LivingLightningBolt — [I-N] Never Trust an Outlaw

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Published: 2017-06-03 13:00:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 2558; Favourites: 51; Downloads: 1
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Discord: Sparky#4587

"A Nohrian rat is clever, or she ends up dead."
✦ Personal Info:
Name: Acelynne

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4 ft. • 161 cm

Species: Human

Date of Birth: October 29

Nationality: Nohr

Voice: EN • JP (tba)

✦ Class Info:

Starting Class: Outlaw

Weapon: Shining Bow
Mt: 13 | Hit: 70% | Crt: 0% | Avo: -20% | Rng: 1-2
Deals magical damage. Cannot inflict critical attacks or trigger offensive skills.

Weapon Proficiency: B

Unique Ability: Pyrophobia • Acelynne gets a 15% boost to her Atk/Mag when attacking an enemy equipped with Fire/Thunder spells/weapons. In return, she takes 15% more damage when hit by a Fire/Thunder spell/weapon.

✦ Stats.:

LVL: 6

HP: 28

Str (Strength): 12

Mag (Magic): 12

Skl (Skill): 10

Spd (Speed): 16

Lck (Luck): 9

Def (Defense): 4

Res (Resistance): 6

Mov (Movement): 5

Class Skills:

» Locktouch • Opens doors and chests without the use of a key.

✦ Personality: 

+ Empathetic | Resourceful | Driven | Focused | Subtle

= Flirty | Persistent | Silver-Tongued | Curious

- Nosy | Crafty | Cheeky | Perverted | Stingy

Acelynne is a playful thief. She often toys with her targets before stealing from them, often bidding them goodbye mockingly when a heist has gone well. Her curiosity makes her want to wander around unknown areas, or to ask questions about a topic she's particularly interested in. Unfortunately, this also makes her nosy. She often eavesdrops on conversations she clearly wasn't meant to hear, listening to the gossip that goes around in the city, and —coupled with her persistent nature— makes her pry into other people’s issues, even if they don't want to talk about it at the moment. 

Because she's a shameless flirt, she approaches anyone who catches her interest, sneaking in a smooth line every now and then, and doesn't care at all if it makes her look thirsty. She especially loves it when they get flustered because of what she says. She often makes fun of authority figures behind their backs, mocking and joking about them when she's alone or if she's with someone who also enjoys making fun of authorities. Acelynne dislikes sharing her money with anyone, and it'll take a ton of convincing if you want to get even a single coin from her. She doesn't even like spending too much money in fear of losing funds she needs for necessities.

She is also driven by her need to survive, often relying on her skills she has refined as an outlaw: stealing, negotiating, and escaping. She uses what she has in her surroundings to ensure her survival, but she may come up with some underhanded tactics in order to stay alive. Her best skill is undoubtedly escaping, but her silver tongue allows her to persuade and manipulate people into doing what she wants. Acelynne also focuses on her goal and will stop at nothing in order to get what she wants, even if she has to kick and scream to do it.

Surprisingly, Acelynne is empathetic. She could notice little differences in people’s behavior, and has an instinct to tell her whether or not a person is feeling off, even if it's hard to tell whether or not a person is feeling completely fine. She's usually willing to lend an ear to those who want to be listened to, and will promise to not tell anyone if they ask her not to do so. This is because she never really had anyone to listen to her issues when she was on her own during her teen years, not being able to fully trust anyone because of stranger danger. Acelynne will do her best to understand somoene’s situation, especially if it pains them as much as her own issues pain her.


• Sparring

• Hunting

• Shiny things...

• Adrenaline rushes

• Drinking with buddies

• Puzzles

• Flirting with people she finds interesting

• Receiving bad pick-up lines (She's a sucker for people who try to use them. She finds it adorable. Unless they're just disrespectful pricks.)

• Cuddles

• Berries. Only the edible ones, of course.

• Performing songs and dances


• Fire

• Feeling restrained

• Spiders

• Nagging

• Chickens...

