LimLomLemon — PMD: In the Daylight - Chapter 1 (written)

#fantasy #pichu #pokemon #raichu #happiny #goodra #literature #pokemonmysterydungeon #pmdcomic #whimsicott
Published: 2023-04-06 10:28:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 1882; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description (Hello, apologies for my absence! This semi-hiatus will go on for a couple more months and then I'll be back to posting weekly. This is an idea I've had in my mind for a while. PMD: ItD is a comic I began two years ago, and a lot has changed in that time. I understand that my pages aren't always clear or bright enough and I often feel that there isn't enough space on the paper to write everything I want to.
So because of that, I decided to remake the first few chapters of the story in a different form. This way, readers don't have to go through poorly-drawn old pages to catch up to future chapters.
Furthermore, this allows me to include a lot of scenes and interactions that were originally either removed, or were just not shown! Those who have already read through the comic may find more information and other details that were originally skipped here! It's not necessary to understand the main plot, just added bonus stuff. I don't believe this matches the level of some of my other literature work, which I haven't posted, but I still hope you enjoy reading!)

(first page: www.deviantart.com/limlomlemon… )
(PMD ItD gallery: www.deviantart.com/limlomlemon… )

CHAPTER 1 - New Management

The forest was tranquil. Flying types chirped in harmony with the wind blowing and gently shaking the leaves. No matter how peaceful the scenery was however, Vasu would never let it trick her into letting her guard down. That's when the unexpected would happen, when anything and anyone could strike.

Stay alert at all times.
The Goodra repeated those words in her mind as she walked through the forest path. Her antennae twitched anxiously in response to the soft hums and growls of the wildlife.

A twig snapped from her left, making the antennae stand up straight. Vasu swiftly whirled to stare at the direction of the sound, only to find a small Zigzagoon staring back at her.

She expected the little feral to bare its teeth and lunge at her, but instead it cautiously sniffed the air and looked at her with wary eyes.
"That's right," she whispered, "I'm big and scary. Go away, shoo."
Vasu knew she could easily take on most of the ferals in this area, but causing too much noise would only make her job harder. This distraction was unwelcome.

The Zigzagoon flicked its ears and turned its tail on her, going back into hiding behind the nearby trees. She let out a relieved sigh and kept walking. This mission was urgent, she couldn't afford wasting any time.
Two kids had gone missing; one was a Pichu with too much curiosity, the other a disobedient Happiny. They were last seen playing near the entrance to the eastern forest, so they had presumably gotten lost in the woods somewhere.

Their parents had come to the Guild asking for help, and Guildmaster Ceiba immediately entrusted Vasu with this rescue mission.

Vasu had really wanted to refuse at that moment; it's not that she didn't care about the children, but she was a solo explorer who did all her work by herself, so it was much more practical to send a team of explorers instead. A group of four, like Team Fort for example, could cover more ground with ease.

But the Pichu's mother was Lita, the coolest Raichu she'd ever known, and Vasu couldn't bring herself to say no to her. Not when those determined, yet loving eyes she always admired were now such sad pools of worry.
Deep down she hoped this meant they'd grow a closer bond. After bringing her son back to her, she could spend more time with Lita, and hopefully...

Just maybe... end up together.

Or not.
Vasu vigorously shook her head to snap out of it. She couldn't think about dating at a time like this.

She concentrated on her hearing. They're just kids, they couldn't have gone too far.
Sure enough, her ears picked up on meek, muffled sobs.

Children's cries.
Vasu hurried to the sound, running through thick bushes and thorny shrubs. Her eyes darted through the foliage and chased the voices, tense and ready to move, like a Zangoose ready to chase Seviper away from her cubs.

C'mon, where are you?  she thought anxiously.
As Vasu pushed aside branches, she heard choked-out apologies from what sounded like the Happiny. An opening among all the trees revealed itself to her, and she witnessed the two children.

The Happiny was sat down, wiping away tears from her eyes, while a beat-up, bruised Pichu rested his paw on her back, reassuring her.

