LunarMew — Ed Edd n Eddy FC-Wait I change my mind...

Published: 2010-09-24 03:50:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 15161; Favourites: 191; Downloads: 26
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EDIT-November 2013

Ok, people keep linking me to this blog post here:


And for my honest thoughts...Actually...I'm not really bothered by this at all. It sounds crazy since it's really just a trolly blog page, but in honesty I don't mind it.

Maybe it's because I wanted to turn my fan character to an original character before this happened...

Or the fact that I am more interested in making original characters because of school...so it might seem like bias from me...

But the fact is that people rarely give me criticism. I don't know if anyone remembers me saying this, but I sometimes bring up that the only way I can get constructive criticism is from trolls...and it turns out I was right. Apparently people are too gentle with me when I make an new artwork so the only way I can get constructive criticism is to make a bad OC or artwork and then have people make a blog or negative comment about it behind my back without me knowing to give feedback. XD SHAAAAAAAAAAAME!

But in all seriousness...guys, I don't bite. If there is something that you don't like about the art I make, even if it's small and you still like the artwork, let me know. And if you really, REALLY hate the artwork but want to give constructive feedback, yet are afraid of me being oversensitive about it, it's still your free internet right to let me know why my art has so much suckage. Usually I am tame about critique. In fact, I don't like it when people aren't honest with me! And even if I do get sensitive in the future about how bad my own work is, that's my problem for acting like a baby and embarrassing my self in public. And even if THAT happened the critique will sink in, so don't worry about it. We are all capable or making stinkers at some point in our lives.

Let's just face it, guys. This character sucks, and I am ok with that. It's all part of learning how to be good at making at least a decent character. But don't get me wrong, at least there is one good thing about fan characters. If you want to improve and nobody wants to help you, just make a bad FC. The internet will come swarming in with outrage like angry wasps. They will HAVE to pay attention to you.

EDIT- January 2013

Actually, I don't think the concept is working all that well now that I revisit it again. It didn't get me motivated to draw her aside from that summer of 2010 anyways. She just seems, kind of dull.

I don't like throwing away my characters though. I am thinking of redesigning her to give her a style change so she will be an original character instead of a fan made one. I think she will work better that way. I am doing that with my really old characters that I rarely use anymore anyways.


EDIT-April 3, 2011

I am doing tweaks with Noir's backstory, such as Noir having a crush on Edd. (How did that get in there! XD Still, editing stories is normal, I guess. Now, let me get to the point.)

Since I am fixing up her backstory, I would like it if anybody gave constructive criticism on her backstory and personality. That way, you know, she won't be mary sue-ish. Is she fine the way she is? What should I change? What should I add? Any suggestions would be appreciated, even if you think they might be harsh. Just keep in mind that it is for an EEnE story involving supernatural crap. I want to exploit the character Rolf's superstituous background and the stuff about curses and stuff. That is why I made this character.

Not happy with the colors I chose since it it makes her look like Marie Kanker...oh well. To lazy to change it.

EDIT-October 8, 2010

K...So here is her profile thing. It will be more organized. MAN I forgot! XD

The main reason I made my OC, this way was because I wanted to make a character that had to do with the supernatural. Ok, sure, we have Rolf for that since he is superstitious. However, the episodes that had to do with curses, such as the phone and the boomerang were intriguing to me. There are about 2 or 3 episodes that has to do with that, which isn't much. So I thought, why not experiment with Ed Edd n Eddy comics and make them related to that? Maybe it's because I am such a sucker for these things.


Elena. (pronounced "E-lee-na", NOT "E-la-na" or "E-lay-na" like in spanish.)

Nickname is Noir, inspired from her dark color scheme, which makes her look like a shady character. She doesn't like her name so Noir doesn't tell her real name to people. Mainly because people usually pronounce her real name wrong.
(Is this, like, the billionth character I made with a name AND nickname? Weird...)


Noir's design is supposed to be a mix between punk and tomboy; I wanted to give her a "trouble making kid" appearance...at least that was the original plan, but she looks like a tomboyish/street character than anything...hope she stands out...

