LucyEvans11 — A Social Experiment ~ KyonXYuki ~ Part 4
Published: 2013-05-04 13:45:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 616; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description Kyon jumped at the sudden volume of Haruhi's voice. Yuki's smile quickly disappeared as she looked to Haruhi. Kyon gulped, Haruhi looked mad. Really mad.

“I was just doing some homework.” Kyon stuttered. He looked to Yuki who as quick as a flash, had her nose buried in her book. Haruhi marched in and inspected the table.

“Club is not for doing homework.” He said picking up the papers. Kyon wanted to snatch his homework back, but he didn't want to get himself in even more trouble right now. “It's for searching for strange events!”

“I know.” Kyon sighed. Haruhi looked to Yuki sitting in her seat reading.

“Why were you sitting next to Yuki?” Haruhi asked sharply.

“She was helping me with my homework.” Kyon said defeated. Haruhi sighed in disappointment.

“You know Kyon, if you were stuck with this. You could of asked me about it. We are in the same class.” She said glaring at him.

“I... erm... I didn't want to bore you.” Kyon said hoping Haruhi would drop it.

“Well...” She crossed her arms. “At least you know that homework is boring and not worth my time.” Before Kyon could respond the door opened again.

“I'm sorry I'm late.” Mikuru said as she arrived.

“That's okay Mikuru.” Haruhi sighed. “We are having a more relaxed day at club. Someone can't manage to do his homework at home. I as club leader can't let him fail, so just relax.” Kyon blinked a little as Haruhi pulled out the chair next to him and looked at the work. Mikuru nodded and went to get changed into her new outfit. Kyon half wondered wether not handing in his homework was worse than having Haruhi looking over his shoulder making sure he got it right. When he even made one mistake, just by writing the wrong number accidentally she shouted at him. Once homework was finished, Haruhi went to the computer to do whatever it was she needed to do.
Yuki had not moved nor stopped reading during the whole thing. The door opened again. Mikuru turning to the door and smiling.

“Afternoon Koizumi.”

“I'm sorry I'm late.” Koizumi said and he stepped through the door. “I got caught up in helping one of the teachers with some display work.”

“At least you were late with a nobel cause, even if it's a boring one.” Haruhi said bored. Kyon twitched, how come whenever he turned up late, even by 5 minuets, she shouted penalty and punished him. Yet whenever anyone else turned up late, she let them off?

Club finished in that calm but tense tone for the rest of the afternoon. Kyon and Koizumi had moved to playing cards. Mikuru was pouring out tea and Yuki was reading.

“I'm going home now.” Haruhi announced standing up from the computer. “See you all tomorrow.”

“Bye.” Mikuru waved as she left. The moment the door shut behind her, the tension in the room dropped.

“I will be going home now too.” Yuki said standing up. She simply turned and walked to the door. Looking back to Kyon she mouthed 'Call Me' before leaving. Mikuru looked confused and decided it was time for her to head home too.

“Good bye you two. See you tomorrow.” She smiled waving.

“Goodbye.” Kiozumi waved her off. Kyon waved to her as well. As she left Kyon put down his hand.

“I think it's time I headed off as well.” Kyon said standing up and stretching. “You okay to pack up?”

“Kyon... do you want to know why I was late?” Koizumi asked, his eyes meeting his.

“You said you were helping a teacher or something.” Kyon said, but the seriousness of Koizumi's expression made him feel a little uneasy.

“I did.” He nodded. “But I only said that so Miss Suzumiya wouldn't become suspicious.”

“What were you doing?” Kyon asked now concerned.

“I was on my way to club, but I received news that a closed space had appeared. It wasn't that big, but we haven't had one in a while.” He said. “Do you have any idea what could of caused it?” Kyon tensed up, it couldn't of been because... “From your stunned silence I assume you do know. What were you and Miss Nagato doing?”

“We weren't doing anything!” Kyon shouted, realising how defensive he sounded he took a breath. “She was helping me do my homework.” Kyon muttered.

“That doesn't sound that bad...” Koizumi thought for a moment before snapping his fingers. “What were you doing the moment she walked into the room?”

“Well...” Kyon thought back. “We were just sitting next to each other, I'd finished the third question on my homework... we were just sitting.” He said a little confused.

“You were sitting next to her?” Koizumi thought. “So if Miss Suzumiya has taken a liking to you. She is not openly admitting it. So she is in a state of self denile. To see you next to another female student, doing something... Did she ask why you didn't ask her to help you?”

“How did you come to that conclusion?” Kyon asked slightly irritated.

“If she did, then she is jealous of the attention you give to Yuki. She subconsciously wants to be the one you go to for help. I don't think she's aware of that or is simply not accepting it. That would explan the closed space and Miss Suzumiya's mood when I arrived.”

“Can't I even do my homework without her trying to destroy the world?” Kyon muttered sarcastically. Koizumi chuckled.

“Apparently not. Well at least not going to Miss Nagato for advice.” Koizumi smiled. Kyon just looked at him.

“Why are you enjoying this?” Kyon asked flatly.

“I'm not.” Koizumi said. “I just find it amusing that Haruhi who wants to be different and find the amazing, weird and strange is falling prey to such a normal reaction.”

“Amusing for you maybe.” Kyon sighed getting up. “I'm going home.”

