LMF13 — The Cultist

#rainbound #linio #latexcult #highheels #latex #latexfetish #leotard #rubber #highheelboots #latexrubber #latexhood #latexfashion #latexstockings
Published: 2023-12-13 21:54:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 13533; Favourites: 74; Downloads: 0
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Liniae, the bringer of shine!

PLUVIALIS,Chapter 1 – Arrival"Please, leave your pod. You've arrived at your destination. Welcome to Planet Pluvialis." Said a cheery pre-recorded voice through a speaker. Groggily, she stepped out of the pod. Barely awake and still dazed, Davianna rubbed her eyes. She slowly stumbled away from the pod and into the hallway leading out of the passenger deck. The high heels didn't help. But she figured it'd be best to try and blend in on this other world. Especially since in a few hours, she had a meeting with one of her future colleagues and old friend. Whom she hadn’t seen for years. "This is it huh, I made it." She mumbled to herself. She felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Slowly regaining her composure, she stepped through the bulkhead and was met by the flight crew, dressed in glossy white uniforms. They promptly carried out the customary questionnaire, if any health check were needed and if she needed a breather. Since stasis can be quite the headache. Fortunately, this wasn't Davianna's first time. She already knew what to expect. However, Pluvialis, is one of the farthest worlds from Proxymus-C2, which is where Davianna came from. Post-stasis on these long journeys is something no one likes to experience often. But this time, Davianna left her home world with glee, not at all wanting to return. As Davianna made her way out of the ship and into the spaceport, she strutted toward the customs area. After that, she would be free to roam Nexus for about three hours before she should head to her meeting. A customs officer looked at her face and back at the screen to verify her identity. A few taps on the screen and he returned his gaze. "You’re good." He said with anexpressionless face and nodded to the next in line. Davianna continued, feeling a bit more at ease and snagged her single suitcase from the conveyor belt and extended the handle. The suitcase rolling behind her on the tiled floor. She looked around, taking in the mix of glossy Pluvians and matte off-worlders like her. Making her way to the shopping area, she decided to grab something to eat. Post-stasis hunger was kicking in. A bright neon sign caught her eye: "THE DINE SHRINE". Perfect! Davianna entered and sat down at a table near a window, granting her a view to the outside. The skyline was impressive. High black, glossy skyscrapers dotted the sky with bright neon signs lighting them up, piercing the rainclouds. Which made her think of her inadequate preparation for this trip. "Can I get you anything hun?" A crisp voice suddenly interrupted her thoughts. It took a while before she registered it. "Uh yeah I uh need ah.." Said Davianna, realising she didn’t know an answer. "Ooh I can tell, you got the stasis munchies! I recommend the traveller’s delight. It'll sure make you feel much, much better." the waitress chirped. Davianna was taken aback by the way she looked. She was wearing a tight, glossy light blue dress with a white apron and a white cap to complete the look. She was tall. Forcing Davianna to lean back in her seat so to maintain eye contact. "You okay hun?" she asked. "Uh yeah s-sorry. Sounds good. I'll take it." Davianna said. "Long trip huh. I'll get to it right away. In the mean time, anything to drink? maybe coffee?" the waitress asked,seemingly to knowing exactly what post-stasis feels like. It felt good that she was guiding Davianna to help her make a choice. "Uhm yeah I'd like that." "Coming right up!" She swiftly turned and strutted away. Davianna's eyes followed the waitress as she left, suddenly realising why she was so tall. She was wearing ballet heels, forcing her feet and toes completely vertical. Davianna knew of their existence but regarded them as a novelty or fetish item. She knew Pluvian society was weird like this, but she just got here, and the waitress was clearly wearing them as if part of their standard uniform, in the same light blue. How does she even... The waitress caught her staring and smiled back. Davianna's gaze quickly returned to the window. Her face slightly reddening out of embarrassment. The sky had turned darker and the rain heavier. The off-worlders were struggling with their umbrellas and running to the dry safety of a nearby metro station. While the locals didn't seem to care at all. Some clearly amused by the sight of those cowering off-worlders. Some wore rubber raincoats and others just wore a hood. She of course knew that this is how Pluvians coped with the perpetual rain here. But to see it in person makes it even more fascinating. "Here's your coffee!" The waitress gracefully placed the cup down. Davianna's curiosity got the better of her and she blurted out: "Does it hurt?" "Does what hurt?" "Oh I'm sorry I... just forget I said that." Davianna's face turned red again. "Ah the shoes! Not from this world, are you?" The waitress said and laughed before continuing; "Not at all! Well, I do feel them... but it's not as bad as you think. These are made of Linio, so it's - you know, almost comfortable. And I love the faces off-worlders make when they notice them, like you!" She said and giggled. "I've done some reading on this Linio stuff here on Pluvialis. I didn’t know it