LoneWanderingSoul98 — Male Reader x Rosie - Hazbin Hotel Oneshot

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Published: 2019-09-09 18:48:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 13224; Favourites: 41; Downloads: 0
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Description Hello everyone! and Welcome to another Hazbin Oneshot! I'm really looking forward to the series premiere, so what better way to wait patiently, than to release a new Oneshot, and this time it's with our lovely and classy demon, Rosie.
I've been meaning to write a story with her after uploading an announcement post awhile back, and now after finishing the second part with Willow Schnee, let's dive right into it!

Spring has begun, the cool wind blows ever so steadily, the flowers are in bloom, the birds chirp in delight, the presence of death can be felt, as well as the souls who mourn on this morning, yes, it was just another day, another life had passed, but on this day it felt different? It shouldn't be, after all I've done this song and dance, I look to see the other half of the isle draining their sockets with tissues and long faces, while the other half where I sat prayed in respect to the holy being above, I've always had an interest in the afterlife, a fascination with both heaven and hell, of course I would never be the zealous one, in fact I'd rather be at home working more on my artwork. But the question still remained? Who am I? Well, to answer, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and what's happening around me is a funeral, the recently passed man inside the coffin is my grandfather, he was a millionaire who owned a large mansion out in the country side of North Dakota, it's an old one, dating back to the 1950's, and it's been in great shape for so long, and now with my grandfather gone, the decision falls upon his will to choose who gets the right to own it.
As my grandfather's coffin had just closed, the black suited men with the white armbands took my deceased kin's bed into a hearse, it started, and drove off to the morgue, my family decided to explore the estate one more time before they'll all leave, as I began to rise from my seat, a familiar face I thought to never see again approached me.

???: Well, well, if it isn't my favorite brother.

(Y/N): More like harassing bag, what is it Vincent?

Vincent: Well since grandfather has passed, I'm looking forward to the estate belonging to me, after all, I was his favorite.

(Y/N): You keep telling yourself that, and eventually it's not gonna happen.

Vincent: Much like how your future won't, and let's be honest, all you ever do is waste your time with crazy dreams onto paper, rather than conquering the real world with your own will power, people from a time before ours would see you as mentally and physically soft.

I looked at my brother with a dirty look, as he in return gave me a smug smile on his face, he walked off to wherever he's going, as I sighed mentally, and headed over to the garden area, how I remember the day when my cousin got married, there were flowers all over the place, drinks were being served, and the smiles on people's faces, sometimes I wonder if those happy times would come again? As I walked around in the garden, I begin to hear......singing? I went to go and inspect to where it's coming from? as I got closer, I then take notice that the flowers were suddenly all became roses around me? My mind began racing to know what is happening? I finally made it to where the singing is coming from, and to my surprise, I see a woman in the gazebo, wearing classical looking attire you would see from the 1930's, her hair was a beautiful shade of pale blonde, but something seemed a little off about her? She appeared to have grey skin, and pitch black as the night eyes, as I take another step closer, she looks towards me with a smile, I stopped in my tracks, her eyes looked deep into my (E/C) ones.

???: Oh? Hello there.

I couldn't speak, I was nervous to take another step, my body felt fear, this odd looking woman spoke to me, what can I even do? Should I run and tell my family? Then again they'll all just think I'm insane, it would just disrespect my grandfathers funeral, I thought for a moment, and I decided to be brave while putting on a smile.

(Y/N): H-Hello there.

???: (Giggles), Don't be shy young man, come over and take a seat.

I did as she requested, I began to walk forward to her, and take my seat.

???: I must say I've never seen another living soul for such a long time, how times have changed, tell me young sir, what brings you here to the garden?

(Y/N): I-I was going to clear my mind from things that were bothering me, my grandfather passed away today, and to make matters worse my so called "brother" insulted me.

???: Oh you poor soul, and on a day of mourning as well, I have a feeling your brother will get his due someday.

(Y/N): (Small silent laugh), I'm sure he will.

We both smiled at the thought of Vincent getting cosmic karma.

???: Dear heavens I almost forgot, we've never introduced ourselves yet, my name is Rosie, and it's a pleasure to meet you.

(Y/N): Thank you Miss Rosie, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I would love to talk to you more often.

Rosie began to blush a little bit, as she picked up a rose from the vine near her seat, and attached it to the chest of my well dressed suit, she smiled softly at me, eyes meeting to one another again, I began to pull out my phone, and played something classical for both of us to listen to peacefully.

(www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPL8TB… )

We listened to the sweet melody of Jimmy Durante, I began to sing along with the lyrics, my voice echoed peacefully throughout the garden, the roses began to bud even more at the positive effect, she soon followed suit with the chorus parts, our voices were synced together to match the song playing on my phone, it was like I was in a musical, relishing the memories of my school plays I preformed in drama class.

