Leohan — Libertas Finale: Hope P2 [NSFW]
#dani #ethan #libertas #oct #unfinished #woct
Published: 2015-01-14 12:05:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 811; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description Ethan Lavant

I walk down the dark corridor, touching the wall to my right with the tip of my fingers to make sure that I'm not walking blindly in the darkness. I can easily recognize the texture of raw, piled up limestone blocks. Rustic, in a way, but makes for a strong architecture.

When I stop feeling the wall, I turn to my right, and then I see a very bright light. I walk through the corridor, blocking the light with my right hand...

When I feel that I have walked enough I open my eyes and take the hand off of my eyes to see a big, rectangular garden, with the walls adorned with big, arching columns that hold the base for the stone, three floor building that surrounds the garden... I recognize this! I’m at the cloister from the old Florencian Church that I was trained in. The centerpiece oak tree seems to have grown even larger... I missed this.

As I start heading towards the tree, I start seeing a woman, first as a ghost-like silhouette, but with progressively more clarity: She has a long, red dress with golden decorations, is quite tall and has foreigner features, with a slight yet visible tan and particularly rounded cheeks.

...She’s also one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

“Greetings, Ethan,” she says, with a bow... Have I met her before?

“...Who are you?” I ask.

“A most complicated question,” the woman answers. “I have mostly been known by the name Madihah Hatem, although I was born by a different name I no longer remember.” As per her looks, her name seems Islamic. “Most recently, though, I have been called the Vampress after my race at the moment...” Wow. She dedicates me a soft smile. “Long have I awaited this meeting, Ethan. I hope it doesn’t disappoint you.”

At this moment I realize two things. The first one is that I’m dreaming, and I should still be with Kate at... Wherever we were.

The second thing I realize is that I’ve never seen something so real in my life. She was there. She was there all along. How could I doubt it? How could I ever even think about the opposite possibility?

How could she ever disappoint me? Her Islamic descent? The fact that she effectively is a vampire? How irrelevant is that when it comes to the one who saved my life and faith when everything else was lost?

...With no words to properly express my happiness, I start laughing. In a way, it feels familiar, like we had always been together. But at the same time, it’s so new and refreshing since, at the end of the day, I’ve never had a chance to truly know my companion. In the middle of my laughter I walk towards the Vam... No. Towards Madihah, but as a reply she raises her hand, signaling me to stop.

“As much as I have always wanted to return the comfort that I found in your embrace, I fear that it’s not the moment for such,” she says. “I have something important to say, and only one chance to say it.” I stop, still without saying a word, but ceasing to laugh. “I have been cursed to be a sword little more than four centuries ago, and was owned by twelve generations of swordsmen. Every second was tortuous until I truly got to know you.”

...It’s incredible. I could be saying pretty much the same things to her. Still, I’m pretty sure that she knows already.

“You cared for me, you fed me and held me close to your heart,” she continues. “Not as a weapon or a tool, but as the person that people long ago forgot or chose to ignore that I was. You gave me the strength to continue, so when I saw you in your moment of greatest despair, I decided to give you half of my soul. Since then I have felt your pain and, most recently, felt your joy as well.”

“...You knew that if you did that I’d find the strength to move forward.”

“I wish I could say that.” Madihah laughs. “I was actually attempting suicide. I couldn’t bear to see you suffer and, at the same time, knew that without me you wouldn’t be as useful for Cornelio, and hoped the burden he laid on you would become lighter... Something went wrong.”

“You never did die...” I don’t care, though. Regardless of everything, the Vampress still is the reason why I’m alive today. She shakes her head.

“Remember Eli and Ryon?” Madihah asks. “Ryon is the spirit that lived in the doll that they carry around. I, myself, have been bound to the Vampress to give it power. And while the possession that binds us together is quite different from their case, something is shared: If we separate more than a few meters, even for a second, I will die... That never happened. Perhaps the binding was too strong, I guess. For whatever reason, you refused to separate from me.”

“...I could never abandon you,” I say. “Now more than ever I can see how much you sacrificed for me. How much I owe you. Thanks to you, now I have been given another chance to live. To redeem myself.”

“Which is why I’m talking to you now,” she says. “I’m not here to say hello, Ethan. I’m here to say goodbye.”


“I’m afraid yes,” Madihah continues. “You have come a long way since I chose to share my soul with you. The path has been rough and the fights have been painful yet, at last, you managed to find a cause to believe in, hope for a happier future and a renewal of faith. While a part of me resents it, my heart knows that you no longer need me. Congratulations, Ethan.”

“No!” I yell. “I still need you! You have given me strength all along. I... wouldn’t be here if not for you.”

“No, Ethan. You are strong on your own. What you needed was someone to keep you company and whom you could trust. I’m proud of ever having been that someone, but at this point I feel insufficient. You need someone more worthy.”

“...I barely know her,” I say, understanding perfectly well what she means.