Noir wears a blue dress with a big, gray zipper. She also has a green jacket tied around her waist, which she wears when cold. (obviously) Under her shirt she wears a training bra that is the same color as her dark gray pants. Noir's brown gloves are the same color as her shoes.

-Body appearance:

She is the same height as Nazz. However, unlike Nazz, Noir has a "pear" like body shape, giving her a fat ass appearance. Noir also has a tatoo on one of her legs, due to a heritage thing. I'm not going to talk to deep about that because I am making comics for this and spoilers suck.

Also, her hair isn't very organized. That is why it looks like if her hair was "tied".

She is 11 years old. Simple.

-Any usefulness:

She is a really fast runner and acrobatic. Sounds stupid, I know.
Noir was also raised in a bad neighborhood before being in the cul-de-sac so she has some things that she used to use. Mainly two; a slingshot that has small, round, explosives and a taiser. Noir doesn't use it to hurt anybody, though. Just for showing off. She actually uses these weapons behind her mother's back, even if she isn't supposed to.

She is also good at making voices and can trick people with this.

She also knows how to fight. lol


She is an artist but she can get obsessed with drawing. For example, when Noir is in the middle of drawing something, if you take her sketchbook away she gets uneasy, even to the point of going insane. You see, the drawing is therapeutic in order to reduce stress so she can't stay away from her sketchbook for at least 5 minutes.

(The 5 minute thing is an exaggeration since the character needs to eat, sleep, and do other things that can't involve drawing, but you get the point. The drawing obsession is similar to Edd's cleanliness obsession, for example.)

Noir can play the piano, but gets nervous when doing that in front of a large crowd, and as a result, plays like shit in public.

Noir is a gamer. A darn good one. She also likes a good challenge. However, Noir can be a jerk to sucky gamers by saying insults in a low tone, behind the person's back.


She is a mix of a sarcastic, wise ass and a quiet, timid person. She likes to joke around, though. Whether it is about an argument or a friendly conversation, Noir always talks in a smart ass, "smooth" tone. Nobody often sees her raise her voice, unless she is very annoyed, very pissed off, very depressed, very stupefied and wants to laugh about the situation in an exaggerated manner, or just wants to call somebody. Noir also doesn't like crying in front of people.

Noir doesn't smile often and doesn't like to show her eyes. She also wont go directly towards others to hang out. She likes to sit alone to draw, although she doesn't mind the other children coming to her. These things usually turn into common criticisms from the other kids.

Because she comes from a different, unknown country, neighboring Rolf's old country, Noir has strange customs, usually bizarre to the others. These customs are often confused with witchcraft, causing Noir to get judged by the rest of the kids. Especially by Rolf. However, Noir left her old country at the age of two. She doesn't remember much about it, except for her mother who is trying to pass down these customs to her.

An interesting bit; Noir dislikes jawbreakers. However, she often likes eating candy cigarettes. Not just because they taste good, but because she likes acting "mature" like the adults. Still, her mother loves jawbreakers and gives Noir money to buy them at the candy store for her.

Noir is generous to people, regardless which side she is on. For example, even if the Eds can be a pain in the butt to the kids for their scams, she can't deny them favors...she can sometimes be too effing nice, which is a criticism that she gets from usually Kevin and Eddy.

-Views towards other characters:


Ed is the only one of the Eds that she doesn't argue with, unless he annoys her immensely, of course. Noir likes Ed, but as a pet dog or a kid brother. They both share the same interests suck as comics, monster movies, and Noir even likes to drag Ed to her house to play video games. Noir doesn't like how Sarah treats her brother, though. She won't bother to start a fight with her or anybody who is too harsh on Ed. However, she would often say, "Lay the kid off, will ya'?" to get their attention and try to come to an agreement with the person; she usually uses a different approach than Double D, but still in a "peaceful" manner, if that's the right word for it. It's a actually more like a deal. If it doesn't work...oh well.

There are times when she tries to talk to Ed about stuff she has doubts with...but it's not like Ed would understand. LOL His replies are usually out of the ordinary but good for a laugh.


