Luma66 — In my Mind
Published: 2007-10-09 14:47:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 305; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description In My Mind

            I sit at my desk, that’s covered in scraps of paper and empty diet dr. pepper cans, typing away while my daughter watches her morning cartoons and eats a snack. That’s when my imagination kicks in and it begins.

Zin: -------->zoom, <-------zoom, -------->zoom

Me: What are you doing now?

Zin: Duh, running with scissors. Didn’t your mom ever tell ya it was dangerous? It’s the whole chaotic evil thing.

Me: Of course it is. oO

Zin: (looming over my shoulder looking at the computer screen) Whatcha typing? Another story about me? It is isn’t? It had better be, ya know noone likes that ugly butch pally. They would much prefer to read about someone beautiful, intelligent, shmexy, and devious like me.

Me: yep they might read your stories for that fact, except you’re none of those things.

Zin: You really try to wound me. It won’t work, not this time. I won’t be abused like this. I have rights! You just want me to slink off into a corner somewhere so you can write your crummy pally story.

Me: If only it were that easy. Of course nothing is ever easy with you.

Zin: Thanks. ^_^

Me: Why did my mom encourage me to have an imagination?

Zin: Wait, everything I’m saying you’re typing. Why are you doing that? You’ve never done that before.

Me: Well I made a promise to myself that every Tuesday during World of Warcraft’s maintenance day, I would sit down and write a story. I have no idea what to write so this is a cop out to get a story done or some such done before 2pm when WoW is back up. ^__^ Level 66 is really giving me a pain in the butt with my warlock. Seems like I’ve been 66 for a month even if it has been only a week.

Zin: You still trying to avoid that quest to dig in the poop? You know I bet it gives great exp.

Me: Bleh, yeah I know and prolly a lot of gold too, but I almost threw up doing the other one, the piles even have flies buzzing them. Just disgusting.

Zin: That’s awesome. You should really think about making a Zin character. A rogue maybe?

Me: I have a Zinvey, but she’s a human alliance. So she’s about 2 steps from getting deleted.

Zin: DELETED! Wait you said human right?

Me: Yup.

Zin: Sure, go ahead and delete her.

Me: Wait, how did you get me off the topic of writing?

Zin: It’s an art. ^_^

Zin: So what’s the new story about? Is it gonna have that drow guard in it again? I really liked him. Kinda pathetic but he was easy I liked him.

Me: Uh, no. Bill is kinda busy with that whole zombie menace thing you have him in and he doesn’t belong to us anyway.

Zin: Bill? His name is Bill. Wow his matron really did hate him. Oh yeah that zombie thing. That was so sweet of that little Misery fella to let me have all that fun.

Me: It kinda was wasn’t it. Gotta love a good drooling zombie mob.

Zin: So is the next story me or that wanna-be man chick.

Me: I’m not for certain yet. Toleen isn’t that manly, she’s just not very girlie.

Zin: HAHAHA! That has to be the understatement of the year.

Me: Oh shush up or I’ll bring her in here to call you more names.

Zin: You’re so mean. No wonder your kids don’t like you.

Me: My kids love me. They tell me all the time. Er, ok right after my boy burps in my face or my daughter pees on my back. You may have a slight point.

Zin: I heard you and your ol’ man were gonna start playing D & D.

Me: Yup, I’m thinking about it. Might let the boy in on it too. Just gotta get some dice and character sheets. Plus get him off WoW. He actually thinks he won’t get wasted so much in battlegrounds if his hunter hits 65.

Zin: He’s a hunter, doesn’t he know everyone targets him first?

Me: Yeah I know, he’s deluding himself again.

Zin: So you’re gonna play me if when you start D & D, right.

Me: Nah, wasn’t planning on it.

Zin: What!? Tell me you’re not gonna play that no gooder pally.

Me: Nope.

Zin: oO. Then who ya gonna play?

Me: I was thinking about the char I had in Lord Onisyr’s “Rogue Prince” RP on Lavender Eyes.

She was such fun. If we do, I might have to jot down a story or two about them.

Zin: Her? Doesn’t she have some cheerleader air head name?

Me: Gabby, yeah, but it’s just short for Gabonica. That’s so cool.

Zin: You’re sick and twisted.

Me: Yup, I made you didn’t I?

Zin: That was low.

Zin: Doesn’t she have that orc guy of your ol’ man’s?

