LynionPoe — Tick Tock part 1

Published: 2012-08-27 01:42:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 1624; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 9
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Description Event 6.2 Tick Tock part 1

Shemp groaned as he awoke, rubbing his paws over his snout. His head and nose felt stuffed, his mouth dry and foul tasting. He lolled his tongue out, opening his eyes slowly.

He looked around in confusion. Everything was purple and blue... And hot. Something leathery pressed him from all sides. Was he trapped somewhere? His heartbeat quickened, and he jerked up quickly in an attempt to free himself. The cage gave way easily, a shocked cry ringing out as Shemp brought himself to his back feet.

The linoone cocked an eyebrow as he examined the den he lived in. So, he had made it home, then. He turned his head again, raising another brow at Piers as the bat rustled his wings, folding them as he stood up groggily. It took a moment for Shemp to put two and two together, his purple coloured cage and the purple webbing of Piers’ wings. Shemp let out a chuckle, then groaned again as his head pulsed. He sat down heavily, clasping his skull gingerly.

“Oh yes, I feel awful,” Shemp said wearily. Piers made a soft ‘hmph’ in his throat. He groomed his wings quickly, then smoothed out his head fur, before he spoke further.

“Rollie told me everything,” he said softly. Shemp looked up quickly, ignoring the pain, but Piers did not meet his eyes. “I’m not pleased, but I’m sure she told you the same.”

Shemp sighed, hanging his head again. He wanted to apologise, but did it really matter now? Was Piers even looking for one? The golbat continued. “Shemp, I’ve been through the nightmare of an alcoholic mate. I’m still going through it. We’re finally on the winning end of that road.” Piers turned to him. Shemp forced himself to raise his head again. “I don’t want Rollie to fall back into that. And I don’t want you to go through it either.”

“I already have,” Shemp said half-heartedly, but he nodded. “I understand. I won’t... I won’t endanger her. Or you, or... or Jackie.”

Piers sat down at his side. “And you?”

“Hm?” Shemp cocked his ear curiously.

Piers sighed, folding his ears back against his head. “I said I didn’t want you to go through it. You can’t have enjoyed it, then.”

Shemp almost argued. He had enjoyed his old life. He had loved it. But he stopped. That was not what he had enjoyed about his life at all. It was his friends. Without them, drugs and alcohol were nothing but destruction. Shemp let out a long breath, paws trembling.

“Shemp...” Piers leaned his head against the linoone’s. The normal type jumped, then leaned happily against his friend. “Just be safe, okay? You are my friend. You can tell us if you’re having any issues.”

“I know,” he said softly. “I’ll remember it, next time.”

The two sat silently together for a time, saying nothing more. Shemp’s stomach was swirling with a mixture of nausea and guilt, making him want to retch. He barely remembered anything of the night before, but he recalled seeing his friends... and the terrible feeling when they vanished. And then Rollie. His face flushed, and he nearly yanked himself away from Piers. He had kissed her by accident. He clamped his teeth together tightly. He hoped to the gods she had not told Piers that part.

“Well, we should get going,” Piers said, standing. Shemp looked up at him curiously.

“Where to?”

“To Tao!” Piers said with a smile. “Rollie already went ahead with Jacqueline and the others. She said she wanted to get her an accessory to wear.”

Shemp smirked, hoping to all fours and trotting after Piers as the golbat headed away from their den. “She would probably just eat anything we gave her.”

“Rollie is hoping to find one that lasts,” Piers replied, chuckling. “Anyway, I offered to stay here with you, until you woke.”

Shemp grimaced. Piers had probably been bored silly; the golbat was a very early riser. “Well, uh, thanks.”

“She wanted to get you one, as well,” he added. Shemp glanced at him in surprise. “If you wanted one.”

“You don’t have to - ”

“We know!” Piers said humourously. “Just take the gift of charity. If you see one you want, that is.”

Shemp grinned uneasily. He was not used to actually buying things. Either he simply had the item, or he stole it. Being given something... That was entirely alien. But it made him feel nice, inside. Having friends who gave you things, concerned themselves with you even if you were a pain. Things he had not had in a long time.


“Do you like your new necklace, Jackie?” Rollie asked, sitting on the edge of the fountain. Jacqueline bounced up and down before her, the bell on her collar ringing cheerily.

“Bell! Bell!” she cried happily. Rollie smiled, pulling her legs up to sit cross legged and watch Jacqueline hop and play with her new bell. The village was all a-bustle today, teams hurrying to and fro to finish up planting, run errands, or just plain shop. Rollie was taking the day off from work; she dig not want to dig a single hole more. The planting was nearly done in any case, so what did one day matter?

