lotrdeana17 — Umbrella part twenty-five [NSFW]

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Description Timothy glowered down at his knees where he sat between Jessica Franklin and April Grants. He hunched down into his chair, hugging the handle of his umbrella to his chest.

“Ugh, get this thing out of my face,” April complained, pushing the edge of the umbrella away and inadvertently knocking one of the spokes into the side of Jessica’s head.

“Hey! Watch it,” Jessica whined, immediately hurrying to fix her hair.

Timothy sighed. The rest of the students were still filing into their seats alphabetically by rows as Pomp and Circumstance arose shakily from the junior band that was set up on the portable bleachers brought onto the school activity field.

Timothy pulled a small tissue out of his sleeve and dabbed at his sweating forehead. Under his hideous cap and gown he wore a thin black turtleneck and slacks with highly polished dress shoes Elaine had dug up from who knows where. She was the one who had dressed him, saying that he looked ‘downright handsome’. Timothy believed it was a conspiracy to get him to have his picture taken in this ridiculous outfit, so he had adamantly refused to show his face in front of her camera. That is until Jase showed up in new jeans and a tucked in dress shirt and insisted they have a snapshot together. Timothy, blushing furiously, had caved dishearteningly quickly when Jase had put his arm around him and kissed his cheek.

He glanced up when the awful music finally ceased, but glumly lowered his eyes once more when he realized the principal was going to give a speech that bore absolutely no relevance to him. He idly kicked his feet back and forth, dragging his fancy shoes over the grass. A hot breeze kicked up for a moment, tugging at his umbrella.

“Ugh! Can’t you close that thing for just one minute?” Jessica asked irritably. Timothy kept silent, not meeting her eyes. “Why do you always carry it around anyway? This is ridiculous.”

Timothy decided not to respond, hunching his shoulders and hugging his umbrella handle. He wondered what Jase was doing sitting in the crowd of friends and family with Elaine. He wished he had his phone with him so he could text him, but the teachers had made an annoying no cell phone rule that was supposed to get students to pay attention and sit quietly. Apparently the faculty thought this method would actually get them to listen to the dull, well rehearsed speeches.

Finally, the actual ceremony began to start as they called the summa and magna cum laude onto the stage, and then the rest of the student body less academically inclined. Timothy made good grades, but the school was so competitive that even with an A average, he still hadn’t made any honors. So he was marched up there with the rest of the G names and stood in line to get his diploma. As each name was called, a new burst of applause would drift across the field. Some parents had brought fog horns and others simply had memorized chants, proud of their graduating students.

…The crowd laughed when it was his turn, presumably amused by his gloves and bulky umbrella which made shaking the principal’s hand and taking his paper rather awkward. Timothy lowered his head and stumbled down the stairs, eliciting more guffaws from the crowd. There were even a few mean spirited names thrown at him as well and Timothy blinked back the sting of tears.

When the miserable ordeal was finally over and everyone had thrown their hats into the air, Timothy was allowed to duck his way through the crowd to where he had last seen his mom and his boyfriend. He had snatched off his hat as soon as he could, but he hadn’t thrown it, so he clutched it to his chest along with his rolled up paper elegantly tied with a silky ribbon. However, he soon got lost and stood there, panicking slightly.


He turned at the sound of the jubilant yell just in time to be tackled by a hatless Caden, messy blond hair flying everywhere.

“Congrats, Spaghettio,” Caden beamed, pretending to softly punch him on the chin. Timothy bit his lip and smiled a little. Tyler wandered up behind them, trailing after Caden. He stopped and smiled at Timothy too.

“Finally done! Feels pretty good, doesn’t it?”

“Yep,” Caden grinned. He extended his arms to either side of himself and tossed his head back. “Freedom!”

As Timothy shyly giggled at Caden’s dramatics, a pair of strong arms wrapped around him from behind and he looked up. Jase smiled at him, giving him a soft squeeze. “Look who came.” He turned and gestured to three guys making their way through the crowd towards them, led by Elaine.

Timothy felt a pleased jolt of embarrassment streak through him as he waved shyly at Mark, Drew, and Schmitty.  

“Hey. Congratulations, Umbrella Boy,” Mark said. But he wrinkled his eyes and smiled, extending his hand which Timothy tentatively shook. His hand was practically swallowed by Mark’s sweaty grip.

“Mark,” Jase warned, rolling his eyes. “Don’t call him that.”

“Ah, he knows I’m just kidding. Don’t you?” Mark looked down at Timothy good-naturedly.

Too timid to disagree, Timothy nodded, staying close to Jase’s side. He gasped, however, when Schmitty took him by surprise and swept him up into a hug. He couldn’t help the flush of scarlet blooming over his face, warming his cheeks. Schmitty was pressing awfully close to him all the way down, and there was a distinct lack of the safe ‘man hug’ characteristic pat on the back. He was starting to get seriously concerned over the lingering embrace when he heard Drew swear loudly in the background.

“Damn it. Alright, alright. I’ll pay up.”

“Ha! I knew it!” Schmitty said triumphantly, letting go of Timothy and pointing at his red face.

“Guys, seriously,” Jase sighed tiredly. “Stop messing with my boyfriend.” But he smiled and twined his fingers around Timothy’s hand.

“I told you he’d blush if I hugged him,” Schmitty continued to gloat unabashed as Drew started counting out dollar bills into his hand.

“Really now,” Elaine said in a disapproving tone, giving Schmitty a cold stare. He noticed her disapproval and he gulped, quickly shoving his newly won cash into his pocket and hanging his head respectfully. Caden giggled.

“Who are these guys?” Mark asked, looking questioningly at Caden and Tyler who were standing next to each other rather shyly. “Honestly, Jase. You seem to be collecting all the gay boys in this town.”

Jase punched his shoulder. “This is Timmy’s friend Caden Kincaid and his… uh. And this is Tyler Morris.”

Tyler raised his hand to wave, but seemed to get nervous and tried to cover the motion by running his fingers shakily through his hair. Caden flashed them all his signature seductive grin and threw his arm loosely around Tyler’s stiff shoulders. “Oh believe me, we are by far not the only gay boys in this town.” Then he very obviously winked at Schmitty whose face had gone pale.

“Dude, that’s creepy. Cut it out,” Drew said, acting fidgety and shooting Schmitty distrustful looks out of the corner of his eyes.

“Ye-yeah,” Schmitty said defensively. “I’m a breast man.” He crossed his arms.

“Doesn’t mean you’re not bi,” Caden drawled lazily, lowering his eyelids and tilting his head back. Timothy sighed. Caden really needed to stop trying to come on to every guy he saw. It got him in trouble more often than not. And it looked like Tyler wasn’t enjoying it either.

“Ahem,” Elaine said daintily, clutching her handbag righteously. “There are ladies present, young men.”

“Sorry Ms. G,” Schmitty and Drew chanted dully, looking chastised. Jase laughed.

“So!” Mark excitedly rubbed his hands together. “Where are those little fuckers— er… those idiots who attacked the Timster?” He had to put on the brakes midway and edited his words at another motherly glare from Elaine.

“You mean Brandon?” Tyler asked, then bit his lip when everyone looked at him. He was certainly a lot shyer than Timothy had first thought him to be.

“Yeah,” Jase continued for him. “It was this kid named Brandon and his brothers. You know Bryan Jones?”

“Yeah?” Drew said, narrowing his eyes. “He’s in one of my classes. Arrogant son of a… gun.” He shot a glance toward Elaine and cleared his throat. She sighed, obviously losing the ‘no foul language’ battle.