"Kali! Tapa!" Vasu shouted, rushing to them.

Tapa's big floppy ears immediately flew up in response to her call. His eyes became hopeful pools of joy and sunshine when he recognized her.
"An explorer!" he exclaimed, "We're saved!"

"Thank goodness you two are okay," Vasu breathed, rushing to embrace the two in a hug. She felt their fear, it must have been overwhelming. They were stuck, injured and lost. But that's why she was here; to save them and protect them.

"I won't let anything happen to you." Vasu thought so fiercely, it took a moment to realize she had said it out loud. "A-are you hurt, Tapa?" she asked, gently placing her hand near the wound on the Pichu's arm.
He's wearing a soft lime green scarf, Vasu noted. It could temporarily be applied as a bandage if necessary.

"A bit," he nodded. "But it's not too bad. I can walk."

"No he can't!" Kali suddenly interrupted, her eyes now less tearful. "He already pushed himself too hard... He tried to protect me."

Tapa's eyes met the ground, embarrassed. "Keyword: tried," he muttered, smiling sadly.

Vasu reached for her backpack and took out an Oran Berry. It wouldn't be enough to heal him completely, but it would help him start recovering. He looked at the blue berry with a curious look, then looked over at his own handbag.

"Hm? What do you have in there?" Vasu asked, wondering why he wasn't eating.

"Um, nothing important, sorry!" he answered in a soft, squeaky voice, before eating the Oran Berry.

"Okay, up, up!" Vasu said, gently lifting him. He needed to be as comfortable as possible, so she held him as if she were rocking a baby to sleep.
Vasu picked up his bag and carried it too. It had a pin of a Gracidea Flower attached to it — a strange detail, as Gracideas are the symbol of another town to the northeast of the continent — but she didn't comment on it.
"Come on, Kali. We can make it back before nightfall."

"Yes... Sorry for bothering you," the Happiny apologized, walking beside Vasu.

"It's alright. It wasn't much trouble for me — mostly worrying." she responded.

They had been quietly walking to the village for a few minutes when Tapa placed one paw on Vasu's arm, as he examined her head.

"I like your necklace!" he commented cheerfully.

Ack- what do I say to this?  Vasu thought. Social interactions with children are so hard...
"Um, thank you! My brother gave it to me." she responded, glancing down at it. It wasn't that impressive, really, just a cyan heart-shaped charm attached to a thin string.
She had to always wear it, her siblings had convinced her not to take it off.
“Symbol of our bond,” they had said, “to remember us when you leave.”
The problem was, she didn't want to remember them. They were doing just fine at the Capital, being lazy as always, while she worked day and night at the Guild. She doubted they really had a “bond” other than them asking for favors from her.
"We're not that close though."

"What?! No way," Tapa said. He wiggled in her arms, getting more slime on his fur. "My brother and I are super close! You can't NOT be close with your sibling. It's like... impossible."

"Haha, well," Vasu blurted, "not for me."
Should I have said that?  She immediately worried, Maybe I shouldn't have been open about that to a child. Um, okay, change the subject.
"Anyway, do you think your mother would like it?" she asked, her heart thumping at the mention of the Raichu.

"Oh, hm... Yeah, she would! But I think she likes green more."

Get something green, wear something green, she repeated in her mind, but slowly shook her head. Don't think about that now, you have other priorities.

"S-speaking of your mother," she prompted herself, "Your parents are waiting back at the Guild, so let's not keep them waiting!"

Vasu walked a bit faster, keeping up a calm and cheerful expression. The forest around them was getting less thick, they would be out of the woods shortly.

Kali however, stopped for a moment and sighed. "So we're in trouble, huh?"

"Yep, definitely." Tapa agreed with a half-laugh.

Oh you poor things, Vasu thought sympathetically. I won't be able to get them out of that one... But maybe I can comfort them.

"They were worried sick about you, you know. Please consider their feelings more next time." she said to Kali softly, then kept walking.

Kali sighed again and followed her. "Yeah... I know." she mumbled.

