of strife. He is able to take command or be subservient, whichever is required of him at the time - but he will always have an eye on how he can better himself.

If there's one thing Destiny'sEdge is not, then it's a coward. Even if it was just him standing against a whole pack of wolves he would not runaway, investing every ounce of his strength into defending himself, or potentially someone he's grown to trust - this is not easy though as he's very hard to get through to, and hates mostly everybody.

This is only ever for his own advantage. He knows how to get around she-cats and toms with his charm, often making them weak at the knees and unable to resist anything he asks of them. But remember he's only ever flirting because he wants something, he doesn't actually like them.

At the deepest level of his personality Destiny'sEdge is cold and humourless, he doesn't feel any emotions and believes all other cats to be stupid, largely because his own intellect is so high. Because of this he often feels as if he is alone in the world.

He has a good sense of the way the world is, and always knows when something is being hidden from him, after only a small amount of conversation about things that may not have anything to do with the secret he will probably have figured it out from subtle key words he'll add in to test reactions. He will use this information to blackmail.

Despite his cold heart and hatred for others, Destiny'sEdge does thrive for romance with the perfect cat that can understand him on a deep emotional level - see the emotions even he himself can't see.

Destiny'sEdge aims to reform the Clans, combining the Medicine Cat and Leader Roll like it was in the days of the Tribes. He has the Medicine Cat's Role and was allowed to remain being a Warrior because he was so strong, his eyes are now set on the Leadership.

He hates himself, and he hates the way he is. He just doesn't think there is anything to do about it now, after all, he has a burden to carry that nobody else could ever understand. This is part of the reason why he lashes out all the time, he hates others, but he also hates himself, because he feels as if nothing can reach perfection.


.: Kithood (As Galexykit) :.
Born to Brokenheart in a litter of twenty, the she-cat hated him because he was smaller than his siblings and had a really unusual fur pattern that seemed to reflect Starpelt itself. His mother did not believe in Starclan and as he reminded her of them, she couldn't bear to look at him. Eventually she threw him off a cliff into the ocean, hoping that nobody would ever find out what she'd done. But the fall did not kill him, he began to sink into the darkness of the water, able to sense something coming towards him. He realised only when it was upon him that it was a shark. This should have been the end of Galexykit, however he felt something stirring inside him, a power he didn't know he had. Galexykit fought the shark as if he were a hundred Warriors, killing it outright. However after defeating the shark he couldn't swim back to the surface and drowned.

.: Kithood (As Destinykit) :.
Reborn as an only Kit to an old dying Queen, Destinykit still held all his memories, as well as the message he'd heard when he died; 'You are carrying the spirits of Starclan within you, you cannot die and are destined to defeat the cat who is the embodiment of The Dark Forest'. The moment he was reborn he requested the name Destinykit to remind himself of this, everybody could see immediately who he was, due to the unusual pelt. But he was born with another unusual feature, as he had already died and been brought back, he was brought back with wings.
He told the Clan what his mother had done and she was banished from the Clans. Finally everything seemed to be settling into place as Destinykit got to know the other Cats in the Clan. Although he was still a Kit everybody respected him because they knew their ancestor's powers and spirits were within him.
This is how it should have continued, however, Twolegs came and kidnapped him, hoping to sell him for a high price because of his pelt and wings. Destinykit struggled and tried to get free, but a Twoleg hit him round the head with a stone, knocking him unconscious.
When he awoke he was locked in a cage, where people poked and prodded at him, pulling his tail and wings, offering money for him. Eventually he was sold for over $1,000,000 to a rich business man who specialised in genetic breeding.

Destinykit was helpless at first, but as he was abused over the next moon by the Twoleg's his heart began to harden. The Twoleg began setting him up in fights with other toms to see how strong he was. Destinykit won every fight, but in his first one of his competitors bit through his ear, in order to disguise this, the Twoleg put an earring through to make it look like it had been deliberate.

.: Apprenticehood? :.
He was now growing up, and while his heart was hardening, he did have a soft spot for the Twoleg's daughter, she gave him a bracelet and told him that it was a sign of their friendship - Destiny'sEdge treasures it even today. Finally the Twoleg's daughter decided enough was enough and freed him. He was able to escape and ran back to find his Clan. It took him moons to find them again, but eventually he returned and told everybody what had happened to him.
Part of what he had learned to do in captivity though was to read, he'd been particularly interested in reading from the medical books in the lab, for this reason he was instantly made the Medicine Cat Apprentice to a she-cat named Opalheart - the current Medicine Cat, however as Destinypaw knew it was his fate to become Leader he tried to turn the position down, resulting in the deal being made that he could serve as both Medicine Cat and Warrior.

His Mentor Opalheart soon began to fall for him though, she was a very beautiful she-cat that many toms sought after, but she had always refused them because she was a Medicine Cat. But she wasn't the only one, two other she-cats Emeraldpaw and Glorypaw, as well as a tom he'd known as a Kit called Moonpaw. Destinypaw just wanted to focus on his training, and he was no longer capable of having feelings for anyone, so the attention annoyed him.

.: Warriorhood :.
At the age of nine moons he received his Warrior name and became mates with Emeraldpaw (now Emeraldsparkle) publicly, however Glorypaw (Now Glorysun) also found herself pregnant with his Kits. As Glorysun put pressure on him to leave Emeraldsparkle he did, but it was too late, Emeraldsparkle was also pregnant. At some point Opalheart became pregnant as well, as did Moongazer - because of Destiny'sEdge's powers he was able to get a tom pregnant. There were some other she-cats and a few other toms too.
But while he had many Kits and mates, Destiny'sEdge felt no connection to any of them. They all thought they knew him. But they didn't.
While out pondering his fate, Destiny'sEdge was caught in a storm, a bolt of lightning struck his eye giving him a lightning shaped scar, then another burned off one of his wings, this meant he could no longer fly in the way that he'd loved to.
He also had Kits with a cat from another Clan, she was the daughter of the tyrannical Leader who now wants to kill him.
Because Opalheart had Kits he was now the full Medicine Cat, and there was already talk of him becoming the next Deputy, but Destiny'sEdge knew that things weren't happening fast enough, he needed to be ready to take on his Dark Forest nemesis who had begun whispering telepathically to him in his sleep.

He still feels as if something is missing though, will you be the one to make that connection with him?

|| TRVIA ||

*He now only has one wing, so he can't fly.
*He contains all the spirits of the Starclan cats within him, which is why his pelt is the colour it is.
*Destiny's Edge is really, really, really, really small - he was the size of a penny when he was born.
*The suffering he has seen and his cold heart causes him to cry blood.
*He still wears the collar the Twolegs gave him as a sign that he will never be imprisoned again.
*In total he has nine mates and forty Kits.
*A fringe hides one of his eyes, it is unknown as to why this is.
*One paw is permanently stained red with blood because of all the fighting he had to do as a Kit.
*Although he has heard their voice he doesn't know who his nemesis is.
*He has telepathy - but don't worry it doesn't work with everyone.
*His eyes turn black when he's angry.
*Based on Sasuke, Howl, Mewtwo, Kovu and Gaston

Art by @/bridgenose

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