“It was them. Came at us all with bats,” Jase recollected, squeezing Timothy’s hand.

“They had me tied to a tree and everything,” Caden put in enthusiastically. The others gathered around him, eager to hear the firsthand account.

Timothy hung back with Jase and Elaine while Caden recounted the whole adventure for them, embellishing various bits here and there. Jase leaned down and whispered in Timothy’s ear making goosebumps rise up his spine. “Are you doing okay, sugar? Your mom told me you’ve been having nightmares again and that you still haven’t spoken.”

Timothy avoided his eyes, staring at the beaten down grass and clutching his umbrella tightly.

“Timmy,” Jase murmured lowly, gently forcing Timothy's chin up. “Please be honest with me. Have you been keeping your food down?”

Feeling the intensity of Jase’s concerned gaze, Timothy blinked to hold back his shame and slowly shook his head back and forth. Jase lightly stroked his thumb along his jaw and sighed.

“Okay. Thank you for telling me. We had all planned to surprise you by taking you out to dinner now. Do you want to go or would you rather go home? I’ll understand if you…”

Timothy was shaking his head again.

“You want to go eat?”

He nodded, thinking that maybe this would be one small step toward getting things back to normal. He wanted… he wanted to talk again. He wanted Jase to be proud of him.

They invited Caden and Tyler to come along, but both of their parents finally found them and informed them that they had separate family celebrations to attend. Caden looked suspiciously like he was plotting to sneak away from his and run over to Tyler’s house. He had the mischievous sparkle in his eyes that Timothy had learned to distrust.

Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid both said warm hellos to him. For some reason, they seemed to think that they owed the reason for Caden’s taming to Timothy and thanked him for getting him to see reason and pick a steady boyfriend. Tyler overheard this and looked a little daunted, but Timothy thought he was up to the challenge. He explained this in notes to the Kincaids as best he could with helpful interpretations from Jase along the way.

“Oh but we know he had a crush on you,” Caden’s mother said conspiratorially. “We’re just grateful that you didn’t give in. Caden needs to learn that he can’t have his way all the time. And besides, we didn’t want him to wreck what looks like a very loving relationship.” She eyed Timothy and Jase’s joined hands and dimpled her cheeks. Elaine introduced herself at that point and all the adults began gossiping happily. Tyler’s parents were rather quiet, looking a little out of place, but they appeared comfortable enough with the apparently new development of their son dating another boy.

Tyler and Caden somehow managed to disappear into the crowd to who knew where, and Timothy leaned back against Jase’s chest, idly listening to Mark, Drew, and Schimtty’s speculation about which of the teenage boys around them might be the infamous Brandon Jones. It seemed they thought he still needed a good pummeling for giving Timothy a concussion.

Eventually, more cameras were produced and Timothy’s absurd cap was replaced as he was indignantly shuffled around for lots of group photos holding his diploma. Tyler and Caden returned looking a little bit disheveled and grinning at each other. They joined in the photo-op too, taking several of just the three of them with Timothy once more shoved to the middle. Then Elaine insisted they all do some silly shots and Mark got the bright idea to have them all line up and hold Timothy lengthwise in front of them, and to Timothy’s everlasting embarrassment, Elaine agreed.

Face still burning and brown eyes glaring, Timothy was finally set down. He silently vowed never to let Elaine decide anything for him again, the traitor. Jase noticed his bad mood and shocked him with a swift kiss on the lips. Caden’s quick eyes noticed and he went “ooo!”

By then, the congested field was beginning to clear as families broke off and departed to head to their after graduation parties and it was finally empty enough for them all to make their way to their cars. It was a bit of a squeeze, but everyone managed to fit into Jase’s truck and they went to a fancy restaurant where Elaine had dinner reservations. The boys all ordered margaritas and Timothy took sips out of Jase’s glass, making sour faces.

Reese hurried in and sat down at the saved seat beside Elaine, explaining that he couldn’t get off work until then, and greeted everyone with easy familiarity since Jase’s friends were all regulars at the bowling alley. They ordered their food and everything was delicious. Another round of drinks was consumed and soon Jase was playing footsy with Timothy under the table. Timothy tried to get him to stop, be he was giggling too much for Jase to take him seriously.

Mark flirted with the pretty blonde waitress while Drew and Schmitty continued to take bets on his chances of successfully asking her out on a date. Timothy sat back in his chair feeling buzzed and very full. He rested a hand on his round tummy and let his eyes droop down until everything was fuzzy through his eyelashes. Elaine noticed and nudged Reese’s elbow.

“I think it’s time to get the graduate home.”

Timothy heard and looked over at her, widening his eyes. He wanted to stay with Jase at his place tonight. He tugged on Jase’s sleeve and nodded in Elaine’s direction, giving him a pleading expression. Jase smirked.

“Aww, can’t Timmy stay with me tonight?” he asked sweetly, doing his best puppy dog face.

Elaine sighed, smiling and shaking her head. “Oh all right. Timothy, is your head feeling all right?”

He nodded eagerly.

“And will you call me if it starts to hurt? You know what the doctor said.”

He nodded again, embarrassed that Elaine was getting all motherly on him in front of everyone. Reese patted the back of Elaine’s hand. “He’ll be fine. Let the kids have fun.”

“Hell yeah!” Drew said, raising his glass and sloshing a good portion of his drink on the table.


What Timothy had neglected to tell Elaine about was the party at Carey’s house that they were all planning to go to. It must have slipped his mind. At Jase’s apartment, he changed out of his fancy graduation clothes into something more stylish. He had raided the bag of clothes that Caden had given him and tonight he had decided to experiment with a new look.

“Wow,” Jase said, leaning in the bathroom door and grinning hugely at Timothy’s reflection where he stood fixing his hair. “You look sexy.” Jase didn’t look so bad himself in a fitted name brand tee and low slung loose jeans.

Timothy gave him a coy smile, continuing to gel his hair up in spikes all around his head, except his bangs which he combed to the side over his face, mostly hiding one eye. Underneath one of Caden’s old black band t-shirts, Timothy had put on a long sleeve shirt that was covered in a dizzying black and white checkered pattern. Jase sidled in behind him and wrapped his arms around Timothy’s thin waist, not-so-subtly pressing his awakened groin against Timothy’s backside. He swatted at Jase’s hands and turned around in the circle of his arms, rising up on his toes to peck Jase lightly on the lips.

“Is that all I get?” Jase asked with a fake pout.

Timothy smiled deviously and looped his arms around Jase’s neck, clasping his wrists together. Jase lifted him up onto the edge of the sink and moved in between his legs as Timothy pulled his head down for a deeper, steamier kiss. Jase hummed appreciatively, grinding into him a little while running his warm hands up and down his back.

“You’re such a hot little number,” Jase whispered, kissing his neck before returning to his mouth. Timothy slid his fingers through Jase’s hair blissfully.

“Dude, I need to piss,” Schmitty slurred, stumbling through the partly opened bathroom door. Once his eyes focused on them, however, he stopped short and froze, jaw falling open. “Holy crap! Get me out of here!” He began backing away clumsily. “Gay boys making out in the bathroom!” he shouted towards the living room, never taking his astonished eyes off of them.

Timothy smirked and pressed his cheek under Jase’s neck, watching Schmitty fumble for something in his pocket as Drew and Mark came rushing around the corner.

“Whoa, man!”

“Hot damn!” Drew laughed. “Get a picture of them!”

“I’m trying,” Schmitty mumbled, finally pulling a digital camera out of his jeans and fumbling with it. “Fucking buttons are too small…”

“Here,” Mark said, taking it from him.