The noises of wildlife got quieter, as they finally got out of the forest.
The hills of Lamsi Village stretched out in front of them. Plowed fields and small houses, towered over by the Steelix-spine mountain range and the ever tall Mt. Flogas, all under a clear blue sky.

"Hey," Tapa said, calmed by the sight of his home. "thanks for rescuing us, Miss Explorer!"

"Yeah, thanks." Kali let out.

"No problem. And uh, call me Vasu." she responded, unsure how to take “Miss Explorer”.

I've been living here for years now! I have the highest rank in our Guild and I visit your mom at least once a week! How could you not know my name??

"Oh, that's right," he said innocently. "My mom has mentioned you a few times before."

"S-she has?" Vasu stuttered, "Really? W-what has she told you?"

"You really like her cooking," he observed, "And she says you make funny faces when you eat."

That's good, at least she hasn't said anything bad... she thought, relieved. And now that I'm bringing her son back, she'll no doubt think I'm... at least decent.

The Guild stood on a hill near the rest of the village, larger and more noticeable than the other buildings. The Exploration Team symbol sat on the top, a circle with a horizontal line crossing the middle, with thick wings attached to it. Underneath it was the emblem of this specific Guild: the Magma Stone, the material Ceiba had decided to name the Guild after. Two big grey stones carved in the shape of a Heatran's head rested on the sides of the Guild's top.
As they approached the building, it cast its long, welcoming shadow over them and the small flower garden that had been planted near the entrance.

When they stepped inside the lobby, both Kali and Tapa were in awe, mostly due to the impressive size of the round-top gate, which had been built to accommodate mons of varying sizes.

Vasu, however, had gotten so used to coming back and being greeted by the Guild assistant, Mint, that she almost instinctively waved at an unoccupied counter.
The Minccino was the healer, chef, and only secretary, so it was no surprise that she needed a break to rest from all that work for a while. The Guild felt strangely lonely and quiet when she wasn't around, even though she wasn't one of the loud members.

Hope you're doing well, friend... Vasu thought sadly, wishing Mint would make a quick recovery.
We all miss you.

"Where are they?" the Pichu asked, tapping Vasu's arm. It took a moment for her to realize he was, in fact, talking about their parents and not Mint.

Vasu's eyes scanned the lobby to see who was present. A Sandshrew and Aron pair — Team Terra — were standing near one of the two job boards. On the lobby tables, an orange-bowed Arbok and a Flaaffy with gentle eyes, members of team Fort, were speaking to each other in hushed voices.
The big open room was otherwise empty.

"They must be upstairs," Vasu answered calmly. She began to make her way to the staircase, but slowed down when she heard a smothered laugh from the Arbok.

Are they laughing at me?  Vasu immediately worried.
No, no, she reassured herself. Sandra is just very positive...
But I wouldn't mind knowing what they're saying.

She looked at the two, trying to read their expressions, when Luminous, the Flaaffy, turned around and met her gaze.

Oh no!  Vasu screamed in her mind. She covered her face with one horn, completely embarrassed. Dear Moltres, I made eye contact...

Luminous whispered something to Sandra, and she turned to look at Vasu too.
"Hey girl!" she called in an excited, friendly voice. "Ceiba's waiting for you. Good luck!" she said with a wink. "You can do this!"

"U-um, yeah. Thanks..." she responded, clueless as to what Sandra was talking about.
Should I ask what she means?... No, that'd make me look even dumber.

Vasu looked away again and hurried up the stairs with Kali following after her.
That interaction was horrible, she thought anxiously. Should I have left like that? What was the reasonable thing to do?

After a moment of thinking, she sighed deeply.
Staying and talking to them, instead of saying almost nothing and leaving. Oh Moltres, they must think I'm a mess... And what does Ceiba want to tell me? Did I do something wrong?

... Am I getting fired?

"Are you okay?" Tapa's curious voice interrupted her thoughts. He flicked one ear to her chest and looked at her with sympathy. "Your heart is beating very fast..."

"Oh, yes, just fine," she answered, trying not to sound nervous.

