loveDoodlez — And Upon Return Chapt. 8-10
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Description Chapter 8: The Heist

  "You have got to be freaking kidding me!!!!!!!" Stevey and Justin, both at the same time, exclaim in shock, pure and utter.
  "Yup. You heard right brother, we have the girls. And you better come back, or else they wont... come back. Is a soft way to put it." Stevey's brother purred on the other side of the phone.
  "You... let them go right now." Stevey said, trying to muster the right words for this. Also trying to hide the quivering in his voice.
  "And what if I said no?" Steveys brother practically dipped the words in mockery and displayed on a silver- no golden platter.
  "I will kill you." Stevey, voice surprisingly straightforward and calm.
  "Hmm... You think so brother? Would you like me to show you the condition they're in?" There's footsteps as Stevey's brother walks over to the girls. He slowly brings the phone to Gail's mouth.
  "Huff... huff... huff..." Gail puffs, barely getting enough air. There's an unmistakable rattle of chains.
  "You better let us go." Noel warns, trying to hide her breathlessness.
  "Shut up." WHACK WHACK!
  "Ahg!" Gail cries.
  "Urgh." Noel winces.
  "That's better. Now brother, how will you cooperate?" Stevey's brother, as deceiving as a snake, asks with faked politeness.
  Stevey and Justin were nearly put to tears here. Stevey was stock still, too shocked to speak.
  "We'll do it!" Justin claimed for him.
  "You.... Idiots... don't try... and act.. all macho... we can... handle this." Gail says, words between gasps of air.
  That seriously shook Stevey back into reality. "No... Gail, Noel, were getting you out of there whether you like it or not."
  "Don't... You dare.... come anywhere near here." Gail hissed through clenched teeth, more chains rattle.
  "Oh you're not going anywhere! Erasers!!!" Stevey's brother commanded. There was an eraser-like growl and a slam.
  "urrrggghhh...." Gail and Noel groaned.
  "Much much~ better." Stevey's brother purred.
  "That's it, were coming for them." Justin growled, he got up with Stevey and walked out the front door.
  "Oh, that's wonderful news boys," Stevey's brother seemed to clap his hands "We will welcome you as the new whitecoats."
  Justin glared at the phone. "As long as the girls are safe."
  "Yes, sir." Stevey's brother, trying to flatter his brother and Justin, said in such fake politeness it made Justin's eyes glow with white hot hatred. Loathing rolled off of him like heat.
  "Flattery, will get you absolutely nowhere." Justin said through tightly clenched teeth as he slammed down on the end button just as hard as his little imouto and tromped outside into the dawning night, his friend right beside him, not missing a beat. Looking forward to the Heist on this area's lab.
  "He's done for." Stevey hissed under his breath.
  "You have no idea." Justin hisses back, now it was the boys turn, to do some saving of lives.

  "And there we have it girlies!" Stevey's brother tried to smile under his mask. "They're coming to save you! How gallant of them!"
  Noel spits on his mask, aiming for his eye. "Shut the freaking crap up would ya?!" Noel hisses, though close to unconsciousness.
  "Urk... Please, just shut up." Gail whispers, head leaned up against the cold wall behind her, chain holding her hands above her head.
  "I can't believe you just right up walked into this place, shouting 'WERE GOING TO SET ALL YOU EXPERIMENTS FREE!!!' Did you seriously expect no consequences?" He leaned down to look Noel dead in the eye. She stared fearlessly back.
  "Oh noooo! We knew there was going to be consequences, were just daring enough to take them, while doing the kids here some good. Setting them free is the best thing that ANYONE can do for them." Noel says confidently.
  "We'd do anything to not let anyone suffer like we did. Including taking their place." Gail adds, just as confidently.
  SMACK SMACK. "You two... bringing us such trouble when we could really be a quiet underground society. Why do you make that so hard?" Stevey's brother, having just slapped them, frowns disapprovingly.
  Gail spits out the blood in her mouth. Noel just lets it drip over her lip and shadows menacingly cover their eyes.
  "They shouldn't have come...." They say two minutes later, their animal sides picking up on the boy's presence.
  "Oh, well then. Time to meet my PERMANENT guests." Stevey's brother smirks evily and stands, to go meet his brother and Justin. He walks out the door and slams it shut, encasing the room once again in total darkness.
  "I don't think we should have done this Noel..." Gail says, regret clouding her voice.
  "Don't worry about it Gail, they're stronger than we know. It has been two years after all..." Noel says reassuringly.
  "....Well... I guess you're right."

Chapter 9: Could it really be the end?