• Heights

• Sudden, loud noises

• Radishes

• Abandonment

• Feeling vulnerable

• Her burn scars

✦ History:

Acelynne is the middle daughter of a rich merchant and a dancer that resided in Cyrkensia, although both her parents were originally from Cheve. She and her two sisters lived in comfort before the war, but because their parents were overprotective, they were never allowed to go outside the house unless their parents were with them. However, Acelynne was the most curious (and the most reckless) of the three, so whenever she was bored at home, she would sneak out and wander around the streets of Cyrkensia, gazing at street performers and taking in the general atmosphere of the city. She had always longed for the freedom to roam the streets as much as she wanted. Acelynne was always careful to come back home before her parents returned from work. Thankfully, her sisters were willing to keep her little adventures throughout the city a secret between them and only them— but every time, she would have to tell them about her escapades, since they were scared of getting caught by their parents if ever they went with her.

Years came and went, and when Acelynne was 14, she’d gotten a good grasp on the city. She knew all the locations of the shops and establishments, along with every nook and alleyway of the large city; however her reasons have changed throughout the years. At first it was just because pure curiosity, but when she got older, she used it as a means of escape as well. Her father had been making deals with shady people in order to keep his business afloat. Acelynne and her sisters never really understood what they were talking about, but it was enough to make their normally calm and collected mother furious. Fights kept the three girls up at night, and whenever Acelynne mustered up the courage to ask what was wrong, either one of their parents would brush it off and say that everything was fine, and it wasn't anything to work about. As time passed, the fights became more frequent, and from then on, Acelynne ended up sneaking out at night as well to escape it.

One day, Acelynne had just snuck back inside the manor from a trip to the market. Upon hearing the sounds of plates breaking, the girl rushed downstairs only to find her father being threatened by a towering group of intimidating men. Her mother was holding her sisters close, as if to protect them. She stood there frozen as the men yelled at her father, pointing a large blade to his neck. 

The next thing she knew, she’d taken a shard from the a broken plate and charged at one of her father’s assailants, making a deep incision on his side. Everything that came after had been a blur. She could vaguely remember getting thrown to the floor and being kicked repeatedly while she was down. The sound of a match being struck. Intense heat. The screams of her family. In a daze, she forced herself up, trying to adjust her vision. All she could see was a blur of red, orange and yellow. She snapped back to her senses when heard someone calling out her name. Acelynne’s vision cleared, and her mother stood at a distance from her, her face in tears. Her two sisters were nowhere to be seen, as was her father. She tried running towards her, but a wall of fire had intercepted the route to her mother. She was too scared to leap through the fire, but her mother wasn't. The older woman backed up and ran through it as quickly as she could so she wouldn't get singed by the flames, but Acelynne could tell that there were a few first-degree burns. Her mother took her hand before running into a hallway that has hasn't been damaged as much.

The two navigated the manor before a scream rang out from a distance. It was her younger sister. Not wanting to put her daughter into anymore danger, Acelynne's mother turned to her, placing her hands on her shoulders. She told the young girl to wait for her, and reassured her that she would be back for her once she has rescued her sister. It was stupid, and she didn't know at the time, but the older woman relied on her instinct to take reckless action in order to save both her daughters while saving her own life as well. She unclasped a silver brooch from her dress, giving it to Acelynne, stating that it would give her courage if ever she was scared. After that, her mother ran back further into the manor.

As the manor burned down, all Acelynne could do was stare blankly, waiting for her mother to return. It seemed like hours before a small voice in her head commanded her to snap out of it, quit waiting, and look for a way out. After all, escaping was her specialty. She pinned the brooch onto her shirt, and her survival instincts kicked in. Her adrenaline spiked as she ran through the burning manor, looking for ways to get out before the fire swallowed her whole. Eventually, she spotted a window that wasn't blocked by debris, and the only thing between her and escape was a wall of fire. Without thinking, she ran towards the window, her thin arms attempting to pull the window latch. She screamed in pain as the fire scorched her arms, making her lightheaded when she finally pulled open the window and forced herself to vault over the windowsill. Acelynne relied on her adrenaline to carry her as far away from her former home, using her knowledge to navigate the city and to find the local clinic. She had barely made it before crashing in at the clinic’s doorstep and blacking out.