Jase cinched his arms around him and chuckled. Timothy could feel the vibrations and he smiled for the camera as Mark focused it on them and counted to three.

“Alright, action shot!”

Timothy obligingly hooked the back of his foot around Jase’s leg since he was still sitting on the sink and Jase took his face in his hands and delicately pressed their lips together. Through his closed eyes, Timothy saw the flash of red and heard the click of the camera.

“Oh come on!” Drew yelled, egging them on. “Give him a real kiss, you wuss!”

Jase detached himself and looked back over at his friends, laughing. “You sure?”

“Yeah, come on! Do it!”

“You asked for it,” Jase whooped, diving down onto Timothy again. This time, he held nothing back, quickly slipping his tongue out and flitting it between Timothy’s lips. He parted them and allowed Jase to give him a thorough oral exam, tilting his head back and snaking both legs around Jase’s waist. They were falling backward so Jase had to brace himself with one hand against the mirror over the sink as they continued to play tonsil hockey. There was laughter and cat calls in the background and more photos were taken, but soon they had to come up for air.

He and Jase panted, grinning at each other, faces flushed and lips shining and swollen.

“Ready to go?”

Timothy nodded excitedly. They all migrated to the kitchen and Mark eventually bullied him into taking a shot of something that burned the back of his throat and made him cough. Jase pounded him on the back a few times and everyone cheered.

Someone knocked on the door and Jase ran over to let Caden and Tyler in looking ready to party all night long. Caden was his usual stunning self decked out in a fancy black dress shirt tucked into dark jeans that was unbuttoned halfway down his lean chest. He wore nothing underneath. Tyler followed him in, sticking his hands in his pockets and grinning.

“Timmy! Heck, you look hot! I love it.” Caden pounced on him and turned him around. He couldn’t keep his hands off him, fiddling with his hair and adjusting the collar of his t-shirt. Timothy tried to push his explorative hands away, but Caden was determined to get a good look at him, feeling him up every inch of the way.

“Hey, now,” Jase interrupted, walking over and rescuing him. “You wouldn’t like it if I did that to Tyler, would you?” he asked rhetorically, raising one eyebrow. Caden clicked his tongue, raising his hands and backing away.

“I didn’t mean any harm,” he laughed. Beside him, Tyler appeared as if he was trying not to look too traumatized. He cast Caden a frustrated glance out of the corner of his eye, but Caden either didn’t see it or was choosing to ignore him.

Mark, Drew, and Schmitty, never ones to pass up the chance to party, were all coming too, so they all piled into the vehicles outside, hollering in boisterous spirits. Timothy tucked his notepad under his shirt just in case he might need to communicate with someone during the night. The shirt he wore was much tighter than what he normally liked, but it was just loose enough that the notepad didn’t leave that much of a noticeable bump beneath his clothes.

Timothy sat in the middle of the seat squished against Jase with his knees pulled up to his chest so that his legs wouldn’t interfere with Jase’s shifting. When they pulled onto Carey’s street, there were already cars lining the sidewalk and parked on the lawn. Music could be heard thumping through the house as they all got out and went up to the front door. Mark rang the doorbell and surprisingly, Carey herself answered. There was a drink in her hand and tinsel hanging off her head and she was wearing the shortest skirt Timothy had ever seen. She was also shirtless and her lacy black brassiere had smears of whip cream still clinging to it.

“Well hello boys!” she said appraisingly. “My dear Tim, I didn’t know you had so many friends.” She leered at them, licking her lips. Mark, Drew, and Schmitty all laughed, preening themselves. Caden elbowed his way to the front, dragging Tyler along behind him.

“Hey there hot stuff,” he purred.

“Caden!” Carey squealed, throwing her arms around him and giving him a hug. “You came!” She gave him a kiss on the cheek with a loud ‘moi’ sound and she spotted Tyler lurking unobtrusively beside him. “Hey, your name’s Tyler, right? I heard about you two getting together.” She smirked and Tyler looked as if he had just accidentally swallowed his tongue. “Well, come on inside! This is where the party’s at!” Carey leaned back in the doorway, draping herself against the wall as she motioned for them to enter. She caught Drew’s eye and smiled suggestively.

Jase steered Timothy into the mayhem, looking around at all the groups of people drinking and dancing and licking whipped cream off each other. Darren and some of his friends were playing DJ sitting on the massive speakers someone had hauled in. Timothy clamped onto Jase’s hand in a tight grip, feeling the beat of the music reverberating within his chest.

“Want to dance?” Jase asked over the tumult, grinning at him. Timothy adamantly shook his head. He was far too sober to be doing any dancing. He pointed towards the kitchen and made a drinking motion towards his lips. Jase frowned but let Timothy take the lead across the packed living room. Mark and Schmitty were already there when Timothy wound his way through the crowd.

“Timster!” Schmitty yelled gleefully. “Let me make you a drink.”

Timothy grinned and nodded, jumping up onto the counter and swinging his feet. Several kids from school gave him odd looks and whispered behind their hands. Timothy stuck his tongue out at them.

“Timmy,” Jase said, leaning into his body to speak against his ear. “I don’t think you need any more to drink. That shot Mark gave you is going to hit you hard.”

Timothy pushed him away, scowling. Oh, let me live a little.

“Here you go,” Schmitty announced, handing him something dark in a red plastic cup. Timothy swirled it, sniffing at it first before tipping it to his lips and taking a tentative swallow. Beside him, Jase sighed.

“So,” a voice behind him asked. Timothy whirled around, looking for the speaker. Carey was leaning in through the connecting window to the living room over the counter where he was sitting. “Going to be doing any table dancing for us?” she simpered.

Timothy flushed and glared at her angrily. No!

“Hey, I remember that,” Drew said thoughtfully, coming up behind her and draping an arm over Carey’s glittery shoulders. “You were pretty wild.”

Timothy huffed and turned his back on them, purposefully leaning into Jase’s side and sipping some more at his bubbly drink. Jase wound an arm around his skinny waist and rumpled his hair, smiling at him.

“I remember that too. You fell right on top of me.”

Timothy smiled coyly. All in the master plan, my friend. All in the master plan.

“Don’t give me that devious smirk. I know what you’re thinking.” Jase grinned and smushed their noses together. Timothy giggled. “Ready to dance now?” Jase asked, gently removing the nearly empty cup from Timothy’s slack fingers. He nodded, staring into those gray-green eyes that he loved so much. Eyes like the sea on a stormy day.

“Timmy?” Jase snapped his fingers in front of Timothy’s face. He shook himself and blinked several times, clearing the fluff from his brain.


“You went all limp on me, man,” Jase chortled. “Definitely no more drinks for you tonight.” Timothy pouted as Jase took him underneath the arms and hoisted him off the counter like a child, setting him on his feet. Timothy purposefully slumped against Jase’s firm chest, giggling uncontrollably in breathy gasps.

Jase grunted as all of his weight slid down him, wrapping his arms around Timothy’s middle to try to pull him back into an upright position. “Come on, sugar. I know you can at least stand. You haven’t had that much.” Some people behind him were talking and laughing.

“Isn’t he that freaky gay kid?”
“Yeah. Looks like that’s his boyfriend. I heard it was some older guy.”
“Weird. I wonder what they think they’re doing here.”
“I think they came with that crazy new kid.”
“Yeah. Him and that guy Tyler are apparently a thing now.”
“Tyler? That nerdy band geek?”
“No way! …He’s gay?”

Timothy turned his head and blearily peered at the whispering people getting more beers out of the fridge. Feeling an alcohol induced bravery, Timothy extricated himself from Jase’s confining arms and made to stomp over to the gossiping pair.

