LlamaLlamaTheSecond — Thriller-Chapter 3

#bondage #damsel #gagged #halloween #kidnapped #leatherface #peril #texaschainsawmassacre #handgagged #tiedupgagged
Published: 2019-10-13 18:03:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 10271; Favourites: 70; Downloads: 35
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Description Chapter 1- www.deviantart.com/llamallamat…

Chapter 2- www.deviantart.com/llamallamat…


Ashley rattled the cuffs that kept her arms pinned to the pillar behind her. The frustrated groans coming from beneath her gag were barely audible over the overbearing sound effects of the haunted house attraction-this particular room being the home of a nauseatingly repetitive loop of the Halloween theme. Since most people would not spend more than a minute or so queuing through each scene, clutching to their friends like a frightened train, most haunted houses kept their soundtrack loops pretty brief.

Most of the time, these setups were not made with the intent that you would be chained up and gagged in the scene by some sort of terminator with a BDSM fetish.

Needless to say, the jury was still out on the testing for that market.

“HHHHNNNGGHH.......mhhhffh fhhhh shhhkk..”

The blonde damsel leaned her head back against the pipe, resigned to her situation yet again. The robot in the torn jumpsuit-previously poorly dressed as Michael Myers-stood idle beside her after quite thoroughly incapacitating her. Ropes and tape she could handle, given just under an hour (she was working on it). However, anything of a higher caliber, namely cuffs and tougher, were a little above her pay grade for escaping from.

Oh good, the music loop restarted again.

Ashley let out a frustrated groan. Suppose it could have been worse-at least the room wasn’t themed to that Beetlejuice musical nobody asked for.

The robot turned suddenly to face its prey. It’s red LED eyes glared at her for a moment before advancing towards her. Someone must have given the thing orders. With precise and intentional movements, the thing removed her cuffs-if only for the sole purpose of removing her from the pillar-before recuffing her for transport. With very little effort, the frame hoisted Ashley over its shoulder before beginning its long, stomping journey to god knows where. The blonde swayed on the bot, still fuming about her predicament. She was going to make this thing into a toaster if it was lucky.


Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. FUCK.

Adrianne’s inner monologue only became more refined as the night went on.

Far from the first time any of them had taken on some of the monsters she had a hand in creating-but it was usually an all or nothing scenario. Either all girls were captured and eventually escaped, or they managed to overpower the thing and kick the ever-loving shit out of it until it stopped moving.

This begged the question of how in the hell Ashley thought she was going to take one of those things on herself. Adrianne didn’t play a hand in outfitting these things, but she had seen what they were capable of.

It was then the pang responsibility hit her.

Her friend trusted her. She knew Adrianne would be able to stop these things-and threw herself in harm’s way to give her an opening.

She wasn’t about to waste it-but dammit if she wasn’t happy about it.

Unfortunately, Adrianne had only played a hand in programming the IGII models. These were far too new for her to know what sort of failsafe protocols might be in place.

After some of the shit she had seen, she wasn’t even sure if LlamTech even bothered with those anymore.

Regardless, she was going to see them out of here. Moving headlong down the service corridor, Adrianne made her way to wherever another one of these monsters might be-hoping she could observe it for some weakness.


“Well, well, well! Aren’t we the most effective girl detective!” Cushing laughed as he watched their second ASF robot haul a struggling Ashley in over its shoulder. “Put her in the chair next to her friend, boogeyman.”


Ashley, relieved to see her friend was okay, slumped into another rickety wooden chair as Price coiled rope around her body to secure her.

“You three girlies are in a whole lot of trouble. So here’s the rub-ordinarily, I’d just let you all off with a stern talking to. Sure, maybe we scared the shit out of you-but for the most part you really haven’t seen anything beyond our new metal friends here.”

Ashley felt an odd tingle of menace in the room as Price’s hands gripped her shoulders tightly.

“Unlucky for you, that ain’t the fucking case. ‘Specially for you, blondie.” Cushing pointed an accusatory finger at Ashley. “I had a little talk with our employer. Who had a little talk with his employer. Who shot a couple of emails to the higher-ups in his little network. Look, long short of it is-quite a few people know who you are, Miss Ashley Hamrick.”

Spencer and Ashley exchanged worried glances. Usually, the “we know who you are” conversation lead into the “We’re going to have to deal with you” conversation.

“So it looks like we’re going to have to deal with you ladies..”

Both girls rolled their eyes.

“Apparently, you are quite keen on exposing operations of boss’ boss.” Price said behind Ashley “I wish it were not this way, but you appear to be quite the Liberacci.”

“Liability.” Lee corrected.

“Liability. Boss cannot continue business if little college girl will ruin her. You understand, yes?”

