There was a forest clearing among giant trees with a canopy so dense that little sunlight came through.
There was also this AI monolith thingy that looked a bit like those giant stone heads, and it controlled the trees.
It gave off the feeling of an ancient civilization, incredibly advanced but long-abandoned.
It moved the branches above the clearing to let some light in, but for some reason the patches of light kept changing location so no one would find one spot to sit under.
And a whole bunch of characters were settled in the clearing; I remember Spinel and Amethyst, the former learning to play with a yo-yo while the latter gave her pointers. (Not pictured are Pearl and Garnet, who were poofed and kept inside a small plastic case. No idea why.)
Quirrel (in a human form for some reason) was sitting with them, while a small distance away was Norrington with a small group of redcoats.
There were some more indiscernible figures - I added the scientists in the back because they vaguely gave off that vibe if I recall correctly - and Dumbledore was standing on a podium farther back, again I do not know why, though it looked as if he was leading this odd mishmash of students on a field trip.
Although I’ve had quite a lot of odd dreams recently, I decided to draw this one because it was so visually clear, and that is a rare thing.