Months had passed until Acelynne would be able to walk outside freely without panicking whenever she saw even the tiniest flame. She returned to see what remained of her old home, but she only found rubble and ashes. She never knew what happened to her family, whether they survived or died. All she knew was that from here on out, she would be on her own, and she would do anything to survive, even if it meant becoming a criminal. She fled to Nohr so she wouldn't be recognized by anyone if she ever she stole from, threatened or even killed someone.

Acelynne spent the next 9 years fighting for her own life in Nohr, only stealing from unguarded merchant stalls when she first started. For the first three years, she was all by herself. She took discarded scraps of food when she couldn't steal anything that day, and she just slept on the streets and hoped that the rusty knife she carried with her would scare people away. Difficult wasn't enough to describe how she felt. Eventually, she refined her skills in stealing and pickpocketing from others, often getting away from the guards if she was detected. Anything of value, she stole and sold. Anything that would be of use, she kept. She even learned how to manipulate men —mostly drunk— into giving her anything she wanted, as long as she promise them a little ‘something’ in return— to which she never gave and escaped before they even laid a finger on her body.

Eventually, she joined a group of outlaws who were impressed with her ability to find easy escape routes and her ability to manipulate people. However, the sudden breakout of the war between Hoshido and Nohr have greatly affected the group of outlaws, and led to their disbandment when one of the outlaws snitched about the black market, who by now had a large network of intel with other criminals, which could certainly help Nohr win the war. Their base was infiltrated, and most of their stolen weapons and money were raided for the war effort. Acelynne, with nowhere to go and the soldiers being more alert than ever, tried to look for a place to utilize her skills. It led her to the reason why she was aimlessly wandering Windmire in the first place: The War.

Acelynne carefully weighed her options in her mind. She can't exactly cook or clean well, and being a scullery maid or a tavern worker disgusted her. She supposed that her experience with the bow and arrow, breaking into places, and securing escape routes could possibly help in the war effort; not to mention that she could gain recognition as a war hero. Plus, they might raid some fancy places and she could sneak a few coins into her purse when no one was looking. With this in mind, she signed up for recruitment, hoping this would turn out favorable for her.

✦ Battle Quotes:
✦ Critical
• "Now you're really, really, pissing me off!"
    • "I'm the one making it out alive!"
    • "Nighty night~!"
    • "I'll rob you of your life!"

✦ Support
 • "I've got your back!"
   • "Don't get careless, now!"
   • "We got this in the bag~!"
   • "L-Let's just end this quickly!" (When opponent is wielding a Fire/Thunder Spell/Weapon)

✦ Victory
   • "Hah! Too easy!"
   • "Guess I live to see another day."
   • "Ngh... Barely made it out alive..." (Low HP)

✦ Defeat
  • "I got... Careless..."
   • "Agh... They got me good! I gotta run for now! Sorry, everyone!" (Retreating)
   • "Mama... Papa... Wait... for me..." (Death)

✦ Trivia:

