LloydZelos — My Little Broly-Chapter 1
Published: 2012-01-18 01:57:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 1678; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 10
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Description Gohan and Goten were fighting with all their might. They were using every drop of Ki in their bodies, struggling against Broly's ultimate attack with an incredibly powerful double Kamehameha. In normal circumstances, versus a common enemy, this would have been enough.

But of course, against the insanely powerful Broly, nothing was enough.

Gohan still couldn't believe his eyes. He was still a child when a bunch of his friends and himself went to a prosperous planet, invited by one of the last saiyajins, Paragus, in order to crown Vegeta as the new king of his race. But this proved to be a lie, as the sole objective of Paragus was to kill Vegeta with the aid of a comet that was destroying the planet in a couple of hours, him being the last remaining survivor of the royal family and therefore his last obstacle from retrieving the leadership over his species. This plan shattered with Goku's arrival, however. Without any logical reason, traitor's son Broly enraged upon seeing him and started to attack, even entering in a very powerful and rare super saiyajin mode. He became unstoppable, and defeated all of them without getting a single scratch. Even the unexpected arrival of Piccolo with the Senzu beans couldn't change their seemingly deadly fate. Only a desperate attack from Goku, fed with the energy of all of them, and the comet's crash were capable of killing their enemy.

But he discovered the truth today: Broly was alive. He somehow managed to arrive to Earth, and started attacking Goten, Trunks and Videl when discovered them. He sensed danger and came to investigate, having to fight the dangerous warrior once again. Even with all his training and increased power, all that he could cause him were minor wounds. And now, he and his younger brother were trying to counter a huge ball of Ki, powerful enough to destroy them both...along with the Earth.

Broly, in the other hand, was handling the situation quite easily. He was going to destroy his two foes with a single shot, and wasn't even tired. How had they been so fools, thinking they could defeat HIM?

"Gohan, Goten, my sons!"

The two young warriors couldn't believe their ears. This was his father's voice, there was no doubt about it, and sounded like he was there with them. But this was impossible, Gohan knew he was dead, murdered by Cell's self-destruction (tough the monster managed to survive) years ago.

"You can't give up! Use all your energy!"

Then, he appeared in the sky and descended upon them, positioning in the middle of the two brothers. Goten knew that his wish of getting rid of Broly had been granted by Shenron, although they couldn't have summoned the dragon due to the non-stopping attacks of their powerful enemy. But it didn't matter: their father was with them now.


Adding his own power to theirs, Goku tried to push back the attack, but to no avail: even the combined strength of the three warriors wasn't enough to dispel such amount of energy. And Broly knew that.

"You won't defeat me, Kakarotto!" Broly shouted. When he awoke from his hibernation due to Goten cryings, so similar to his old enemy ones, he thought that this little kid was somehow the saiyajin that almost killed him years ago. But now he had watched and sensed him, the true Kakarotto, and was going to get his revenge. Laughing maniacally, he shot a single energy sphere into the largest one, increasing its size and power. He shot another one. The victory was closer...

Then, something unexpected happened. A small ball of energy collided with his, cancelling it. Unknowingly to him, Trunks had awoken from unconsciousness and was trying to distract him. With his last remnants of energy, he had launched a single Ki ball that prevented Broly ones from reaching the huge attack, and fainted. The mad warrior shot more spheres, but to no avail.

The trio didn't waste this chance. Empowering their own attack, they finally broke Broly's and aimed it at him.

"You won't defeat me!" cried Broly while launching some more spheres. Seeing the incoming attack, he created a powerful barrier in order to protect himself from it. And it worked, but the Kamehameha didn't stop and pushed him. He was pushed across the atmosphere, across the space, towards the sun. Even the barrier broke in the process. If the attack nailed in its blazing target, he would die indeed.

But it failed. Oh yes, it still flew very close to the star, the heat burning him badly. But he didn't die, and continued crossing the space for minutes at high speeds until the force of the attack dissipated. Then he was enveloped by the bliss of unconsciousness as returned to the original himself and slowly froze by the coldness. The resulting block of ice continued its travelling, disappearing from the solar system.

It was a beautiful day in Kami's Lookout. A mature namekian with some small facial wrinkles was looking up into the sky. Dende, the former Earth's guardian, was enjoying the gentle breeze and warming sun rays as Popo was attending his own duties. It was good, finally being able to relax in an era of peace.

Of course, this couldn't have been possible without the so long awaited cooperation between the races that lived on the planet. Centuries had passed since the last original Z warrior died, but now mankind could study advanced martial arts and Ki usage from books and schools passed by the ancient heroes, namekians and their healing powers were a common sight, and the majin race also existed. Their mutual acceptance and co-working had lead Earth to a prosperous state, and together they finally defeated Miira, a powerful villain that attempted to obtain Goku's DNA by time travelling and mind control, long ago.

