MaekoHikari — Noumenal Omens | Samuel Salamander

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"Keep the circus going inside you, keep it going, don't take anything too seriously, it'll all work out in the end."
- David Niven

「 B A S I C  ·  I N F O R M A T I O N 」

▌A G E  ·  22 (July 20)      G E N D E R  ·  Male      H E I G H T  ·  5’6’’|167cm      A F F L.  ·  None, loyal to Ilyas

「 B A C K G R O U N D 」

▌H I S T O R Y

He had always known he was going to make it big. One way or another, the stars would be his.

He hadn’t started at the bottom. Born to a pair of circus performers, not the most glamorous perhaps, they were still one of the top performances and well revered, he as their son was treated well by most… envied by others. And perhaps he had never attended a proper school, because circus life meant moving around too much… but like all the other circus kids, he was still homeschooled. So what if he didn't always get along with the other kids? He’d smile and keep his chin up because he was going to make it, and they weren’t. It wasn’t like he was going to admit that being locked in a cage with some of the circus Pokemon for a day had scared him enough to start wanting to learn picking locks… He barely admitted it to himself. After all, being able to open locks was just a useful interesting skill, right?

Lockpicking wasn’t the only unsavory skill Sam picked up from the circus, working with con artists and showmen taught him how to misdirect people’s attention, and through this also how to pick pockets. It was a skill he’d use on his bullies on occasion, but also in times when business was sparse for the circus. It wasn’t something they endorsed, but Sam wasn’t one to think about the consequences… he could do what he wanted.

His parents performed knife-throwing stunts, dangerous to those that watched, they were well practiced and trusted each other. They were good. They had nothing to fear. He wanted to be like them, but while he was learning the family trade, he also performed (along with the other kids). Himself? Pretty good at the trapeze. Maybe the occasional juggling, though it would be a while still before he’d make it into the main shows. 

Then one day he got a taste of what it was like hitting rock bottom. 

This wasn’t what the world would come to know as the calamities, but to him it might well have been. He’d been play-fighting with some of the other kids when they heard commotion from the direction of the main tent, grown-ups yelling and running to and fro... At first the children were merely curious, a little uneasy perhaps.. But Sam, ever the nosy brat, decided he was going to find out. A decision he would come to regret a hundred times over. He’d never forget the sight he’d be met with.

It had been a freak accident; somehow the tent had collapsed... and his parents... Dead. Crushed by a falling beam while practising in the main tent.

It may not have been the Calamities, yet, it was the day his world came crashing down.

He was only 13.

He spent the next few days in shock, hardly able to grasp what had happened. They had been fine... Life had been good. What was he supposed to do?
Too young to take care of himself, the system had almost taken him, he had no relatives in the circus, even though they were his family. Only one thing kept him there, in the end, and it wasn’t his crying or screaming, it wasn’t the desperation; it was simply a man.

He’d been a friend of his parents, Sam had known him all his life. He was like an uncle to him, or a brother. As it turned out, he was also his godfather, and he was willing to adopt the boy, thus keeping him where he belonged. 
.... This was where he belonged... right?

It didn’t sink in right away. Not even weeks or months after they had buried his family. But slowly, it started to dawn on him, when he would walk the tightrope, when he would feed the pokemon. When he would sit with the other circus kids and simply watch the bustle of circus life. 
He was no better than them. He would never be better than them. He had lost the status that came with having talented parents. 

He was nothing more than himself. 

It didn’t change the amount of work, or the kind of work he’d do, but something had changed in him. He had become more humble. Quieter. And he would struggle with things that had come to him so easily. 

But he would move on, as the days passed, then years, and he came to terms with his loss. Finding solace with the man that had chosen to take him in, and who continued to train him his parents’ trade. 

________________________________________________________________________________ ⌈ The Calamities ⌋

He’d seen the starshowers during practice, marvelled at them along with everyone else. Then came the storms. Lightning scorching the earth at their feet, winds ripping at their tents and their campers. Threatening to take their livelihoods as well as their lives. 

The circus struggled.

When the last day came, those that weren’t hurt, or worse yet, killed barely dared hope that this was the end of it. Their livelihoods lay in ruins, tents and campers and equipment damaged.. Some of it beyond repair. 

But those that could persevered, and when the storms and quakes lifted they took to the streets, performing for pocket change to rebuild... but even then they struggled, as little as they had, others had less.. And those that could, left for better lives, calling it a hopeless task.

