Leohan — Insomnium - Klaus
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Klaus Klüchler
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf. In this setting, werewolves can be born either wolves or humans, which in most cases dictates the kind of life that the werewolf is going to take. Human werewolves are not as strong or fast as wolven ones but still stronger than a regular human, and those that are born as wolves have a more instinctive nature, but at the same time they are capable of complex reasoning and live a human lifespan. Klaus is of the second variety, but accustomed to his human form.
Languages: French, English and German


6.3 feet
Weight: 191 lbs in pure muscle mass
Build: Like a greek statue. Klaus trains and it really shows. He’s not all that bulky, though. He rather looks like a gymnast.
Skin: Caucasian, leaning towards the tan side.
Hair: Black and military style. As a wolf, his hair is of a very dark grey tone with white patches under the snout and the stomach.
Eyes: Golden, with particularly large irises. He uses blue contacts at times to look more normal. Still, the golden eyes are great intimidators.
Other traits: He possesses a quite notable bite scar on his right side. This can only be seen when he’s human, though, since when as a wolf his thick fur covers it.
Clothes: Absolutely casual: Well fitting blue jogging pants and an Aerosmith short-sleeved shirt. Expensive Nike running shoes but no socks. Of note: Klaus has no idea of what Aerosmith means (...Plane repairman, maybe?) He just liked the wings.


Impeccable posture and economy of movements are the keys of Klaus’ way of movement. Every so often he does look around him, specially in wide open spaces. He’s both slightly paranoid and attentive to details, so he pays attention to his surrounding at all times.
Speech patterns: He’s actually quite adaptable when it comes to speaking. He knows the tones to use when he’s trying to be nice, serious, threatening or overly formal. It takes him a while to control this after either being or acting angry, though. He also has a slight German accent that he never quite managed to fully get rid of for some reason.


A powerful, kind and loyal protector of the seer Elizabeth Auvray.

Klaus is one of the nicest people you are likely to find, really. While he’s a great combatant, he tends to prefer diplomacy and solutions in which nobody gets harmed. It takes quite a lot to make him angry... Well, really, this applies if you want to anger him directly. If you make Elizabeth sad or (God help you) harm her, he will react badly. There are other, less obvious triggers as well. If it’s unintentional he’s quick to forgive, though.
Passions: First and foremost, of course, comes Elizabeth. From there on, he’s very passionate about his training, combat and freedom. Some of Elizabeth’s passion for Fate also stuck to him, even if he doesn’t share her level of understanding for it.
Strengths: Strong, fast, agile and with lots of stamina: Might as well throw this all in the same category. Klaus is at the pinnacle of human physical condition and more. He could run any existing marathon and establish records unapproachable to any regular person... while in his human form. As a wolf he’d be even faster. He could become proficient in any physical discipline in mere days, and master it in under a month... Well, actually, as an exception he’s not even close to being a strongman. While he IS strong, he doesn’t want to overtrain his strength since speed is a priority, and bulkiness would be inconvenient.

Enhanced senses: His vision, hearing and the sense of smell are the ones of a wolf. Meaning really good.

Good instincts: When he has gut feelings, they tend to be right.

He’s also good with animals. Both in communing and wrestling with them.
Weaknesses: His wolf form is... In less that ideal condition, compared to other wolf-born werewolves. He doesn’t bite as strong and doesn’t run as fast. He isn’t all that accustomed to it either.

He isn’t good with weapons, be it at distance or melee, at all. He was trained to shun ‘unnatural’ battle methods, and he’s quite traditional like that. He tries to compensate by being good at disarming, but that’s less than ideal. Related to this: While Klaus can disarm most forms of modern weaponry in few seconds, he can’t reverse-engineer this to assemble them again.

Being mostly a pacifist is a problem when your job is preventing people from exerting their free will, because not everyone is as nice.

He doesn’t know when to give up, in any possible sense. Once he sets his mind to something, nothing short of being unconscious will stop him, even if the mission is not possible at all.

Klaus’ feelings about Elizabeth can become unhealthy, to the point that being away from her is borderline crippling. He has the psychological need of protecting her. On a related note, if she died or became severely crippled, Klaus would have a depression possibly beyond recovery.

