LucyEvans11 — A Social Experiment ~ KyonXYuki ~ Part 3
Published: 2013-04-17 12:18:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 500; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description As the club finished for that day poor Mikuru was able to change back into her school uniform. Kyon massaged his hand as Haruhi had made him scribe for the day. He looked over to Yuki who was sitting reading her book. Haruhi waved goodbye to everyone and marched out of the room. Shortly after Koizumi and Mikuru made their exit leaving Kyon and Yuki together. Kyon knew he had a heap of work to do tomorrow. Looking back to Yuki, he really wanted to know what she was reading, and when their second date would be.

“Erm... Yuki... I want to ask you something.” Kyon asked nervously. Yuki looked up from her book.

“Yes?” She said looking to him. Kyon took in a breath.

“Well there are two things really.” Kyon said scratching the back of his neck nervously. “One... what book are you reading?” Yuki closed the book and held the cover up to Kyon.

“After you fell off the chair, I wondered when you would ask.” Yuki said. “I am reading Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.”

“R-Romeo and Juliet?”

“Yes. Was that your second question?” Yuki asked.

“No... I was erm...” Kyon tried to keep it together.

“Then what is your second question?” Yuki asked.

“Yesterday you agreed to a second date. I wanna ask you... what do you want to do?” Yuki blinked looking to Kyon. She paused for a moment.

“We could go out for a meal together. Unless you want to cook me a meal. That is one option.” Yuki said softly.

“Yeah, that sounds good.” Kyon nodded. “How about you come over and I'll cook you dinner?” Yuki nodded.

“It is a good choice. Meals have a history of bringing people together, also having it at your house minimises the risk of Haruhi finding out.” Yuki said with a small smile. Kyon smiled back, glad she was showing some emotion.

“You look really cute when you smile.” Kyon said softly.

“Really?” Yuki closed her eyes for a moment. “Cataloging reaction to this expression.” Yuki opened her eyes again. “Do you like it when I look 'cute'?”

“Yeah...” Kyon smiled a small blush on his cheeks.

“Is blushing considered 'cute'?” Yuki asked spotting Kyon's cheeks go slightly pink.

“Yeah.” He nodded. His eyes widening as Yuki's cheeks also went a gentle pink colour.

“Cataloguing reaction to expression under the title 'Cute'.” Yuki said closing her eyes again. Kyon smiled, having time alone like this and peaceful time alone like this was amazing. As just as Kyon was relaxing his mobile went off. He pulled it out and answered it. Relieved as for once it wasn't Haruhi. It was his little sister saying she needed him to help her with something.

“I've got to go now Yuki.” Kyon said as he put the phone away. “My sister needs help with something.”

“I understand... just one more question.” Yuki said softly.

“What is it?” Kyon asked as he reached the door.

“I smile during the emotion of happiness. I look 'cute' and you smile to me. When you smile, I should smile back. Is this correct?”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Kyon said, Yuki really did seem to make normal things like emotions seem so weird, but that wasn't her fault. “Any more questions?” Yuki sat silent for a moment.

“No more questions for now. When you find out dates and times for a meal at your house...” She looked over to Kyon. “...Call me.”

“I will.” He smiled. “Bye.”

“Bye.” Yuki smiled back. Kyon forced himself away from the cute sight that was Yuki Nagato. He had to help his sister... and tackle his homework. Yuki watched Kyon leave. She sat for a moment. She looked through the data collected today. She wanted to study the folder of new foreign data that had occurred. Normally she would walk home and analyse the data as she walked, but this data had acted like a virus. Therefore it would be safer and more logical to investigate it in a stable and safe environment. “Investigating foreign virus. Time of which it appeared: Prior to club starting. Event prior to virus: Kyon fell of his chair. Event when virus appeared: Mikuru Asahina was leaning over Kyon seeing if he was alright. Reaction after virus appeared: I removed Mikuru Asahina from Kyon's side. Studying the event when virus appeared in detail.” Yuki closed her eyes and replayed the event. In her mind the memory played like a film or television show. She replayed Kyon falling off the chair. Pausing the image and analysing it. She didn't sense any influx of data at this point. She started the clip again, pausing it once Kyon had fallen off the chair and was now lying on the floor. She noted a little blip of data but not enough to analyse. Sensing no links to the virus she continued through the clip. Pausing at the entrance of Mikuru. She scanned the scene and checked what her own thoughts were at that moment. Nothing was off yet. She continued the clip, she re-watched Mikuru worry for Kyon. Mikuru crouched down and leant over Kyon to see if he was alright. As Kyon opened his eyes and looked up to Mikuru, Yuki sensed the surge of the virus. She paused the image and did a full scan. She had found the exact time the virus had invaded her systems. She paused for the results. “Effected areas: common sense, rationality, slight hormone release, also a small amount of other emotional data unrecorded until now. I'll run further tests on that later, main priority is the virus.” Yuki scanned the scene in her mind taking in all the different factors. Mainly noting the change in proximity between Kyon and Mikuru. The fact she was so close to him. Kyon's pupils dilated, clear sign of sexual attraction towards Mikuru. She scanned for possible reasons for this. Mikuru has a better physical figure for attracting a mate. A more feminine build, closer to the ideal set forth by society. This making her more desirable to people of the opposite sex. Yuki did a cross reference with her own physical structure, comparing it to the social ideal. In comparison Mikuru was closer. Yuki's eyes snapped open. “Scan completed, cause/name of virus: Jealousy.”

