leafstep — Team Building HP

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Team Building.

Aspen sighed heavily as the commotion before them. What they thought was a great idea, seems to be starting out as an absolute disaster. The Alphas aren’t even here yet, so maybe the group can get under control before then? They scan the grassy clearing once again, trying to work up the ability to speak to this group of dogs.

Up front, loudest and most chaotic, was the Merle male, Marak. He was spending his time pestering the poor Azalie, and Kryheia, who were minding their own business. By the looks of it, Marak didn’t seem to care that the females were very angry with his sudden and abrupt interruption of their conversation. The White Tokota Azalie seemed to have lost her cool much sooner than her Cream Tawny companion, as she snapped loudly at the male.

“Go away! You’re always butting into everything! Leave us alone!” Kryheia followed her friends mood, and turned harshly, with a sour look on her face. Marak didn’t seem to care, unfortunately.

“I’m Bored! Can’t I just join in what you’re talking about?”
“You don’t even know what we’re talking about.” Kryheia interjected sharply. The females denied him, claiming something that Aspen couldn’t quite hear due to an even louder event. If that was even possible.

“I win!” The blue pied Tokota shouted, facing her Black pied competitor. “Told you I’m faster. Whatever we’re doing today, I’ll win.’ She sneered. Aspen envied Celtis’s confidence. No matter the situation the blue and white Tokota always seemed ready, and determined to win.

“You had a head start. You didn’t race fairly, so you are disqualified. So I win.” Neruer laughed out, giving his black and white pelt a quick shake to free it from some leaves. “Promise, the next time you race against me, in a fair race, I’ll win.” He challenged. The two seemed to have made another competition, as they now began what seemed to be a game of tag? Complete with barks of happiness and excitement.
Their obliviousness caused them to collide with a large spotted Dire, who had just made his way out of the brush. Squeaking a quick, and insincere apology, they hurried off. Aspen didn’t quite remember this ones name. They remembered they were new to the group, and seemed very shy and reserved. He seemed lost in thought, and quite nervous. He chose a quite spot to sit on the outskirts of the meadow, content in himself it seems. More preoccupied by the leaves and sounds around him, Aspen felt a wave of calm, and peace just from watching this Spotted Dire.
“ Creed! You did end up coming!” A tawny Sphinx bounded up to him. He smiled softly in response. Creed. Of course, that’s his name. Aspen scolded themself for forgetting. How rude of them to forget.
“Ginny.” He greeted her, nodding to the Pied Half Mane behind her. “Don’t let me keep you from your friend. I’m going to.... be over here trying to get used the everyone.”
“No don’t! Let me introduce you to her! This is Alaska! I’ve told you about her?” Gingersnaps interrupts with a huge smile. Creed shakes his head softly, but smiles back. He heads off a little, away from a large cluster of others to find himself some solitude. The Sphinx watched the Dire take a seat in a nice sunny patch of grass. One situated a comfortable distance from the rest of the Tokotas in attendance. Gingersnaps turned back to her friend, Alaska, who shot her a knowing look. One Aspen couldn’t quite place. Secretive? Happy? Sly? Possibly a mix of all of those? Not quite sure what it means, but Gingersnaps seemed to know right away, as the Tawny Sphinx blushed instantly with a little smile. Glancing over her shoulder at Creed once again. Something is definitely up with them, but poor Aspen was not a master at subtle hints, and will just have to ask someone later they guessed.