Noir does not despise Ed or anything like that. However, both of them have things they disagree with. Although this is a normal thing for everybody, in Noir's case, she can sometimes get impatient with Double D. For example, Noir believer in curses and supernatural stuff, while Double D has a scientific explanation or common sense...or Double D may approach things in a polite manner while Noir might say he is too nice. She is usually calling him a smart ass for acting like he knows more than he really does. Double D is obviously the smartest character but Noir is stubborn and refuses to acknowledge this. XD

Still, that doesn't mean they cannot get along. Noir gets into arguments with Edd but not into physical fights. She also has a crush on him, (like every other stinking female OC for EEnE. lol ) but doesn't admit it. she is also very curious about the things he does, how he lives, and the rest of his life in general. Especially about the hat. Noir also likes to mess with him.


Noir and Eddy don't get along well. They even fight a lot. Interestingly, Noir helps Eddy with his scams when asked for assistance because she finds it hard to say no...at least the first time. When the first scam she helped with went wrong, she didn't bother again unless it was for money. Then Eddy ripped her off. Now she helps with scams because she is trying to get compensation and take the money earned from the scam when least expected.

One thing that Noir agrees with Eddy: risque jokes and Eddy's taste on 70's music.

Overall, Noir can get annoyed by the Eds, just like the kids in the cul-de-sac. However, she is generous towards them and doesn't mind them much. On the contrary, she is very curious about the guys and can be meddlesome to them (mainly Eddy...) at a certain point.


He's actually the one who started the whole rumor of Noir being a witch. Noir comes from an unknown country that neighbors Rolf's old country. The neighboring land Noir is from practices old customs suspiciously unfamiliar to Rolf's old country. The locals from those two places do not get along well.
Once Rolf got a close look at Noir's mark on her leg, he started to panic. He basically started to shout around the cul-de-sac in fear, shouting about how Noir was a witch. Now everytime someone mentions Noir and Rolf hears this, he would give warnings to the other kids about her. XD

Noir tries to make peace with Rolf, but usually she gets beaten up and kicked out of his house if she tries to visit. Rolf also often spies on her when she gets the chance and tries to lead her to dangerous places to get rid of her. There are often times, however, that they have to get along when it's really necessary.

(Some of the comics I will make explain how the story for this particular part progresses.)


Ironically, good friends with Kevin even with her sympathy for the Eds and being stereotyped as a witch. Noir has a crush on Kevin, not just Double D, but Kevin actually treats her more like a guy friend than anything and even calls her dude.

Another difference between Edd and Kevin, is that she admits she likes Kevin, at least to Nazz...sort of. When asking about dating advice, she mentions Kevin to Nazz as an unnamed boy that she likes. Afterall, if Nazz knew it was Kevin Noir was talking about, things might get ugly.

She also doesn't find the courage to tell Kevin how she feels.. The only way she can find to do so is indirectly. Even if she tried to be direct, Kevin usually would tell her to do some tasks or change the subject in favor for a conversation about his bike.

Kevin doesn't condemn Noir for the times that she was nice to the "dorks" but he does criticize her for being too nice.


Noir and Nazz are good friends. Nazz's goal, however, is to drag Noir to parties, offer constantly to go shopping and do each other's hair and the usual crap a timid introvert isn't really into...yea. As a friend, Nazz can sometimes get annoying.


She isn't scared of Noir for that witch stereotype, even if she believes it, but doesn't understand why she doesn't mind her dumb brother much. Sarah and Noir do not get along well, but at least it isn't as bad as Noir trying to get along with Rolf.


Jimmy is scared of her because the whole witch rumor, stereotype. He doesn't like to work with Noir. Negotiations with a few dollars don't hurt, though. At least when it is necessary to convince Jimmy to help with some things...

Jonny 2X4:

She finds him weird, but just like Ed, she doesn't mind him much. No matter how odd Jonny might act. Jonny believes all those witch superstitions against Noir, but isn't scared of her. He is just nosy and asks her questions about it. Noir usually replies to the questions, whether her answers are true, false, or sarcastic. She also likes to mess with Jonny because of this.

The Kankers:

They are threatening but not scary to her.


Noir is actually aware that Lee can be pretty crafty. She usually takes her seriously.


Anybody noticed how Marie and Noir sort of Look alike? This is rarely a good thing for me since I now have a chance to make more comics about Marie. I can get plenty of ideas from this. Anyway...