“Thank you Kyon.” His little sister smiled as she packed away her homework. “It was really hard.”

“Yeah, I can remember times when I got stuck on this. It's a surprise I remember how to solve it now.” Kyon said smiling to her. His sister ran around and gave him a hug.

“You are so smart some times.” She giggled before running over to the television. Kyon sighed and pulled out his own homework. He looked over the scribblings he had made from earlier. He didn't have a clue what any of this meant. He looked at his textbook. In a bored and slightly irritated way he flicked through the book to find the examples. Though finding them didn't seem to instil any hope to him getting the work done on time. Leaning back he glanced over to the television set that was broadcasting a baseball game. He sighed and wandered over to the sofa.

“So who's playing?” Kyon asked in a bored tone not really caring. His little sister shrugged.

“I dunno.” She said watching the sport. Kyon sighed and relaxed, he'll come back to his homework later. As he watched the flickering screen his mind wandered over what had happened today. He didn't need Koizumi reminding him he needed to keep things secret from Haruhi, he knew that at least. Haruhi didn't suspect anything, though he did wonder what her motives were for dragging Koizumi out on a Valentines day trip. It certainly wasn't something she would do. Haruhi didn't act like someone who would care for that sort of things. But going out with Koizumi was a little strange, though it was probably only because she was bored. Koizumi would of followed her anyway, he wouldn't have any motives... would he? Kyon shook his head. Haruhi wouldn't go out with Koizumi to make him jealous. She wouldn't even think of that. He grumbled to himself. He was over thinking the whole deal and now he was getting paranoid. His thought trailed back to Yuki. He closed his eyes smiling. In his mind he pictured her cute expression, a small smile and a gentle blush. Yeah, and she was going out with him. Then he remembered how strange she had acted today. Putting down her book to pull Mikuru away from him. Then the other time when he was comforting Mikuru, Yuki's stare. Kyon wished she had at least shown glimmers of emotion so he could guess what she was feeling. It was too late to be worrying about this. His brain had been fried solving his sisters homework, whatever was still working had abandoned him when he looked at his own work. Now he was just getting carried away with things. He needed to sleep. He needed a nice long and peaceful sleep.

The next morning ran just like any other morning. Kyon woke up late and dashed to school. He made it into class and was greeted by the very bouncy Haruhi who launched into yet another crazy scheme. Sighing he tried to finish his homework. Koizumi hadn't made him jump which was nice. Kyon made it to the clubroom early and as usual Yuki was sitting to one side reading her book. Kyon noticed the book had changed from yesterday. Seriously how fast did she read?

“So Yuki... what you reading?” He asked.

“Othello by William Shakespeare.” Yuki replied. “Have you worked out a time for our second date?” Kyon face palmed. With everything that was swimming through his head yesterday, why had that not crossed his mind?

“Not yet.” Kyon admitted.

“Oh.” Yuki replied. Her eyes not moving from the pages. Kyon felt a little guilty, he couldn't stop himself from making an excuse.

“I helped my little sister with her homework, then I attempted mine.” He sighed. “I couldn't get anywhere with it so I went to bed. I'm sorry I forgot.”

“What homework was it?” Yuki asked looking to him. Kyon looked to his bag.

“Just some maths homework.” He sighed. “It's nothing.”

“Would you like some help with your homework?” Yuki asked. Kyon looked around, just checking this was really happening.

“Erm... you don't have to.” Kyon said nervously. Though he knew if she didn't help him, he would never get it done.

“I want to.” She said standing up. “I looked into the social roles of couples. One of the things I found was, if one of the pair in distress the other would help them to the best of their abilities. As we are a pair, I am obligated to help you with your homework.”

“No, really... you don't.” Kyon tried to reason with her but Yuki had sat him down at the table and sat beside him. Kyon knew this was probably for the best. What was wrong with getting a little help with some homework? He pulled out the book and the textbook from his bag. Putting them out on the table. Yuki picked up the book and quickly scanned the equations and examples.

“Do you want me to tell you the answers, or do you want a different explanation of the method?” Yuki asked looking to him.

“As much as I'd like the answers strait away, I think it would be best if you explained it in a different way so I could try and work it out.” Kyon said looking to her.

“Correct.” Yuki nodded. She started to explain the method in a way that surprisingly made it sound a lot less complicated than it seemed. It wasn't long until Kyon was working through the third question with Yuki's guidance.

“So I do this... carry that... then the answer should be... there.” Kyon looked to Yuki nervously. “Is that the right answer?” Yuki looked at the paper and back to him.

“Yes. You have found the correct answer.” Yuki said. Kyon felt a wave of relief. With the first 3 solved and the method written down so he could understand. He could handle this. He smiled to Yuki.

“Thanks for the help. I actually think I could get this homework in on time.”

“You are welcome.” Yuki smiled back to him. Kyon was so lost in the moment he didn't notice the door opening.

“What are you two doing?” Haruhi shouted at them.
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Comments: 2

Miku-chan9 [2013-04-17 17:22:47 +0000 UTC]

Djjsjxjejxhx omg cliff hangers xD i cant wait untill the next part T.T

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LucyEvans11 In reply to Miku-chan9 [2013-04-18 08:06:08 +0000 UTC]


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