“Yyhhhhhh, hhhff crrhhhhh!” Ashley groaned. It wasn’t her fault she had a tendency to uncover the more shady side of everyone’s “operations”.

“Good. Glad we’re on the same page, blondie. Shame your little cowgirl friend and bob cut out there need to go too, but that’s business, yeah?”

“Mhhhh ffhhhh mhhhhmm ffhhhh!”

“Price-get the gag off for a sec.”

Ashley let the scarf gagging her fall around her neck, thankful for a moment without it shutting her up.

“Do you even hear yourself? I mean? ‘We’re gonna have to deal with you gals’?” Ashley scoffed “Sure, we’ve heard that plenty-but most people? Do you realize how stupid you sound resorting to that?”

Cushing’s face warped. “Beg your pardon?”

“Look, you’re obviously running drugs. I know, I know, you think you’ve kept it on the DL but let’s be honest, nobody talks the way you’re talking unless they’re running drugs.”

The three goons exchanged glances.

“Don’t look so dumbfounded, you might as well wear it on your shirts.” She let out a sigh “Point is, I don’t think you guys are the type to straight up murder a bunch of girls over something like this. Not only that, but if my reputation truly proceeds me, then your boss shouldn’t be all that shocked if you just let us go! Just write it off as ‘they got away’ and all that, right? Seriously-killing people over something like this? I figured you guys weren’t that stupid.”

Cushing chuckled.

“While I appreciate the jabs at us probably being your every day crooks, you realize this shit makes bank, right? We ain’t that stupid. Hell, Lee over there used to be a mechanical engineer. We’re just smart enough to know where the money is.”

“Student loans.” Lee shrugged.

“Not me. Is only job I could find.” Price interjected.

“Okay, Price is your standard muscle goon, but we’re not as dumb as you think! Besides-imagine where that would put us in the pecking order with boss if we got rid of that notorious snoop and her little friends..”

Cushing got up from his seat, gesturing for Lee to come with him.

“This whole thing is insane! Use your head, we-mmhhpphhfffhhh! .....Fffcccckkk yhhhhh!” Ashley’s words were cut off as Cushing pulled the gag back over her mouth.

“We’re gonna go prep a little surprise for you ladies. Price here will keep you company. Hopefully, we’ll have your other friend here by the time we’re back.” He playfully slapped Ashley’s cheek. “You two be good now! Can’t wait to see what we cook up for you.”


Adrianne mulled over her options in her head as she traversed the maintenance corridor. When they programmed the IGII models, the things basically ran on two primary programs-one that functioned as an advanced drone system that handled situational awareness and movement, the other that assessed threats and developed appropriate courses of action. Since these models were a little more advanced than a guard shack on tank treads, there had to be more programs communicating with each other-like one that processed balance and footwork with the workings of the arms and upper torso. If she could sever the connection between any one program and another, these things should drop like fax machines.

So her plan was to damage them beyond repair. Brilliant work, Adrianne thought.

Good lord, this place was grimy. Madeline would have a fit just looking at it. What’s more, the d-

Heavy footsteps. Slow, heavy footsteps.

The brunette froze. Even the heftiest human being didn’t stomp like that. Her brisk walk hustled into a jog as she moved down the hallway-only to realize the sound was getting louder and louder.

Louder? Shit shit shit she was running TOWARDS the sound.

Fortunately, whatever was making the sound decided to cut to the chase-literally-as a hulking figure burst through the plywood wall ten feet ahead of the direction she was running.

As the dust cleared, a hulking mass of a frame stood before her. At least two feet taller than her, the beast was decked out in a slovenly button up and slacks accompanied by an apron-complete with a gory latex mask adorning the head.

Adrianne didn’t have to look at its damn hands to know what sound was coming next.


Nearly losing her footing, she sprinted in the other direction over the gnashing sound of the revving chainsaw.

She could feel her burning heartbeat all the way in her temples. Adrenaline was nearly blinding her as she ran for her life from the lumbering mass that followed her. Leaping through an open door way, she looked for anything that could defend herself from fucking Leatherface hobbling behind her. Pipe. Chairs? Chains? SOMETHING that she could disrupt its rampage with.

Shortly behind her, the bot filled the door frame and then some, revving it’s churning weapon. Like a toddler throwing blocks, it flung crates and pieces of furniture out of its path with one arm. Entire concrete pillars were smashed through like they were plywood.

Ok, maybe throwing things at Leatherface wasn’t going to phase him. New plan.

Plan B. Haul ass. Using her mobility over the thing, Adrianne winded through the various scenes through whatever most direct route she could find. Leaping over furniture, sliding under jumpscare dummies, and crawling through service hatches. Within a few moments, she was able to put enough distance between them to make a hard right into a nearby actor entrance-a quick enough redirection that there was no way that Leatherface saw her.