Those two are actually rivals, the main reason being because Noir supposedly steals her man. The second reason because Marie and Noir coincidentally look alike. Marie often likes to call her a clone.

Everytime the cross paths the two girls get very serious. They like to outsmart each other for payback but are both equally crafty. They are also very competitive against each other. They also like to call each other very insulting words, such as loser, slut, punk, ect. It is very rare for them to agree with anything. They cannot stand each other. XD


Noir sees her as threatening as the other Kankers. However, she feels sorry for May, since she is usually the sister that gets picked on. Noir doesn't mind May much and has no problems being friends with her, although she proceeds with caution.


By the way, drawing Ed Edd n Eddy fanart...definitely refreshing. Not that I have any problems drawing the fanart I usually draw but I want to draw different things to improve, you know.

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Comments: 53

LunarMew In reply to ??? [2014-02-03 00:20:34 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

at0mb0mbn0m In reply to LunarMew [2014-02-07 00:57:03 +0000 UTC]

No problem.

My opinion is always objective, and I'm a lot gentler than I prefer people to be with me, lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SaramedaHakte [2013-09-02 16:34:25 +0000 UTC]

She is awesome! I was thinking..may I used her to my comic from Ed, Edd and Eddy? I was thinking of ask all people who do OC for Ed, Edd, Eddy, because all of the OC are so fantastic!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LunarMew In reply to SaramedaHakte [2013-10-14 17:43:34 +0000 UTC]

1. Sorry for the late reply. I've been stuck in an unannounced hiatus because of school.

2. You can as long as you give credit. Still, I was planning on redoing this fan character into an actual OC when I got the chance, just to warn you. (I've been in an original character craze lately because of the projects I am stuck on. XD )

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SaramedaHakte In reply to LunarMew [2013-10-14 18:08:48 +0000 UTC]

1. Nothing happedn! I know that school is important!

2. Of course I give, all the informations are here:



How many times I change my OC...don't ask xD

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LunarMew In reply to SaramedaHakte [2013-11-17 02:15:33 +0000 UTC]

Ok, thanks. ^^

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SaramedaHakte In reply to LunarMew [2013-11-17 13:07:38 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DragoonKnight25 [2013-01-03 18:54:05 +0000 UTC]

You did a great job on this character shes both drawn well and you came up with with a interesting background for her as well though I just have one question why does everybody who makes a girl oc for the Ed, Edd, N Eddy always have a crush on Double D I mean don't get me wrong I like Double D but i'm just curious as to the why?

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LunarMew In reply to DragoonKnight25 [2013-01-04 00:23:17 +0000 UTC]

It is a theory, but I assume it is because he is the least appreciated character in the show and most women are into the sad misunderstood type when it comes to fiction. As a girl I never understood why that was the case ether but I can see why the louder more open types are a put off as they tend to seem more obnoxious. Still as much as the Fancharacter X Protagonist idea gets criticized a lot it is very easy for female fan artists to fall into this trap. Very, very easy. I know I did. And you realize how silly it actually seems when you don't revisit the idea until a few years later.

Twilight getting popular is a good example of this. In fact, this trap is just as easy to fall into with original work as well as fan made one. I have an original concept for an animation where the protagonist, female, is in an apocalyptic setting with her being the only character there trying to survive. Sounds generic and all but if I add a male character I have to try hard not to put in a hunky looking male purely for love interest. It sounds easy to avoid but it can be very tempting which can ruin a good story.

That being said, I still went with the cliche for my character and not knowing what the hell I was thinking. XD In fact I am not happy with her backstory which is why I asked for critique and suggestions. As for the supernatural thing I gave it some though and...it just doesn't work here. I mean, I tried to come up with some ideas but I couldn't figure out anything clever. Sure I made this character for short comics but that will mean that the backstory shouldn't be so complex. I am even thinking of converting Noir into an original character instead of a fanmade one since she works better that way, but I'll have to give her an art style change so she won't resemble Marie so much. I don't mind, though. Just as long as I don't throw away the character. I don't like doing that.

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DragoonKnight25 In reply to LunarMew [2013-01-05 01:02:44 +0000 UTC]

Ah I see that sounds like a plausiable theory to me better than most other theories i've heard thanks for the thought

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Mercen-X [2012-11-09 04:33:58 +0000 UTC]

Like your OC. I've always wondered what would happen to those kids when they grew up.