made, uh, those shoes more bearable." Said Davianna. "It's hard to explain but I'd recommend you'd try it yourself, there's no words for it! It's a Pluvian specialty. I don't remember exactly why, but it seems it's only available here." Explained the waitress. Davianna felt more at ease. "Yeah I've read about Pluvian etiquette so I tried to make do with what I already had." Davianna said while pointing at her shoes and dress "I’m meeting someone for my new job here in Nexus. I'm already practically hired, but - I want to make a good first expression." Davianna added. "Well, if you want to impress, I’d suggest you'd go for the full pluvian look! It's something almost no off-worlder dares. So, for an off-worlder, it's a very powerful demonstration of dedication. Maybe even try these killer heels" The waitress said gave her an overly obvious wink. "That's some good advice. But I think I'll skip the ballet boots for now. Do you know a place nearby you'd recommend?" "Just a sec hun!" And before she realised it, the waitress was already on her way to the bar. When she returned, she gave Davianna a navicard. "Here, this is the place. Good luck." She giggled. "Thank you." Davianna smiled and the waitress went swiftly to the another customer. She was really skilled on those heels which made it look easy. Davianna quickly dozed off in thought as she looked outside again. Slowly drinking her coffee. Soon her food was brought to her table and eagerly started eating. When finished she felt a lot better. Not completely though, the mind fog usually took a few hours to clear. She figured that this time it would take a day at least since the journey was triple the length of what she was used to. She remembered the etiquettes of Pluvialis. She rehearsed them in her head. Most importantly, no handshakes for her. Here's it's called an adoration. Which is basically bending at the hips while keeping eye contact and the arms folded at the back. It's pretty weird, even lewd. But it's everyday business here. In most obvious cases, the divide was between dominants and submissives. But everything in between was just as common. Dominants had their own way, it's called a potence. Shoulders back and head high, extending a hand, bottom up, as an acknowledgement. In case of a dominant meeting a submissive, the adoration and potence would be performed as such: when the dominant extends their hand and the submissive was performing the adoration, they would lift the submissive’s chin slightly higher and nod in approvement. If two dominants met, it would be a somewhat regular handshake, but very firm and regal. The dominants here are really into those stare-battles, as seen in those ancient western films, but mostly friendlier. For two submissives meeting, it's for both a "normal" adoration. Bending toward each other, it's a good idea to keep some distance since you don't want to bump your head. And for close friends, a kiss wasn't uncommon. "This might take some getting used to..." Davianna thought. As she was an off-worlder, she was considered submissive by default. Still gazing outside, she noticed the rain had lessened and dusk was setting in. She figured this was her cue. She made sure to leave a tip and thank the nice waitress again while practicing her adoration on her way out. Which went surprisingly smooth. Outside, she pulled the navicard from her purse and the screen jumped to life. It showed a store called Lintex and the way to it. 11 minutes by foot, not bad. Unsure she should go through with it, she made her way out of the spaceport. It was raining lightly. The temperature was nice. She expected the rain to be colder. However, it felt rather pleasant. The rain was a perfect mix of lukewarm and cool, refreshing. She imagined people just showering outside,chuckling to herself. With her baggage rattling behind her on the tarmac sidewalk, she followed the directions on the navicard and was on her way to the unfamiliar clothing store. "A quick browse couldn't hurt, right?" she thought to herself. And noticed that the amount of shiny, glossy figures increased as she went deeper into the city's outskirts. She started to feel more out of place. Maybe blending in is not a bad idea. After all, she's going to stay here for at least a year. And she didn't like to draw attention to herself as an off-worlder. Besides, umbrellas are gawky. Eventually, Davianna almost reached her destination and saw the bright white sign in the distance "LINTEX". She stopped for a second, realising what she was going to get herself into, in the literal sense.Looking back at the navicard that she got from the friendly waitress. It made her think back on their conversation. "Nah screw it!" She said to herself and proceeded to the store. Upon reaching it, she saw through the window something that didn't look like a clothing store at all. The logo on the glass reassured her that this was the right place. Stepping in front of the door, it slid open and Davianna entered. As Davianna breathed in, she noticed the strong aroma of linio. It was much like the smell of ordinary rubber but slightly more sweet. The interior was small, what looked like a lounge area on the one side and a desk on the other. Everything was glossy, the walls, the desk and even the couch. It was mostly black with white accents creating a sleek, professional and dark atmosphere. Davianna approached the desk where her eyes met a woman in a white catsuit. While approaching the desk, Davianna noticed the small waist she had, it made her feel a little envious. When eye contact