• Before the attack, Acelynne desired to become a performer, much like her mother.
• She still practices singing and dancing in her own time, but according to her, she no longer has the confidence to go up on stage and perform in public after her arms were burned. She's ashamed of them.
• Ironically, Acelynne doesn't expect people to actually accept her advances and flirt back, so she may be flustered before going back to her calm and confident face.
• On one of her escapades as a child, she stumbled upon the Cyrkensia Opera House. She would often stop by to get a peep at the singer's and dancers practicing backstage, and she would do her best to imitate them when no one was looking.
• Acelynne makes sure that her burn scars are never seen. She only removes her bandages whenever she knows no one is looking; for example, while bathing.
• She’s the loopy kind of drunk. The one that spats nonsense and giggles at anything and everything. She’ll maybe even let an embarrassing secret slip if she was that smashed.
• Learned how to use a bow from a group of outlaws she was in. Turns out, she was absolutely terrible at it when she first started using it, but after around 6 years of training, she considers herself an expert.
• Will willingly wake up at 3 AM if you have something weighing on your mind. And give you a hug while she's at it.
• She dislikes chickens because they attack her for some reason. A heist nearly went sour because a chicken decided to alert the owner of the house.
• May or may not peep into the men’s bathing tent. Depends on her mood, really.
• Sings and dances when no one can see her. If she catches you watching her, she’ll do her best to get dirt on you so you don't tell anyone what you just saw.
• Her favorite flower is the Gladiolus.
• Has a habit of absentmindedly clicking her tongue or snapping her fingers when lost in thought.
• She easily gets lost when she's exploring the outdoors, but she's quick to memorize the parts of a city.
• Acelynne had the silver brooch given by her mother replicated. They're the ones that she wears on her hood
• Sleeps in only her underwear. Don't worry, she gets dressed before she leaves her tent.
• Acelynne dislikes extreme weather, (Snow, Too much heat, etc.) but she does like windy days.

• Sparky’s Note: She was actually a dancer OC for Fire Emblem Awakening, but I never really got to develop her character until now. :’^)

✦ RP Info:

 HC (preferred) • Lit (prefered) • Script

Timezone: GMT +8

Where: Discord, Skype 
Feel free to message me! (owo)

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Comments: 47

Candied-Coffin [2017-07-02 19:23:34 +0000 UTC]

I would trust her with me life <3 I love her!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LivingLightningBolt In reply to Candied-Coffin [2017-07-02 23:27:40 +0000 UTC]

she'd probably steal from you tho, I hope you don't mind :'^)

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Candied-Coffin In reply to LivingLightningBolt [2017-07-03 17:50:15 +0000 UTC]

I dont mind here steal my heart, its hers. 

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LadyLoriel [2017-07-02 09:56:45 +0000 UTC]

Oh my! Another cutie!
Love all these cute girl in Nohr.
Love how she is a flirt XD Can just imagine her making so many flustered and unsure of what to do.

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to LadyLoriel [2017-07-02 14:11:56 +0000 UTC]

Awh thank you!

haha, she tries to be cool, but really, she's just a mess :'^)

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Ribbon-Knight [2017-07-02 01:04:41 +0000 UTC]

I've never been subtle about it but I absolutely love love love Acelynne's design! The flowery gold belt and stripey tights are so nice and her hair looks so cute. It's like, feminine and energetic all at once, it's very nice.

OOGGHGH THAT BACKSTORY THOUGH... I kinda love how you made it ambiguous. The hopeful side of me wants to believe maybe her mother or one of her sisters made it but I guess it's not so likely. :' ) Ace deserves the company of family though. I like how she went out more at night because of the fights though it's like... the whole backstory just read perfectly, it went together and flowed so naturally. It was very pleasant to read. I'm sad she's ashamed of her burns but it's obvious why... I want her to go back and pursue her dream one day even if it's not likely. A dancer Acelynne would be gorgeous! I'm almost amused by some of her trivia... the chickens... why... and somehow imagining her drunk and laughing at everything is beautiful.

She's just gorgeous and well-developed in general, congrats on getting in and good job making such a likeable character! Would love to headcanon or RP with you sometime!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

LivingLightningBolt In reply to Ribbon-Knight [2017-07-02 06:35:19 +0000 UTC]

Oh my god that so sweet for you to say! Thank you for writing such a well-thought out comment, sweetie! <3

Regarding dancer!Acelynne, who knows? I might consider reclassing her into the songstress songstress class ;^) in fact, I already have a design ready www But for now, I want to keep her as an outlaw. It's too fun drawing her as one!