They reached the second floor, stepping into a hallway connecting to the Mess Hall, the Kitchen, the Library, and most importantly, the Guildmaster's Office. Sunlight poured in through the windows, bathing the decorative potted plants and paintings of mountain scenery.

Vasu noticed that the door to the Guildmaster's Office was closed, which meant Ceiba was busy speaking with someone else, so she would have to wait. In the meantime, Vasu decided to read the Message Board, hoping it would help calm her down.

It was originally Mint's idea; make a board for members to post minor messages that aren't important enough to be pinned on the job boards downstairs.
Most members thought it would be fun, so they put up a small, plain brown board, lacking any detailed designs, and began pinning notes on it.

She checked the top message. She had already read it, but it kept drawing her to this spot. When reading through it over and over, a part of her felt like Mint is still there.

“Sorry guys, I'm going to be away for a couple weeks! Doctor Sitrus said I need to stay away from work before heart problems arise, but I'll get back to you all as soon as I can, I promise.
Cliff is in charge of updating the boards and I think I've left you enough food for at least a week!
Take care, I'll be seeing you soon!

Small messages wishing her a safe recovery had been pinned under it from everyone in the Guild. Little hearts and flowers had been drawn on them too, although Vasu guessed it might be insensitive to draw hearts for someone with heart problems, so she had kept away from that.

Poor Mint,  she thought, that food wasn't enough for five days, let alone a week. Boru ate half of it.

She traced her hand on another paper, this one having been posted recently. It read:

“Hey, do you all remember Araw from our whole-guild mission? He says he wants to join us. I'd be happy to team up with him, it'd be a chance for him to stay in town. The thing is, I believe this kind of work might be too dangerous for him. What do y'all think?

"Araw?" Kali blurted. Apparently she had been reading the messages too. "Is he okay?"

Vasu was not surprised she knew him. Her parents were both doctors, and Araw's family supplied them with Oran Berries and Reviver Seeds. "Yes, he's made it home safely." Vasu answered.

The Quilava had gotten ambushed on the road while transferring the most recent delivery. Vasu knew how bad it would be for the whole village if the healers never received their healing supplies, so she had wasted no time riling up all the Guild members and orchestrating a whole-guild mission to retrieve them, with Ceiba's permission, of course.

She hardly ever worked alongside other members, but that mission had gone surprisingly well... Aside from the times she stuttered while everyone was listening to her. That was the worst part!

Saving herself from embarrassing memories, she hastily began reading another recent message.

“Heyyy, just wanted to say, everyone did SO WELL during that whole-Guild thing yesterday. We should all get together more often! Although that would require a new major catastrophe... Darn, ANYWAY, I'd say one specific member was VERY impressive throughout the whole thing— (a pair of big, googly eyes was drawn between the text) looking at you, Vasu, wink-wink.
Also, I HAPPENED to hear a little something about someone getting a new... position. Look forward to it~ (another pair of curious eyes)

The Goodra audibly gulped. This sounded like good news, but also terrifyingly vague, at least to her. The antennae on her head suddenly perked up, having sensed motion from the Guildmaster's Office.

The door creaked open, as a tall Feraligatr came out and closed it behind him. Despite his huge, intimidating size and muscular build, his movements were calm and slow, and his kind brown eyes were more gentle than a sleeping Munchlax.

The water type gave Vasu and the kids a shy wave. "They're inside," he said softly, flicking his thick tail to the door. "You can go see them."

Vasu nodded and came closer. The Feraligatr looked at her with a worried expression and narrowed eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked. "You seem tense."

"U-um, yeah, ov- of crourse," Vasu stammered, then frowned at herself. Boru was one of the few mons she didn't feel nervous around, yet she couldn't even speak properly to him.
Well, I can't leave the conversation at that...

"Where are you going?" she tried.

The Feraligatr dipped his snout guiltily. "...Sneaking into the kitchen," he answered.

Vasu smothered a chuckle and patted his arm. "Boru, food won't just magically appear in the kitchen now that Mint is gone, no matter how many times you go in there."