But big achievements come with a high price. Miira had a big army, and even with the aid of Goku and other friends from the past via time travelling the conflict evolved into a cruel war that last decades. Too many lives were lost, and although many of them were brought back with the Dragon Balls, the planet was still under reconstruction. Poverty and diseases were common, bandits continued assaulting people in forests, roads and even cities, some scientific and historic knowledge have been lost forever. But the biggest part of society still looked for a better tomorrow, and worked really hard for it. Dende was proud of being the guardian of such a hopeful people.

Then he felt something. And it wasn't definitely good.

"Popo, come here please" the worried greenish alien said.

"Yes, master?" said his friend and servant while rushing to his side.

"Can you feel it? Something is approaching to this system" said Dende with a frown, concentrating his tracking powers. He was not as young as before, but because of this his abilities had grown up and that allowed him to see very far away from the planet.

"I can certainly feel something, but I don't have the faintest idea of what can it be. What do you say, sir?" calmly spoke Popo.

The namekian concentrated even more, sweating a bit and grasping tightly his wooden cane. Then he could see it, an enormous comet quickly entering into the system. Given its speed and trajectory, it would crash with the planet in a couple of months. Under normal circumstances, it would have been only a minor threat. But because of the war against Miira, the impact would cause a great disaster. The common people just couldn't manage to destroy the rock in time by scientific means. He quickly explained the situation to Popo.

"I see...Maybe a collective attack from some of the best warriors of the planet could destroy the comet in time?"

"I have thought about that. We certainly can gather the best humans, namekians and majins and make them to launch a powerful Ki attack to it. They're still helping with the reconstructions, but I don't see another solution. We can't allow the comet to hit the Earth. What really bothers me..." Dende kept silent a few seconds.

"Yes, sir?"

"You see, Popo...It's not only the comet, there's something more. I wouldn't be so distraught if our biggest problem now was a big piece of frozen rock. I have to focus more..."

Then he felt it. An enormous force, way bigger than the most powerful warrior of the Earth. He gasped, and slowly fell to his knees.

"Master! What is it? Master!!"

He didn't answer. He couldn't. All he felt right now was one emotion: pure and genuine horror. Inside this comet was someone, or something, whose force was similar only to Vegetto's, the fusion between Goku and Vegeta when they fought Super Buu. No warrior in the planet had the slightest possibility of defeating that beast. The worst part was that the group attack destined to destroy the comet would not harm this warrior, only awake it...in a very bad mood.

Focusing even more, going through the layers or rock and ice, he finally saw and recognized him. A big and muscular saiyajin with black hair, frozen inside the comet: Broly. He couldn't believe it, Goku and his friends spoke about him a very long time ago, how they fought the invincible warrior two times, finally killing him by sending him into the sun. 'Or so they thought', he muttered under his breath. If the tales were true, and he was certainly sure about that, they had very few possibilities of defeating him, and only with the force of hundreds of warriors combined, perhaps even more. With "only" humans, namekians and majins, this would be a long conflict, and if they would manage to win at last, the planet would be certainly doomed. People couldn't resist another bloody and massive fight, not so soon. And the Z warriors descendants were not an option, all of them couldn't even transform into Super Saiyajin due to the mixing between races, their powerful warrior genes were just too diluted for that.

Unknowingly to him, Broly being encased inside this comet was an accident. He travelled across the space, frozen and unconscious, for centuries. Then, one day, his trajectory met the comet's, and crashed with it. The impact didn't kill him, of course: it only buried his natural capsule deep inside the rock, which continued his travelling, bringing him back to Earth. Some would call it a big coincidence, some the hand of destiny.

Dende finally composed himself and stood up, walking quickly to his palace. Popo followed him, still worried.

"Master, what's up? Answer me, please!"

He didn't do it. He would explain everything later. Now was time for extreme measures.

It was time to use the Dragon Balls.

Meanwhile, in a way more peaceful place dimensions ago, some certain pale yellow pegasus was finishing her night chores. Fluttershy had enjoyed a particular busy day taking care of the animals. Well, she certainly didn't enjoy their suffering, that would be mean and make her sad. It's only that she felt complete when attending the wounds and other kind of problems of wild animals and pets. That was her special talent, after all. She could still giggle a bit remembering the bath that she had given to a family of ducks that had fallen into a pit of mud earlier that day. Her bathroom needed some cleaning after this event, but it was rather funny, with all this water splashing out of the bathtub. And the baby ducks were just adorable, one of them even pretended to be a mud sculpture in order to avoid his soapy faith.

Humming a soft tune to herself, she finished reuniting the chickens in her coop and wished them a good night. Feeling a bit tired, she approached her cottage to eat a quick dinner and get a well-deserved night of sleep. She opened the door and...

