LucyEvans11 — A Father's Promise ~ Fem!PruXCan ~ Chapter 15

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Description Gabriella was up as soon as possible the next noon. She was frantically running around her room, tiding this and that away, throwing clothes back into her wardrobe, wondering what to wear for that day. Hearing all the scuffling noise had attracted Arthur's attention. A little irritated and curious he wandered down to Gabriella's room to see what all the fuss was about. As he opened the door he was very much surprised to see her running around trying to tidy her room up. Thinking over it, this was possibly the cleanest time he had ever seen her room. He felt a smile creep onto his lips as he watched her run around. Matthew must be really important to her if she was running around in this state. Even to the point he was standing at her doorway and she hadn't noticed him yet. Arthur knew he had to prepare for tonight. He had to make sure his plan worked. There was no real point of going through all this work to screw it up later. He silently left the doorway as Gabriella continued to fuss about.

“My my... this is an interesting situation.” Arthur said to himself wandering down one on the mansions corridors. “Gabriella must have more at stake with this visit than just meeting the boy.” Arthur continued to walk. He was thinking over all the different possible things that could cause Gabriella to become so obedient when Matthew was at risk. Maybe it was something as simple as true love. Love can make people to very stupid things. He twitched at the memory of his Love... and her rather foolish choice in partner. In the name of love Francis had run away from him and tried to survive on his own. Arthur tensed his fist as he thought over that night, and the annoying fact that Francis had been able to survive without him. He had run off and had a happier life than he should of done. He had stolen Arthur's chance of the perfect life. Sure there had been other women who had come to court him. Many women over the years. He had married many times for his own needs of position and power. Though none of them ever wanted to give him a child. Some he had told about his current state of being a vampire, and they were met with very mixed reactions. Some of the women fainted and he acted as if it had all been a nightmare. Some who had been more understanding kept his secret... but none were willing to give up their lives for a child. Humans were such selfish creatures. The other reaction he received were the most interesting. When his wife would try to murder him in his sleep. Dragging him out in the sun and trying ever way known to kill him. Unfortunately for them, they all met some rather... sticky deaths. Some of them made lovely meals. He had worked hard to keep his name alive and not be found out. He had a lot of connections in London and so it was very easy to stage weddings, births and deaths. Weddings purely for public record. Births were to pass down the name and deaths were to erase suspicion. It was easy to just find an orphan and pretend that was your child. Most orphans were correctly adopted by the social standings of the time and then murdered when they reached the correct age. The murder would be published under the vampires name and the vampire would take on the identity of their 'child'. Though there was a lot of moving around involved too. In later years it became easier with the invention of contact lenses, hair dye and wigs, even binders and muscle boards helped vampires create entire family. It was a lot of hassle but very rewarding. Arthur walked down and reached his study. Pushing open the doors he walked inside, looking at the rows of books that lined the shelves. He walked across to his desk. He started to hum to himself as he started to write. He was preparing a contract. A contract that would make the signer swear absolute loyalty to him. Never allowed to leave his territory and to follow his every whim. But the punishment for breaking the contract would not be after the death of the signer, more the death of Matthew Bonneyfoy.

Matthew was packing things away in his hotel room. It didn't really take very long as he only had taken basics with him to begin with. Though that didn't stop him from hunting around his room until he was one hundred percent certain he had found everything. As he checked under the bed for the final time, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was positive nothing was left behind. He picked up his bag and walked to the door. He had one more hesitant look back before stepping out of his room and headed to reception.

“Thank you for staying with us.” The lady on the reception desk smiled as he tuned to walk out of the hotel.