“Whoa,” Jase said, catching his wrist and holding him back. “Just leave it alone. Come on. You wanted to dance, right?” He spun Timothy around and slung his arm over his shoulders, marching him through the doorway into the noisy living room. Timothy allowed himself to be guided through the sweaty bodies towards the center of the large room where everyone was jumping and writhing to the music.

Grinning, Timothy happily forgot about the people in the kitchen as Jase claimed a spot in front of him and started swinging his hips from side to side. It didn’t matter that he recognized the faces around him as some of those that used to torment him and make his life an empty hell. He had this boy in front of him, this amazing boy who loved him and didn’t care that he wasn’t perfect.

Timothy stared at Jase adoringly as he began to dance in time with him, running his hands through his hair and swiveling on the spot. Several songs passed and Timothy had even been daring enough to press his back up against Jase and grind into him during one of the popular booty tracks. Jase’s hands were all over his chest and his lips were in his hair, moving with the rhythm and the spinning disco lights that had been hooked up.

Surprisingly, people had left them alone with only the occasional comment murmured here and there. Timothy ignored them, instead focusing on enjoying this night with Jase and celebrating his graduation. Some kids got a hold of a microphone and were chanting something about seniors and summer vacation.

Timothy looped his arms around Jase’s neck and buried his face in the soft spot under his shoulder, sighing contentedly. His legs were burning from all the dancing and his mouth was dry. He tilted his head back and caught Jase’s eye. Thirsty, he mouthed when Jase raised his eyebrows.

“Oh okay. I’ll go get you some water.” Jase took his hand and led the way through the packed maze of bodies. More and more people kept showing up, making it almost impossible to walk without bumping into people on every side. Jase found a relatively vacant spot by the wall and told him to stay there as he began his perilous trek to the kitchen.

Timothy leaned against the wall and let his head fall back, taking several deep breaths to try to slow his pounding heart rate. He put a hand to his forehead and closed his eyes.

His eyes shot open when a warm body pressed up against his front and a curious hand squeezed his ass.

“Hey there sexy,” Caden’s slightly nasal voice purred alluringly. “You’ve been hiding from me.”

Timothy blinked. Caden’s face was progressively getting closer and closer and his breath was heavy with liquor. Timothy’s hands were frozen midway through pushing his bangs out of his eyes, arms held up.

“I saw you out there dancing with your boyfriend,” Caden murmured, speaking in breathy exhales that made Timothy’s eyes water. “You look so hot tonight. I couldn’t get you out of my head. I’m still in love with you, you know. I think about you all the time. I think bad things, too. I think about kissing you. I think about doing other stuff with you. I dream about it. I wish to God sometimes that you had met me first. We’re meant for each other. I wish you could see that.”

“Wh-where’s T-t-tyler?” Timothy tried to say, whispering frantically as panic bubbled up his spine.

Caden ignored him, moving closer to ghost his lips across Timothy’s cheekbone and eyelashes, working his hands underneath his shirt. “Do you ever think about me?” he asked, sounding suddenly young and vulnerable. “Do you ever imagine what it would be like to fuck me? I’ve thought it out so many times,” he whispered, speaking against Timothy’s mouth now. “You don’t know how many times I’ve gotten off, picturing us together.” Caden’s soft fingers curled themselves around the back of Timothy’s neck, pulling him closer. “I know I said I wouldn’t do this again, but… but just once won’t hurt. Just a memory I can keep when you go away and leave me.” His voice broke and he paused to take a shaky breath. “Timmy,” he said, drawing out his name as though it were a last thread to sanity. “Timmy I miss you. Is it wrong to want you all to myself?” he gasped out, on the verge of tears.

Timothy stared at him, feeling something inside him crack open at the raw hurt in Caden’s voice. Then, slowly, he shook his head.

Caden exhaled in a sob of relief, planting his mouth gently over Timothy’s. For a moment that felt like eternity, their lips moved together calmly.

I’m sorry, Timothy wanted to say. I don’t love you that way. I can’t. I have Jase… But he also understood Caden’s feelings. He understood them all too well growing up entirely alone. He knew the pain of wanting something so badly it was like a physical gash in his heart. So he kissed Caden back, apologizing for being unable to be everything Caden needed, comforting him and soothing him.

The pulsing music thrummed in his ears distantly as Timothy lowered his arms and draped them around Caden’s firm shoulders. Caden pressed up against him, quietly crushing him back against the wall as he cupped Timothy’s pale cheek in one hand. Timothy could feel something hard poking against his belly, but he ignored it, focusing instead on allowing Caden to feel him one last time.

Caden’s lips were softer than Jase’s. The silver ring through his bottom lip was cold and smooth. The very tips of their tongues touched and then withdrew tentatively, noses dimpling cheeks. Caden rested their foreheads together and Timothy could feel his eyelashes fluttering against his skin.

“Timmy?” Caden asked peacefully, hugging him close. “Do you think I have a chance with Tyler? Do you think it’ll work?”

Timothy closed his eyes and pressed their cheeks together, nodding. He felt Caden’s blond hair tickle his nose.

Caden sighed contentedly. “Thanks,” he whispered. “You’re the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I… I know I shouldn’t… but I needed that. Thank you,” he breathed, lightly kissing him again. Timothy cupped his hand around the back of Caden’s head, stroking his soft hair. He nodded again as they finally parted, looking into each other’s eyes. Caden's bright blue ones were watery, but he dabbed at them with the end of his sleeve, sniffing.

Timothy smiled kindly, rubbing his chin with his thumb to get him to cheer up.

But then something over Caden’s shoulder caught his eye and Timothy glanced up. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled as he stared in guilty shock at the expression on Jase’s face.

Jase stared back, a water bottle clasped loosely in one fist. His gray eyes were hard and lifeless, his face set and dead.

Caden, suddenly sensing that someone was watching them, turned his head. Timothy quickly unwrapped his arms and pushed Caden aside, but just then, Jase’s rigid form lurched into action. His face pulled back into an expression of angered resentment and he threw the water bottle as hard as he could at them. It glanced off of Caden’s shoulder and struck Timothy in the chest, knocking the wind out of him before bouncing off and falling onto his toes where it skittered away under the feet of the people milling nearby.

Jase was breathing heavily through his nose, jaw clenched and eyes narrowed. “How could you?” he hissed, voice barely audible above the driving music.

No! Timothy thought frantically. It’s not what you think! He pleaded with Jase to see the truth written on his face, but Jase was backing away into the crowd. Jase! Timothy shoved Caden out of the way and ran after him, slowed by the shear amount of people blocking his way as he fought through them. He could hear Caden scrambling along behind him.

Ahead, he saw Jase’s back disappearing through the door and he charged toward it, squeezing past a group of people that were coming inside who reeked of cigarette smoke.

“Hey! Watch it!” they yelled at him, grumbling. Timothy paid them no heed, chasing after Jase. Once outside on the lawn, he stopped, looking all around.

“There,” Caden panted, pointing. Jase was heading towards his truck.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Mark called out to him. He was standing with a beer talking to some girl Timothy vaguely recognized.

Jase just kept walking.

“Timothy?” Mark asked, perplexed as Timothy and Caden dashed by in hot pursuit. “What the hell?”

“I know him,” the girl he was with said, nodding her chin at Timothy. “He went to my school. Antisocial nutcase.”

Timothy raced after Jase, jumping over the curb and onto the street just as Jase was unlocking his truck door. Wait! He grabbed Jase’s arm and pulled, trying to turn him around. Jase yanked his arm out of his grasp, accidently smacking Timothy’s face with his elbow.