Klaus is not a leader. In a way, he’s a bit submissive, and once you get to know him well, you can feel some awkwardness in him. Since 90% of his human interactions were more or less always with the same person, he hasn’t got all that good a range of understanding of people. He’s also a coward, on an emotional level.

Most important of all: While he’s quite formidable, Klaus’ skillset is more or less limited to “What’s useful to either protect Elizabeth or be her muscle.” He has never touched a computer, he can’t exert monotonous tasks for long before he gets bored and clumsy, (notable, since he can wait still for days,) he doesn’t know that much about most sciences and has never done any art (besides some not very good attempts at poetry for Elizabeth.)
Quirks: -Under his nice and tranquil exterior, Klaus has a very contained but ever present animalistic rage. That instinctive rage stems from his lack of contact with nature, mostly. Going against his werewolf nature takes a token in his mood. If he wasn’t for Elizabeth, who keeps him in a state of bliss, and the full moon, he’d go insane.
-Yup. The full moon is a thing. If there is too much contained rage, the full moon releases it by setting the werewolf into an extremely primal state of fury. Klaus runs far away from any form of civilization to ensure that he doesn’t kill any humans.

Klaus goes through the full moon rage in a severely stronger version of his wolf form. How much stronger? Klaus doesn’t know for sure since he doesn’t remember those nights, but he has “waken up” next to the bodies of unfortunate bears twice already.
-Klaus likes children and detests to see them in pain. If he sees children in peril his defensive instincts will kick in. Basically, hurting an innocent child in his presence is almost as bad a mistake as hurting Elizabeth.
-He likes wide open fields and cold climates. Still, he also likes people. He’s an urban animal, mostly, but a part of him longs for nature.
-He growls when he’s angry.


Klaus’ dreams are rather simple but they feel nice: He dreams about the happiest days of his life at the Auvray mansion, where he can see memories that he has, mostly but not limited to himself with Elizabeth.
Homeworld: Present day. Parallel Earth where magic exists, as well as some creatures that, in our Earth, would be considered mythical. Around one in every six hundred people know about it, and about half of those have done magic or suffered magical effects at any point of their lives.
Family/Friends: Klaus belongs to the Klüchlers: A family/clan of werewolves that are in close connection with nature and are dedicated to the honing of one’s skills up to physical, mental and spiritual perfection, rather than the technological progress that humans seek.

While his clan taught him the path that he would follow from then onwards, Klaus considers the Auvrays to be an adoptive family which he was really fond of. With them he felt cared for, respected and especially happy, whereas amongst the Klüchters he felt discriminated due to the extraordinary conditions in which he was raised.

Once having escaped the Auvrays with Elizabeth, she’s the only family that he has left. They are friends, life partners and, each in their way, they love each other.
History: There are two kinds of werewolves in this world: Those who are born humans and those who are born wolves. Most communities of werewolves, including the Klüchler Clan, are respectful to the nature of their younglings, so they raise them in the way of their ‘natural’ form until they are old enough to choose the way in which they want to live. That way, young werewolf born wolves receive a strict physical training which would allow them to handle themselves in nature, while ‘human’ werewolves, while taught to be strong, are also taught the ways of society, and normally raised amongst humans while also receiving mental training in a quest for self-discovery.

Klaus... He was different. Born a wolf, Klaus shapeshifted for the first time when he was two years old, and just didn’t change back for a long, long time. It was evident that his prefered form was the human one, but amongst his clan, he was considered a wolf in nature. As such, he was trained like such and expected to reach the optimal strength, speed and reflexes of particularly strong wolves.

Some said that it was impossible. That he would die soon, unable to capture prey without using the strong fangs of his fellow. By the time he was seven, Klaus was starting to prove them wrong. While an infant, Klaus was strong and fast, as well as very capable in hunting and tracking. Not quite as powerful as a wolfling his same age, but determined and crafty enough to live as one.

One day when Klaus was eight years old, a group of humans came to visit Klaus’ pack, as they did every five years: The Auvrays, a clan of French seers that had an alliance with the Klüchlers, to help them hide and survive if the werewolves could provide one of their own to protect their most promising members. Klaus’ recruiting was... Direct enough. To protect Elizabeth, the youngest heiress of the Auvrays, they requested the ‘wolf in human skin.’ Klaus was the obvious choice. Assigning werewolves that weren’t born as humans to protect the Auvrays wasn’t a regular occurrence, but in Klaus’ particular case, they decided that it’d do him well. It was a good way to make use of the great strength he was showing all the signs to being able to acquire, and to learn how to live as a human, since it had become quite obvious that such was the way in which he would spend most of his days.

