LuminusXD — A book called 'Attack on Titan' (Levi xReader) AU

#snk #aot #fanfiction #romance #shingekinokyojin #attackontitan #levirivaille #levixreader #leviackerman #aotfanfiction
Published: 2017-04-16 18:38:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 2935; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 0
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Description An old bookstore and a weak light were your scenario tonight, some of your friends were hanging out, you were in your own little world.

It was past your shift time, and you should have already closed the bookstore by now, but you were so engaged in your book that you didn’t even notice that it was past 11 PM and that you completely forgot to lock the store.

The small bookstore could be easily missed if it wasn’t by the wonderful piles of books standing at the doorstep. It was tiny indeed, but if someone wanted a new series, comic books or even antique literature that was the perfect place.

Not only the environment was nice and comfortable, but also brought up a cozy and familiar feeling.
The ground was made of wood, as well as most of the furniture. It had a really classical style.

Now... why is a 22 -year old woman, sipping tea, in the middle of her job place, casually reading a book, in her…pajamas?

Well, the building had 2 floors.
The first floor was “(L/n)’s Loft” the small but quite famous bookstore that had anything you could ask for. The second floor was her apartment.

The building belonged to the (L/n)’s. A nice and big family that used to have a particular taste for vintage and classic culture. The little (F/n) grew in the middle of her mother’s dream to have a bookstore.

The little store was her home. Those so called “old books” were her first friends. She learned to read when she was only 5, starting with her father’s comic book collection.

Later she went to heavier books and so on… It was just the way she was raised.

She was used having the building just for her own reading pleasure after the close time. It was just perfect. What else could she ask for?
The woman in large polka-dot pajamas was sipping her tea peacefully not worried about anything at all, when the little doorbell made a quick noise, indicating that someone just entered the shop.

At that moment, (F/n) knew, she fucked up.

The bookstore’s schedule could be seen for whoever was out there, they knew it was past close time.

And there she was, in all her glory. Her hair was a mess and her pajamas were at least three sizes bigger than her actual number. She wore bunny slippers, and to complete her “top-model look”, a big and warm mug full of tea in her hand.

She couldn’t believe that someone would actually go out to buy a book that late at night.

The woman was suspicious enough to hide behind the balcony just waiting for the worst.

It was already weird enough that the “client” entered the store and said nothing at all! If it was really a client, he would say ‘Good Evening’ at least, right?
Besides, the bookstore was well-known and she couldn’t say that she didn’t have a nice quantity of cash to be stolen.

She heard footsteps around the many bookshelves and stood frozen in the same place, too afraid to move. She tried to reach for the phone to call the police, but it was too far from her grasp.

What could she do?

What if it was someone not interested in the money, but interested in the nice and innocent lady that worked there?? It could be a pervert and creepy guy… Her mind was going crazy just thinking about the endless possibilities that could be true.

That was when she had an idea.

The only weapon she could see at the moment was her old Encyclopedia. That colossal book was about 3000 pages at least. If she hit someone in the head with that monstrosity… it would be deadly.
That was it… She grabbed the heavy book with all her strength and prepared herself.

The footsteps were closer and closer until she heard them stop right at the other side of the balcony. She breathed in and out and stood up as fast as she could, emerging from behind the wooden balcony with the massive Encyclopedia above her head. Just ready to hit the enemy in the head… when she met two grey orbs looking serious at her.


If that man was a thief… well… take my money, she didn’t care… a creep? Take me instead! He was gorgeous, not even kidding.

But his expression was not that beautiful, though.

“What the actual fuck is going on here?”

Well, that was embarrassing…

You stood in the exact same position for about a minute, just looking at him, until you realized the “professional figure” you were showing.

“Oh…hum…I’m sorry I thought you were a …criminal.” You rested the book in the balcony and looked to the side embarrassed.

“Do I look like a criminal to you?” He folded his arms examining your figure. He had an undercut and a leather jacket, matching with some black Jeans and a surprisingly spotless white shirt.

“Well… now that I actually SEE you… no.” You folded your arms too and looked at him dead in the eye. “Even though I must say that you had a pretty suspicious attitude. Who the hell comes into a bookstore at almost 1 AM not saying a word??”

He raised his eyebrow and looked around the store “First: The sign said: 'Open', just to be clear. Second, I said nothing because I saw no one. I was actually about to call out for someone, before almost being attacked by some fucking crazy woman in pajamas.”

You felt your blood boiling like a pressure cooker.

“Ok, for your information, the bookstore is CLOSED, I simply was too caught up in my book to realize that I didn’t lock the door… or changed the sign…or…IT DOESN’T MATTER. You could have read the store’s Schedule, you know?”

He put both of his hands on the table looking at you as if you were dumb. “It’s dark outside if you haven’t noticed. How am I able to read the stupid Schedule if I can see nothing outside? Now if this old building had some lamps above that shit, that would be smart don’t you think?”