Timothy fell to the ground, holding his hands over the left side of his face and eye, whimpering. His nose felt like it was on fire and his eye throbbed and smarted.

“What the heck did you hit him for!” Caden screamed, running over and falling to his knees beside Timothy, helping him to sit up.

“I… I didn’t mean to,” Jase stuttered, sounding stunned. “Timmy? …Shit, Timmy, I’m sorry!” He crouched down beside them, gently pulling Timothy’s fingers away from his bruised cheek just as one cold tear slipped down and landed on his jeans. Timothy sniffled and looked up at him imploringly.

Please, he mouthed. Don’t go.

“I’m not. I’m staying right here,” Jase answered, rubbing his shoulder and stroking his bangs out of his face. “I’m sorry. I’d never hurt you. I didn’t mean to.”

“Sure looked like you meant it to me,” Caden sneered, crossing his arms and glaring at Jase.

Jase froze, looking suddenly irate. “Just leave us the fuck alone, you fucking little shit.”

Timothy’s heart stopped.

Caden arched one eyebrow, mouth falling open in astonishment.

“Hey guys. What happened?” Mark’s voice drifted over to them as he crossed the road.

Caden launched himself at Jase, a whirl of fists and legs and teeth.

“Holy crap!” Mark yelled, breaking into a run as Caden and Jase slammed into the ground, snarling and punching every inch of their opponent they could reach. Timothy rolled away to safety, clutching his shin where someone had accidentally kicked him when they tumbled to the street.

Jase rolled up on top of Caden, momentarily pinning him as he hit him in the gut. Caden groaned and kneed him in the small of the back, flashing a quick punch into Jase’s side and he cringed in pain.

“Hey, break it up!” Mark shouted, coming at them and trying to pull Caden off. Caden kicked Mark’s legs out from underneath him and he fell onto Timothy in a heap. Timothy winced as the back of his head smacked into the pavement, going limp under Mark’s heavy weight.

“Call me that again and I’ll bite your ear off!” Caden was yelling, grabbing Jase’s neck and beginning to choke him. Jase flipped over and slammed Caden into the tire of his nearby truck, hitting him in the stomach again.

“You stay away from my boyfriend,” Jase growled. “You’re nothing but a fucking whore.”

Caden screamed in defiance and punched Jase in the jaw, making him spin around and fall to the side. He leapt on top of Jase’s chest, hitting him over and over. Jase swore, reaching up and grabbing a fistful of Caden’s hair and yanking his head back. He threw him off and jumped to his feet.

“I am not!” Caden hollered, shifting onto all fours.

Jase wiped a trickle of blood off his chin with the back of his hand. “I saw you!” he roared. “I saw you fucking kissing him!”

Caden scoffed, throwing him a sarcastic glare. “It’s not like it’s the first time. We’ve made out loads of times before, hasn’t he told you?”

Jase shook, apoplectic with rage. He grabbed Caden’s arm and wrenched it, shoving him into the side of his truck and kicking him.

By this time, Mark had gotten up and took hold of Jase’s arms from behind, holding him in place as Jase screamed and writhed. “Let me go, you fucker! I’m gonna kill him!”

Caden used the side mirror as leverage to pull himself up. Taking advantage of Jase’s incarceration, he sprinted forward and kicked Jase’s stomach, making him doubled over and moan.

“Stop!” Mark bellowed. A small crowd had gathered around to watch, fascinated. Timothy pushed himself up onto his side, holding the back of his head and blinking. He couldn’t see right. There were great black spots over his vision that kept jumping around. He felt incredibly weak and his hands were shaking.

“Whoa, whoa!” Drew shouted, running onto the scene with Schmitty close behind him. “We heard there was a fight but, damn.”

“Shut up and help me!” Mark growled at them, still trying furiously to restrain Jase who was putting up a terrific fight.

“Leave me alone!” Caden screeched, trying to fight them off as Drew and Schmitty each took one of his arms. He tried to kick their shins but they pushed him face first against the side of the truck, squishing him there until he calmed down.

Jase was panting hard, but it looked like he had finally relaxed, head hanging. Mark slowly loosened his grip until Jase was standing on his own. “You okay now, man?” Mark asked, dusting off Jase’s dirty shoulders.

“Yeah,” Jase rasped weakly, sucking on his bleeding lip. “Where’s Timmy?” He lifted his head and looked around worriedly. He spotted Timothy still laying on the ground and knelt next to him. “Timmy? Are you all right? What happened?”

“Um…” Mark shifted guiltily. “I think I might have sat on him.”

“Ugh,” Jase groaned. “You idiot.”

“Sorry,” Mark muttered morosely.

“Timmy?” Jase asked, gently lifting Timothy’s chin to look into his eyes. “Are you okay?”

Timidly, Timothy shook his head, eyes dripping.

“Oh, sugar, I’m sorry.” Jase cooed, pulling him against his chest and rocking him back and forth. Timothy closed his eyes and buried his face in Jase’s shoulder, curling his slender fingers into his shirt.

“It… it wa-wa-wasn’t… what it l-l-looked like,” he whispered, straining to make himself heard.

Jase remained silent, only holding him a little tighter. After a moment, he spoke in an even voice, “Then what was going on?”

Sighing, Timothy drew back and began fishing underneath his shirt. Jase helped him pull the necklace notepad out from his collar and watched as he flipped to a clean page and began writing in his delicate script.

Caden just needed something only I could give him. Yes, I kissed him, but not because I want him. He’s trying to get over me. You have no idea how hard it’s been for him. Once he even suggested something like a threesome.

Jase snorted. “Not on your life,” he chuckled. Timothy smiled. “But, wait… So he has kissed you before?”

Timothy’s mouth part in a small ‘o’ and he blushed. Biting his lip sorrowfully, he nodded, shrinking down and hunching his shoulders.

Jase frowned. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Timothy didn’t meet his eyes as he wrote, I thought you’d be angry.

Jase paused. “Well, yeah. I’m angry now. But that’s because I had to find out by walking in on you two. I’d rather you be honest with me.” He gently combed Timothy’s sweaty hair out of his eyes. “So when has he kissed you before?”

Just once, Timothy quickly wrote. At school in the bathroom. Tyler hadn’t asked him out yet and he wanted to be with me. He kind of trapped me in there, but he stopped when I explained that I loved you.

“Did you kiss him back?” Jase asked, trying to sound understanding but failing. He looked ready to push Caden through a meat grinder.

Timothy shook his head. Not that time. I did tonight to console him. He’s finally giving up on me and he’s nervous about being with Tyler.

Jase read his note and nodded along, thinking hard.

“I’m sss-sorry,” Timothy whispered, ducking his eyes.

“No,” Jase soothed, pulling him close. “It’s okay. I just didn’t understand. I mean, I wish you hadn’t kissed him, but I shouldn’t have gotten so angry. …Crap, I shouldn’t have thrown that bottle at you. Are you hurt?”

Timothy shook his head and then pointed to the back of his skull.

“You hit your head again, didn’t you? Jesus, I’m so sorry.” Jase pressed a firm kiss to his forehead. “Let’s get you home to take some pills or something.”

Timothy nodded feebly and allowed Jase to pull him to his feet.

“Jason!” Caden yelled, glaring over at them. “Tell your rapist friends to let go of me.”

Drew and Schmitty curled back their lips and scoffed. “Shut up.” They still had his arms pinned behind his back and his chest plastered over the side of the pickup truck. There were tears on his livid face.