I had created an outline for a live-action EEE movie in the not-so-distant future. Kevin Connolly, Kevin Durand, David Krumholtz, Renee Zellweger as May, Fairuza Balk as Marie, M. Night Shyamalan as Rolf, Cameron Diaz as Nazz, Alysan Hannigan as Sarah, Leonardo DiCaprio as Jimmy, Chris Hemsworth as Jonny.

The plot was kind of Rat Race meets Mr & Mrs Smith as the Eds are rivals in the "private contracting" business versus the Kanker sisters. Meanwhile, one of the missions they fight over is the capture of a mysterious criminal later revealed to be Jonny who has developed a second personality: The Woodsman, an evolution of his imaginary friend, Plank.

As you can see, my write-up got ridiculous in a bad way.

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LunarMew In reply to Mercen-X [2013-01-06 17:27:19 +0000 UTC]

Makes more sense than what I was going with, though. My ideas had a risk of putting the canon characters out of...well, character.

Also, I apologize for such a late reply.

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Thongchan [2012-08-29 06:24:18 +0000 UTC]

She's seems like an awesome character! I wonder what country she's from since you typed down that she's from an unknown country that borders Rolf's country. I love her design.

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LunarMew In reply to Thongchan [2012-09-04 22:27:01 +0000 UTC]

To be honest, I kind of forgot about this character so it took me a while to respond. I apologize. XD

I was thinking of making it as vague as Rolf's since I was thinking of making this an eerie character aside from being a trouble maker. I am also thinking of making a more organized reference for her.

Thank you for the comment. Sorry I took too long to respond.

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Thongchan In reply to LunarMew [2012-09-05 00:08:33 +0000 UTC]

It's okay lol.

Some idiot blog had made fun of this OC of yours about I don't know how long since I haven't pay any attention to their childish blogs. Noir is a really cool character. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LunarMew In reply to Thongchan [2012-09-05 22:38:44 +0000 UTC]

Eh. That's ok. I don't take my fan characters that seriously, to be honest. XD

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Thongchan In reply to LunarMew [2012-09-05 23:33:52 +0000 UTC]

I see. ^^ The blog made fun of my fan character about last year around November because of her style of dress and the background. But they were lucky that I lost interest into the series. xD So I don't care about my FC no more lol.

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LunarMew In reply to Thongchan [2012-09-05 23:49:35 +0000 UTC]

Now that you mention it, I find something puzzling. I asked in the artist's comments for criticism on the character's background the year I created it but nobody really tells me anything. And NOW people resort to complaining about it? Geez, these people and their double standards. Heck, I am not surprised if I am not the only one who goes through the same thing. People on the internet can be weird...

While I also lost interest I don't really like throwing my characters away. However, I am open to redesign and background ideas. Kind of hard without motivation, yes, but I am open.

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Thongchan In reply to LunarMew [2012-09-06 00:08:33 +0000 UTC]

I'm the same way. Sometimes I redesign my characters, like I did to my Naruto FC Kohana. I didn't like her old design much and I hardly ever draw her, so I gave her a new look-- silver-pink and new clothing and a brand new background, although I always edit the background before revealing it. ^^'

But yeah, people like the idiots of the blog can be weird, yet hilarious at the same time. If they have a problem on how the character is designed and such, they could have at least comment on the works. But, instead of that, they made a dumb blog, writing mean things. :/

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LunarMew In reply to Thongchan [2012-09-06 00:12:01 +0000 UTC]

Yea. Nerds...

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Kaitamis [2012-05-31 23:08:59 +0000 UTC]

are you going to make a story out of this and if you have what's it's name? and this is vary interesting

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LunarMew In reply to Kaitamis [2012-05-31 23:20:15 +0000 UTC]

I haven't yet since I am still developing the story but I plan for it to be in the form of short comic strips rather than a full comic.

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Kaitamis In reply to LunarMew [2012-05-31 23:24:03 +0000 UTC]

oh cool!

