legallygwen — Truth or Dare with Emmett [NSFW]

Published: 2008-07-08 11:02:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 1973; Favourites: 45; Downloads: 3
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Description Truth or Dare with Emmett, Edward, and Bella

The three of us were left alone for a week so Edward brought me to the Cullen’s place. I told Charlie that Alice was there and Edward went with the rest of his family for a camping trip.

“Hey Emmett…. Um just a question…. Why didn’t you go with the others?” I asked a few hours after I arrived. Edward was sitting next to me on the couch when Emmett came from upstairs.

“ I just felt like it.” Emmett spat. Edward scoffed.

“ He’s fighting with Rose over something stupid.” Edward chuckled.  Emmett smacked Edward in the arm and I figured it would have hurt if Edward’s skin weren’t made of marble.

“Edward, be nice.” I giggled. Edward kissed the top of my head and Emmett gagged.

“ God could you guys not make out in front of me ever.”  Edward and I glared at him.

“Have you got something better to do, Emmett?”  I challenged.

“NO.” Edward quickly interrupted.

“Why not Ed? We do it all the time.” Emmett smirked.

“Awe don’t we Bella is here.” If Edward could, his glared would burn a hole in Emmett’s head.

“Well, She’s going to be a part of our family soon. She should get used to us soon enough.” Emmett protested without faulting from Edward’s glare.

“Whatever you two are talking about, I want to know!” I interrupted.

“Edward doesn’t want you to play with us.” Emmett chuckled.

“ Play what exactly?” I quirked an eyebrow.

“Truth or dare.” Edward whispered in his dark voice. I though about what the Cullen would be doing playing truth or dare, but if you have to live forever without sleep, I guess games are the way to pass time.  

“Sure, I haven’t played that game since a sleep over with the girls in my class in Phoenix.” I smiled. Edward just sighed.

“Behave Emmett or I will kill you.” Edward ordered. Emmett grinned and moved to the floor. Edward followed suit and pulled me with him.

“Explain the rules dear brother.” Emmett told Edward.

“Fine.” Edward spat at him and turned to me. “ You can only use three truths and cannot use two of the in a row. I decide the limits because you are mine. Got that Em?” Edward ordered.

“Hey that that ones not a rule. We stick to original rules Ed. So who’s starting?” Emmett scoffed.

“I will.” Edward stated sharply turning to me. “ Bella, truth or dare?”

“Truth. I guess.”  I felt excited and scared at what Edward would send my way. He already knew everything there was about me fro the weeks of questions after I first figured out his secret. Edward pulled out my favorite half smile while Emmett smiled slyly.

“What do you really dream about when you won’t tell me?” Shit.

“Next.” I answered almost automatically.

“There is no passing.” Emmett laughed.

“Damn. You should add that to the rules.” My face flushed. “ I dream about you stupid.” I shot at Edward.

“Yes, but what about him?” Emmett tugged on my hair.

“That wasn’t the question. So, is it my turn?” I retaliated. Edward looked surprised at my ability to find loopholes.

“She plays to win, Ed. Yes, it is your turn.”

“Emmett, truth or dare?”  I smiled.

“Truth.” Emmett answered to my surprise.

“Umm… well… why are you and Rose fighting?”

“ She is being selfish because she wants to skip your wedding. I didn’t want to cause I want to be there for you guys. She doesn’t because she is jealous of you.”  Emmett admitted sheepishly.

“ Why does everyone tell me that? What the hell does she have to be jealous about?” I shouted.

“That can be your next truth question, but it’s my turn. Edward, truth or dare?”  Emmett turned to look at my fiancée, whose body stiffened at the sudden attention.

“Shit, Em, you can’t ask me to do either of those things. Please.” Edward managed.

“Yes, I can. Rules are rules.” Emmett was trying to hide the amusement in his voice.

“Damn it! Dare, Em, I’m going to kill you.” Edward was pissed now.

“ Show Bella.” Was all Emmett said.

“Show me what?” I looked back and forwarth between the two vampires.

“ Emmett, please.” Edward crocked. “ You know how pissed she’d be.”

“Maybe not. After all we are technically men.” Emmett was laughing now.

“Shit.” Edward got up and was at the DVDs in an instant. He pulled one out of the thousands and placed it in the DVD player. “Sorry.” He whispered at me. The glow of the TV caused my eyes to adjust.

On the screen was my bathroom with me in it. I was showering and you could clearly see me naked.

“OH MY GOD!” I gasped. “Edward!” I squeaked. I felt my face flush red.