Sam’s guardian, however, didn’t leave, nor would Sam himself. 
And amidst all this turmoil.. He would find something that could well be their salvation.

________________________________________________________________________________ ⌈ The First Mask ⌋

It was nighttime, and some of the circus kids who were working the streets had found an abandoned building to sleep in, something they would do more often these days. Sam as one of the older ones walked the building just to make sure it was safe, and in a semi collapsed room, amidst the rubble he saw something red and gold gleam in the light of his torch. For a moment he thought it might be jewellery or something equally valuable. But when he went to pick it out of the rubble, he found himself holding a Mask... weird, it seemed to be intricately made but the design itself wasn’t anything particularly special. He took it anyway, maybe he could sell it or something.

He’d continued working the trapeze after his parents’ deaths, and in the cities he’d work the crowds more than the stage. Picked pockets for the circus when he wasn’t working the show. 
Still he longed for the limelight. Still he wanted to follow in his parents’ footsteps. He had no intention to keep up the acrobatics. 

He didn’t use the Mask at first, didn’t know what it was or what it could do… but while he’d taken it with the intention to sell it, he never would. Instead, days after finding it, he finally tried it on, thinking that perhaps he could make a costume of it; a new act as the ‘Flying monkey’! He’d snickered to himself... only to catch his reflection in a window.

Well... he wasn’t wrong.

He’d soon find it made him the star attraction, Lucifer, the fire monkey easily undergoing daring and even terrifying stunts. While the circus was still struggling, the new attraction pulled in more guests, and they would soon be able to travel again, things were turning out alright... even when some feared what he had become.

But! He was doing well!

Until one day he learned a secret... and the world came crashing down anew.
That night some of the campers they lived in caught fire. But only when the flames died down was it revealed that Sam had lost another family member.. His guardian this time. 
It seemed he had gotten drunk and tried to cook something, only for the gas stove to explode in his face, hitting his head had only been a small mercy before the flames claimed him.

Facing the authorities once more, with their trauma counsel and foster homes, Sam had no reason to remain, no desire to rebuild what he had lost once again, and instead turned to the city. Despite the system’s efforts to intervene, he ran away.
He had enough skills to get by.

As a street performer.
As a worker.
As a thief.

For a while he’d sleep in abandoned buildings, living off what he could steal or cheat people out of, small jobs he could do without drawing attention. He wouldn’t stand out. No one was looking for him. No one missed him. 
He was fine with that, he didn’t need more loved ones to lose.

_________________________________________________________________________________ ⌈ Remy LeBeau ⌋

Fate, it seemed, had different plans for him however. Because eventually he would meet a man.

Remy LeBeau

Not the best of people, but he took a shine to him, perhaps he recognised a kindred spirit though even he himself didn’t know why. Perhaps it was simply how he had stolen the man’s wallet… and had even been noticed after doing it, but Remy had done nothing to attempt to stop him… in fact, when Sam was in need of a hiding spot Remy had let him in. 

This man, he found, owned a bar, he had a spoiled but adorable young daughter that he raised alone. And Sam would find himself working for them, starting small with errand jobs, restocking at the bar, whatever he could... and eventually he would find himself living with them. 
He liked this man, and he liked his daughter. 
He liked working for them, whatever they needed. Who cared if he was the boss of a gang… And without wanting to, Sam had once again found some semblance of a family. 


Even that didn’t last, finding that Remy was a Maskuser, and was putting them all in danger with his reckless prideful behaviour, himself included, Sam couldn’t keep silent... he confronted him about it, telling Remy he needed to stop and consider the consequences, to stop putting his pride above his family. 
The fight, while not physical, still wasn’t pretty, and at the end of it Sam left the bar in a rage, feeling like he wasn’t being heard...

Not that he was kicked out of the gang, he wasn’t forbidden from ever coming back. But stubborn as they both are, Sam couldn’t stay, he couldn’t keep watching this. 
He’s currently taking shelter with another member of the gang for the time being, their second in command being very understanding that living with Remy isn’t always easy, and Sam appreciates it. 

But when all is said and done he isn’t about to walk away completely but he can’t stay under the same roof either.