“But still, you trust her. Didn’t you treat her as an equal when you needed to overcome an overpowering opponent? Weren’t you willing to sacrifice your life for her? ...Didn’t you feel safety and warmth between her arms?” I notice some jealousy in her tone. I feel powerless in my failure to muster words of comfort. “This isn’t entirely about Kate, though. You were given a chance to start over. To be free. As long as I’m with you, I will always act as a memento of your former misery.” No... That’s not the case... “I have already said all that I needed, and I fear that I might be abusing the chance that she gave me.” Who’s she? “I must go now. Be happy. Live free. Find people you can trust and love and forgive yourself. Regardless of what happens from now on, know that you have already redeemed yourself for your mistakes. You are a good person.”

“No!” I say. She starts to vanish, little by little. “It’s not over yet!”

“No, it’s not,” she says with a smile. I see tears falling from her eyes. “The sword will no longer draw blood, but I’ll leave it in a good condition. I know that you are strong enough to end this, after reaching so far.”

“I want us to finish this together!” I say, approaching the almost vanished Madihah. I try to grab her by the arm, but it dissolves like mist.

“I have lived for far too long, Ethan,” she says, almost invisible. “I could use some rest.”

...I’m left alone, next to the large tree. Like if I had been talking to myself all along.

“Live happily in my stead,” are her final words.

“Ethan, wake up!” I open my eyes to see Kate looking at me. I smile. I seem to have fallen asleep against a wall... Apparently I’m also shirtless. When did I take off my shirt? “The Vampress is bleeding!” She sounds alarmed. I look around and find the Vampress behind Kate, with a small pool of blood under herself. I hurry up and grab the sword, seeing how the blood slowly cascades down from the hilt and goes through her blade.

...No. Its blade. This is not the Vampress anymore. It’s just a really good sword.

“Don’t worry,” I say. “It’s alright this way, I guess.”

I find my shirt and release the Vampress’ handle to put it on.

“Also...” Kate adds. “You were crying in your sleep. It got me a bit worried.”

I pass my hand over my cheeks. It certainly feels like dry tears. I chuckle.

“Don’t worry about that,” I say. “I just had a really good dream.”

Daniil Vasil'yevich Volkov

I try to turn my right wrist around. It hurts less than it should. Instead, I feel certain numbness that is easily more worrisome.

And, for some reason, it doesn’t worry as much as it probably should. That's really what bothers me the most. Sure, I know that it won’t just be the same from now on, but on the other hand I don’t feel like a lot has changed… Will it be the same when I lose an eye or another limb?

I look at the Warped Fenrir/Faunus next to me, who has been following me blindly through the metal corridors of wherever we might be, half covering his body with the wings so they could fit in the them, looking almost like an upwards sleeping bat. I know perfectly well that the relation that this form has with the one that I befriended is loose, and I have no guarantees about him keeping his calm.

"It'll be alright," I tell him without any guarantees but a single clue: I know that this man Hezekiah can control the Warped. If anyone can get Faunus back to normal it should be him... Perhaps that's the reason I don't worry so much. I'll have plenty of time to cry later. Right now I must focus, four Faunus’ sake.

...Or perhaps denial is just my way of dealing with the fact that I'm never going to use my right hand again. Both work. In either case, I got more important concerns right now. I need to move on. I need to finish this.

When we reach a junction of three paths, I arbitrarily head towards our right, Faunus following behind me... It’s incredible that he, with the big, scary body and dark wings is following me, as if I had any idea of where I’m going. I happen to also be so tired that I amaze myself at every step.

There is a question in your heart. You may find the answer beyond the door. It can mean so many things. I wish that there was just a single question that I need to be answered. Say, what’s most important, ‘How do I get back home?’ or ‘How long until I break for good?’

“Dani, wait!” I hear the voice of a young man behind me and turn around, intrigued. Faunus does the same thing, covering himself tighter to let me see. Indeed, there’s a kid, not older than fifteen, with a strange orange colour in his hair. He’s also panting and sweating heavily. “Wait a second,” he says, stopping to breathe and holding his knees. "Listen for just a minute. We don't want to be hasty."

"How do you know my name?" I ask, stopping on my tracks and later stepping from behind Faunus to approach the kid. "And who are you?" The most obvious explanation for him knowing my name is if he was a Warped, but I can’t just start judging.

“Oh, yes, I forgot,” he tells me. “My name is Ethan, and I know yours because I have been travelling in time a lot and I met you two other times already.” That’s... strange. “The last two times we failed, by which I mean you died once and I almost got killed the other time, but I managed to figure out the problem.”

“What would it be?” I ask. I look at Faunus, who doesn’t say anything but I’m sure is listening.

“Alright. Dani, Faunus, I know that you have been walking aimlessly for a while now hoping to find the leader of the Warped. There's no right direction, though. I figured out that while Hezekiah is distracted and having a hard time controlling Faunus, he still can see through his eyes.”

“I won’t abandon Faunus,” I say, just in case that’s what Ethan is proposing.

“No need for it,” he says. “It’ll be enough if he closes his eyes. Come with me, I know where we should go.”

I hold my friend by the right hand, hesitantly.

