Jigglypuff Vs. Mecha Bowser, who will win this battle? It's obvious that Jigglypuff thinks that she is going to win but could she get cocky and loose? Scroll to the bottom to find out the winner ans statics of this match up!
Matchup stats:
Species: Jigglypuff
Gender: Female (She, Girl)
Height 1ft 8in
Weight: 12 pounds
Mecha Bowser
Species: Robot
Gender: Male (He, boy)
Height: 96ft 0in
Weight ~800,000 Pounds
Battle Breakdown + Results
Strength: Mecha Bowser
Speed: Jigglypuff
Agility: Jigglypuff
Durability: Jigglypuff
IQ: Jigglypuff
Battle IQ: Jigglypuff
Skill: Jigglypuff
Offense: Jigglypuff
Defense: Jigglypuff
Experience: Jigglypuff
Endurance: Jigglypuff
AP: Jigglypuff
Abilities: Jigglypuff
HAX: Mecha Bowser
Combat: Jigglypuff
Potential: Jigglypuff
Jigglypuff wins! (14-2) (Extreme, Extreme, Extreme Blowout Match)
Est battle time: 50-75 Seconds
Jigglypuff's win rate against Mecha Bowser: 99.9999999% (1 out of 1 billion times Mecha Bowser wins.)