“Hey, you don’t have to be rude ok?” You were pretty sure your face was as red as a tomato because when you were angry, your face couldn’t lie.

“I am the one being rude? You almost attacked me!?” He gestured to the Encyclopedia.

“And I might actually do it if you keep that attitude of yours.”You furiously stated as a matter of fact.

The guy could be hot, true, his black jeans and shirt were spotless in his (probably) amazing figure. But if he was an asshole, no deal.

He closed his eyes and sighed, massaging his temples. “Look… I think we started with the wrong foot ok? Just… be a nice lady and close the store at the right time.”

If you weren’t already angry enough… He had such a nerve!!! Even apologizing, he was being like that!

But you know what? You were tired as hell and honestly, you couldn’t wait to go back to your tea and book.

You sighed as well and extended your hand to him “I guess so… And yes I will do it, so I don’t get creepy guys like you here, ever again.”

You could see his eyebrow raising in pure annoyance… But he shook your hand anyway.
“Levi Ackerman.”

“(F/n) (L/n). What brought you here anyway, Levi?”

“I am looking for a very old book. I don’t know its name, but I know the story. So, I heard about this bookstore and I was actually surprised to see that it was still open…” His face was screaming ‘you are stupid’ again.

“Haha…” You sarcastically laughed. “Well, I might have what you look for, deeear. Tell me what is about.”

He shivered at your choice of words but ignored your attitude.

“The plot is about a world where mankind is in constant danger. An apocalyptic universe, where there are gigantic creatures called Titans if I am not wrong, they devour human beings.”

You were silent for a few minutes… Suddenly your eyes shined and ALMOST all the hate you had for the man vanished. “I love that book!! It's so underrated! No one talks about it, but it’s a classic for me!! It’s called “Attack on Titan”! And I absolutely think it’s a masterpiece!”

You could see that you caught the man’s interest, and he leaned forward in the balcony clearly wanting to know more.

“Do you happen to have it here?”

“Of course!! Come with me, it’s right in the last shelve.”

You got off the balcony to get the book, exposing all your glory, going ahead and waiting for the man to follow you, when you hear “Nice outfit by the way.”

He was doing that on purpose… Ugh… breathe in … breathe out…

You couldn’t see or notice, but the man behind your back was smirking at the peculiar woman he just met.

She was very interesting… weird and stubborn … but cute (and he hated to admit it).

So he just followed her while she kept talking excitedly about the story.

“You know, this story has many peculiarities and it shows us many different aspects about mankind! Not just monsters devouring people and gore, it’s much more than that. I think it’s brilliant, to be honest.” She said grabbing the book.

It was quite dusty due to his age, and to the fact that not many people knew about it. You turned around smiling and gave him the book.

He looked at you and took it, opening its first page. “You should clean this place, it’s disgusting.”

You turned around folding your arms.

“That is not my job! If you haven’t noticed I am one of the actual owners! We have people who do that for us… even though that they are in vacations… as well as my parents… and I …should be the one to…IT DOESN’T MATTER!”

“Why are you so loud?” He said not looking at you.

“Why are you so straight forward?”

You puffed and went again to the balcony leaving the man reading the first page, not really paying attention to him. Even though you could swear you heard a small and deep chuckle.

You took your tea again and sipped once more. But to your distaste, it was already cold.

“Ugh…Great… just great.”

Suddenly you saw the man approaching you, resting the book in the balcony. “What did I do know?” You could see the tiny smirk on his lips just begging to form.

“Nothing, siiir, just my tea is now cold. Anyway, are you going to buy it?”


Your mouth was agape and your eyes widened.
You couldn’t believe that the asshole came in, scared you to death, was rude to you, and wasn’t going to buy anything!?

“A-are you serious?”


“What are you doing here then?”

“As I said, I came to look for the book, and I found it, I didn’t say I was going to buy it." His poker face was getting on your nerves.

“Wait… didn’t you like it?”

“I did”


“ I would rather come back in another time, to buy the whole collection of this author actually.” He snickered his eyes to the book that you were currently reading. “After all… I see you are reading one of his other volumes.”

You caught his eyes again “Oh… well, you are right. I guess we are meeting again?” You forced a smile looking directly at him.

He probably was just looking at you as a normal person would, but his gaze felt much more intense, it was almost a stare.
“Yes, in an appropriate time, and in a… proper outfit, maybe.” He looked at your pajamas again.

“Would you please stop? I said it before, I thought I was going to be alone. Stop messing with my pajamas ok? They are cute, at least.”

“They are indeed.”

Sooo straight forward….

“Anyway, I’m on my way now… nice or not so nice to talk to you…”

“The feeling is mutual!”You waived.

Aaaannnd he was gone. Wow… you didn’t even notice but you were holding your breath the whole time…

Levi Ackerman… what a strange man…It was weird, but you didn't really hate him... you laughed to yourself.