「 P E R S O N A L I T Y 」

E S T P - A

▌P O S I T I V E  ·  Playful + Jovial + Bubbly + Protective + Loyal + Outgoing + Attentive + Observant + Easygoing + Charming + Brave + Confident + Independent + Witty

▌N E U T R A L  ·  Headstrong | Sly | Selfish | Personal | Performer | Glib | Sneaky | Foolhardy | Curious | Silly | Proud

▌N E G A T I V E  ·  Tactless ÷ Deceptive ÷ Insincere ÷ Idiot ÷ Conniving ÷ Vengeful ÷ Aloof ÷ Loud ÷ Hedonistic ÷ Impetuous ÷ Mistrustful ÷ Superficial ÷ Rash ÷ Restless ÷ Rebellious

All his life, Sam has been performing; the world’s a stage and all eyes are on him. He never minded it, in fact he craves the attention and loves drawing reactions out of a crowd, whether it be gasps of terror as he seems to plummet to his death or the applause when he catches himself the last possible second. 

He does it all with a smile.

In fact there is never a time when he isn’t smiling, there’s never a time when he isn’t acting. Not when others are watching, and it has become a habit so ingrained in him that he struggles to show true emotion beyond joviality, or even seems to act inappropriately according to the situation. He never cries, never gets angry, he plays the idiot and acts childish regardless of who he talks to or where he is, sometimes it even seems like he just can’t keep his mouth shut; voicing things others don’t want to hear or that could get him in trouble.

He is, however, observant, very much so. He notices small details, changes in behaviour or clothes, that others might not. He isn’t stupid, even if he never went to a proper school. He might not be book smart but he certainly has street and people smarts.. It all disappears behind the mask of a reckless fool that rarely appears to be anything more than the smile he displays.

And not just that, he can’t seem to keep his hands to himself either; meaning he likes to dip pockets and shoplift, though he doesn’t always go for money, sometimes it’s just for a snack. He isn’t picky. However the tendency has lessened through the time he has spent with Remy and his gang, besides teasing friends by taking their things without them noticing, just to slip it back just as unnoticed.. To keep his skills honed, even if he doesn’t have a need for them.

It is hard to get to know him, even harder to get close. He’ll gladly talk to people, but he is unlikely to tell them much about himself or his past, not that he lies, but when he talks about himself he leaves out a lot... all the bad parts. 

However there are those that do get close to him, the very few he has let into his heart.

To those few people he is fiercely loyal, and he will protect them until his very last breath, even from themselves if he has to. And to those that dare harm them he is merciless, vicious and vengeful. 
Those are the rare moments when his mask slips and you see more than just a smile, hell, those might be the only occasion for others to see who he really is, and how much anger he has buried inside. How much he hides from the world. Not necessarily because he wants to, but he doesn’t know how to let it out anymore… there might even be times when he walks away without explanation.. Or disappears for a while; hiding at home until he has himself under control again.

Despite all this he is a likeable person, he’s sociable. He helps others in need (when he can do so easily). He gets along with kids.
And yet he wouldn’t consider himself a good person. He’s inherently selfish, and the reason he helps others is for their gratitude, he isn’t afraid to call in favours with people that ‘owe’ him, he makes people like him because it makes life easier. And he knows it. He wants to do good, but somehow he always finds himself doing things the ‘easy way’, he ignores rules and regulations if they don’t suit him in the moment, he cares little for the pain of strangers. And even when he does do good, if it draws a crowd he is quick to disappear… much as he wants to take the spotlight, he still thinks there might be people looking for him, and even if there aren’t he’s also still part of a gang… He shouldn’t want to draw attention. He shouldn’t draw attention. It is a constant struggle, and sometimes so much so that he won’t touch his Mask. Or leave his room… 

In short, Sam is nothing but an act, an easygoing child that wants the world to love him. Who likes to indulge in the laughter of others and their praise, while a storm rages inside begging to be let out.

Note: while Sam is inherently selfish, he may come across as selfless as well depending on the situation. Similarly he does display conflicting traits BECAUSE parts of them is simply him acting a way he thinks he should, rather than following what he actually wants to do.

