LordoftheTroglodytes — Sylvi Keeler

Published: 2020-03-07 00:05:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 687; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 3
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Description welp i recently introduced y'all to Yasmin and Alric's offspring
lemme introduce another descendant of theirs, this time about a millennium's worth of generations down the line

Syvi had a fairly normal childhood and life. She’s the only child in her family, did well in school and has a couple of close friends.
The only thing that set her apart were her dreams. For as long as she can remember she’s been plagued by frequent hyper realistic dreams, both while she’s asleep and awake. It appeared to be difficult for the young Sylvi to tell what were dreams and what were real, especially when she realized that mostly were playing out real life events before they even happened.

A pretty neat gift some would think, but after she witnessed her adult cousin dying in a car accident a week before it happened, the young Sylvi was traumatized and started to believe that she was cursed or haunted, and would refuse to even go to sleep some nights out of fear of hurting someone else. Which brought her parents even more stress until they were forced to take her to a specialist.
There she was diagnosed with night terrors and schizophrenia, and has therefore been on pretty heavy medication for the majority of her life.

With the medicines suppressing her supposed hallucinations, she managed to grow up into a bright, healthy young woman, with hobbies such as karaoke, art, and funnily enough gardening. And her friends find her a little odd with her aversion towards the topic of dreams and superpowers whenever they veer into any of those subject, seeing how dreams are natural to them and who doesn’t enjoy a good superhero story?

She got good grades in school and after graduation decided to take up an administrative job at the local post office.
While it’s not the most fulfilling job she could’ve imagined, and her sleazy supervisor takes far too many liberties with her personal space, it does come with nice premiums and a good paycheck, and she does have some cute coworkers. It will do until she figures out where to take her life next.

However, it didn’t take many years after graduation when, to her horror, her dreams began to return in slivers and faded moments, and increasing the dose on her medication only seemed to make it worse as she eventually would come to have blackouts at work. Where mere moments of flashing dreams and visions made it yet again impossible for her to tell what was reality.
When her boss found out, he gave her an ultimatum; either she gets help for her blackouts, or she better start looking for a new job.

Desperately she begun to look around for anyone able to help, from legitimate psychiatrists and therapists, to shady internet forums.
But as if by divine intervention or fate, she stumbled upon the home address of someone who simply went by the name “The Wicked Witch of the Woods”, offering guidance and help with both physical and psychological ailments.
Normally she would just brush a business name like that off as quackery, but there was something about it that allured her. As if something in her was commanding her to go to the address.

It took her a few days, but after she had a blackout at work that nearly caused a major accident with a document shredder, she realized she didn’t have much of a choice but to give the address on that forum a shot.

She drove for hours before reaching the address she had written down, only to immediately regret her decision when all that could be found for miles around was a single, shady looking house in the middle of a dark, creepy forest.
But again, there was some part of her that forced her out of her car and up to the door. She had barely even raised her hand to knock until a really furious looking snow leopard, looking to be around the same age as her, tore the door open and started ranting about “not buying what she’s selling”, “not selling anything herself”, and “that stupid prank those kids pulled on that stupid internets tomfoolery”.

Ofcourse, this first impression startled Sylvi badly, and the less than hospitable snow leopard combined with the less than comfortable surroundings made her consider just turning tail and bolting back home. But something kept her standing firm, yet shakingly, and ask for the stranger’s help. If she really was that “Wicked Witch of the Woods”.
To which the snow leopard confirmed, but claimed to no longer be offering her services to others and was just about to slam the door in Sylvi’s face when something seemed to stop her.

Seeing the witch’s hesitation, Sylvi tried to beg for her help, but with all the pain and troubles she had gotten from her night terrors all of her life, she could barely even form the first words before she broke down in tears.
Obviously feeling awkward, the “Witch” was about to simply close the door anyway when she heard Sylvi blubbering about “dreams” and “since she was small”
That seemed to finally get the “Witch”s attention, and she finally invited Sylvi in. She gave her some tea, that seemed to help her calm down until she was calm enough to talk, and the more she tried to tell the stranger about her problems, the dumber she felt over the whole situation.
But apparently, everything she said only seemed to pique the Witch’s attention even more, and she insisted Sylvi staying for a few days while she offered her help. Absolutely for free, and if she wasn’t happy or didn’t see any progress she was free to leave at any time.

Thinking that she didn’t have much to lose anyway, Sylvi agreed, and spent the most interesting three days of her life so far with the Witch. However when she appeared to be taking tests rather than giving her any medicine or teaching her any techniques, she started to feel skeptical.
And her skepticism peaked when the Witch suddenly decided to sit down with her and “come clean”.
She told Sylvi that she was the descendant of an ancient king and queen called Alric and Yasmin Kellhound. From what she had learned from history in school was that Alric was somewhat of a hero who reclaimed his family’s kingdom, and his queen was said to have been a sorceress who practiced magic and could see into the future.
Ofcouse, she hadn’t believed in the supernatural elements of their story before, and certainly still wasn’t as she listened in mixed concern and horror as the Witch, clearly livid and excited like someone who suddenly found out a long lost friend or family member was alive and well, told her all about who Alric and Yasmin were, especially Yasmin, as she had been her mentor, savior and somewhat of a mother figure.
She also denied the sorceress part, but proudly proclaimed that the correct class they belonged to were witches.

Well, not only was the story completely bogus and improbable, Sylvi was quick to point out a major plothole; namely that she claimed to have been raised by Yasmin, who lived several centuries ago, yet didn’t look a day over thirty.
The last thing Sylvi remembered before fainting was the Witch looking surprised for a moment, but then a wicked smirk curled her lips her appearance shifted before her very eyes; slowly becoming ancient looking, haggard snow leopard with thick, matted fur, but that wasn’t all…
For some reason, her eyes appeared sewn shut, and in the middle of her forehead, not even hidden by the grayish brown hair, a third, angrily red eye glared down at her.

When Sylvi came to, the snow leopard looked normal again. She refused to tell Sylvi how she had changed like that and refused to do it again, claiming that she “hated walking around like herself, since arthritis becomes such a bitch once you pass 600 years”, but finally introduced herself as “Isolt”.
Isolt offered a deal to Sylvi, that by the end of the month she’d not only believe in magic, but also believe that Yasmin indeed was her ancestor, and after having been lost for countless of generations her clairvoyant visions had finally returned to Sylvi, and would be more interested in learning how to control her visions rather than suppress them.
She must’ve still been a little fuzzy from passing out, but Sylvi decided to agree. And thus got stuck at Isolt’s side.

At first she brushed off pretty much everything Isolt tried to teach her, but as time passed she suddenly began to become more and more attracted to the stuff. It was still nonsense for the longest of time, but seeing her slowly warm up and start opening her mind a little to what the dreams might be trying to tell her.
And realizing that, made Isolt smile whenever Sylvi wasn’t looking. As she was taking this chance to try and return the favor to Yasmin by teaching her descendant to accept, control and love her born gift, as Yasmin once had taught her.
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