“I am only a man.” Edward wouldn’t meet my eyes and Emmett was rolling on the ground in laughter. Edward quickly turned it off and returned the DVD to the shelf.

“ Now its my turn.” Edward said darkly as he sat next to me.

“Yes, here is the Edward I know and love.” Emmett wasn’t laughing anymore.

“Emmett, you have to dare. So here it is. Go upstairs and put on the outfit Alice bought for you last year.” Edward’s eyes were different from how I was used to but I had seen him like this before. Emmett was gone in a flash but I could hear him moving things upstairs.

“So when did you record that?” I blushed as I asked Edward.

“ Just after we got back from Italy. I didn’t like it when you were with Jacob so I needed to see you so when you came home and I made you shower his smell off of you, I recorded it. Bella, I’m so sorry.”  Inside I was overwhelmed. Edward had a video of me in the shower. He saw me in a sexual way! YAY!

“It’s alright but next time, make a video of me in clothes.”  I giggled and cuddled into his chest. Just then, Emmett was standing in the doorway wearing the most insane thing I had ever seen. It was a pair of tight pick shorts with a bunny tail, with matching ears, and no shirt. I burst out laughing the second I saw it and Edward looked pleased with his work.

“Laugh while you can, Bro, I’ve got more up my sleeves.” Emmett returned to his spot in our triangle.

“Edward, truth or dare?” Emmett questioned.

“ I think I’ll take your little truth Em.” Edward challenged.

“ Why won’t you sleep with Bella before you marry her? Besides the whole human, vampire thing.” Emmett’s eyes meet mine.

“ How I was raised Em. You’re not as old as me. I was raised not to sleep with someone without marring them.” Edward answered without hesitation.

“Yea, but Carlisle was too but he and Esme got it on about a month before they were married.” Emmett continued their argument.

“ Ew…” I giggled. Edward held me closer.

“ Well, Carlisle waited longer than I did.”  Edward sighed like he had made this argument a million times.

“ Sure, I think you’re just scared little virgin boy.” Emmett mocked causing Edward to let go of me and jump on top of Emmett growling.

“ Edward, please stop.” I begged. I knew how to get what I wanted from Edward and begging was one.

“Fine.” Edward was off Emmett and back at my side in the blink of an eye.

“Your turn Edward.” I sighed as I glanced at the clock. It was almost midnight but I was wired.

“Emmett, truth or dare?” I was beginning to feel left out but I decided since I didn’t want to do any one of their dares.


“ Go rip Rose’s favorite outfit to shreds.” Edward ordered.

“Do you know how much trouble that will get me in?” Emmett yelled. Edward just sat there. Emmett stormed upstairs and I could feel Edward’s chest move as he chuckled.

“That was mean, Edward. That will destroy someone else’s property. Rose will be really upset.” I scolded.

“Don’t worry Esme will fix it when they get home.” Edward reassured me and pulled my face u to kiss my sulking lips.

“I told you guys not to do that in front of me.” Emmett growled when he returned to the room.

“Don’t whine. Its your turn.” I hurried to avoid another fight. That was one truth for me, one for Emmett, and none for Edward.

“Bella,” Shit. This one had to be a dare. “ You have to dare.”  Emmett’s voice was mocking.

“Shut up. Dare me.” I rolled my eyes.

“ I dare you to take off your shirt and pants.” Emmett’s tone was as serious as serious can be. Oh my god! I wasn’t wearing underwear. I had brought my clothes to wash because I had no clean underwear and I figured that I could go one night without underwear. Oh the irony.

“ That seems like more than one Emmett. I’ll do one or the other but not both.”  I tried to cover for myself hoping he’d make me just remove my shirt.

“Fine, Edward you pick. Pants or shirt?” Emmett challenged me. I grabbed Edward’s hand that rested on my hip and pushed it to my shirt and tugged on it to signal him to remove my shirt. He took the hint and pulled my baby blue shirt of quickly to reveal a matching blue bra. Edward loves me in blue.

“Don’t you dare rip my shirt up either.” I pointed at Emmett.

“Deal. Your turn.”  Emmett was eyeing me skeptically.

“ Fine, Edward, truth or dare.” I shivered at Edward’s ice, cold touch on my bare stomach.

“Truth.” He seemed pleased at his effect on me.

“ What are you thinking right now?”  I managed to let the word escape from my lips while Edward traced unreadable shapes into my skin.

“ How much I want to jump you right now. You can’t imagine how you look to me right now. And even if he tries to hide it, Emmett too.” Edward placed his lips on my shoulder and I let out a soft moan.