She flicked a glance to Ingto and Terrence, the two mons seated together a small distanced away. Terrence has his usual cheerful look on his face, watching the passing pokemon. Ingto, however, seemed to be flicking a lot of odd looks her way. He had been acting strange for days. Rollie let out a breath, turning away. Everyone was acting oddly. She had not seen Samuel all day, and Aerill was unusually quiet for someone who was normally so excited to play with her grand daughter. It made Rollie wonder if something was happening in that family. Maybe Samuel really was leaving soon; Piers had expressed the worry to her several times since Terrence had first arrived, but not a word had been said from anyone else.

She was getting tired of secrets and hidden worries. Why could they not all just sit down and spill everything out into the open? It would be so much easier to deal with everything if they all knew what was going on.

“Dada!” Jacqueline cried happily, springing away. Rollie hopped to her feet, catching sight of Piers and Shemp hurrying their way from the north end of the vilage. She smiled, watching Jacqueline bounce expertly through the other pokemon, throwing herself into her father’s wings. Rollie trotted after, her ears picking up Jacqueline’s excited exclamations about her bell.

“Yes, I see it,” Piers said fondly, giving the golden ornament a jingle with his thumb. “Very pretty for a pretty girl.” Jacqueline giggled, snuggling Piers’ fur for a moment before wriggling to get free again. Piers let her go, looking to Rollie as Jacqueline bounced around them once more. “We’re here,” he said simply.

“I woke up,” Shemp added, rubbing his neck sheepishly. Rollie chuckled, nodding to Piers, who led Jacqueline away with his wings. Cries of “Play please!!” followed Rollie and Shemp as they wandered toward the accessory shop.

“So, I thought I’d buy you something,” Rollie started. “The change band is nice, but if you wanted something else...”

“I appreciate it,” Shemp said, chuckling. “And it’s awkward, getting gifts, but I’ll look, honest to god.”

“I could never be awkward getting presents,” Rollie said with a smirk. “I love presents.” She fingered her green gem necklace as she spoke. “Piers got this for me when I was still a shrew.”

“My old boyfriend got me a hat,” Shemp added lamely. He made a lopsided grin. “It was broken but it was a good hat.”

“What happened to it?” Rollie asked as they reached Chrys’s shop.

“I think I ate it,” Shemp said thoughtfully. Rollie laughed, pushing the door open and leading the two through.

“Yer back?” a coarse voice called from the back of the store. Rollie bared her teeth in a grin at the banette seated at a desk before a sewing machine. “Yer kid better not try eating any more of my accessories...”

“Don’t worry, this one isn’t my kid,” Rollie said, pointing to Shemp. “We’re just coming to look.”

Gnasher waved a hand at them callously, leaning back over his sewing machine. Shemp stood up on his back legs, perusing the shelf. Unlike the last time they had come here - shortly after Sorbet had finished with the town - the shelves were filled with all sorts of items. Necklaces, bands, bags, and other knick-knacks stacked neatly and colourfully. Shemp looked them all over with interest, his paws fiddling with some wrist cuffs before his eyes settled on a deep purple hat.

“Oh man,” he said eagerly, yanking it off the shelf to put on his head. It fit comfortably in between his ears. “This thing...is perfect.”

“The smooth bombin?” Gnasher glided across the floor toward them, grinning with a hand to his chin. “I doubt many pokes would pull off that look.”

“I will pull it off or die trying.” He took the hat off, looking it over in his paws. He glanced to Rollie. “I think I decided.”

The sandslash chuckled, handing a few poke to Gnasher’s outstretched hand. “Then it’s yours.”

“Thank you,” he said, pulling it back on as the two left the store. Rollie patted him on the back.

“I’m glad you found something you liked, Shemp.”

“Everyone!! Everyone gather here!”

Rollie and Shemp looked up curiously at the hectic and commanding tone yelling through the crowd. Mike the charmander hurried to the fountain, bounding onto the stone edge, still hollering for everyone’s attention. The two rogues threw each other confused looks before rushing forward with the rest of the pokemon in the square. Piers, holding Jacqueline tightly in his wings, ran to her side as they crowded around the fountain. Rollie felt worry settle in the pit of her stomach. What was happening now? Surely not another disaster...

“Everyone, merchants, rogues, rescuers, I need you to come with me!” he called out, holding his paws to his mouth. “Jasmine, the celebi who came to help us with the planting, she’s been snatched away by... by someone!”

“What?” Rollie said in confusion, her words echoed over and over by the surrounding pokes. Mike waved his arms for quiet.

“We don’t know who, yet, but we know where she is!” he continued. “She’s been taken into Illusory Forest!”

Rollie’s face paled. She shared a quick look with Piers, but both of them jerked their eyes away within a moment. They had been there before; a long time ago. Piers had nearly died against the pokemon in there. And Shade... Rollie’s expression hardened. Was she behind this? Rollie tried not to tremble, her paw grasping onto Piers’ wingtip nervously. He nuzzled her gently as Mike continued.