  "You let them go right now." Stevey spits at his twin.
  "Now why would I do that brother dear? It would ruin the fun and basically everything!" Stevey's twin smirks from under his mask.
  "You- you promised!" Justin shouted. Stevey's twin tsk-ed disapprovingly.
  "Now I never did that Justin. But who's a whitecoat to lose his composure over two silly experiments? Don't worry, I'll have the erasers take care of them right now!" Stevey's brother claps his hands and two bulky and hairy erasers ramble out a door.  
  "No, the erasers will go NO WHERE." Stevey commanded, having been the world's best whitecoat, the erasers diligently obeyed.
  "So you want them free do you?" Stevey's brother made it his problem to sound highly disappointed.  
  "Of course we do." Stevey narrowed his eyes down at his brother. Still, between the two, Justin couldn't decide who was older.
  "Well... if you wish it brother... then, as the top whitecoat around here, I guess it has to be done." Stevey's brother finally caved in.
  Now Stevey, standing tall, Justin could definitely see the whitecoat in him. "That's more like it." This time he turned to the erasers, full out commando voice, "You better bring them to me unharmed or I swear I will rip your DNA in two, one nucleus at a god freaking time."
  They scramble back to the girls' locking room  and don't hesitate to walk right in and get to work on those chains.
  "Wow brother, you change fast." Stevey's brother complimented, whistling, though the sound muffled under the mask.  
  "...." Stevey didn't say anything to that, just staring off at the room that the erasers entered.
  Justin wasn't sure of whom to be more afraid of, Stevey's brother or Stevey himself. Either way, he didn't want a face of neither of them. Stevey's brother seemed like the trickster, deceiving type, while Stevey was more in the brute force range, more of the commander... That's when he finally noticed the girls stumbling towards them, being prodded along by the erasers.
  "Keep it moving!" The erasers pushed the girls down on their knees in front of the two new whitecoats. Gail panted and spit over at Stevey's brothers shoes. Noel just tried to hide all that while having their heads down.
  "Are you guys okay?" Stevey leans down in front of Gail and puts a hand on her shoulder.
  "Define... okay." Gail managed out.
  Stevey smiles, though his eyes say he could cry at any moment. "Can you walk alright?"
  "Noel... I'm sorry." Justin says, sitting in front of her.
  "You didn't have to say that. I already forgave you the moment you walked in here for me." Noel said, head still down.
  "I-i can walk on my own." Gail grunted while trying to stand up straight with Noel. Stevey tsk-ed like his brother and scooped her up in his arms.
  "Come on, we'll escort you outside." Stevey said with a smile. Justin smiles at Noel and scoops her up too.
  "Baka..." Gail says, though a small smile of gratitude on her face.
  "Oy, why did you come here?" Noel asks on the way out.
  "What other reason would we have..." Justin begins.
  "Other than to save you?" Stevey finishes.
  "You didn't have too... we're tough, we'd survive." Gail and Noel both say.
  "Right. Like were letting you go back after its only been your first day out," They step out into the light of the early morning. "Alright... now.. Goodbye." The boys set them down gently and leave them with fleeting kisses.
   "Watch your backs, we'll see you again." Gail and Noel say as kind of a foreboding farewell. They both turn in opposite directions, and their paths untwine and they go their separate ways... But who knows, maybe in the later future, they will see each other again.

Chapter 10: Yes, it really is the end

    "So you got us... What do you want now?" Stevey, just having stepped back in the labs asked his brother with no interest. Justin sighed, despite he had just gotten the girls out, he still felt horrible.
    "First, put on your lab coats, it really completes the look." Stevey's brother smiles under the mask and hands them two new freshly bleached and pressed lab coats. The boys slip them on without another word.
    "So.... who's up first?" Justin asks, his face settling into a frown the whitecoats usually wore. Stevey's own face was quite the same.
    "I want you to take care of some rowdy little experiments in room I-D 12... Would you mind?" Stevey'd brother, turning towards the stairwell, gestures for them to go first, and Stevey and Justin begin to ascend the stairs.
    "Not at all..." Stevey says, hands linked behind his back.
    "I'm fine with that." Justin agrees as well.
    "Good. Welcome back boys. I'm glad our little sector here in Michigan has you, such gifted whitecoats." Stevey's brother smiles, though it's quite forced, the boys nod in response.
    "Well, we'll be off to do it." And at the top of the stairwell, the boys turn down the face the hallway, unprepared to do any of this, but happy to have the girls set free. They tromp down the hallway to the desired room.
    "Do you think we'll see them again?" Justin asks Stevey while still approaching the room.
    "Oh I have a good feeling about it." Stevey answers before swinging the door open to a multitude of cages and kids within those. "Hello, little experiments, my colleague and I are now going to be your new supervisors. So you better stop being bad little kids and listen up..." Stevey pauses for dramatic effect as the door swings closed behind them, it clicks shut.
    And Justin, in a way, reading Stevey's mind finished for him, "Because we're going to set you free."

   Down at the park that hid the labs, Gail and Noel were sitting by the river, catching their breaths, enjoying the morning Michigan air, the spectacular scenery...
   "Do you... think we did the right thing?" Gail asks hesitantly as she dipped her bare toe in the water. It was cold, but it helped clear her mind... and many things rushed through it as she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate.
   Noel smiles, though its muddled by the tears in her eyes. "I'm sure we did, I have a feeling that I know what they're doing... and its going to help finally set the world straight." Noel stares down into the water, her reflection shedding small tears.
   Gail sniffles, against her own will, and she is crying too. "Do you..." she sniffles again before going on, "Think that we'll ever see them again?" She asks, mimicking her older brother. She was ready to break down on her knees and just let the unshed tears flow into the river.
   Noel tries her hardest to smile, but it only lasts a second as she weeps silently. "I'm sure we will Gail... I'm sure we will."

                                                                      ~The End~
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