"I knowww," he groaned tragically, his arms and tail drooping.

Tapa tugged at Vasu's arm, and quietly tilted his head to the office.
Vasu sympathetically rolled her eyes at both of them. She knocked on the wooden door, then looked back at Boru. "I'll do something about it," she said reassuringly, "Give me a minute, okay?"

The Feraligatr nodded, now smiling. He made his way to the Mess Hall — probably to look for scraps — leaving her to finally speak to the Guildmaster.
Vasu braced herself, taking a deep breath. That conversation went well! She felt a bit more confident now.
Yeah, I'll waltz right in, let the kids have a moment with their parents, and...

And probably awkwardly stand in the back and say nothing.
That sounds like a good plan...

All she had to do was turn the doorknob and go inside, but at that moment, the round-top door appeared to her twice as large as before, scary and imposing, as if it was a huge stone gate, one that was ready to collapse and crush her the second she stepped in.

The Pichu stared up at her with curiosity in his eyes. He flicked his tail to the doorknob, snapping Vasu back to reality. She hesitantly opened the door and went inside, with Kali next to her.

The Guildmaster's Office was fairly spacious. One window allowed light inside, while a low desk under it supported the Guild's most prized possession: a real Magma Stone. The Guildmaster's desk was unattended, as Ceiba stood in the side of the room, proudly gazing at Vasu. The Whimsicott's old, wrinkly face did not hide the joy their warm yellow eyes radiated. They wore their faded green scarf, with the pin of the Magma Stone clipped on it, proof that they're the Guildmaster.
Three other mons waited in the middle of the room. Sitrus — a relieved Audino, — Hygia, a Blissey with tired eyes and unkempt locks of hair... And...

Ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump.
Vasu's heart was fluttering at the sight of her. Her sunshine orange fur, warmer and brighter than the sun, her soft brown paws, with the slight anxious twitch they sometimes did; others never noticed, but Vasu did... And of course, the eyes.
The eyes said it all. Her worry, her fear, all vanishing as she looked at her son and the dragon holding him.

Vasu leaned down and gently let Tapa onto the floor. He immediately charged toward his mother on all fours. "Mama!" he called enthusiastically as he leapt into her arms. She embraced him in a hug so sweet it was beyond compare. Lita's eyes grew teary from relief, and she let the tears roll down her cheeks.

"Mom! Dad!" Kali said, happily running to her parents too. She hugged both of them, trying not to cry again.

Ceiba beamed at the reunited families, then slowly made their way to Vasu. "Great work, my dear." they said warmly. She couldn't help but smile too. They weren't mad at her after all; Sandra must have been wrong. All the anxiety that had been welling up inside her began to fade, turning into relieved chuckles.

Hygia let go of her daughter and put on a stern expression. "You're not leaving the house for another month or so, missy." she said fiercely to Kali.

"B-but mom..." the Happiny tried to argue.

"No buts!" she exclaimed, "You can't imagine how worried your father and I were."
Sitrus nodded, his face completely serious too. Vasu had gotten the impression he was more lenient, but couldn't back down if his wife had her mind so set on something.

Ceiba cleared their throat meaningfully. "Erm... Excuse me-" they interrupted. "I believe it's best to let these youngsters explain themselves first."

Kali glanced at the Guildmaster, then back at her parents, her eyes a mix of sadness and guilt.
"Well..." she began.

"I've been having strange dreams lately, so I had trouble sleeping last night. And... I heard my parents were awake too, in the living room. I overheard they were very sad about an incident, regarding losing a recent Oran Berry and Reviver Seed transfer."

Oh no, Kali... Vasu thought. We managed to get them back! But she must have heard this before we returned them. I gave her the wrong advice earlier... She was being considerate about her parents' feelings after all.

"I was worried, so I talked to Tapa about it." she continued.
The Pichu nodded. "We decided to go to the woods and gather some," he said. "I'm sorry, it was my idea. I thought we could find enough Oran Berries to make up for it."