As the song ended, I began to take a bow, and tipped my bowler hat, bidding her adieu, she smiled warmly for I grabbed my phone, and left.


As soon as I got back to my family, my mom came up to me with a look of relief.

Mom: There you are, your dad and I was worried sick.

(Y/N): Oh I wasn't that long gone, just decided to relax in the garden.

Mom: It's fine (Y/N), if there is anything bothering you? Always come to me or dad to get something off your chest.

(Y/N): Thanks Mom.

I said with a smile, as my mom noticed the rose on my suit.

Mom: Now that's very lovely, I think you look really dapper with just that one rose on you, where did you find it?

(Y/N): Oh, Rosie gave it to me.

Mom: Who's Rosie?

Not wanting to look crazy in front of my Mom with what would assumed to be another artistic fantasy, I came up with an excuse that sounded reasonable.

(Y/N): She's uh?..A guest, I think Auntie Jane invited her? She always makes new friends everyday, so I figured she would invite someone to attend.

Mom: Well there's no doubt about that, Jane always loves to explore the outside world, bless her free soul.

I smile as Mom gestured to me to follow her to the manor, I nodded in agreement, as we made it inside to see nearly all the family has left except for Dad and Vincent, there we go to the family dinning room with a man in a white suit, he places papers on the table, as my family and I take our seats, not knowing what this was all about? I decided to just see how things play out.

???: Good to see you both young (L/N)'s, my name is Jeremiah Hope, and I am here to give one of you lucky young men the news about who gets the ownership of the manor.

My eyes went wide in surprise, not saying a word I continued to listen as my brother smirks at me, thinking that I was not worthy of such the responsibility.

Jeremiah: You're grandfather has left a will in his own writing, let's begin.

Mr. Hope pulls out the paper, as he puts on his glasses and begins to read the will aloud.

~ To my wonderful grandchildren, (Y/N) and Vincent, for years I've seen the best of you boys, how much you've grown into honest and hard working people in society, what with (Y/N)'s artistic talent, and Vincent's confident attitude, but now my time has passed, the manor cannot be left to rot until the end of days, and when writing this will, you two were on my mind, it was a tough decision, but after a further look into how you boys are nowadays, I have made the right choice, which is why I leave my manor to the one who will take care of it responsibly, to my grandson, (Y/N) (L/N).
I know it will be challenging to take care of such a big place, but I can assure you (Y/N) that you'll receive daily help from my lawyer, and financial planer, they will help you with your bills and how to spend your money wisely, there are special occasions for every twice a year you can host, and only twice a year, Christmas, or a social party for those who get together, I wish the best of luck to you my wonderful grandson, and may you live life the best you can ti'll death.

- Yours truly, Gabriel (L/N)

My eyes widened with happiness, as I looked to my brother who had a face I can only describe as, shattered pride, heartbroken, even confused, I mentally laughed as my family were excited about the news as well, after I signed the paper to the deed, I asked my mom if I could stay here for the night, mom teared up with happiness, knowing how much I matured over the years, she accepted my wish, giving me a goodbye for now, that is for all of my stuff to arrive tomorrow and unpack, I see my brother still in denial and confusion while dad was dragging him out of the manor, they left to the car and promised to be back the next day, from here, I know what I'll do first thing when everything is all ready.


It's the middle of May, and I've finally moved into my new home, for awhile I've made time to pay a few bills, set up an insurance plan, but most of all see my neighbor from the garden, Rosie, I've been learning so much about her, it was surprising at first to know she was a demon, this would mean my interest in the afterlife, heaven and hell does exist, not that I would ever doubt in the first place, I've always believed in it, Rosie was a sweet woman before she passed away, it makes me wonder why she would end up in hell? I guess some things are meant to be? Sometimes we would talk inside the manor, drink ice tea outside in the garden, it felt really good just to be with someone, even if they're not from this world. However, I feel like doing something more for Rosie, I keep mentioning her over the phone with mom, and she would very much like to meet her, sometimes mom would tease me if she and I were dating, which is why I have arranged a social party for my parents and sibling to meet Rosie in person tonight, I shared this with Rosie, and she is delighted to meet my family as well, it would probably be really strange at first, but I just know they'll warm up to her, before I could go into the manor to prepare the party, Rosie asked me if she could bring some people she knows from the depths below, I was hesitant at first, but I decided to take a gamble, I know that god would forbid mortals trusting demons, but he would never hold any sort of hate towards my people's choices, only love and acceptance.