“See, it’s this way, I told you!” A new voice shouted. Aspen took a mental count of all the Tokotas in the clearing currently, not seeing anyone missing. This voice sounded young, and unfamiliar to the genderless shapeshifter. But their confusion would not last long, as the owner of the loud voice had revealed itself to have come from Cinnamon Latte, or, Lottie as she prefers. Lottie wags her curled tail in happiness as her successful tracking.
“I never said you were wrong. I just said there was probably an easier, less... burr filled way here Lottie.” A second voice scoffed from behind her. “One that was probably a little easier to see too. I don’t like the bright light, remember?” Ah, Aspen knows exactly who this is, even before seeing them. The Albino Tokota, Poltergeist struggled to free himself of a tangled mess of Burrs that seemed to now call his coat their home. He opted to roll in the soft damp grass of the clearing to begin loosening the pesky plants, before giving Lottie a playful shove. She smiled back, and began to mingle with the rest of the Tokotas, leaving Poltergeist to clear his fur alone. Aspen recalls how much of a Social Butterfly the pair were, and how much they enjoyed the company of others. Specifically Poltergeist, who seems to make it his personal goal to make sure everyone around him is having a good time. Despite Aspen not remembering inviting the Duo, they can’t seem to find a reason why they shouldn’t be here.
While this was supposed to be a Team Building Meeting for the Submissive Tokotas, the Social and Extroverted pair might actually make this easier. Nothing gets an introverted being out of their comfort zone like friendly Extroverts right? Mustering up some courage, Aspen decides to make good on their own reasoning, and heads to help Poltergeist remove some burrs.
‘Hi there Ice’ Aspen greets. Poltergeist huffs in response, halting his frantic grass rolling to smile at the Timid Handler. “Would you like some help with your fur?”
“Nah, it’s all good. I think the Alphas are gonna be here in a second anyway.” As if on cue, Aspen heard the pair of Blue alphas make their way onto the large rock standing in the middle of the clearing. Aspen is often startled by Poltergeist’s heightened hearing and sense of smell. He can see just fine of course, but being an Albino means his sight isn’t as good as others.
“Uhhmm....” Aspen darts back through the crowd of Canines, back to their fallen tree next to the large rock with the Alphas, as they hear Mammoth’s confusion. His partner Eyja snickers quietly. Mammoth was new to being an In person Alpha, while Eyja was more seasoned. Despite being quite small in comparison to other Tokotas, she was determined, and willing to put in all the work to get the respect she deserves. Mammoth on the other hand, was possibly the opposite. Large and imposing just by sight, being a Large Dire, with Long Fangs, gave him more of a boost in becoming Alpha. While he worked for it of course, it’s reasoned it must have been a tad easier for him, compared to Eyja.
“Just Address them like you would everyone else.” Eyja directs, nodding her head to the loud crowd beneath them. “They’re your Pack Fangs, not Strangers. Treat them like it. It makes it easier on everyone, and ensures no one is uncomfortable. Be friendly and approachable.”
“Everyone,” The large Blue Dire starts after a deep inhale. Not sure if he was putting on this deep voice, or if it was just his voice, Aspen was startled at how... Authoritative it sounded. It commanded respect, and attention, but not in an aggressive way. “From here on out, you will all be working on team building, to get to know the rest of the pack better, and learn how to work together. Being in a pack isn’t all fun and games, you need to learn how to work together, learn together, and fail together.” A hush fell upon the Tokotas below him. They were all focused, ears pricked, and muzzles pointed towards him. Which seemed to have made him a tad Nervous, as he looked around startled for a moment.
“For the next few days, me and Mammoth with be teaching you how to be a part of a pack, while also showing off some of your best skills. Some of you will be better at hunting, and some better at fishing, and that’s okay! But when the time comes, and someone needs help, it’s vital for everyone to work together.” Eyja took over.
“Do we have to work with everyone? Or can it be a select group?” Azalie spoke up from the front, with a pointed look towards the goofy, and usually obnoxious Marak next to her.
“Preferably. But it’s understandable that some of you just will not be compatible. As long as you try, it shouldn’t be a problem.” Mammoth answers, looking down at the Trio, as Azalie shifts herself closer to Kryheia.
“ Wait, so, is there going to be no Solo work? Are we being forced to work with others?” Celtis flattens her blue ears. Aspen smirks, knowing the pied dog is definitely a Competitive type, and might struggle with Teamwork.
“Yes, that’s why we’re here Celtis. This is a Team building Exercise. We will learn to work as a team.” Mammoth answers, knowing how Celtis is as well.
“Awe, looks like you might fail, you’re no good working as a team.” Neruer snickers from beside her, wagging his tail in excitement. “Do we get to pick our groups?” He asks the Alphas.
“I second that question!” Gingersnaps almost chokes out. Which gained a stifled laugh from Alaska.
“I think it would be best for Random groups. It is a team building exercise Ginny.” Creed calls with a tilted head. “It would be counter productive if you get to choose your teammates.” He turns to the Alphas to get a confirmation.
Mammoth looks to Eyja, who sighs
“Let’s just start with the first task. I’m sure you all will figure it out from there. The first task, is Hunting.”


HP for the Following:
Azalie 8850 Tracker
Marak 11496 Tracker
Gingersnaps 17617 Tracker
Neruer 24726 Tracker
Kryheia 30457 Tracker

Alaska 33102 Tracker

Celtis 31671 Tracker

Creed 47881 Tracker
Cinnamon Latte 52213 Tracker

+3(fb colored shaded)
+8(1725 WC)
+2(Eyja 21351 , Mammoth 27206 are alpha tokotas)
+2(Poltergiest 52215 is superstar)
Total = 23

HP for the Following:
Poltergeist 52215 Tracker
+3(fb colored shaded)
+8(1725 WC)
+2(Eyja 21351 , Mammoth 27206 are alpha tokotas)
Total = 21

HP for the Following:
Mammoth 21351 Tracker
+3(fb colored shaded)
+8(1725 WC)
+1(Eyja 21351 are alpha tokotas)
+2(Poltergeist  52215 is superstar)
Total = 22

HP for the Following:
Eyja 27206 Tracker
+3(fb colored shaded)
+8(1725 WC)
+1(Mammoth 27206 are alpha tokotas)
+2(Poltergeist  52215 is superstar)
Total = 22

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