It was then it occurred to her-this was a haunted house attraction! The maniac with a chainsaw gag was ancient-all it usually took to terrify people was the sound of the revving engine. As such, the chains were always removed-making the chainsaw itself a non issue in regards to safety.

Adrianne, you fuckhead! She thought to herself. She had been so concerned with the almost surreal terror of the whole evening that she nearly forgot that this was merely a Haunt Attraction at the end of the day! Sure, it was populated by terrifying security robots-but none of them carried any real weapons!

Despite the very real threat of being incapacitated by the damsel-nabbing protocol of this bot, the fear of dismemberment withered away very quickly amidst the growling of the saw.

A growling that was suddenly very close. So close, in fact, that Adrianne found a chainsaw blade poking itself through the wall only a few inches to her right. Curious! Adrianne thought. If the blades were removed, then-

Oh god oh fuck the chainsaw was a regular fucking chainsaw.

Adrianne shrieked as she scrambled to her feet, not nearly ready to take this thing on so close. A fierce metal fist burst through the wall-wrapping its cold fingers around her neck immediately. The rest of monstrous robot attached to said arm tore through the wooden wall like paper, closing the gap with its quarry.

Hacking as the robot’s sausage fingers closed around her neck, she kicked her legs furiously-so furiously that she failed to notice herself being lifted off the ground.

Within moments, she found herself pinned against the wall-face to face with the gnarled latex mask that adorned the frame.

“There have to be at least a *urk* dozen safety violations you’ve got going on there, pal” Adrianne choked, trying to pull the hand off her. “Listen, I’m just here to -mmhhhhffhhhhhh!!”

Similar to the ones outfitted to the IGII bots, a metal gag affixed to a tendril arm clamped over her mouth. A volley of several more tendrils shot out towards her, pinning her to the wall more securely.


Her arm outstretched, she wrapped her fingers around the large metal forearm that had her in its grip. There had to be something she could find purchase on! Her hands frantically crawled up the arm before she noticed the tear in the apron where the tendrils had burst from. The thing was close enough that she could manage a hand inside the mess-which was precisely what she did.

A knotted metal spinal column sat beneath all the fabric. Accompanying it were the torso actuators and rotation servos, followed by..that was it! Sure enough, a three inch length of rubber cord sat where the spine and the upper body met. If she could just...

Adrianne looked up to see a tendril with a brass nozzle staring directly at her.

She knew what this little bastard was for. One of those damn perp suppressant gas dispensers.

Did LlamTech ever decide if these were actually legal??

Barely audible over the chainsaw motor, a furious hissing noise came from the device.

No no no no no Not now! If she had just a moment longer she could...just...pull...

A noxious vapor cloud fogged around Adrianne. Deprived of air already, she had no choice but to inhale deeply as the hand around its neck loosened its grip.

“Mmmhhhhhffhhh! NHHHHH! HLLLHHHH! Nhhh.....nhhhh.....”

The glow of the robots piercing red eyes permeated the fog of nerve gas that filled her vision. She wouldn’t be sliced in half today-that was her one blessing. But whatever came next was a terror that she was not looking forward to finding out.

She swore she was going to rescue Spencer and Ashley! They trusted her to stop this thing-and here she was, overpowered and about to pass out.

‘I’m sorry, Ash’

Adrianne’s head felt like a cotton ball as this last thought passed through her mind. Within a moments time, she slumped in the grip of the hulking robot-ready to join her unfortunate friends.

The midnight hour was close at hand.
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Comments: 7

MightyMorphinPower4 [2019-11-17 14:12:22 +0000 UTC]

Cool part here

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AllTheStawf [2019-10-16 15:55:49 +0000 UTC]

Was she heavy to the bot?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Golavus [2019-10-15 21:16:24 +0000 UTC]

Last one goes down. Good to see Ash is figuring things all out; there's nicely constructed snoop plot here, and great atmospheric art to go with it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DaOneTrueJollyJoe [2019-10-14 19:49:35 +0000 UTC]

(shoots the robot down!)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LlamaLlamaTheSecond In reply to DaOneTrueJollyJoe [2019-10-14 19:51:10 +0000 UTC]

Well that’s no fun

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AgentSnowDog [2019-10-13 18:50:37 +0000 UTC]

Great work! Looking forward to the next part! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ScottGrisham [2019-10-13 18:23:31 +0000 UTC]

Man, your art & story just keep getting better and better.
I like Adrienne's design, and the robot is a genuine menace, hopefully it doesn't like human morsels like its namesake.

Nice tidbit about Maddy there. I am growing rather fond of her, and I'll definitely use that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0