“Let him go,” Jase said calmly, tucking Timothy under his arm.

They shoved him and backed away, muttering. Mark looked back and forth between Caden and Jase. “You two settled now?” he asked warily, wondering if he was going to have to break up another fight.

“Yeah, we’re fine,” Jase answered, staring coldly into Caden’s furious blue eyes. “Just a misunderstanding.”

“Yeah, well…” Mark crossed his arms. “What the hell happened? First I saw Tyler come tearing out of the house and take off running down the street without a word looking like he’d seen a ghost, then you all come streaking out brawling.”

“Tyler?” Caden suddenly asked in alarm. His eyes widened and he turned around in a circle, looking about for his missing date. “Oh no,” he moaned, covering his face with his hands. “Oh no, oh no, oh no…” He reached into his pocket for his cell phone and snapped it open quickly, punching a few buttons and then holding it to his ear, biting his thumb nail. Everyone fell quiet as they watched him.

Slowly, Caden lowered his phone and closed it, staring numbly at the ground. “He’s not answering. He must have…” Caden’s composure cracked and he fell to his knees. “He must have seen us,” he whispered, sounding depleted with anguish. “Fuck,” he moaned. “Why can’t I do anything right?”

Timothy wiggled in Jase’s embrace, wanting to go to him, but Jase gave him a stern look, keeping a tight hold on him. Timothy gave him a begging look but Jase ignored him, instead turning to address Caden. “Do you need help finding him? I can give you a ride to his house.”

Caden looked up at him dubiously. “Why?”

Jase shrugged. “Hell if I know.”

For some odd reason, Caden seemed to think this was a valid excuse, because he nodded and got stiffly to his feet. He winced as he rotated one shoulder. “Damn, you really did a number on me.”

“Same here,” Jase answered with a smirk, opening the truck doors and tentatively fingering his busted lip. “I thought you’d go down easier than that. You’re a twig.”

Caden chuckled as he slid in and buckled his seat belt. “Yeah, but I got it where it counts. Just because I’m not a meat-head like you doesn’t mean I can’t hold my own.”

Jase sniffed. “I am not a ‘meat-head’.” He backed out onto the street and shifted gears with a grunt, favoring his arm and wincing.

“Uh-huh. Whatever,” Caden replied, grinning.

“Mark, now he’s a meat-head. Not me. I just like to work out now and then.” Jase sounded either slightly offended or very proud of himself. Timothy couldn’t tell which. His dark eyes flicked back and forth between the two boys on either side of him dubiously.

Caden snickered. “Yeah, you’re right. Is he on steroids or something?”

Jase grinned. “Nah. He’s always been like that. His dad was some kind of champion body builder. It’s in the genes. But he did used to swallow raw eggs back when we were in high school. Dared me to do it once. God, that was awful.”

Caden laughed, grimacing. “Yuck. That’s disgusting.”

“Tell me about it.”

They both fell into comfortable silences, sighing and turning their full attention to the small amount of traffic ahead of them. Timothy frowned in confusion, utterly bewildered. He shook his head, simply deducing that it was beyond his understanding.

Caden gave Jase directions to Tyler’s house and then they dropped him off. “Wish me luck,” Caden called, jumping down out of the truck and waving.

“Good luck,” Jase answered. “And hey!”

Caden paused, turning around to listen.

“Touch Timmy again and I’ll bash your skull in.” Jase smiled pleasantly.

Caden just went, “Psh,” and shrugged, grinning as he ambled on up the sidewalk to Tyler’s front door. Timothy watched with trepidation as Caden turned his back on them and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. He didn’t get to see what happened next, however, because Jase grinded the gears together and eased the truck down the street.

“How’s your head?” he asked, flicking on his blinker and entering Timothy’s subdivision.

Timothy shrugged, tentatively rubbing the back of it with his fingertips. When they reached his house, Jase helped him down and slipped his arm around him as they went inside his house. Jase strode into the kitchen to make an ice bag for him as he pulled himself up the stairs to take some pain medication. He had just swallowed the pills and was standing in front of the mirror when Jase jogged up the stairs and entered the bathroom with his ice.

“Here you go,” he said, speaking to his reflection. Timothy looked at him in the mirror and Jase’s smile slipped a few notches. “Is something wrong?” Jase asked, looking a little creeped out at the way Timothy’s eyes had gone all vacant and haunted.

Timothy didn’t reply for a long time, but then he turned around and buried his face in Jase’s chest, hugging him with all his might. “I w-want them ow-out of m-my head. I want… to b-be mmm-me again. I want to t-t-talk and… for… forget about the p-past.” Timothy tried to whisper, but a lot of it came out as garbled hisses and breathy stuttering. He wasn’t sure if Jase had understood any of it, but he was so desperate to be heard that he kept trying, saying over and over that he wanted to be free, wanted his voice, wanted to dream without nightmares.

Jase wrapped his arms tightly around him and listened patiently. When Timothy finally fell quiet because his nose had gotten all plugged up with emotion, Jase softly spoke into his ear. “You’re talking about what those boys did to you at your orphanage?”

He nodded, still hiding his face in Jase’s now very wet shirt.

Jase stroked his hair and sighed. “Yeah, I want to erase those memories for you too. In fact, I wish I could go back in time and beat the snot out of them before they ever had a chance to lay a finger on you.”

Timothy chuckled, but it turned onto a small sob. Jase squeezed him, holding his fragile pieces together so he wouldn’t fly apart in despair.

“Timmy,” Jase whispered shakily. “I can be strong for you, but I don’t know how to make the nightmares go away. I do want you to know that I will always be here and I will always love you. You’re so beautiful to me. You couldn’t be more perfect if I had mail ordered you.”

Against his gooey shirt, Timothy smiled sadly. Jase rubbed his hand up and down his back comfortingly.

Jase continued talking because he seemed to realize that the low sound of his voice was soothing Timothy into calming down. He had stopped shaking and was now standing limp and relaxed in Jase’s arms.

“I can’t wait to move in and start living with you. Getting to see you every day, being with you every night. And I also have a surprise for you. Well, it’s sort of a surprise. I was planning on showing you when we took our trip this weekend.”

Timothy tilted his head back and looked up at Jase’s loving gray-green eyes. “I sss-still want t-to go,” he whispered.

“Well,” Jase smiled softly, “We’ll have to see what your mom thinks. I can’t take you too far away when you still might be suffering from the after effects of a concussion. But don’t worry. We have all summer. It’s not as if this was the only time we could have gone. We can leave in a couple days. But next Friday, my lease is up, so I’ll have to start moving my stuff out then.”

“Can we go… tomorrow?”

“Let’s see how you’re feeling and then we’ll ask your mom. She worries about you.”

Timothy sulked and Jase laughed, gently playing with his straight black hair.

“Would you…” Jase paused uncertainly. “Would you like me to stay tonight?”

Timothy frowned. “Of c-course.” He had thought Jase was planning on staying anyway. Jase smiled indulgently. He suggested they take a shower and Timothy heartily agreed. He felt icky from all the sweating he had done while dancing and then dirty from getting shoved to the ground. He raised his arms over his head and Jase pulled up his shirt, letting it fall to the floor next to his crumpled jeans. Timothy shimmied out of his underwear and tucked them under a fold of his shirt. Jase watched him as he kicked off his own shoes and undid his pants.

“Why do you do that?” he asked, nodding his chin at Timothy’s hands where he was patting down the fold of the shirt to hide his underpants.

Timothy felt heat come to his face and he shrugged. “J-just habit.”