was established, the lady performed an adoration and Davianna did the same. Whilst still in their adoration position, their faces not far from each other, she noticed the heavy make-up she was wearing. The woman smiled and soon they were standing straight up again. "How may I help you miss?" the woman asked. "Hi, I need some new clothes. I have a new job and I want to make a good impression." "Wise choice!" The woman said enthusiastically. "So this is your first time getting outfitted in the proper Pluvian way, hmm?" She said with a slight tease and continued: "Now, I'll explain how this is done in a sec. But first I need some info. Tell me more about this job and what kind of look did you have in mind?" "I, uhm.." Davianna said while in deep thought. "M-maybe just something professional and not too crazy. I'm going to do mostly office work, but I expect to attend external meetings too. And maybe a field trip here and there." The lady nodded politely and with a rhythmic tap on the desk, the whole thing lit up and a wide array of options and parameters appeared. She started swiping through all kinds of menus. The sound of her white, lintex covered fingers on the screen was weirdly soothing to Davianna. The soft taps and squeaks made her wonder what it would feel like, having your body completely encased in it. "All right, I've set up some combinations I think will suit you quite nicely." The woman rotated the interface toward Davianna. She could see a few sets she already liked. "How about the white with purple one? Do I try it on, or..." "I'll explain how this works darling, these choices are generated by the input you gave me. I also entered some appearance parameters, like your blue eyes for instance. That means that basically every choice is tailored to your looks. Now, before you choose, just know that these outfits are made to measure by the assembler. So once it's made, and you're dressed up, you are obliged to pay.However, since you're an off-worlder, and willing to try Lintex, you get a hefty discount. If one wants a true Pluvian experience, then wearing Lintex is a must!" the woman looked at Davianna expectedly. As if she almost craved to see Davianna's body in lintex. Davianna blushed and looked down at the choices that were presented on the screen. "If I may, I really think this one will suit you perfectly." the woman said and selected one of the items, enlarging the image. It resembled somewhat a typical office outfit. With a tight, sleeveless, high collared dress that ended in a pencil skirt. And her feet would be in a pair of high wedge heels, all in dark blueish grey. Underneath it all is what looked like a cream white catsuit that would cover her completely with the exception of her head. To top it all off, the hair was tied in a bun with a small cap, in the same grey colour, that seemed to hold her hair in place. Davianna wanted to think about the other options. But this one stood out the most. After a couple of seconds, she made up her mind: "I think I agree.. It looks really cute! I'll take it." "Wonderful!" The woman beamed and confirmed the selection on the screen. In the corner of Davianna's eye, a door slid open. "Now we need to get your exact measurements. Please follow me and step into the booth. Once you're inside, it will scan your body to ensure a perfect fit! After that, it'll assemble the outfit onto you. Just try to remain still and just let it do it's thing." The woman beckoned Davianna to step inside. Davianna did so and the door closed upon her entry. "Please remove your clothes and assume the displayed position." A female voice said from a speaker and she could see a screen with a silhouette standing with the arms straight and slightly lifted at the side. Davianna took off her clothes and tried to imitate the image and almost instantly a big ring descended from the ceiling. It went all the way down and up again. "Measurements gathered successfully. Assembling garment." The screen showed her a loading bar. Suddenly, spray-nozzles had materialized and started spraying her body in some kind of liquid. It was slightly cool and odourless. She heard mechanical sounds emanating from the walls and noticed how fast the loading bar was filling and after about a minute or two, the mechanical sounds stopped briefly."Outfit complete"Before she could do anything, multiple arms grabbed her body and lifted her slightly before the floor-panel disappeared and she could see the skin-coloured under suit appear from under her feet. Multiple rings moved up her legs to help slide it up her legs. Then, it was pulled up further and soon she found her arms also covered with the rubbery material. Every finger eventually slid into each corresponding opening with some wiggling. The whole time, warm air was blown into the suit, which made everything so much easier. When the suit was in place, a tube slid down her back between the suit and her skin and started sucking all residual air out of the garment. As it was pulled back up and out, Davianna gasped out of surprise and from the weird sensation. Her whole body was now encased in linio and it slightly numbed her sense of touch. She felt slightly aroused by the whole experience. Maybe it was the feeling of the light compression all over her body. Or the idea of being completely encased by some strange, alien material. She didn’t really know what to make of it.The machine suddenly pulled the dress over her legs and up her torso. Waking Davianna from her thoughts in the process. Then, the boots were fitted, and the floor