“Hey, hey none of that. Not until the sunrises. That’s when the game ends and then you can do whatever you want. And I’m so not thinking that.”

“Sure your not, Emmett.” Edward tapped his forehead as his hand caressed my left breast. “Bell truth or dare?”

“Truth.” I whispered. Emmett gagged quietly in a part of my mind.

“ What were you thinking the first time you saw us?”  Edward questioned. “ Don’t worry, love, I didn’t forget that you already told me this but Emmett was wondering.”

“ I saw you all sitting in the lunch room on my first day at school. You were all sitting alone yet together. You were different from each other but you all looked alike. I didn’t understand. But after Alice stood up and left I noticed something. You, Emmett, were built, while Edward was smaller. Rose and Jasper were both blonde and you were all breathtakingly perfect.  Then all too soon lunch was over. Then I went off to bio where Edward was waiting with the most evil look I had ever gotten.” I explained to Emmett with a light smile. Edward flinched at the memory.

“Wow. That’s really cool. You noticed all of us?” Emmett gaped at me.

“ Yep, until Edward started watching me. Then I started look at my food while Jess laughed at me.” I smiled.

“That’s cool.”  Emmett was looking at me in total surprise like I was more observant than he thought. Edward let out a low growl that I wouldn’t have been able to hear if I wasn’t pressed up against his chest.

“So Emmett truth or dare?”  I met his eyes playfully,

“You’re going to be a frightening little monster, you know that right. Truth.”   Emmett was smiling and Edward’s hands moved lower, causing me to gasp slightly. “And if it’s if you are grossing me out then yes.”

“ Tell me why you pick fights with every one.”

“ Well, at first it was the boys but I figured something out.”

“Emmett, she’s only been here for a short time. Don’t tell her that. I don’t think her gentle ears can handle it.” Edward warned.

“ I think I can figure it out. You figure out that when you fought the girls you could feel them up. That’s just sick Emmett.” I snapped.

“Only as sick as the fact that you didn’t need to think about it to figure it out.” Emmett returned. An eternity of fighting with him would be fun.

“Oh shut up. I got worse when I was with the pack. You have no idea what idiots are capable of telling you when they don’t seem to realize that you’re a girl.” I laughed. Edward gripped me closer and I knew it was to keep himself from going to La Push and killing the idiots I was talking about.

“My turn.” Emmett laughed to break the tension. “Edward, your dare.”

“ Yes, yes it is.” Edward met my eyes and smiled.

“ You take off a piece of Bella’s clothing that you want to remove most.” This entire game was like Emmett trying to make Edward and me push our limits. Edward just chuckled and began unbuttoning me pants.

“Edward don’t.” I whimpered. He didn’t stop. The zipper was pushed down and Edward slowly slipped down my pants. I quickly moved my hands to cover myself. Edward didn’t look at me because I’m sure Emmett was giving him all the details.

“My turn.” Edward was still gripping my pants in his right hand. “Bella, truth or dare.” I thought for a second. My last one was a truth and that means I had to pick dare, and that meant I had one left. Emmett was the same as me but Edward had two truths left and it was only about 12:30 AM. Four and a half hours before sunrise.

“Dare.”  I sighed and didn’t look at Edward once.

“Stop covering yourself.” He ordered.

“Not a chance. I’d do that if I was in a room alone with you but never in front of your pervert brother.” With that Edward’s mouth was at my ear whispering.

“Please Bella. Don’t make me move it for you.” I felt his breath moving the hair around my neck, and the hand drift from my stomach to my left hand to gently rub it.

“ Damn it, Edward Cullen.” I moaned and I moved my hand to the floor. I stared at the black TV with a red, hot face.

“ My turn?” I whispered.

“Yep. You know, Ed, I like this game a lot more than with the family. No one else turns that color. Maybe you should stay human for a little longer. The others would love this.” Emmett was cracking up now.

“Shut up, Emmett. The others aren’t going tot know about this or I’ll kill you.” Edward’s voice was filled with anger and something I had never heard.

“ Okay… um… Emmett your dare.” I thought about what I would ask him to do.

“ That it is.”  Emmett gasped between laughs.

“ I dare to you to end this game right now before we kill Edward’s little virtues.”  I tried but knew I would fail.

“Can’t do that Bells. Rules are rules. Edward’s virtues are being put to the test. And I see yours are too. Good luck with that.” Emmett stopped laughing and sat back up and placed his hand on my knee in a supportive gesture.

“Then, I’ve got nothing. Any ideas Edward?” I looked up at Edward who was staring at me with a look I had never seen him give.