Once the man was out of the bookstore he sighed as well and walked back to his small apartment, thinking and mentally laughing at this unique meeting.

Little did she know that the book was just an excuse he made up at the time, what really caught his interest, was the woman in pajamas sipping tea by the window.

After that encounter, the man came back more than once, always with the excuse that he changed his mind, and was going to buy a volume at a time.

You weren’t stupid, you realized, that surprisingly, he was showing some interest in you.

He showed up almost always at the closing time.

And after many encounters, you both started to enjoy each other’s company. Drinking tea and talking about the series you both loved was amazing, and he was now fond of the old and quite dusty bookstore, even though he just wouldn’t shut up about how you should clean that at least once a week.

It was past close time, and the bookstore was indeed closed this time. Both of you were seating side by side talking about how the main character had anger problems.

“Hahaha I totally agree, but hey, If my mom was eaten by a titan maybe I would be just like him…” You laughed while Levi held his teacup in his unusual way.

“You wouldn’t need that, you lose your temper even for a fucking mosquito.”He casually said.

“What!? I do not!” You folded your arms as you always did when you were mad.

“You are impossible, you know that?”

“Thanks a lot.” You sassily flicked your hair. “I know I am irresistible”

“You are.”

Soooo straight forward!!!

Your cheeks were red again.

“What? Did I make you mad again?” He was looking at the color of your face, and you could catch his amusement by the corner of his lips.

He had a big effect on you, every little thing was enough for your heart to race, but you always tried to keep your cool. He had his self-esteem high enough.

What you didn’t know, was that you had the exact same effect on him. He loved when you talked non-stop about the book, and loved when you didn’t care and just wore your pajamas, even knowing he was coming over.

While you were still blushing, you said: “Oh yes, I am very angry at you, why do you like messing with me so much?” You tried to uncover her blush with sass again.

“I know you like it.” His grey orbs were looking at you.

“I don’t”

“You are lying.”

“I am not” You closed your eyes, not wanting to look at him.

“(F/n), would you tell me again what happened to the Female Titan?” He asked. Leaning towards your personal space while you were distracted thinking.

“Oh, I already told you. She was defeated thanks to-hmpff”

You didn’t even notice, but while you were thinking about the story, you felt two warm lips claiming yours.

You didn’t need an invitation to kiss him back while your hands reached for his hair.

His hands were holding your neck, while you felt your back closer and closer to the couch seat.

He slowly broke the kiss and the only thing you could see was his eyes glowing and his bangs tickling your face.

“I said, you like it.”

Now, you could keep your cool and call him an asshole, but who were you kidding? You wanted him as much as he wanted you.

“How about… you mess with me a little more?”

He smirked and leaned towards your neck.

We all can say that the once quiet bookstore was not that quiet that night, all thanks to a book called “Attack on Titan”.
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Comments: 15

lovelovelove42 [2017-07-15 00:36:01 +0000 UTC]

oml this soooo goooood

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LuminusXD In reply to lovelovelove42 [2017-07-15 00:45:24 +0000 UTC]

Oml thank you so muuuuch

I am so glad you liked it ^-^

Thank you for the watch by the way!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lovelovelove42 In reply to LuminusXD [2017-07-15 01:56:42 +0000 UTC]

u r veryy weclome Xd

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

neverstophaveingfun [2017-06-14 20:09:58 +0000 UTC]

This is absolutely beautiful. I loved the premise. So cute and the reader sounds exactly like me. Great job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LuminusXD In reply to neverstophaveingfun [2017-06-14 22:33:25 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha thank you so much for taking the time to read it!! Yeah I wanted to do a really relatable reader, I am just like that as well XD       

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

neverstophaveingfun In reply to LuminusXD [2017-06-15 18:16:47 +0000 UTC]

Hehe no problem, I'm glad I did. And you did a great job with making it relatable. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LuminusXD In reply to neverstophaveingfun [2017-06-16 16:40:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!! XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

neverstophaveingfun In reply to LuminusXD [2017-06-17 01:14:54 +0000 UTC]

No problem!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shanriadainara [2017-06-04 11:43:29 +0000 UTC]

That was a good one..

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LuminusXD In reply to shanriadainara [2017-06-04 18:57:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you sooo much
I am glad you enjoyed the story

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JordanDonges [2017-04-16 23:34:18 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LuminusXD In reply to JordanDonges [2017-04-17 00:08:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!!!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Valeriagoth325 [2017-04-16 21:41:48 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh! I'm fan-girling right now!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LuminusXD In reply to Valeriagoth325 [2017-04-17 00:10:41 +0000 UTC]

Levi does that to us, I know XD haha
Thanks for leaving a comment   

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Valeriagoth325 In reply to LuminusXD [2017-04-17 18:51:17 +0000 UTC]

No problem!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0