LucyEvans11 — A Father's Promise ~ Fem!PruXCan ~ Chapter 8

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Description The day went on and Matthew and Gabriella really enjoyed themselves. Matthew thought the London Dungeons were amazing. It was a surprise what technology could do and what amazing actors worked there. Gabriella was still buzzing from the drop ride at the end. The whole this set up as a hanging. Then everything went black at you dropped down suddenly. It was so cool! Though unfortunately the on-ride photo came out a little blurry, but that didn't bother them. They knew it would do anyway. But the chance to look at some of the other photos were hilarious. The laughed and joked over the event and headed out into London after buying a few souvenirs from the gift shop. Matthew made sure he bought something for Francis. He didn't know what to get him, so he got him a bookmark and a keyring. Walking along with the bags in hand, they came across a small cafe in which they decided to have lunch. As Matthew sat down opposite Gabriella he had a feeling he was being watched. His memory flashed back to the figure before. Then again, that could just be after effects of the London Dungeon. He shook it off as they ordered drinks and food.

“That was so cool!” Gabriella grinned clearly still excited. “The way they did the Great Fire! That was so clever.”

“Yeah! And the flume ride where you went through Traitors Gate. That really did make me jump!” Matthew nodded happily.

“How did you come up with all these great locations to go to?” Gabriella asked. “I've been here for years and I haven't done half of them.”

“Oh...” Matthew smiled and blushed a little. “I've been planning to come here for a while, so I've spent a while working out exactly where I wanted to go and stuff.”

“Well you have awesome taste.” Gabriella nodded. “Do you have stuff like this in France?”

“I think we must have similar, but I'm not to sure.” Matthew said honestly.

“Well you should plan a Paris tour to see all the great sights.” She leant over the table towards him. “I'd love to join you in that.” Matthew blushed again.

“I'd love for you to join me to.” He said softly with a small smile. Gabriella was slightly surprised by Matthews reaction. Instead of blushing and squeaking he actually returned it to her. Now it was her turn to blush lightly. Matthew felt a flash of courage and decided he was going for it. He took her hands gently.  “Gabriella, before I came out here, I didn't really have any friends. I was nervous around everyone and just kept myself to myself. But on this trip I met you.” He looked into her eyes. “I don't know if this sounds weird or stupid but I really do feel a connection with you. These last few days have been amazing. I don't want to spend a day here without you.” Matthew's cheeks were going redder by the second. “Gabriella I think... I love you.” The final words only a whisper. Gabriella for once in her life was speechless. Her mind was running round trying to understand what just happened and her heart was beating quickly. She had never expected Matthew to say that, she had never expected anyone to ever say that to her. She couldn't stop the tears in her eyes. She couldn't say a word but she lent towards Matthew and kissed him softly on the lips. Matthew kissed back softly as they parted. Matthew smiled shyly as he had his first kiss... and it was perfect.

Arthur fumed. How dare he? He shouted in his head. As if his father stealing his love, his son was now trying to steal his ward? Anger seethed as he spied on the couple. He had to act quickly. He didn't know how long Matthew would be in London and no doubt Gabriella would try to run off with him. He needed to act fast. He had waited too long before revenge on the man who had caused his Loves death. Now finding it was Francis he wanted to hurt him even more. Again Arthur felt that he couldn't bring himself to hurt Matthew. That was not what she would of wanted. But... Arthur's emerald eyes glinted darkly, there was nothing to say he couldn't use him. Smirking he flitted home to plan and wait for Gabriella's return.

“Well... I'll see you tomorrow.” Matthew smiled as they saw his bus round the corner.

“I will definitely see you tomorrow.” She smiled back. As the bus indicated to pull over she pushed Matthew against the wall of the bus stop, pressed herself against him and french kissed him. Matthew was caught so much by surprise he squeaked and flailed his arms. Realising he instinctively kissed back holding her close. Gabriella pulled away as the bus stopped. “How did you like my french?” She giggled.

“A lot.” Matthew panted still recovering. Gabriella giggled, standing back and putting her hands on her hips.