Me: Yup, he’s a half orc though. But she doesn’t have him that way, he’s more a bodyguard.

Zin: *snickers* yeah I bet.

Me: It’s enough I have to sleep with an orc in real life I refuse to give his characters any play in a game ok.

Zin: HA. Ok, gotcha.

Zin: So what is this next story of mine about? Do I get a friend? I want a friend. Misery gave me a friend and the friend he gave me loves me.

Me: The friend Misery gave you is underwear. Not sure, I don’t think I feel like the whole relationship thing.

Zin: WAAAAAA! I want a friend! I want him to be tall and handsome, long flowing white hair, defined muscles, athletic, obedient, and mute.

Me: Doesn’t every woman want that. But no, you’re not gettin that kind of friend even if I decide to give you someone to talk to. Why not a girl? You’ve never had a female friend before.

Zin: Duh, they all try to kill you.

Me: You have a very good point. Still, it might be something to think about.

Zin: So when is this story gonna start? What do I get to mess up in this one?

Me: Don’t know. Remember that’s the reason we’re doing this mess is because I don’t have any ideas for the next story.

Zin: I think you should have me overthrow all the matrons of Menzo and take the city for myself, resurrect The Masked Lord and he’d be so grateful to me for saving him from that weirdo dancing prancing sister of his, he’d make me a demigod. Of course it would have to be over something like beauty or wisdom. Maybe both.

Me: Wow when you dream you do it big. Of course that’s most likely the craziest things you’ve ever said.

Zin: It could happen. Just read a few of the novels that WotC has put out lately. I’m totally capable of that.

Me: Sure, whatever. Maybe you have a point after that Blackstaff book. That thing was crazy nuts.

Zin: Well?

Me: If I say I’ll think about a friend will you shush and leave me be and let me get this done?

Zin: YUP! Tra la la tra la la la. Zin is gettin a friend, Zin is gettin a friend. Tra la la laaaaaaa!

Me: I really need a shrink. Oo
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Comments: 8

MiseryandAzaelyn [2007-10-09 16:48:44 +0000 UTC]

Ok this was like uber fun to read through. I hope it also helped relax ya a bit. Plus it kept your promise and you succeeded in entertaining the reader so I can't think of any more successful results than that!!

BTW Which server do you play on? My little bro is a wow addict, Rain. Level 70 Ret Pally, Blood Elf.

Anyway, this was funny and as I said above, fun little piece. Wouldn't mind to see more mindless rantings of yours like these so please feel free if ya can't think of anything else!!!!

OH and one more thing. HA! You called your husband an orc!! DOUBLE HA!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Luma66 In reply to MiseryandAzaelyn [2007-10-09 19:19:02 +0000 UTC]

We play on Terrokar server. Horde of course. You can ask Rain, alliance sucks golf balls. My chars are Xanthia 66 Undead Demon/affliciton Warlock and Nantooka 62 Troll Enhancement Shaman.

You have no idea. I tell him all the time the only difference between him and his WoW char is that his hunter has green skin and he doesn't. He's working on a sketch of his hunter right now. He just needs to ink it. He promised to do one of my warlock but not sure if that will ever happen.

Thank you for reading, glad you enjoyed it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiseryandAzaelyn In reply to Luma66 [2007-10-10 12:34:07 +0000 UTC]

Mark's currently on Laughing Skull but looking to move away from the server. How much do you guys play on there?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Luma66 In reply to MiseryandAzaelyn [2007-10-10 20:05:11 +0000 UTC]

uh I'm on almost all day most of the night too . My ol'man(Dnark) is on whenever he's home. I'm co gm of a guild so if he wants to transfer tell him to give a yell to Xanthia or Nantooka and he's got a guild waiting for him. Transfers to our server just opened up for it around a month ago.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiseryandAzaelyn In reply to Luma66 [2007-10-11 22:08:57 +0000 UTC]

I told him. He's going to look into it and I'll be letting you know

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Luma66 In reply to MiseryandAzaelyn [2007-10-12 01:35:38 +0000 UTC]

okie dokie. if he wants he can note me with anything he wants to ask.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

XullraeZauviir [2007-10-09 15:58:58 +0000 UTC]

Very cute!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Luma66 In reply to XullraeZauviir [2007-10-09 19:24:14 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, hope you enjoyed my mindless rambling.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0