He walked over to Vasu, reaching his paws to take back the handbag she had been carrying. He opened it, revealing the inside to be full of berries. "We managed to find some, but..." he trailed off.

"Things went downhill fast." Kali finished for him.

"We were attacked by a Primeape! We must have entered its territory."

"It was so sudden! It jumped down from a tree out of nowhere," Tapa added. "I tried to fight it, but it was way too tough."

That's why he was covered in bruises when I found them!  Vasu realized. And of course, Kali is a Normal type, so there's not much she could have done against a Fighting type...

"I paralyzed it with Thunder Wave to slow it down, and we ran as fast as possible to escape," he explained. "But then we realized... We were completely lost."

Lita and Hygia were both shocked, unable to find the right words. Vasu didn't blame them, she wouldn't know what to say either. Ceiba and Sitrus both looked at Hygia importantly, understanding she shouldn't have been so harsh.
Vasu however, was more confused than anything. How could they have gotten lost? Sure, they must have been very panicked while running away, but how hard could it be to climb a tree, see where the town or Mt. Flogas was, and head to that direction? Pichu shouldn't have any trouble climbing trees, they're very agile. Granted, Tapa was injured, but... he could have had a few of the berries they got to restore his strength. Were they so focused on bringing them back that they didn't want to take any? Not very efficient...
They are just kids though,  she sighed. They couldn't have known better.

Both Tapa and Kali approached Sitrus. "Here," with his ears lowered and drooping apologetically, Tapa calmly shoved the bag into Sitrus' hands. "All yours."

Lita, her eyes still sparkling with tears, smiled at Tapa gently. "You're both very kind, but..."

"Please don't endanger yourselves again." Sitrus finished.

"Vasu," The Raichu turned to face the Goodra with her paws to her chest, her face glittering thankfully. "How could we ever thank you?"

OH SHOOT, I HAVE TO SPEAK TO THEM NOW,  she thought, her panic rising. Lita had gotten so close to her. The air was suddenly feeling awfully warm. Vasu knew her face was turning red, which made matters even worse.
Don't blush!  she ordered herself. Be formal! Don't panic, don't react, don't think about how cute she is or how hungry you are...

Actually, that last part was way too difficult to ignore... She could already feel her mouth watering. Dear Moltres.

"Well..." she began, raising one hand to her mouth.

Don't say it, don't do it,  her mind repeated.

"The Guild's food supply has been running low," she offered, blushing even harder.

Don't say it!

She tapped her claws together anxiously. "And our chef is currently away," she added, heart beating faster than a Zebstrika could ever hope to run. "S-so um..."

Don't tell her, you fool!

"We would appreciate any help from you, M-miss Lita." she finally let out.

NOOO, I'm going to embarrass myself again... This is hopeless...

To her surprise, the Raichu's ears shot up. The tears were gone from her face, and her expression had gone back to the brave, determined one that made Vasu feel like there's a swarm of Beautifly in her stomach. None of the metaphorical Beautifly matched Lita's beauty though, in her eyes.
"Of course!" she answered gladly. "I'll get to work right a...wayyyyy," she glanced at Tapa, who was staring at her with shining eyes and tail almost wagging.
"Right, you wanna see your brother, don't you?"

He nodded excitedly in response.
"Seems like we need to go home first," she waved a paw at Vasu. "I'll be back soon!"

"I can't wait to tell him!" Tapa said to Kali gleefully as they walked away.
"And I can't wait to tell Quil! He must have been lonely without us." she responded.

"Thanks for everything, Vasu!" Sitrus said while they all left.
"Come by our healing den if you ever need anything," Hygia added.

Ceiba smiled as they reached the door. "Take care!" they called.

"Bye-" Vasu managed to add with an awkward wave.

I really did it, she breathed. No one laughed at me. They were all happy, and Lita didn't turn me down!

Ceiba gave her a friendly nudge, chuckling. "Heh, well look at you! Getting the town's best cook for us!"

Vasu's blush grew bigger as she burst into giggles — she could never describe the excitement and relief she felt with words alone. As the Whimsicott fondly grinned at her, they lowered their gaze and sighed.
"Dear," they said, "there's something I need to tell you."

