Angel and Devil Weapon
Theme : Angel/Demon/Halo/Sword
Price : USD
SB | $ 10
AB | $ 20
Min | $ 1
You will get
-A Non Watermarked (JPEG.)
- color pallet
-Transparent BG (PNG.)
-A Non - Watermarked with BG (JPEG.)
-Transparent BG (PNG.)
-Commercials Use
-The Auction will end 48 hours after the first bid
-Payment is accepted via PayPal
-Please confirm my note after you win the auction within 24 hours
-Payment must be made within 3 days
-Do not edit or delete your bid. Those who do will get black listed
-Account must be at least 5 months old to participate in the auction. Those that aren’t can Note me your proof of previous purchases or other social media account
-In case of incomplete payment, I have the right to keep the paid money and resell the adoptable to others. You will also be blacklisted
Term of use
-Credit Lumina Luceat must be given when used
-Do not claim the design or artwork as yours
-Can be modified only 30% from the original
-Do not resell higher than the price bought
-SB Can not be used commercially
-Report back to me if the ownership changes
-If you are caught misusing the Adoptable, I have the right to take back the ownership without any refund. I have the right to resell the Adopt or use it in any way. You will also be blacklisted.