Jase stepped out of his clothes and grinned. “Well, it’s a cute habit. Do you do that so your mom doesn’t have to see your briefs when she’s doing laundry?”

Timothy’s cheeks turned red as he busied himself with turning on the water in the shower. Jase laughed, pulling back the curtain and stepping in. He gasped and hissed, flinching out of the spray. “It’s ice cold!” he complained, trying to pick up both feet at once.

Timothy cast him a devilish smirk as he adjusted the temperature and then stepped in after him. Timothy sneezed in the foggy air while Jase picked up the soap and started washing himself. Timothy studied him furtively out of the corner of his eye as he got his own shampoo and started working it through his hair.

His plot was foiled, however, when Jase caught his eye and grinned from ear to ear rather evilly.

“Like what you see?” He turned to the side, posing and flexing his arms and chest. Timothy sniffed, compressing his lips and pretending to be too preoccupied to notice. Jase sniggered as Timothy turned his back to him.

When he was squeaky clean and just about to turn off the water, Timothy felt a pair hands lightly grasp his hips, sliding over his slick skin. Jase’s warm breath cooled against his wet shoulder as he placed a kiss there, causing Timothy to halt his movements.

“Turn around,” Jase breathed, caressing his abdomen and ever so slightly trailing the tips of his fingers over his awakening length. Timothy’s breath escaped him in a shivering gasp and he did as Jase said. His eyes widened as Jase knelt before him, kissing his chest and teasing the peaked flesh there, hands roaming up and down his sides.

“Wha-wh-what are… what are you…”

“Just returning the favor you did me a while ago. Several times, as I recall. I remember enjoying it quite a lot and being astounded at your… skill.” Jase smiled wickedly and then went to town, making Timothy toss his head back against the shower wall as he gasped and gulped the steamy air. His fingers wound their way through Jase’s hair and his legs quaked, matching his trembling lungs. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, smiling and giggling when Jase’s wandering hands danced over the ticklish spots on the front of his bony hips.

Jase removed his hot mouth from his swollen flesh and looked up at him. Timothy let his chin fall forward, brows raised questioningly and body aching for him to continue.

Jase stared at him for a long time until Timothy finally nudged him gently with his knee, silently begging him not to stop. Jase smirked. “Just seeing how long you could last.”

Evil. Pure evil, Timothy thought as Jase went back to work. Heavenly… I’m in paradise…

Jase’s strong hands fondled him, heightening his reactions until he was standing on his toes, practically climbing the walls. He moaned in warning as Jase slipped a finger into his cleft, rubbing probingly. Jase pulled his face back just in time to finish him with those talented hands, keeping out of the way. Then he quietly stood up while Timothy got his breath back and floated down from his high. Jase detached the shower head and began diligently rinsing them off. He held his mouth under the flow and gargled for a second, spitting it out over the drain.

Timothy rolled his eyes and Jase shrugged innocently. “What?” he asked cheerfully, giving him an innocent look.

Timothy pointed, quirking one eyebrow. “Very sss-sexy, he rasped sarcastically.

Jase beamed and put the showerhead back where it went, stepping closer and leaning against him, hands coming around behind the small of his back to drift lower, cupping his bottom.

“You haven’t lost your voice,” Jase whispered. “I could hear you, just like before. I can hear you.”

Timothy met Jase’s tender eyes in surprise, feeling a smile bloom across his damp face.

Jase nodded, tucking his bangs behind his ear for him and gently stroking his temple with his thumb. “So you can still talk. We just have to find your voice again.” He kissed his forehead… and then the bridge of his nose between his eyes… and then his eyelid as it fluttered closed… then his cheek… the corner of his mouth… his lips…

Timothy wrapped his arms around Jase’s neck and melted into the kiss, body sated and humming from his climax. He didn’t remember Jase picking him up, but he circled his legs around his waist all the same. Carrying him, Jase pulled back the curtain and got out of the shower, giving him soft, quick kisses and staring into his glowing eyes. He set Timothy down and wrapped a huge white towel around him, drying him vigorously and making him stumble and giggle breathily.

While Timothy went to the sink to brush his teeth, Jase dried himself off with the same towel. His hair was completely disheveled, but he didn’t seem to mind, not even combing it with his fingers as he stood behind Timothy, watching him in the reflection of the mirror.

“I’ll talk to your mom tomorrow if we can go on our little trip. I really can’t wait to ask… er, to show you the surprise.”

Timothy’s toothbrush stilled for a moment as he looked at Jase’s reddening face. Then he nodded, deciding to play off Jase’s slip. He finished up and eagerly grabbed Jase’s hand, dragging him to his bedroom. They were still sans clothing.

Timothy jumped onto his bed, turning to see Jase’s hilarious expression as he bounced up a down a little.

“Mmm, have I mentioned how much I love you?” Jase asked with twinkling eyes as he crawled slowly on top of him. Timothy smiled, falling backwards onto his pillow as Jase began kissing his neck so softly it was as if silk were ghosting over his skin. After several intense minutes of suggestive touches and playful kisses, they curled up together, laying still and quiet.

“Do you think Caden will have any luck with Tyler?” Jase asked, twisting a piece of Timothy’s hair around and around his finger. Timothy shrugged, biting his fingernail, eyes wide. “I hope they can work things out,” Jase went on, getting a distant look on his face. “Caden’s not so bad, really. I just don’t think he understands limits… If he even has any.” He tapped Timothy on the tip of the nose. “But I won’t be jealous of him anymore. I know it was stupid of me to react like that. I just kind of panicked. You… Timmy, you’re my life, you know. I hope that doesn’t sound stalkerish,” he laughed uncomfortably. “But, yeah… You really mean everything to me. I don’t know if I could live without you now.”

Timothy felt a painful lump forming in his throat. And he scooted forward a few millimeters to kiss Jase with as much affection as he could put into it, holding his face in his hands.

When they pulled away, Jase blinked hard several times. “So that means you can’t take yourself away from me,” he said in mock severity, pointing at him. He smiled. “You kept your food down tonight,” he murmured, returning to fiddling with his hair, sounding proud as Timothy turned up the corners of his mouth. “Wake me up if you have another nightmare tonight. I know you usually suffer through them alone, but you’re not alone anymore. So I want you to tell me if there’s ever anything wrong. Okay?”

Timothy nodded. He doubted he would have a nightmare, though. He felt so peaceful and protected with Jase there laying naked against him. So he eventually closed his eyes, claiming his spot on Jase’s shoulder and curling his hands up under his chin as he fell asleep, still feeling Jase’s fingers in his hair.
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Comments: 152

TsukiMalou [2011-11-01 20:05:26 +0000 UTC]

So exciting! : D

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TimeTravelersMistres [2010-11-25 17:28:56 +0000 UTC]

oooh, things really went bad for caden in this chapter didnt they? poor guy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to TimeTravelersMistres [2010-11-26 05:20:23 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

The-pouring-rain [2010-08-04 20:19:47 +0000 UTC]

Wow! I loved this chapter. So many things happened, I got really excited as I was reading it.