“Thank you for the room.” He smiled looking back. He was really thankful for the hotel as it had been a very nice stay. He walked out into the cool afternoon air and was pleased it was a cloudy day. Though it always seemed to be cloudy in London, at least most of the time. He set of walking to the bus stop for the final time. The first thing that he had to do was meet Gabriella and have lunch, or breakfast by vampire standers. Though he could feel himself needing to drink soon. He had been alright the last few days, but he really felt his hunger kick in. He stood around for a while as the bus pulled up. Stepping on he beeped his card against the scanner and took his seat. Watching the kinda familiar sights of London go by. The thought did sadden him that this could be the last time he saw them. If he and Gabriella escape to Paris, it would be potential suicide to come back. From what he knew of Gabriella's guardian, he sounded like the kind of guy who would hunt them down. And if he never moved territories, this could be his last chance to see London. Well... he was gonna try to make the most of it. The bus moved along it's designated route as Matthew thought over everything that had happened. The story of how his mother and Francis met was still very fresh in his mind. He honestly had never expected to have such a story around his birth. A story almost dramatic enough it could probably make a very good book, though if it were a book it wouldn't end with his mother's death. Author’s would keep the story going and follow him around. Shaking his head quickly to ignore such thoughts. He looked out of the window and saw a very familiar sight. Gabriella was standing at the bus stop waiting for him. Smiling he dinged the red button requesting for the bus to stop. He stumbled to his feet as the bus stopped. Trying his best not to fall over with his bag. The doors slid open and Matthew happily carried his bag off and was quickly hugged by Gabriella.

“I'm so glad to see you.” Gabriella smiled looking up to him. “I hope checking out and everything was alright.”

“Yeah, it was all fine. Nothing troubling happened.” Matthew smiled to her. Gabriella pulled back and looked to his bag. She was a little surprised how little he had. Whenever Arthur went away on a trip, he would pack loads more. She knew it only too well as she was normally the one that had to carry his stupid bag around the place.

“Is that really all you brought with you?” She asked pointing to the bag. Matthew looked to it and chuckled.

“Yeah, I'm used to traveling light. But I've got everything I need in here.” He said looking to the bag. “Well... we going to drop my stuff off at your house first?”

“Ah... yes.” Gabriella said her face dropping a little. Matthew noticed the chance and felt a little saddened.

“We don't need to be there for very long. Just so I can drop my stuff in my room, then we can head out as soon as possible.” Matthew said quickly. Gabriella was lost in thought. Arthur's words going through her head, his threat. She didn't want to take Matthew back with her, but she knew she had too. “Gabriella?” Matthew asked a little worried. He gently touched her arm. She flinched at his touch as she snapped back into reality. Looking to him a little worried. She quickly wrapped her arms around Matthew and held him close. Matthew was a little stunned too. This hug was not like the first hug. He could feel Gabriella was trembling slightly in his arms. He comfortingly wrapped his arms around her.

“Please Matthew...” Gabriella whispered. “Please forgive me.” Matthew was now really confused and concerned. He held her closer.

“W-Why do I need to forgive you?” He asked unsure. Gabriella shook her head.

“I-I can't say.” She whimpered. “But please... forgive me.”

“O-Okay... I forgive you.” Matthew said looking to her. Gabriella looked up to him, holding back tears. She couldn't help feel like she was betraying him. She didn't want Arthur to get hold of him, she didn't know what he would do. He had promised not to harm him, but he might try to keep him there forever with her. “Gabriella, I know you don't like your Master. But I don't care how mean he is. No matter what he does or says to me or about you. When my trip comes to an end, I will be walking out of that house with you by my side. I promise you that.”

“Matthew... I don't know what I've done to deserve such a nice guy as you. But please, don't risk your life over mine.” She said softly. Matthew kissed her gently.

“Don't worry about me.” Matthew chuckled softly. “I'll be fine. I just want to do what is right by you.”

“Then please Matthew... if you need to run. Please run.” She said looking up to him. Matthew held her close.

“I won't run unless you're running with me. Well... let's start going. We don't want to spend the day standing at the bus stop.” He said pulling away slowly. Gabriella nodded.

“Yeah, let's get going. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave.” She said managing a smile. Matthew nodded with a small chuckle.

“Maybe if I'm allowed, I could cook you dinner.” Matthew smiled. Gabriella's eyes went wide.

“That would be amazing.” She hugged his arm. “I can't wait to see you cooking.”

“Well my Papa taught me really well. I know loads of dishes off by heart.” He smiled. “Though will I have to cook for your Guardian as well?” Gabriella thought for a moment.

“You probably will have to. But if you can cook really well, that will hopefully make a good impression on him.” Gabriella nodded. “You could slip a little sleeping powder into his food and we could have some fun.” She giggled. Matthew looked to her surprised, he was a little unsure how serious she was being. Gabriella looking up to him she laughed a little more.

“I'm not serious.” She laughed. Matthew breathed a sigh of relief as they continued to walk. She waited a little while and smirked up to him. “Though if we did do that, we could escape during the night.”
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