"Oh Angel, not again! Come here, please!" she softly spoke to her bunny pet, which was running down the path after dashing through the open door..

It started a couple of days ago. In one of her travels to the Everfree Forest searching for medical herbs, she found a strange bush full with purplish berries. Before she could react, Angel was already eating one of them, and he seemed to enjoy it...well, too much. He couldn't stop eating them. She carried him and a couple of berries to Twilight, she was worried that her dear friend would be sick. After a quick research at the library, the two mares discovered that the plant wasn't poisonous, much to Fluttershy's relief. However, the berries weren't harmless, for they had a certain effect in some animals, including bunnies: they were quite addictive due to their taste and some substances. Twilight recommended her friend to keep Angel away from them for a couple of days until he normalized, and she tried, honestly. But it was rather difficult to handle with his behavior, and he managed to escape from her house a few times in order to search for the bushes that contained his precious. Tonight was only one of these times.

Sighing, Fluttershy followed her little friend with a soft trot, paying attention for her surroundings. She finally got caught of him entering between some trees, and looked up noticing the sudden change on the terrain. The trees belonged to the Everfree Forest.

She squeaked a bit. The shy pony never liked this place, it was dangerous and scary, more than ever at this time of the day. In the past she had to enter in this forest searching for supplies, following her friends or trying to save them, like that time when she rescued the Cutie Mark Crusaders from a cockatrice. She had to, but that didn't mean that she liked to. Gulping hard, she came into the forest, searching for Angel.

Dende was thinking, his eyes closed. In front of him were six of the seven Earth's Dragon Balls, and Popo was holding the last one at a safe distance in order to not summon Shenron. At least, not yet.

The namekian wasn't still sure about this. His first thought had been to wish the destruction of the comet and Broly himself. However, two reasons made him change his opinion. The first one came when a messenger from the biggest scientist astronomy institute of the planet came to see him. That visit was allowed, he assured himself to keep contact with the most powerful members of society along the years in order to be a better guardian. He told him that they were tracking some specially powerful asteroids and comets from some decades ago, and had very powerful weapons capable of vanish from existence that one with no problem at all. Moreover, their investigations had been sustained with private funds, so the reconstructions wouldn't be affected. Dende gave him the permission of using such dangerous tools and dismissed him.

The second one came later. He realized that Broly wouldn't be destroyed by normal weapons and the rule that prevented the Dragon Balls from killing anyone more powerful than Kami still applied (and he was WAY more powerful than him), so the biggest problem was still present. The possibility of sending him to another place on the universe existed, but he didn't want to risk the survival of anyone who had the "luck" of finding him. While thinking about it, he had an idea: peeping into the warrior's mind. Someone said "Know your enemy", and that's what he intended to do, knowledge was a powerful weapon. He saw bloodlust, desires of revenge, tiredness...wait, tiredness? That was strange. Looking into his past, he could see the life that the saiyajin had have. Looks that his hate towards Goku was originated shortly after being born, because his extremely annoying cries when they shared room. It left a psychological mark on him, and he would never been complete until he destroyed Goku. Sadly, the legendary warrior died centuries ago.

In the other hand, his condition of Legendary Super Saiyajin was more a curse than a gift to him. His massive amounts of energy had to be released from time to time, forcing him into a bloody, blind rampage and numbing his mind, turning him into a psycho in the end from the course of the years. Moreover, his father had reassured himself to remind him the betrayal of King Vegeta towards them, when he tried to kill him because being his father and Broly because of his enormous power. They didn't die, and Frieza's treason occurred, killing almost all the saiyajin. Paragus educated his son in pure hatred and fear, not enabling him to trust anyone. That vengeful and isolating personality, plus his powerful condition, formed an unstable person across the years, making him feel more like a weapon, and this became only worse with the mind control dispositive that his father put on him. Paragus doomed himself when intended to leave Broly in the planet that was going to be destroyed by the blue comet: the unstoppable saiyajin saw this horrible act and killed his own father.

Broly was the result of a miserable existence and a genetic condition. True, he still was a very dangerous warrior that enjoyed killing and had to been stopped in order to protect the Earth. But Dende had learnt to be wise and compassive along the years, and decided to give Broly a second chance and saving the planet in a single blow with a rather complicated plan. Giving up his thoughts, he sighed and spoke.

"Okay, Popo. Bring the last ball here".

His friend nodded and placed the seventh bright object in its place. The balls started to glow at intervals while the sky darkened, and it finally happened.

"Eternal Dragon, by your name, I summon you forth: Shenron!"