▌❤ L I K E S

Sweets  ·  snacks  ·  food  ·  drinks  ·  fun  ·  children  ·  smiles  ·  laughter  ·  fire  ·  knife throwing

▌✖ D I S L I K E S

Violence  ·  crying  ·  anger  ·  restraint  ·  limitation  ·  closed rooms  ·  being questioned  ·  darkness  ·  authorities

▌!!!! F E A R S

Lack of control  ·  losing loved ones  ·  letting others in  ·  being locked in or tied up, trapped*

*NB!! This is an actual phobia, it’s one of the few things that he cannot hide from people

▌T I D B I T S

  • Stronger than he looks from all his running and climbing

  • Always has candy or snacks on him (ask nicely and he might share)

    • What’s yours is his~  (Talented pickpocket)

  • He wears makeup from time to time

    • He does it well, and for the right price he might help you with it too~

  • Has a tattoo of a salamander on his neck

  • Has 6 earrings in each ear, a septum and lip piercing

  • The top of his hair is bleached, his natural colour is a medium brown

  • The jade pendant belonged to his mother, it’s one of the few things he has left of his parents

  • Learned how to pick locks

  • Fairly adept at knife-throwing and, depending on the type of knives; juggling, learned from his parents and later from his guardian

  • Has a faint Kalosian accent, though he doesn’t speak the language fluently, he does mostly understand it however

    • His parents originated from Kalos

  • Understands and is able to use simple sign-language (ASL), and is still learning

    • Ivan, Remy’s second in command and the guy Sam currently lives with, is deaf, which is why he’s been learning

  • Likes to observe the world from tall buildings, trees or hills

    • Circus life and trapeze acts make parkour pretty easy

    • Definitely doesn’t have a fear of heights

  • He rarely uses his Mask these days, and keeps it a secret to the best of his abilities

  • “Samuel Salamander” is, much to his dismay, not his birth name

  • VC: Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet | Singing Voice

  • TW: Bullying

  • Sam was bullied when he was younger, in part because of his arrogance and superior attitude towards other circus kids, and it began to change into his teenage years when he himself began changing, and finally stopped after his parents died and he realised he wasn’t better than any of them.

    • In short: he changed his attitude over time and mended some of the relationships he had before, stopping others from wanting to teach him a lesson

    • Nowadays he is in denial of it ever having happened

    • Not because it’s a subject he takes particularly lightly when it’s about others, but when he looks back at the time he spent with the circus and his parents he ignores all the bad parts making it more idyllic than it actually was

    • But also because back then he would take the adversity as confirmation that he was in fact better than them, which isn’t to say that it was entirely his fault, but he wasn’t innocent in how others treated him; practically a bully himself causing other kids to lash out the only way they knew how

「 P O K E M O N  ·  T E A M 」

▌T H E O S 

▌G E N D E R  ·  Male    S P E C I E S  ·  Aron   A B I L I T Y  ·  Sturdy

▌M O V E S E T  ·  Tackle, Harden, Mud-Slap

Sam received Theos as an egg from Ilyas’ gang, after Uriel had hatched, as a sign that he’d become part of the family.

▌U R I E L

▌G E N D E R  ·  Male    S P E C I E S  ·  Torchic    A B I L I T Y  ·  Blaze

▌M O V E S E T  ·  Scratch, Growl
Sam received Uriel as an egg from Ilyas’ gang by mistake, he still loves him dearly though.

▌J U P I T E R

▌G E N D E R  ·  Female    S P E C I E S  ·  Joltik (shiny)    A B I L I T Y  ·  Compound Eyes

▌M O V E S E T  ·  Absorb, Electroweb, Bug Bite
Jupiter was part of the little joltik nest Lucifer would visit and feed with Kitsune , but when it came time to say goodbye she instead decided to go home with Sam.

▌B A S T A R D

▌G E N D E R  ·  Male    S P E C I E S  ·  Zorua    A B I L I T Y  ·  Illusion

▌M O V E S E T  ·  Scratch, Torment, Hone Claws, Taunt
Bastard, or Bas for short, was first a research subject at Eden’s dad’s lab, though he seemed to take a shine to Sam (or his snacks) and would keep sneaking home with him, until finally Sam gave up and took him in.

▌J A C Q U E L I N E  ·  K H I O N E

▌G E N D E R  ·  Female    S P E C I E S  ·  Alolan Vulpix    A B I L I T Y  ·  Snow Cloak

▌M O V E S E T  ·  Powder Snow, Tail Whip
Sam got Jacqie from someone in Glitch chat (Leo ) who was looking for others to help take in a litter of Alolan Vulpixes, he hadn’t really planned on getting a fifth ‘mon, but who can turn down a baby in need? 

Her full name is Jacqueline Khione, but for the most part he shortens it to Jacqie or Jackie. She’s Sam’s little princess that can ‘do no wrong’ even when she’s up to no good.

「 M A S K   ·  I 」

▌S P E C I E S  ·  Simisear 

▌A B I L I T Y  ·  Gluttony --> “Makes the Pokémon eat a held Berry when its HP drops to half or less, which is sooner than usual.”