“Well you don't want to miss the bus.” She giggled. Matthew snapped back into reality and looked at the parked bus.

“Oh yeah!” Matthew quickly ran onto the bus and beeped his card in. “See you tomorrow!”

“See you tomorrow.” Gabriella waved as the doors slid shut and the bus pulled away. She waited like last time for the bus to disappear from sight. She smiled to herself and fist pumped. “This is so awesome!” She cheered. Turning to go home she sighed a little. She couldn't explain the connection she felt with Matthew. It was just there, like it was always there she just didn't know it. She never thought herself one for a committed relationship, but maybe... just maybe she could actually be happy for once. She might be able to live life and look forwards to tomorrow. Smiling she went home, plans of where she and Matthew could adventure next in her mind.

“Yeah so it was a really great day.” Matthew said lying back on his hotel bed. “Gabriella really enjoyed herself and we even...” He stopped himself blushing. Francis beamed on his end. He knew what was going on. He knew what being in love was like. He knew all the tell tale signs. So when Matthew cut off abruptly, he knew something must of happened.

“Yes Matthew... What did you even do?” He said softly trying to coach the answer out of him. Matthew took a breath.

“I... had my first kiss.” He said softly, his mind running back to that moment where his lips had touched hers. How beautiful that moment was and how perfect the whole thing felt.

“I'm proud of you Matthew.” Francis smiled softly but sadly. “You are becoming so grown up. I don't know if I'll recognise you coming back.”

“Papa...” Matthew smiled. “You'll always recognise me.”

“I know, but you have changed so much in just the last few days. Things will never be the same again.” Francis said trying to hold it together. He really was happy for Matthew, but he was also sad as any parent would understand when they sense their child moving on.

“You always say things change, but one thing will always stay the same. You are my Papa and you always will be, I will never forget you no matter how old I am or how much time passes.” Matthew said warmly, comforting his father. Francis almost teared up at his words. He nodded.

“I will feel so much safer when you have returned to France.” He said softly.

“So will I.” Matthew nodded. “I saw this weird guy today, I think he was a vampire but I couldn't sense anything.”

“Oh?” Francis said surprised. “What did he look like?”

“I didn't get a good look at him, but he had this kinda evil smirk.” Matthew tried to remember the figure, but he was only there for a second. “And his eyes.” Francis felt a little nervous.

“What was it about his eyes?” Francis asked quickly.

“He had emerald eyes, then he was gone in a flash. I never saw him again.” Matthew said scratching his head. Francis had gone silent. His eyes wide in fear, his hand starting to tremble.

“Matthew.” He said in a calm but firm voice. “If you see that man again, if he starts following you. Please come home immediately.”

“Huh? Why?” Matthew asked about to argue back, but he could hear the seriousness in Francis' voice. Something must of hit him hard to make him act like this.

“Matthew it's to hard to explain now. I promise I will explain it, but not right now. I must think of how to explain this properly. If you see him I want you to flee. Get as far away from him as possible.”

“Okay. If I see him again I'll tell you and work out when to come home.” Matthew couldn't help but be a little deflated by this. He didn't want to go home yet, he had so much more to see. He also didn't want to leave Gabriella behind. Not when they just got together.

“Thank You Matthew.” Francis breathed a sigh of relief. “I'll tell you tomorrow why... and if you want, bring Gabriella with you.” He smiled weakly. “I would hate for you to lose your first girlfriend.”

“Yeah... I don't want to lose her either.” Matthew nodded. “Well I've got to go now. Another really good day planned for tomorrow.”

“I can't wait to hear all about it.” Francis smiled. “Good night Matthew.”

“Good night Papa.” He smiled as he gently put the phone down. As he got changed into his pyjamas he thought over the day. The figure that he had seen only for a split second. Who was he? What did he want? Why was he watching him? Did Gabriella see him? Matthew left himself a mental note to ask her in the morning. But he couldn't do anything about this stranger right this moment. Drawing the curtains he went over to bed. Climbing under the covers he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Wondering what tomorrow would bring and what he and Gabriella were going to do.
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