“Yea, Emmett, I dare you to put the game on pause for, I don’t know, an hour or so. Just leave go anywhere.” He mumbled in a rush never taking his eyes off of me.

“Deal.” Emmett was gone and the word filled the darkness. So there we were, me dressed only in a bra and Edward’s arms. God help me.

“Now what?” I whispered. Edward stood and swung me bridal style into his arms. “Edward!” I cried.

“Shh…” He pressed his mouth to mine. I felt the stairs going away beneath us as Edward carried me to his bedroom without breaking the kiss. His tongue danced on mine and I pulled him as close as I could get him and just tasted him. He placed me gently on the new bed that he bought us.

He hovered over me and his lips moved down my jaw, between my breasts, then my stomach, he kept going lower till I felt his tongue where I always wanted it. His cool tongue contrasted with my natural body heat but I needed it.

“Does this mean you’ve agreed to my deal?” I teased pulling at his shirt. He slipped out of his clothes before I even had time to breathe.

“Shut up Bella.” Edward growled. I stopped talking. He kept digging his tongue in harder and faster. If he kept going like this I would burst.

“Edward!” I screamed. The orgasm hit me as Edward’s hands gripped my breast and hips.

“Bella,” He sighed and I gripped the sheets in the dark. “Shit.” He moved himself from my legs to my chest again.

“Edward, please…” I gasped. In the dark I could see his body struggling as he tried to decide if he was strong enough to so what he was doing. “You are strong enough! Just please!” I cried as I tangled my hands in his curly hair. I knew it didn’t hurt, I just needed to do grab onto him.

“Bella, I don’t want to hurt you.”  He sucked on my nipple and I threw my head back in pleasure.

“Then… why the hell…did you send Emmett… away and bring…me up here?” I gasped. Edward looked up at me and pulled my hands from his hair. I thought he was going to leave me lying there alone in the night but instead he pulled my face to face his waist.

“That is why Bella. You’re pushing me over the edge. I don’t want to hurt you Bella, but I can’t hold back.” I stared at his erection to his face.

“Then don’t.” Edward’s hands gripped mine and pushed them above my head. “Don’t hold back, please Edward. I need you. Please.” I begged. I told you I know how to get what I wanted. This was just another thing I wanted.

“I love you, Bella.” Edward whispered as he entered. I hadn’t braced myself for the sudden pain of losing my virginity. All the teachers in every health class I had ever taken had said it would hurt but it was still a surprise.

My body felt like it was breaking but the pain was almost instantly replaced with insane pleasure. I gripped Edward’s hand as hard as my human strength would allow me to. I screamed his name as the next climax hit.

“I’m sorry Bella! Shit!” Edward groaned in the sexiest thing I had ever heard. The venom I knew had replaced everything he had rushed inside of me. I didn’t protest because it felt so good. Edward moaned as we collapsed on the bed.

“Oh my God!”  I breathed. Edward didn’t stop moving like I did though. He moved his mouth back to my pleasure spot. “What are you doing?” I moaned.

“Venom has to be sucked out.” Edward smiled at my questions. I could feel his lips at my entrance and I cried out in pleasure.

“Please don’t stop.” I arched my back and whimpered. The venom felt better coming out than it did going in if possible. “Edward!”  

“There it’s gone.” He swallowed. And pulled the blankets up around me and smiled. “ Emmett will be back soon and we aren’t done with our game.” He joked as he held up my destroyed bra.
“Look what you did to it! Now I have to go get another one! Why can’t you stop causing me to spend money unnecessarily?” I giggled.

“I did see this a necessary. I was losing control, any longer and I would have jumped you down stairs, love.” Edward kissed the top of my head and disappeared from m view. He was back within a minute with one of my bras from my bag and some Pjs. I dressed quickly blushing at Edward’s very sexy stares.

“Edward, how about I dare you right now?” I tried to play sexy.

“Nope, its not your turn. It’s Emmett’s.” Edward chuckled and hurried to grab me. “Close your eyes.” He ordered.

“You know I can walk down stairs.” I protested closing my eyes in the process knowing I’d lose this battle.

“You would fall, Bella. We all know you would.” Edward hurried me downstairs and sat me on the couch. “Emmett,” he called.

“Yes, brother?” Emmett returned to the living room and was on the couch next to me, in a second.

“Shall we continue?” Edward raised his eyebrow.

“More? Edward, I am human, you should pace the Cullen games with me just yet….” I shurugged. Emmett laughed at my reaction.

“Yes, Ed. It is three in the morning and there is always tomorrow and the next day, and the next day for a week.

