“I love mathematics as an art form. I hope to join the rest of the mathematicians, from fellow students to Fields Medalists, in exploring the ends of human knowledge. I especially love geometry for its elegant patterns. Well, at least learning some philosophy kinda helped me since mathematics is a discipline based on reason hehe. It’ll help me a lot as I cut through any obstacle and push beyond the limits of human knowledge!”
- Alicia
Alicia is one of my OCs, and she happens to like mathematics, and she pretty much has some interest in philosophy as well. She also likes to play with sharp objects (especially box cutter knives) though, and she can be pretty deadly with them.
Actually, since I like creating stories for my original characters, a lot of lore about each of them starts piling up. Again, Alicia is just one of my OCs, so the rabbit hole still goes deeper than that.
I also wanted to try drawing her in a somewhat chibified form.
Side note: This is an updated version of an artwork I uploaded a few hours ago, but since I pretty much made a few big changes, I decided to do a fresh re-upload with this final version.
Art by LawsickPi
Character by LawsickPi
WARNING: Under NO circumstances may you use, copy, edit, repost, sell, or trace my artworks without my written permission.