With a final glowing, the balls obeyed Dende's command and the gigantic dragon appeared above them, in the stormy sky. His red eyes lowered their sight a bit, and it exclaimed:

"Greetings, Dende. It has been a long time since you last summoned me. What do you want?"

"Greetings, Shenron. I want to make two special wishes and save the last one".

"Wish for it, and it would be granted".

Dende licked his dry lips. It was now or never.

"First off, there's a comet approaching at a very high speed from the limits of this solar system right now. Inside there's a powerful warrior. Can you feel it?

"Ah, yes I can. What do you want me to do with him?"

"Here's my first wish: I want you to send him into a place in another dimension where he can find acceptance, peace and happiness, turned into a member of the most common intelligent species on it".

Shenron's eyes flashed for a second, and spoke again.

"That's it. Make your second wish".

He was nervous. The second wish was, by far, the most dangerous for all of them. But, if Broly somehow managed to change and wanted to return there as a friend or an ashamed person that wanted to pay for his crimes, it would be a good thing to have him at his side. It still existed the possibility that he came back wanting to kill Goku and everyone else, but he truly wanted to give this lost soul a second chance. 'Maybe I'm turning too old', thought with a cocky smile. He finally spoke.

"This is my second wish, Shenron. I want you to follow the warrior to the planet where you've sent him, and make the Dragon Balls to scatter around it".

Shenron remained silent for a moment, but obliged. Flashing his eyes a last time, he granted the wish and spoke once again.

"It's done. Farewell, Dende. May we see each other again". With these last words, he and the balls disappeared in a blinding light, and the sky turned calm and cerulean once more. Popo approached slowly to his master, concerned about his decision.

"Are you sure about this, master? It could be really dangerous for all of us".

"I'm sure, Popo. I've already told you about my plan, and my reasons to do it. Besides, although we are at peace and don't need the Dragon Balls right now, I'll start making a new set tomorrow. The gone balls are attached to this planet, and will come back when the third wish is granted. If the ones that Shenron has sent across the space and dimensions return, their role at Earth will be nullified by the new ones and will disappear" he calmly spoke.

"That's good to hear, but...Forgive me about this, but why start tomorrow? Why not right now?".

Sighing and slowly entering his palace, he spoke: "Because Popo, I'll expend the rest of the day praying for the gods to have made the best decision and for their forgiveness".

"A-Angel? Please, it's d-dangerous and too late! Come b-back!"

Fluttershy was scared. Well, not really. A normal pony would be scared about being late in the night at the Everfree Forest. She was total, complete and utterly horrified, whimpering every second and searching for monsters in every bush, trunk and pond. She finally saw her little friend, some steps ahead.

"Oh Angel, thank goodness! Come on, we have to get back home...Pffffft!"

She couldn't help by giggle a bit. It was rather comical to see Angel's face full of berries in a way that would make Pinkie jealous. He, in the other hand, was giving her a stare that seemed to say "I don't really care about anything right now". She was going to insist some more, when something caught her attention. Not very far from there, a loud explosion was heard, followed by a piercing sound similar to some fireworks flying.

"Meep!" she exclaimed, and hid under a fallen branch. Angel gave her an unamused face, and pointed where the sounds have been heard.

"What? Oh no, I'm not going there, it's too dangerous! But...what if an animal is wounded, and needs my help? That would be careless of me! Wait dearie, I'm coming!" she exclaimed while galloping at full speed. Angel just facepawed and followed her, still munching berries.

They reached their destination in no time. Much to Fluttershy's surprise, she found a wounded being, but it was a pony. In the middle of a big crater laid a dark green stallion with a black mane and tail, looking unconscious. Or...

She gasped. There was no time to lose. She turned her head towards Angel and told him some instructions.

"Angel, quickly! I want you to go to Ponyville as fast as you can, search for Twilight at her house and bring her here! Go, now!"

The white bunny saluted and went to town, leaving her behind. The yellow mare turned her head against the newfound stallion and started examining him closer, becaming horrified in the process. He was covered by very bad looking burns (she could see charred muscle here and there and even bone in some places), but was still breathing. She was shocked, it was the first time that she saw such wounds in her life, and this pony somehow managed to survive them. The mare was pondering that maybe he was a pegasus who was flying across the sky when a lightning bolt hit him and fell to the ground, but this theory was dismissed when she saw that the stallion was an earth pony, with black bone tips at the end of his hooves. In fact, he was taller than her and rather muscular, not a very aerodynamic shape. But then, what was the origin of the crater? Then she noticed his strange cutie mark: a pale green ball.
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Comments: 2

ugter [2012-09-02 05:46:08 +0000 UTC]

Love your name! XD Or were you not aiming for a tales of symphonia name...(Even though it's just two names smushed together)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

nnekoise [2012-06-15 02:32:27 +0000 UTC]

What an epic idea for a fanfic!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0