Her antennae unfurled and extended, standing cautiously. "Huh?" she said, intrigued.

"I'm sure you've noticed the years have been catching up to me..." they said sadly. "Vasu, you're the best and most experienced explorer our guild has ever had."

The Goodra's eyes widened as far as they would go. It can't be. This situation was so unreal, it sounded like a dream.

Please wake me up, please, please...

"I want you to be the new Guildmaster." they finally let out.

Everything in her mind was spinning. Everything in the room grew so blurry, Vasu thought she might lose consciousness.
Ceiba is retiring? She thought, clutching her head with one horn.
After sixty years of so much hard work... Just like that?
I guess I can't blame them.

But why are they leaving the Guild to ME? Everyone from every corner of the continent looks up to them so much...
How could I ever hope to come even close to their level or status?

No. That's my answer. She decided.
I'm an explorer. I figure out maps, discover new places, find treasure, and maybe beat up bad guys while I'm at it. I don't lead others. I don't TALK to others.

"N-No way!" she exclaimed, feeling the slime throughout her whole body dripping in panic.
"Ceiba, the reason I work alone and not in a team is because I can't communicate well with others!"

Oh, I forgot to say “with all due respect”, of course, perfect example!  She thought, still panicking. My manners are nonexistent! I'm not the right mon for this position! Oh Sandra, why didn't you just tell me... I could have prepared a whole list of reasons...

"Nonsense. I know you struggle with some social situations, but... You've proven that, if needed, you're perfectly capable of handling any problem." they explained with their soothing voice.

It wasn't soothing enough for her, though. Vasu knew Ceiba was aware of her resourcefulness, and now she realized they may have seen more in her throughout all these years, and during the whole-guild mission, and with how she brought the missing kids back so easily. But her mind was set on this. She couldn't become guildmaster, not a chance, not in a million years, fullstop.
"It's not only about making the right decisions." she began to explain. "I also need to give good instructions and useful advice," she stated importantly, "Yet earlier I told Kali to consider how her parents feel, but that was actually the reason she went out there to begin with."

Ceiba shook their head in response. "You have too much doubt in your abilities. I know the Magma Stone Guild will be safe in your hands..." they said thoughtfully. "And if you need my help, I'll stay for a while and show you everything you need to know." they offered.

They're really not backing down, are they?  Vasu thought. Keeping them as a guide for a while would certainly make things less complicated and ever slightly less scary...

After a long pause, she managed to speak again. "Really...?" she mumbled.

"I promise." Ceiba said with a knowing nod.

She ducked her head and shut her eyes tight. She was feeling persuaded, and she really hated it.
But who else was going to take such an important position?
None of the other Guild members here, surely. And if none of them were willing to take over, a new guildmaster would be sent over from the Capital, most likely hand-picked by the “king”.

And Team Terra is working for us illegally, so they'd have to leave and remain as orphans without a home. We can't let that secret leak out.
Not only that, but everyone here would HATE to be told what to do from someone like that. She knew what the king wanted; tough, heartless guildmasters to keep everyone in place.
If that happened, this community — this family — would have to be broken up...

The room began to feel less blurry. The Magma Stone on the desk radiated its empowering heat to her. She still had a choice, accept or refuse. But knowing how much was on the line, her heart couldn't stay on the latter.

I can't let that happen.
I won't let this Guild fall apart after all the great adventures it's been through.

As much as I hate it...

As the only member with the Master Rank in our Guild...

I'm the only candidate for this position.

I'm their last hope.

Vasu lifted her head to meet Ceiba's eyes. It felt tremendously scary and she was aware she'd regret this, but she had made up her mind.

"Fine." she said.

For the Guild. For my friends. For the whole village...

"I accept."

-End of Chapter 1

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Comments: 3

ChemicalBakery [2023-04-15 20:12:50 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

LimLomLemon In reply to ChemicalBakery [2023-04-17 10:46:15 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

LimLomLemon [2023-04-06 10:43:00 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0