“Do as he says, Faunus,” I say. “He knows more than us about what’s going on. Please trust him. I think he’s a good person.” Faunus closes his eyes, and Ethan starts walking away, clearly in a hurry. I follow, and Faunus floats behind me.

“That’s probably true but misleading, the part about me knowing more,” the young man says. “But I do have a fairly solid plan.”

“Why are you helping us?” I ask. “Aren’t you risking yourself by being so close to a Warped?”

“Not at all,” he says, turning back and smiling. “Not yet at least. Because there’s an Ethan that Hezekiah cares more about, and I happen to be one of two people that know where he is going. I bet that you are interested in that info, right?” I notice that he’s clearly talking to Faunus now. Or rather, the person hearing through Faunus’ ears.

Bartleby Aurora

It had happened out of nowhere.

First I was watching Mouse in her heroic quest to deliver the message to the people at the airport, and before I or, even stranger, Arkadiy realize, a giant monster snatched me with giant claws like knives and started carrying me away.

I have already seen some strange and grotesque Warped before... Yet this one in particular seems like a creature of nightmare. Easily as tall as three men, with a huge belly and a spherical head. It looks like it’s made out of straw and mud, with huge blue spheres where eyes should be, a huge and bloodied mouth and, worse of all, giant blades for fingers, which cut me every time I try to move.

“Please let go!” I beg and cry, in vain. Screaming hurts. When I scream I move, and when I move the blades cut me. It’s like being in a cage of blades. Anything I do gets me cut. I hear Arkadiy hissing... No, why? Run. That way at least you’ll be safe.

(Go for the arrows, Bumblebee.) Indeed, I still have by bow and quiver with me, but  how am I supposed to do anything when I can barely move? (They are close. Try to reach for one.)

Indeed, I realize that with every one of the monster’s big and loud steps, I’ve been touching the feathers of my arrows. I try to grab one of them, but still, what am I supposed to do?

(Now try to take the arrow out,) the Voice tells me. (It’s going to hurt, but it’s the only chance.)

I try to pull the feather at my direction, trying to hold the arrow by the wooden part... The blades keep cutting me all over the arm, and I feel the blood and my tears running through my skin. (You are almost there!)

...I’m not. As I try to pull the arrow out, I feel the blades slashing my arm and the blood keeps on flowing. The monster doesn’t even seem to mind my attempts... I feel powerless. (You can heal yourself later.)

Everything hurts, but I keep trying to do it. Little by little I remove the arrow... And then my wrist encounters a blade that cuts through my veins. Iyell from pain and the blood squirts away from my body and, without wanting, I open my hand and release the arrow, which I see very slowly falling to the ground.

“No!” I yell, sobbing.

(You did your best, Bee. Regardless of what happens, I’m proud of you.)

Still... I’m bleeding all over my body, sobbing from the pain and on the border of fainting. Does that pride help me at all?

And then, the monster stops and takes me up, leaving me on the roof of a building I think. The monster starts leaving, again to the airport. My bow is here. My arrows are here, but I... I don’t have the strength to do anything.

Then I catch a glimpse, and to my right I see a huge mist of colours heading towards my direction... Oh, no.

I extend my arm, reaching the ledge of the roof with my fingers. I force my legs to push me there. I must reach...

“Arkadiy!” I say, as I see my companion as he looks for a way up. “Go away.” I barely have the voice to speak, but I force my lungs to cooperate. “A storm is coming.”

I won’t abandon you! Why, Arkadiy... There’s nothing you can do. At least give me the hope that you’ll be alright. I see him attempting time and again to climb the wall, and time and again falling.

...And then the colours start.

(I won’t let you die, Bumblebee.)

It feels horrible, like a million ants crawling under my skin, only more painful when watching as Arkadiy himself starts changing, with skin and muscle tearing apart while he still continues to try and reach me. Why...

(We will live, I promise you.) My eyes go blurry and finally shut down, pain soaring through all of my body, to a point that the cuts from the nightmarish monster now seem shallow.

“Eleynmor,” I attempt to pray... “Please help me.”

I focus all of my energy in healing myself. Attempting to reverse whatever’s happening to me. But it’s just more and more pain over and over, hurting me way faster than I can heal myself... I want to live. I want to live. I want to live.

(Hold on)

...I feel the world stopping. Sound, light and even pain fading away. Leaving.

(It has been good to know you,) is the last thing that I hear.

I press my hand against the concrete and struggle to get up. Bartleby had certainly gone through a lot of pain, and keeping her from mutating was more effort than I could manage. But with me in control the storm of colors means little.

...I told her that we would live. It was a promise that I couldn’t keep. But she will be avenged.

I hold the bow that’s on the floor and start focusing my energy on the fingertips, forming a blue arrow of energy. The monster is out of sight, but, in some way, I can tell where it is.

I release hold of the string, letting the arrow pierce the abomination’s head.

'Stop at once,' I feel a voice talking to me. 'You are a Warped. Your prior life matters little at this point. They are your family now. Bees of the same hive.'

...The fool seems to believe that he can give me orders. Mortals are funny. Still, it gives me a goal. If it was a bee that killed my dear host, then the hive shall endure the vengeance.
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