“We don’t have time to talk this out here,” he said. He waved an arm toward the forest. “PK knows more, she’s waiting for us by Creeping Forest. Now come on, all of you!”

“Piers,” Rollie said frantically, clutching to his wing tightly as the crowd attempted to organise themselves and set out after Mike. She looked to his face worriedly. “We are not taking Jacqueline in there.”

“Agreed.” Piers looked down to the koffing in his arms, the baby looking between the two curiously. He forced a smile for her, then looked back to the sandslash. “Go with the others, you and Shemp. I’ll find Fancy; she’ll take care of her.”

Rollie nodded mutely. Piers spread his wings, the crowd scattering around him as the large bat beat his wings hard to get airborne. He clutched Jacqueline tightly in between his feet, zooming over the crowd toward Fancy’s home. Rollie bit her lip. She considered herself brave, unshakable, but the memories of Illusory Forest were terrible. Clutching Piers in her arms, racing back to Tao village with his body growing ever colder...

“Rollie?” Shemp said, voice concerned. She stiffened, giving him a small smile, then nodded toward the forest.

“Let’s go,” she said curtly. “But Shemp, this is a dangerous place...”

“I’ve seen dangerous,” he said suavely, smirking. Rollie chuckled, going along with the crowd. Dangerous used to be more of a thrill to her. Even now, she could feel her adrenaline pumping at the idea of some sort of wild adventure in Illusory Forest. But dread filled her also. The memories of that place were tied strongly with Piers’ near death. She clenched her fists, letting a genuine smile cover her face. Well. She would just have to be sure nothing of the sort happened again, wouldn’t she?


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Art by *Nacome
Writing by *LynionPoe

Rush: [link]
Slumber: [link]
King's Pride: [link]

Sonic Breakers: [link]
Second To None: [link]
Tankers: [link]
Gold Needles: [link]

All right, I think writing the list of teams took longer than writing the story! (It didn't) So for part 2 of the event I am collabing again... with Nacome this time! On the one hand, this is awesome cuz we're both gonna be able to get in the character development we wanted. On the other, I decided I can't feature some teams as prominently as I wanted, but that's fine. ALWAYS NEXT MISSION.
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Comments: 11

UnknownOO8 [2012-08-31 10:31:31 +0000 UTC]

Ah, it's okay, there'll be plenty of opportunities ^^

I think there were two little typos in there:
"she dig not want to dig a single hole more." (dig -> did)
"Terrence has his usual cheerful look on his face," (has -> had)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Uruboros [2012-08-27 05:05:17 +0000 UTC]

Jacqueline is so cute! I bet Luminaire would love to play with her sometime.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Garourex [2012-08-27 03:01:26 +0000 UTC]

Shemp stop struggling, bat wing cages are the best place to sleep and GOSH SUCH A CUTE MENTAL IMAGE
YESSSSS Bring on the bellllllsssssss
That's the manliest of hats Shemp THE MANLIEST AND MOST HARDCORE
Shemp walks on the wild side
He LAUGHS in the face of danger~
I hope he doesn't ruin his new hat already


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SpringDragonfly [2012-08-27 01:53:38 +0000 UTC]

Aaaww, I bet Jacqueline is such a cutie with her bell.

And yay GN got a cameo! They look cute in Nacome's style.

Good writing as usual Lyn, although you have a couple of spelling slip ups (you used awake instead of awoke, and third paragraph you spelled raising as riasing).

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

LynionPoe In reply to SpringDragonfly [2012-08-27 02:06:38 +0000 UTC]

She certainly is. XD And no prob, they definitely came out cute!

Man I can't believe I made a spelling error first sentence, novice error. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpringDragonfly In reply to LynionPoe [2012-08-27 02:22:57 +0000 UTC]

It happens. You were probably in a rush to get it done so couldn't proof as much.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nacome In reply to SpringDragonfly [2012-08-27 02:04:31 +0000 UTC]

Apparently everything I draw is cute. But I'm glad you like your cameo~! They were fun to draw.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpringDragonfly In reply to Nacome [2012-08-27 02:23:09 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nacome [2012-08-27 01:46:27 +0000 UTC]

Hey, at least I got to draw a billion characters. ALWAYS SO FUN!

Oh Shemp... you and your purple cages. But now you have this fancy purplish hat!
It's a shame I couldn't draw Gnasher. He's such a hospitable 'mon. :'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

UnknownOO8 In reply to Nacome [2012-08-31 10:32:48 +0000 UTC]

Woah! Thanks for drawing my characters in there Peter sure appears worried in there lol. I think they'd be just like you drew them when they learn the news

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nacome In reply to UnknownOO8 [2012-08-31 10:46:57 +0000 UTC]

Haha, sure thing!
Glad I managed to get them accurately. X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0