“Kyon remember to be careful now. Haruhi might suspect something after todays events. You might not want to push your luck right now.” Koizumi said in a serious tone. Kyon looked back to him.

“You've keep saying that. What do you really mean?” Kyon asked his eyes narrowing.

“As you've asked. I suggest avoiding any situations where you and Miss Nagato are alone together during the school time and any club activities.” Koizumi said. Kyon glared back at him.

“So we can be a couple, but only when Haruhi is no where to be seen.” Kyon said bluntly.

“I know it's not ideal.” Koizumi said softly. “But it would be safest.”

“See you tomorrow.” Kyon said turning away from Koizumi. He felt anger rage inside of him. He knew he had to be careful about everything. He knew Haruhi was going to snap if she found out. But come on, he wasn't going to put his life on hold just for her. That was unfair. Storming home he had one target. Arrange that date with Yuki.

Yuki was sitting at home thinking over the days events. She was making her daily report and was quickly rereading it. She closed her eyes and sent it to the Data Thought Entity. As that file was sent she opened her eyes again. Switching on her computer she studied the stray data from today. She looked over the folders she had created. Love/Affection had increased during the time she spent with Kyon helping him with his homework. She started writing up her own report of that incident. She marked out on a chart the increase in the folder, noting down the instance.

“The more time spent with Kyon is not directly proportional with the increase of Love/Affection. Though it seems to correlate when we spend time alone and interact with each other with positive outcomes. During those instances Love/Affection increases in file size.” Yuki said as she made her report. “The file Jealousy acts in a different way. Instead of collecting and growing over a period of time, the file shows concentrated spikes caused by events. After the event has passed, the concentration drops again but never to the original level. The baseline amount is slowly increasing but at a lot slower rate.” She looked at the two charts over lapped with each other. “The pair seem to hold a slight correlation with each other. At moments of high concentration of Jealousy, Love/Affection drops a little. It regains slightly once the concentration has gone.” Yuki noted down closing the charts. The virus named Jealousy seemed to be immune to all antivirus software she ran. It remained there not decreasing. The concerned Yuki as she needed to eliminate all viruses as they could cause corruption later. As this virus was caused by social events, maybe she needed another social event to combat it. At that moment her mobile rang. Looking over to it, she picked it up and answered it. “Hello?”

“Hello Yuki, it's Kyon.” Kyon said down the phone. “You wanted to know when we could have our second date. I've got a time.” Yuki blinked.

“When?” She asked simply.

“How about this Thursday?” Kyon asked. Yuki scanned her calendar.

“This Thursday is clear for me. What time?”

“Erm... How about we eat at 7pm?” Kyon suggested.

“Okay.” Yuki nodded as she noted down the event. “Dress code?”

“Dress code...erm...” Kyon thought quickly. “Casual, nothing to special.”

“Okay.” Yuki nodded. “Thank you for calling.”

“Don't mention it.” Kyon smiled.

“Kyon. I have a question.” Yuki asked.

“...Okay... what is it?” Kyon asked his voice a little unsure. Yuki thought back to the first time Jealousy entered her system. The cause was the fact Mikuru was more sexually attractive.

“Do you find me attractive?” Yuki asked. She could hear Kyon choke on a drink. She waited as he coughed it through and caught his breath. Waiting for the answer, sensing more foreign data building inside her.

“Of course I do.” Kyon said quickly. Yuki tilted her head.

“Do you find me more attractive than Mikuru Asahina?” Yuki asked.

“Yes I do Yuki. You are very attractive.” Kyon said quietly.

“But I do not fit the social ideal.” She stated sightly confused.

“The social ideal is the 'normal' idea, but not everyone is into that sort of thing.” Kyon said, trying to figure out what had brought on all these questions.

“So you find me attractive and desirable?” Yuki asked feeling her cheeks heat up.

“Yes Yuki.” Kyon said softly. “I find you very attractive and desirable for your figure and personality.”

“Okay.” She smiled, her voice hinting at emotion. “Thank you Kyon.”

“You're welcome.” He smiled. “See you tomorrow?”

“See you tomorrow.” Yuki said hanging up.  Kyon looked at the phone in a very confused manner. Was Yuki insecure about herself? Why would she think that? He face palmed as he realised the event yesterday when he fell off his chair. Why she pulled Mikuru away from him. He was slightly flattered he was worth getting jealous over, but nervous. He knew how jealousy was effecting Haruhi, or suspected jealousy anyway. He didn't know how it was going to effect Yuki.

“Interesting.” Yuki said looking at the file sizes again. Her Love/Affection had grown during the call especially during the confirmation that she was attractive, also the Jealousy file had decreased during the conversation. “I was assured by Kyon that my thoughts that he preferred to social norm embodied in Mikuru Asahina compared to me were disproved. That knowledge made Jealousy decrease. Interesting. Cataloguing method to decrease Jealousy. Cataloguing complete. Report finished.”
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Comments: 2

Miku-chan9 [2013-05-13 04:27:16 +0000 UTC]

Hdjsjdjdjsiccjeiciei this made me fangirl scream so much if only this story were real 8D xD i cannnt wait for the next part :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LucyEvans11 In reply to Miku-chan9 [2013-05-13 08:31:35 +0000 UTC]

I'll get working on part 5 as soon as I can

👍: 0 ⏩: 0