BlushBunnyC3 [2013-11-17 01:01:12 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry about no colouring, sweets - you made a whole STRIP of a gift; that's plenty of love *hugglesquish* (also, Brandon adds that you win with the (bad) pun xDDD)
And heh, you're right - you haven't done some April and Carla (in their actual anthro forms) for quite awhile It's lovely to see it again! You drew the most GORGEOUS hair for Carla X3 Wish I knew how to braid like that ;; (also wish my hair would grow back faster Cut it all off for Mexico and donation again!) Really like the glasses too~
That body language and expression is totally me too JUST ASK BRANDON WHEN I'M GIVING HIM SASS. *bricked* "...Really? " She's so O U DIDANT :I *dies* Poor thing... but yeah, I've got weak sight on both family sides so there was really no escaping that CARROTS OR NOT. (But yay for carrots all the same, for they are crisp and tasty )
Really digging the April in the first panel! She's all happily launching into informative mode (and to be fair, aside from Carla, there really aren't a lot of rabbit characters out there with glasses None I can think of off hand anyway) and then there's a Carla, and BAM. Awkward city :'D Poor dear - SHE DIDN'T MEAN IT D: *pats*
And as said earlier... LULZ, RABBIT PUN Too bad Carla's not quite as impressed with it BUT YOU GET PROPS FOR EFFORT~
I knooow! ;_; I'm so sorry I haven't been able to catch you for awhile. September for obvious reasons, and you were pretty sick for awhile there so I didn't want to bother you (hope you're doing much better now, and your birdie! ), and work and crazy things my mother has been roping me and Brandon into have kept me swamped 8|; BUT I MISS YOU! And I totally stalk you on the book of face too XD Sorry I'm crap for updating there too - I should really do a photo dump soon, I have tons
And yes, MY BIRTHDAY WAS BITCHIN - thanks for making it a little more awesome with this lovely gift dahlin ILU!!!
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