had returned from beneath her. She was gently lowered and back on her feet again, noticing that these heels were slightly higher than her previous pair. But before she could think, the machine quickly got hold of her head and started to tie her hair in a bun and applied the make-up with some sort of a soft stamp. As it dried, her face felt a bit stiff. She wondered if this was some kind of sticker made of linio or something. As she tested her expressions, she was reassured that it didn't peel. "All these hours putting on make-up and these Pluvians just have it done within a second… I can get used to this!" Davianna thought as she felt a light pressure on her head as the final touch, in the form of a small cap, was being added."Dressing complete"A mirror lowered in front of her and she was amazed at what stared back at her. A glossy version of Davianna. Her make-up was flawless, her skin was perfect and her body looked somehow a lot more shapely. As if the material knew by itself which area to emphasise. She could see some sort of band around the waist which cinched her in a bit. The mirror was raised again, but Davianna wasn't done admiring her new look. The door slid open and she stepped out of the machine. "So, what do you think?" The woman asked and Davianna almost yelled:"That was amazing! I mean, like five minutes… And now I'm completely transformed!""Yeah, it's something isn't it. So, I take it you like the outfit?""Yes! Although I'm still a bit weirded out by all of this rubbery material. But I do feel kind of sexy like this!" Davianna said while running her hands along the smooth material.The woman smiled and started tapping at the screen again."Let's see, the normal price would be 1099 creds. But since you're a lucky off-worlder, you get a hefty 55% discount. So, that'll be 494,55 creds."Davianna was a bit shocked by the initial price tag. She only had about 3000 creds left. She was indeed lucky. That discount made the dent in her wallet substantially smaller. She completed the transaction and the woman thanked her, to which she added:"Now, next time you buy an outfit in one of our shops, you'll get one more discount. So, if you find out that you enjoy wearing Lintex, you are more than welcome to change your outfit again at a reduced price!""That's nice, maybe I will. But for now, I'll stick with this one." Davianna felt a bit sceptical to the idea. She didn't see herself spending much more since she didn't have an income just yet. However, with this outfit, she was sure that she'd make a good first impression, so this was an investment she was content with. And above all, she figured that she deserved a little present for herself after all she’d gone through, prior to arriving here.The woman interrupted her short inner discussion:"Well, I wish you the best of luck with your meeting! And I certainly hope to see you again.""Thank you. If all goes well, maybe I'll be back. I'm really happy with the outfit. Thank you again!"Davianna performed another adoration before she left the store. It still felt weird. It's quite intimate, although there is no physical contact. She noticed it was time to fix a shuttle as she didn't want to run late. If she were to depart now, there would be about half an hour of spare time. Which she figured it could come in handy, should something happen on the way there. Better early than late. Davianna made her way back onto the street in her new outfit. With her suitcase once again rolling behind her, she started looking for a shuttle station. The rain had gotten worse but at least now she was well equipped. It all felt so strange and yet she liked it, being covered from head to toe in this rubber-like material. She felt somehow safer now. Even though she knew that it was merely a thin layer and nothing more. But it wasn’t soaking up the rain. Now, she blended in seamlessly among the other pluvians.Finding a shuttle station usually wasn’t that difficult. She could see them zooming past in the sky, she reckoned, if two or three shuttles made their descend in close proximity of each other, it was highly likely that a station would be right there. Most other planets she’d been to have identical transport systems in place. Looking up, she spotted a couple of shuttles descending toward an area nearby. Picking up her pace, she went in the same direction. While walking, she noticed the skirt, its stretchy material wanting to spring back to its smallest circumference, slightly limiting her stride. She also noticed how comfortable her new shoes were. She was walking quite fast. Doing this in her old heels would have been a lot less comfortable. Maybe the lady from the dine shrine was right, this stuff did make a difference! “I’m keeping those shoes for sure!” She thought to herself and before she knew it, she could see the shuttle station. At the station, there were a couple of shuttles ready for departure. Things were going well, this meant that she didn’t have to wait before one was available. Davianna made her way to the nearest shuttle and entered her destination into the digital display-column next to it. A soft “ding” sounded, indicating that she was welcome to enter the shuttle. After entering the shuttle and strapping herself in, the shuttle promptly lifted off into the rainy sky.

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phantomdotexe [2023-12-15 20:08:31 +0000 UTC]

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LMF13 In reply to phantomdotexe [2023-12-15 21:38:29 +0000 UTC]

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