And how could you leave out the conversation between Tyler and Caden?! *sniffs*

I wish there was some kind of celebration or something here in my country for graduates. You know, wear a black gown and cap and throw it to the air when it's all finished. *sighs* Guess I'll have to get over it, but it's difficult when it appears in so many movies - well not many, but whatever XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to The-pouring-rain [2010-08-05 04:55:06 +0000 UTC]

Thanks very much! Where are you from?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-pouring-rain In reply to lotrdeana17 [2010-08-06 08:20:23 +0000 UTC]

Well, you know that little country on the tip of Europe? Well, that's it. Spain. It's a nice place, but too conservative for my taste.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to The-pouring-rain [2010-08-07 03:30:22 +0000 UTC]

And you don't have graduations? I never knew that. Although, you're not missing anything. They're made out to be a big deal, but they're really quite boring. I went to my friend's graduation in New York, and we had to sit in the freezing rain in Yankee Stadium for three hours, shivering to death listening to all the speeches. Not fun. ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ashuisha In reply to lotrdeana17 [2011-01-25 07:09:58 +0000 UTC]

Bleck, my graduation was 5 hours long, I got sunburned, and they forgot to announce that I was the Valedictorian. I totally wanted to skip it, but no such luck.

I just have a soft spot for Caden... I really want it to work out with Tyler.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to Ashuisha [2011-01-25 21:38:51 +0000 UTC]

5 hours is a bit much. That's no fun for anyone.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

redrose-vine [2010-05-09 16:42:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh noes!!! Noo!!! Caden and Tyler have to work!! DDX
The fight.. I cried. But it needed to happen. I'm glad that whole thing worked out.
Between Caden and Jase, at least.

Graduation was awesome. ^^
Elaine is a good mother.

Timothy has...skill. ;D Hahahahaaaa I laughed so hard at that. ^^

Reading onnn. xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to redrose-vine [2010-05-11 03:58:22 +0000 UTC]

Haha, glad you enjoyed it! ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tentenfan13 [2010-02-10 03:57:52 +0000 UTC]

Bad tim-tim! no alcohol with pain meds!
*continues to read*
this rally sounds like an ending...
*continues to read*
lol, is it bad that when i jase said to leave them alone i thought, "get 'im caden!" and then when he attacked i was like "yeah! you better win, too, caden."
lol, mark's acting as ref.
ack! no alcohol and pain meds! *shakes head*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to tentenfan13 [2010-02-10 04:13:12 +0000 UTC]

Yep, bad decisions.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Magical-Thinking [2009-10-04 07:14:47 +0000 UTC]


Off to read more chapters.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to Magical-Thinking [2009-10-04 13:08:40 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Magical-Thinking In reply to lotrdeana17 [2009-10-04 22:03:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

superblooper123 [2009-08-18 23:41:08 +0000 UTC]

NOES! i read it out of order! somehow i went from twenty four to twenty seven D: that aside, i enjoyed this chapter, and i just love how jase's friends act around timothy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to superblooper123 [2009-08-19 00:00:13 +0000 UTC]

Aw, I'm sorry!

Thanks ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

irunwithwolves [2009-08-07 04:52:44 +0000 UTC]

omg!!! jason's gonna propose!! i think... dont tell me! ill just keep reading...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to irunwithwolves [2009-08-07 05:42:42 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Klove4Eve [2009-07-25 03:05:27 +0000 UTC]

This story is full of drama, ME-LOVE-IT!!!!
Caden is a whore, but i can't hate him for kissing Timmy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to Klove4Eve [2009-07-28 06:05:10 +0000 UTC]

Haha, glad you have a soft spot for him too.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

syrinque [2009-07-13 02:18:24 +0000 UTC]

I don't know what to say, other than... AWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to syrinque [2009-07-28 05:20:58 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

6blood6dragon6 [2009-07-08 23:21:01 +0000 UTC]

that completely reminded me of a cat-fight. caden's still my fav though

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to 6blood6dragon6 [2009-07-28 05:17:47 +0000 UTC]

Hahhaa, well, yeah. ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

6blood6dragon6 In reply to lotrdeana17 [2009-07-29 00:02:19 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

megngarnett [2009-07-08 05:47:27 +0000 UTC]

Jase better quit slipping or Timmy's gonna guess it right.

First the silver ring...
now a question he has to ask. hmm.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lotrdeana17 In reply to megngarnett [2009-07-08 05:56:16 +0000 UTC]

Haha, yep. The hints are just a tad heavy, aren't they? ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

megngarnett In reply to lotrdeana17 [2009-07-08 10:15:27 +0000 UTC]

Just a bit but it was adorable when he finally
asked the question. : D And he lost the ring
muliple times?!?!?! !!!
......Sounds like something I would do...

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lotrdeana17 In reply to megngarnett [2009-07-28 06:09:16 +0000 UTC]

Same here.

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totodile2mew [2009-07-03 03:02:18 +0000 UTC]

awwww! the ending was so sweet! (when they cuddle on the bed, i mean) i really hope things will work out for caden and tyler.

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lotrdeana17 In reply to totodile2mew [2009-07-03 05:35:15 +0000 UTC]

^_^ Me too. Thanks!

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georgesampsonlover66 [2009-05-15 22:12:13 +0000 UTC]

AWesome story!

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lotrdeana17 In reply to georgesampsonlover66 [2009-05-16 06:28:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! ^_^

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Wystan-Frauka [2009-05-07 13:15:04 +0000 UTC]

Oh my god... That ending was so... CUTE!


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lotrdeana17 In reply to Wystan-Frauka [2009-05-07 19:45:22 +0000 UTC]

^_^ *hug*

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xskittlesxx [2009-04-14 20:46:37 +0000 UTC]

OMG he's gonna propose to him? That would be the cherry on top of my ice cream sundae. xD

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lotrdeana17 In reply to xskittlesxx [2009-04-14 20:49:09 +0000 UTC]


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raining-darkness [2009-03-01 17:45:32 +0000 UTC]

graduation was sad! i would've beat them up!
aww! the rest of it was cute!

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lotrdeana17 In reply to raining-darkness [2009-03-01 19:23:36 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Yes, high school was not the best time for Timothy. He just wanted it to end as soon as possible.

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RodeoQueen599 [2009-01-31 04:16:06 +0000 UTC]

Your amazing! My favorite story on here. Can't wait for the 26th. Jase and Timmy are amazing together. I'm sorry to say that I despise Caden. lmao

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lotrdeana17 In reply to RodeoQueen599 [2009-01-31 04:52:14 +0000 UTC]

It's okay to hate Caden. He's a volatile character. You either love him or you hate him or you love to hate him. ^_^

Thank you so much! I'll try to get the next chapter written soon, but I've been very stressed and busy that it hasn't been happening. Don't give up on me though. I will get it posted eventually. ^_^ Thanks again! Glad you liked it!

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natabug [2009-01-25 21:28:48 +0000 UTC]

do u know when the 26th will be up?

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lotrdeana17 In reply to natabug [2009-01-25 21:43:26 +0000 UTC]

When it gets written. It gets written when I have free time. When I have free time happens rarely, if ever. Sorry. I'm trying my best. It WILL be written though, so please don't give up on me. Thank you.

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natabug In reply to lotrdeana17 [2009-01-25 21:44:54 +0000 UTC]

haha i will never give up on u.. but take ur time. cuz that way its even better!

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lotrdeana17 In reply to natabug [2009-01-25 21:47:16 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for understanding. I'll try to have it up soon. School is being tiresome.

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natabug In reply to lotrdeana17 [2009-01-26 21:24:33 +0000 UTC]

i kno wat u mean. im a writer to but not as good as u lol.

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ColdxOne [2009-01-24 22:48:49 +0000 UTC]

I've read al chapters now, and i'm so in love with your story. I hope you'll update soon.
You're such an amazing writer

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lotrdeana17 In reply to ColdxOne [2009-01-25 00:28:58 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! I'm glad you've liked my little story so far. I know it's been a long time since I've updated, but I have had no chance to write with my senior semester, but I promise I'll try to update as soon as I can. I feel very guilty for not updating in so long, believe me. Thanks again!

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