Since that day on, Klaus’ destiny, or Fate, rather, was tied to his defended one, his greatest friend and life partner Elizabeth Auvray. Elizabeth was the one that taught Klaus to read and write, math, art and culture as well as the ways of society and how it was that humans lived. The Auvray family gave that responsibility to little Elizabeth as they thought it would strengthen their bond. During his first year with the Auvrays Klaus also learned how to turn into a wolf again. This was way over the normal age in which werewolves learned this.

Indeed, Klaus’ loyalty towards Elizabeth became unbreakable, and he decided to become the best guardian he could possibly become for her. And if there ever was a more capable one, Klaus never met them.

By the time Klaus was a teenager, such loyalty and friendship turned into love. He never quite knew how to tell this to the object of his affections, really. He kept thinking of the worst case scenario: How would he ever move on if Elizabeth abandoned him? He eventually did realize that he wasn’t good enough a liar to keep it hidden from his oracle friend, but still he took her silence as dangerous, and never did dare to express his feelings. He was blissful enough in being with Elizabeth, regardless of circumstance.

So, when Elizabeth told him, without much explanation, that they needed to go far away from their home, he followed. Elizabeth later told him that, apparently, she was destined to do something that would disrupt Fate in a major way, and she wanted to fix it before the lack of knowledge about its exact nature meant that the chance existed that her family would want to eliminate or imprison her before she had the chance to be disruptive at all. Klaus knew the Auvrays to be capable of that much, so then more than ever he was convinced that he absolutely needed to be near her. They both currently live in a cave of sorts, hidden under an apartment building, almost constantly warded against seers and curses.

Elizabeth is still a positive agent of Fate, even while hiding, so Klaus works as her enforcer, performing the most physically demanding tasks that such profession demands, and also working as a tracker and messenger, since Elizabeth seldom ever can take the luxury of going out from their lair.

Sleeping: As a wolf in the center of a ritual, quite nervous next to a naked Elizabeth.


Primary Skills:
Tracking, combat, paying attention to details, disassembling weapons and most physical tasks. Very good at both intimidating and tranquilizing. Excellent learner.

He also knows enough about the anatomy of muscles, bones and tendons to be a quite great traumatologist.
Combat: Klaus has two completely opposite fighting styles. Before starting a fight he’ll choose which one to use.

The first one is not so much about attacking but about convincing the opponent or opponents to stop doing so themselves. Klaus easily surpasses most of his opponents, so unless he tries to kill, he guesses that throws and grapples will eventually discourage the opponent and leave them without any really serious injuries. First thing he does is disarming and either dismantling the enemy’s weapon or leaving it somewhere safe.

The second style is outright brutal. No middle ground to be found. Klaus will have a very, very simple objective: Breaking and/or twisting limbs. He will do this by grappling, pushing, kicking and striking with knees and elbows all of their most fragile parts, and if he’s specially angry or serious he can even turn into a wolf and tear off muscle. Obviously, he’ll also aim for the neck if he’s trying to kill. This style is great for multiple opponents, since it allows him to maim someone and quickly go for another without worrying about the first.

He uses this style less often, though, since he knows that the consequences are bad.
Weapons/Gear: Klaus doesn’t believe in using weapons for combat. his bare hand have to suffice.
Unusual Abilities: -The most obvious one is, of course, turning into a wolf. He doesn't do it all that often under normal conditions. It’s useful mostly for going faster than usual and in case fanged biting is required. He’s generally more comfortable in his human form.

-Magic: Very limited magic, but magic nonetheless. Klaus’ spells allow him to:
1- ‘Hide’ his human clothing when he turns into a wolf, and then make it appear again when he turns human.
2- Talk to most mammals. The exception is very small ones. He’s working on it, since talking to rats could be very convenient.

-In both human and wolf form, he can pull a very kickass howl. Nothing supernatural but still unusual.
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