▌N A T U R E  ·  Naughty (+ Attack / - Sp. Defense) (+Spicy / -Bitter)

▌C H A R A C T E R I S T I C  ·  Impetuous and Silly [+Speed]

▌M O V E S E T

Sunny Day (TM)  ·  “Makes the weather sunny for five turns. When sunny, Fire-type moves are more powerful.” (Non-damaging)

Acrobatics (TM)  ·  “The user nimbly strikes the target. If the user is not holding an item, this attack inflicts massive damage.” (55 Base power)

Flame charge (TM)  ·  “The user cloaks itself with flame and attacks. Building up more power, it raises the user's Speed stat.” (50 Base power)

Grass knot (TM)  ·  “The user snares the foe with grass and trips it. The heavier the foe, the greater the damage.” (20 base power) 
Note: When using Grass Knot the bigger the target the more the move might drain him.

▌P E R S O N A L I T Y

Lucifer is “The performer”, he likes being out in the open and admired by others even more than Sam does, and lately it conflicts with Sam’s desire to lay low and go unnoticed due to his past and affiliation with a gang, leaving him feeling listless when he puts on the Mask.

  • ALWAYS eating  ·  Food fuels the flames, sugar especially and Lucifer can get rather cranky if he doesn’t have any snacks left

  • Fickle  ·  Just as likely to rob you as help you, Lucifer doesn’t care about anything, he does whatever he’s in the mood for... if his mood changes so will his actions, sometimes at the drop of a hat

  • Easily bored  ·  ... Do we need to explain?

  • Persistent & stubborn  ·  the more you want him to stop something the less likely he is to do so, in part because the aggravation of others amuses him as much as making them laugh, in part because he simply is as stubborn as the day is long, and Sam’s rebellious streak is amplified in Lucifer’s nature

  • Extremely curious  ·  if there is something he doesn’t know, he WILL go out of his way to find out

  • Trickster  ·  Because who doesn’t love a good prank?

  • Breakneck reckless  ·  Lucifer likes playing with fire, even more so than Sam, and he will wave that little tail in front of even the biggest toothiest beast without batting an eye or considering consequences

  • A bit of a temper  ·  Where Sam keeps his emotions in check, Lucifer displays them in the most dramatic fashion possible, to the point where it’s almost comical... except he’s serious

  • Vengeful  ·  payback doesn’t come cheap, and slights are rarely forgotten

  • Less inhibitions  ·  in this form any of Sam’s already limited morals go flying, Lucifer does what he wants and whenever he wants

▌H E L D  ·  I T E M

Air Balloon   ·  “When held by a Pokémon, the Pokémon will float in the air. When the holder is attacked, the item will burst.”

▌O T H E R

  • When worn the Mask turns into a belt buckle (Surely that doesn’t come with awkward moments)

  • Lucifer is short, even shorter than Sam and at his tallest he stands at 5’2’’ (158cm) not that it bothers him.... not. at. all. 

  • Having hands for feet has its benefits; climbing is easy and parkour is made easier still, as long as there’s something to grab onto (he also likes to climb people bigger than him)

  • Being small and agile it is easy to move silently and go unnoticed... so long as his flames don’t glow too much..

  • The flames in his hair and tail grow hotter when he gets angry or agitated, sometimes even causing embers to flow into the air like from a blazing bonfire. However those that he likes or trusts may be able to touch them without getting hurt.

  • He may have considered joining both the White Veils and The Black Masques, but due to Samuel's turbulent past and conflicting desires he has chosen not to pick a side just yet... who knows what the future might hold however. 

  • VC: Michael Kovach as Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel (NSFW topics warning)

「 M A S K   ·  I 」

▌S P E C I E S  ·  Croagunk 

▌A B I L I T Y  ·  Anticipation --> “Senses a foe’s dangerous moves.”

▌N A T U R E  ·  Rash (+ Sp. Attack / - Sp. Defense) (+Dry / -Bitter)

▌C H A R A C T E R I S T I C  ·  Highly Persistent [+ Defense]

▌M O V E S E T

Bounce (TM)  ·  “The user bounces up high, then drops on the foe on the second turn. It may also paralyze the foe.” (85 Base Power)

Toxic (lvl)  ·  “A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.” (Status)

Quick Guard (Breeding)  ·  “The user protects itself and its allies from priority moves. If used in succession, its chance of failing rises.” (Status)

Belch (lvl)  ·  “The user lets out a damaging belch at the target. The user must eat a held Berry to use this move.” (120 base power)
Note: does no dmg if used eating anything other than a berry.

