Following the Legends Continuity, set around 1,680ABY
Following the Second Imperial Civil War and Third Jedi Purge, the newly formed Galactic Federation Triumvirate saw a new era of peace. The line of Fel continued in the Empire, with the Imperial Knights continuing to serve faithfully. When the Galactic Federation finally split, new factions came to rise such as the Coalition of the Outer Rim, and a new Republic of the Core Worlds. The Jedi for the first time in their known history became independent, no longer serving one government or another, instead from their reestablished headquarters of Tython, they began a new era of service to the greater galaxy.
Some additional characters from Naboo, trying to explore different aspects of life on Naboo, eventually I will get into more of the civilian types.
I'd love to hear ideas for other potential characters I could design!
From left to right:
1st Captain Rynn Ataros
Governor Ilynn Tekann
Prime Minister Dreva Hynaka
Councilor Waren Oranus
Naboo Police Officer
Commander Ikan Xaresh
Comments and critique always welcome!
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