“Shit.” I sighed. “Does that mean I shouldn’t wear bras all week? Cause I don’t like having to shop with Alice every week.” Edward kissed the top of my head.

“Don’t worry, love, the next game will be better.” He chuckled.

“Better how?”  My voice barly came out.

“It’s a game Alice invented. She mixed spin the bottle, hide and seek, and truth or dare. It’s called The Cullen Family. It’s quite fun to play with Alice and Edward. You’ll love it. But it’ll be even better when your one of us.” Emmett mocked me and Edward smacked him upside the head.

Dear God, what have I gotten myself into?
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Comments: 25

Vootoo [2009-12-06 03:37:05 +0000 UTC]

The cullen family... That actually sounds like a really fun game! Did you actually work out how it would go? If so, i'm very interested to know...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

legallygwen In reply to Vootoo [2009-12-06 09:15:56 +0000 UTC]

yeah i did. i put up the chapter and even more. theres like six or so. im still working on the series and what happens next lol.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vootoo In reply to legallygwen [2009-12-07 22:21:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CullenEyes [2009-11-01 21:26:16 +0000 UTC]

WWWWWOOOOWWWWW!!!!! That was amazing! I should write one! Anyway. awesome job on the story I realy loved it! I read them all. I started with the 2nd one cause i didnt know that there was one before it. AWESOME STORY LOVED IT! Very... umm... graphic!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

legallygwen In reply to CullenEyes [2009-11-02 01:57:36 +0000 UTC]

thanks i havent updated in a while because of school but i've been thinking about it. yeah... i didnt write the graphic parts my best friend did so yeah lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LullabyLamby [2009-10-03 01:37:19 +0000 UTC]

Have you ever thought about how Stephine Myers owns Edward. She probally has him locked in a closet somewhere in her house.... wonder if she'd let me borrow him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

legallygwen In reply to LullabyLamby [2009-10-03 06:32:40 +0000 UTC]

if i owned edward and had him in my closet iwouldnt share him with anyone

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LullabyLamby In reply to legallygwen [2009-10-04 00:17:22 +0000 UTC]

Me either

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PINKjelloRULES [2009-04-13 18:05:43 +0000 UTC]

Good I like it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

legallygwen In reply to PINKjelloRULES [2009-04-16 04:14:42 +0000 UTC]

thanks haha

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PINKjelloRULES [2009-04-13 18:05:16 +0000 UTC]

Good I like it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

thelilaro [2009-03-17 08:30:21 +0000 UTC]

Woah, lol, cute anf unny.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

paraside-rain [2009-01-24 09:03:58 +0000 UTC]

Loved it, but Edward would never say 'jump'. That was the only part I hated.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ANIMECHIC991 [2008-12-10 21:50:49 +0000 UTC]

lol that was funny

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TeamEdwardRocks [2008-09-23 00:59:06 +0000 UTC]

Oh, Wow! That was great!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jasper12 [2008-08-30 00:48:34 +0000 UTC]

that was like fucking awesome!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RosetteCullen [2008-08-12 01:32:46 +0000 UTC]

That was so cute. ^-^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

iwishiwasbella [2008-07-16 19:20:28 +0000 UTC]

wow! that was great.i loved it.u should write the Cullen Family Game!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

legallygwen In reply to iwishiwasbella [2008-07-16 19:41:31 +0000 UTC]

thank you and the cullen game is already posted

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

leinani1992 [2008-07-14 19:59:09 +0000 UTC]

Wow! You did such a good job capturing emmetts character!
A lot of facfics don't really seem like how stephenie writes them, but that was perfect!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

vampiresandvirgos [2008-07-10 13:40:59 +0000 UTC]

emmett seems like such a perv in this! HHAHA

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

x1xMyCrimsonTearsx1x [2008-07-09 07:35:48 +0000 UTC]

XD lol i love it!! The Cullen Family..hmmm...i wonder how that works...

WRITE PART 2!!!!!!!!!!!!

now I feel compelled to write one of these...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ju-ju89 [2008-07-09 00:31:59 +0000 UTC]

wow! that was brilliant! write the cullen family game!?! it sounds like a fun game!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TwilightRulz11 [2008-07-08 22:17:05 +0000 UTC]

That was really good! You should write them doing the Cullen Family game!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

vampirebat38 [2008-07-08 16:30:37 +0000 UTC]

Wow that was insane! I've read all the books and I absolutely hated the ending to the third one. But I know why she ended it there...
Anyways, good job here. It was interesting

👍: 0 ⏩: 0