▌P E R S O N A L I T Y

Venom is the “Hero”, Sam’s desire to do good, to be loved and praised for his actions. He sacrifices himself to make others love him, and will give everything for other people, even strangers.

However, while he DOES come across as selfless, it's still only selfishness, not even to feel good about doing good things but for the admiration that comes with it.
Of course Venom doesn't really realise this and genuinely believes that he just wants to help others.

The Mask enhances the softer, more sensitive side of Sam that he doesn’t show often, meaning Venom struggles to hide his feelings, whether they’re good or bad in his eyes, and it is more likely to catch him getting agitated or tearing up over small things that Sam would only laugh off. 
He enjoys showing people he’s close with that he cares about them, and enjoys giving physical affection. 

He might look like a mischievous little troublemaker but in all honesty, he’s the best of Sam, and is here for the better.

Some keywords: Witty, Helpful, Bubbly, Positive, Ambitious, Pleasant, Manipulative, Rash, Foolhardy, Attention seeking, Persistent, Sensitive, Childish 

▌O T H E R

Sam found the Mask back in spring when the fog still lay heavy over Opelucid City; it had been one of the Unstable Masks he (as Lucifer) and Mason had been fighting one evening after having a little thieving competition (after all the heavy fog was ideal for that kind of activity).
If asked later he wouldn’t be able to tell what had made him go back, but go back he did, merely spending some time studying the mess they had left in their wake.. Both him and Mason but also the group of unstable Masks that had attacked them.

Drawn to an overturned bench and the rubble surrounding it, the Mask wasn’t easy to miss but somehow it was still there; perhaps hidden well enough in the remaining fog for only someone like Sam, who knew it might be there, to find.

So far he’s been laying low when using the Mask, while still getting used to it, but recent events resonate with Venom’s agenda so perhaps he’ll finally make his presence known?

  • Mask Item: Two Rings on his middle fingers

  • At 5’8’’ (173cm) Venom is Sam’s tallest Mask (and is likely to remain so)

  • Cheeks hold poison sacks/glands, and fingers are like stingers (nails are toxic)

  • Has the ability to jump farther and higher than your average human

    • Approx. 13-14ft (~4m) and 3ft (90cm) [Standing jumps, it’s longer if he’s running]

  • Able to stay underwater for longer than your average human but he can still drown (time varies depending on the type of water and how warm it is, but between 10-20 minutes)

  • He can inflate the ‘poison sacks’ like a normal Croagunk, and make a sound similar to them

    • Sometimes does so involuntarily, especially when nervous or excited (soft croaky noises)

    • Cheek sacks inflate/deflate to the rhythm of his heartbeat when this happens

  • Doesn’t do well in overly warm and dry climates

  • Fights dirty despite being a ‘Hero’

  • Tries to keep his real identity hidden, more than he does for Lucifer

  • VC:  Bruno Campos as Prince Naveen from Princess and the Frog


Discord  ·  Google Docs  ·  I'm flexible though

Literate  ·  Script  ·  Headcanon for relationship building between rps

Roleplay comfort meme

(c) MaekoHikari (2019.11.04)
Characters mentioned in the app info:
Remy (c) TheFallingpiano
Kitsune (c) HalloweenPanda
Mason (c) TheMiniOne

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Comments: 8

kage-niji [2020-03-07 13:48:40 +0000 UTC]

stinky baby

i love him

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MaekoHikari In reply to kage-niji [2020-03-10 19:29:58 +0000 UTC]

terrible bby

I'm flattered you do uwu <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LionheartedPhoenix [2019-12-21 09:21:54 +0000 UTC]

HELLO he's adorable that should be ILLEGAL

I really love the pose and just AAAA <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MaekoHikari In reply to LionheartedPhoenix [2019-12-22 01:28:53 +0000 UTC]

LMAO Another crime to add to his rap sheet XD 
Hhh thank you sm <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Delayni [2019-12-20 03:03:11 +0000 UTC]

wooooah i love this DUUUUDE

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MaekoHikari In reply to Delayni [2019-12-20 19:06:20 +0000 UTC]

Awh shucks, thank you   

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ghostini [2019-11-04 05:02:23 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MaekoHikari In reply to Ghostini [2019-11-04 05:35:34 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0