Again, thank you so much for the really sweet comment! I worked really hard on her and I'm so glad it paid off~
I can't wait to HC/RP with Bijou too!

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to Ribbon-Knight [2017-07-02 06:35:19 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Commenter

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Ribbon-Knight In reply to LivingLightningBolt [2017-07-02 20:49:45 +0000 UTC]

Aww, you're so welcome! Well, it's like, I feel like everyone puts a lot of love and effort into their characters. It's really nice for people to acknowledge that, so I try to read everything and appreciate every little detail! It's fun to read and I figure it'll make someone's day, too. Double the happiness! ^o^

OOOOHHH... I have to say, I really like her outlaw design, I think the dark browny greens suit her a ton but I still think she'd rock the songstress look too. Maybe I just think any Acelynne is good Acelynne. HUHUHUHU I SAW IT ON YOUR SKETCH DUMP it was beautiful, goodness<333 I think you get more attached than you think to the class you pick! It was the same with me and Bijou, I made her as a maid but I ended up really loving her troubadour design too. It's nice, though. More time to develop the character along with the outfit, in a way!

Haha, it's no trouble, really, I'm glad if it made you happy! I think your hard work definitely shows so you should be proud of that.
Ahh! THANKS SO MUCH/// I'm still a bit shy, coming out of my shell and all that but I would absolutely love to RP/HC with you too!

We have a training camp to attend so maybe we can do some stuff for that~!

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art1m [2017-07-01 23:21:00 +0000 UTC]


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LivingLightningBolt In reply to art1m [2017-07-02 00:21:51 +0000 UTC]

u kno it 

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Roborin [2017-07-01 21:25:16 +0000 UTC]

AHHH Acelynne is amazing, her personality is great and I just love that she likes cheesey pick up lines XDD I remember seeing her app pretty early on and just falling in love with her design. She looks like a legit fire emblem character. Amazing work <333

Congrats on making it in!! Looking forward to meeting you in the new chat I hope ;u; <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LivingLightningBolt In reply to Roborin [2017-07-02 00:16:59 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaaah thank you so much for your sweet words! ;w; 
//shoves her aside pls she's not as great as you think she is

yeah, looking forward to meeting your kid in-chat too!

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IgnisPectus [2017-07-01 21:04:16 +0000 UTC]

Congrats for making it into the Group o v o //
I hope we will be getting along just fine and having a lot of fun here
and I sure wish we will having the pleasure to rp in the future as well >7/< 

please never be to nervous about an Opening because how could I reject
you after you being such a cute and adoreable person o 3 o ♥♥♥
Beside that Ace is the love of my life 

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to IgnisPectus [2017-07-02 00:33:33 +0000 UTC]

Aaah thank you so much, Iggy! From the pre-chat, I could tell everyone would get along well wwww <3

hhhh sorry for being so negative yesterday ;w; I just can't help being nervous Bc you guys are so great and I got attached, so... th ank you ;w;
o pls Adeline is the real babe here <3

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b0409d [2017-07-01 20:25:51 +0000 UTC]


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LivingLightningBolt In reply to b0409d [2017-07-01 20:33:19 +0000 UTC]


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katethepikachu [2017-07-01 20:14:09 +0000 UTC]

Hnnngfh I'm commenting again but idc cONGRATS GIRL YOU MADE IT INNN! //snuggles you hope our children can be friends somehow ; 7 ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LivingLightningBolt In reply to katethepikachu [2017-07-01 20:21:12 +0000 UTC]


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katethepikachu In reply to LivingLightningBolt [2017-07-02 07:51:41 +0000 UTC]


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tsarinna [2017-06-25 19:38:11 +0000 UTC]


i love all the little details in her story, you've clearly put so much thought into her aaaahh
i also get a feeling that she and jesse would get on well pffft

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to tsarinna [2017-06-26 01:23:11 +0000 UTC]

Aaaa thank you! //holds u
And yea I just read your girl's profile. They'll get along swimmingly hehehehehehe