9:00 PM

Finally in time for the social party, my family arrived on time to meet me in the main entrance of the manor, with smiles on both my mother and father's faces, while my brother stood there with his arms crossed and looking away with envy, despite everything he said to me, I bet this would make his night, after all you can't stay mad at someone for so long, as my family just settled in, the lights in the room turned red, as vines wrapped around certain area's in the manor, giving it a decorative look to the place, I smiled widely to know she has arrived, my mom, dad, and brother gathered to the front entrance to see a figure with a bright red dress, matching red hat with green feathers on top, and a small vine bracelet around her wrist, she looked to my family with a soft smile, as both my parents went silent, sweat was dripping from Vincent's forehead, I could tell they were in fear of her appearance, I went up to Rosie and tipped my hat to her, she giggled, as I turned to my family to introduce her.

(Y/N): Mom, Dad, Vincent, this my neighbor from the garden, and our guest for this night, I would like you all to meet Rosie.

Both my brother and dad were completely silent, as for mom on the other hand, she went up to her politely with a smile, and began to shake her hand.

Mom: It is so wonderful to finally meet you, my son has talked a whole lot over the phone of you both.

Rosie: The pleasure is all mine Mrs. (L/N), your son is quite the handsome strapping lad.

Mom: I can see why you took an interest in him.

Both Rosie and Mom started to laugh together, causing me to blush slightly in embarrassment, my dad came over to me with a calm expression.

Dad: (Y/N), I know it seems too early for me say this, but I think you have a keeper.

I smiled at the compliment, so far it has been doing pretty well, then I realized, didn't Rosie said that other guest will be arriving?

Rosie: I hope you all don't mind, but I managed to bring more guest to liven the place.

(Y/N): Are they safe to do no harm?

Rosie: You have nothing to worry about sweetheart, they are?....a decent bunch.

As soon as she said, a tall spider looking demon with a sparkly purple dress came in with other's behind him, consisting of a normal looking blonde girl wearing a nicely clean suit tailored for women with a positive aura that could brighten the room, a cat demon wearing a top hat with wings who looks like he hasn't either slept? or had a few ones before he arrived? a small cycloptic girl with a nicely clean dress, a white haired girl with a bow on the back of her head wearing gothic looking ballroom attire, and finally a tall red deer looking demon with a wide smile, for some reason I'm getting a really dark aura from him?

Angel: Ugh! Finally were here! I knew you should've taken that left turn Vags.

Vaggie: Okay, I will admit for once, you were right on the directions.

Charlie: Still better slightly late than never.

The demons then turn their attention to my family and I, we waved hello, mostly my dad and brother were still nervous of the whole demons are real thing.

Rosie: Everyone, this is the (L/N) family, our host's for the night.

Niffty: Salutations!

Husk: Uh? Hi.

Angel: Well hello~

Alastor: Greetings!

The blonde haired girl came up to mom, and shook hands with her, my mom was so happy to meet new people, dad asked Vincent if he could give the other demons a tour of the manor, he was both shy and skeptical at first, but swallowed his pride, and obliged to the request, meanwhile Rosie and I went to the living room.

Rosie: Darling, I wanted to ask you something?

(Y/N): Oh? What would that be Rose?

She blushed a little bit before she asked her question.

Rosie: Since you're an artist, it came to my mind that you haven't drawn me yet?

Rosie was indeed correct, I've drawn many pictures of backgrounds, characters, and creatures, but never have I drawn real people before, I think to myself for a bit, maybe this could extend more on my art skills, I went towards the table to pick up my sketchbook, I turned to see my lovely flower smiling.

(Y/N): Let's get started.

I said with a smile, as I play another song from my phone for us to listen to, for I now began to draw my next art piece.

(www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7wr2F… )

Gently I held a steadied hand, looking carefully at Rosie with good eye coordination, I started from the head to the chest, getting in the little details each time, after working my way to the arms, I made gentle slides down to the hip and legs, shading in the areas of the clothes that shadow from different angles, after one hour had passed, the picture was finished, showing my sweet Rose the final finished product.

(Y/N): What do you think?

Rosie examines the hand drawn picture, very closely she looks at all of the details, she smiled softly with a single tear going down her face, I was worried if she didn't like it? Perhaps I might've did something wrong? Just then she pulled me into an warm hug.

Rosie: I love it darling, thank you.

(Y/N): You're quite welcome, my beautiful Rose.

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Comments: 7

bigdqwg [2024-02-07 04:40:35 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LoneWanderingSoul98 In reply to bigdqwg [2024-02-07 21:19:04 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Tjcallus [2021-02-19 13:24:21 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

09701 [2020-04-02 07:03:50 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

IgnobleFiend [2019-09-09 23:49:07 +0000 UTC]

Nice. ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LoneWanderingSoul98 In reply to IgnobleFiend [2019-09-10 00:27:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IgnobleFiend In reply to LoneWanderingSoul98 [2019-09-10 00:31:22 +0000 UTC]


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