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bonnybanshey [2012-02-05 01:39:30 +0000 UTC]

that is awesome my oc is un original her name is Jazz Nazzes cousin and she's a chunky girl who doesn't care about looks XD

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LunarMew In reply to bonnybanshey [2012-02-06 00:05:18 +0000 UTC]

That's more original than my fancharacter here.

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bonnybanshey In reply to LunarMew [2012-02-06 00:12:04 +0000 UTC]

Yeah but I had to use a base for mine you actually drew yours

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ToonyMeg [2011-12-29 11:03:34 +0000 UTC]

Awesome character! I love her design!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LunarMew In reply to ToonyMeg [2012-01-01 04:11:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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ToonyMeg In reply to LunarMew [2012-01-01 09:25:08 +0000 UTC]

Welcomez >w<

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Taffy-Chan [2011-08-15 03:19:24 +0000 UTC]

I'm totally going to look forward to your comic because your character reminds me of myself! o_o
It's not a lie! XD Hahahaha

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LunarMew In reply to Taffy-Chan [2011-08-23 02:59:48 +0000 UTC]

lol Thanks.

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Jackie-SugarSkull [2011-02-22 17:40:51 +0000 UTC]

Sweet! I like this chick! She's mysterious.

Not too surprised about Rolf calling her a witch, though...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LunarMew In reply to Jackie-SugarSkull [2011-03-05 02:07:40 +0000 UTC]

Yep. I wanted to exploit Rolf's trait of having all them superstitions. Thanks. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jackie-SugarSkull In reply to LunarMew [2011-03-05 02:12:09 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

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the-kid36 [2010-09-30 13:09:02 +0000 UTC]

this is really awesome hun

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LunarMew In reply to the-kid36 [2010-09-30 13:32:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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the-kid36 In reply to LunarMew [2010-10-02 23:51:15 +0000 UTC]

your welcome babe

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jasoncreater [2010-09-25 13:47:29 +0000 UTC]

is she new or edd n maries daughter

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LunarMew In reply to jasoncreater [2010-09-25 23:45:02 +0000 UTC]

No daughter. She is a new kid.

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jasoncreater In reply to LunarMew [2010-09-26 00:51:00 +0000 UTC]

i love new kids planning on making comics

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LunarMew In reply to jasoncreater [2010-09-26 01:50:13 +0000 UTC]

Comics? Yep. When I can.

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jasoncreater In reply to LunarMew [2010-09-26 15:51:11 +0000 UTC]

yaaaaaaaaaay cant wait

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Technomaru [2010-09-25 01:29:00 +0000 UTC]

is she nice to the Eds?

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LunarMew In reply to Technomaru [2010-09-25 23:54:06 +0000 UTC]

Just Ed...although she sees him as a little kid or a pet dog. They also have similar interests like comics and drawing. (Noir is more of a gamer type of person than anything, though...)

However, she cannot get along with Eddy, (for obvious reasons... ) and debates a lot with Double D, if that's the right word for it.

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Technomaru In reply to LunarMew [2010-09-26 14:27:00 +0000 UTC]

I ask because I noticed that the girls on the show aren't that nice to the Eds. This is why I created my OC Edna.

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LunarMew In reply to Technomaru [2010-09-26 17:11:54 +0000 UTC]

My OC is about 50/50 with how she treats the Eds. Noir likes to play around with Ed, but she can't get along with Eddy.

With Double D, she finds him tolerable, but doesn't like his "ignorance" towards the supernatural. Kind of like that episode where Eddy got a cursed phone and Double D would find all of the unusual things caused by it mere coincidences. My character is into witchcraft and voodoo stuff, (since her relatives are into those things and is a heritage type of thing) so every time Edd treats unusual events as mere coincidence, Noir gets ticked of at him.

Rolf also cannot get along with her for similar reasons. He calls her a witch constantly...

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ReverseTheEclipse [2010-09-24 23:29:57 +0000 UTC]

She looks awesome ^^ Love the character!

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LunarMew In reply to ReverseTheEclipse [2010-09-26 01:50:39 +0000 UTC]


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ReverseTheEclipse In reply to LunarMew [2010-09-26 23:24:52 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

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Sorain26 [2010-09-24 06:28:49 +0000 UTC]

Awesome character, I like the design it looks cool.

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