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PixelDollx [2017-06-14 12:32:43 +0000 UTC]

Amg I love her so she seems so cool but still sweet! and she is a real cutie!
I wonder how she and Angelica would get along. If we both get in I hope we can RP! ;v;

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to PixelDollx [2017-06-14 14:01:56 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh, thank you so much! <3 
I hope the both of us make it in, too! ;w;
Your girl seems like such a cutie!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ijuraru [2017-06-13 04:13:44 +0000 UTC]

look at this adorable lady kjsdjf
will she hug this man who might still bite that other guy  

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Fuyukiru In reply to ijuraru [2017-06-14 00:46:48 +0000 UTC]

is someone talking shit over here

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ijuraru In reply to Fuyukiru [2017-06-17 01:28:24 +0000 UTC]

who nani wut

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to ijuraru [2017-06-13 09:10:42 +0000 UTC]

//blosh hhhHHHHH th ank ;7;

dw dw she will <3
as long as there's no wolfskin murder, she should be ok...

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

ijuraru In reply to LivingLightningBolt [2017-06-17 01:31:48 +0000 UTC]

<3 np bb
then kitsune i mean cake that is

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to ijuraru [2017-06-17 09:43:08 +0000 UTC]

go for it. technically, we have to fight them, so.... :^)

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Fuyukiru In reply to LivingLightningBolt [2017-06-14 00:48:14 +0000 UTC]

what if theres human murder
its for self defense

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to Fuyukiru [2017-06-14 11:13:04 +0000 UTC]

No murder allowed!!
but if he tries to kill u feel free to fight back
survival of the fittest, boi

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Fuyukiru In reply to LivingLightningBolt [2017-06-14 11:19:12 +0000 UTC]

Wow ok mom
Looks away

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katethepikachu [2017-06-12 09:29:57 +0000 UTC]


omg this outlaw is doing her job well; my heart is hers //fans self

she is such a cutie I weep, oml-- best of luck to you with getting in! <3

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to katethepikachu [2017-06-12 21:57:22 +0000 UTC]

Arssgfkhdojh thank you!!
Hopefully Chiyo gets in too! ^^)9

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b0409d [2017-06-09 00:15:02 +0000 UTC]

well hello there my beautiful fellow outlaw

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to b0409d [2017-06-09 05:52:30 +0000 UTC]

Hey there my gorgeous fellow outlaw :iconhepls:
Let's go steal some shit (☞͡°͜ʖ͡°)☞

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Fuyukiru [2017-06-07 07:25:09 +0000 UTC]


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LivingLightningBolt In reply to Fuyukiru [2017-06-08 12:36:56 +0000 UTC]


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Fuyukiru In reply to LivingLightningBolt [2017-06-08 12:53:45 +0000 UTC]


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LivingLightningBolt In reply to Fuyukiru [2017-06-08 13:07:25 +0000 UTC]

She'll steal your heart instead of breaking it ,';^) —//SHOT
she'll gladly take your lunch money too 

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Leafpenguins [2017-06-06 15:07:10 +0000 UTC]

I absolutely love it!

Also Thnx for crediting me

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to Leafpenguins [2017-06-08 12:36:32 +0000 UTC]

//cries thank you! ;w;
And no problem at all! You made it, after all

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TigerBites [2017-06-05 04:16:46 +0000 UTC]

Very cute! The text box was a creative touch!

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to TigerBites [2017-06-08 12:37:40 +0000 UTC]

Aaa thank you! I just wanted to add something a bit different since there was an open space above the emblem so I thought "why not?" wwww

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PromtoKing [2017-06-05 02:00:38 +0000 UTC]

I love her so much <3 *grabby hands* let me hug this beauty 

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LivingLightningBolt In reply to PromtoKing [2017-06-08 12:38:09 +0000 UTC]


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PromtoKing In reply to LivingLightningBolt [2017-06-08 13:32:38 +0000 UTC]

//Hugs the precious 

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