MagaSushi — Amber

Published: 2013-05-29 01:06:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 797; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 0
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Description EDIT: Congratulations to =PaiintyFish ! ; u ;


I am trying out for one of Maika and Kehri's kits! I have no self control.

I've been following the couple since forever and I just love them okay okAY u//__//u

I tried to incorporate bits of both Mama and Papa into her. The base and a few markings from Maika, most of the colors and markings from Kehri. Plus a teeny bit of red from her grandma, Tzurai!

I'll add her bio tomorrow. I really hope you two like her!

I really shouldn't get so attached to characters that quite possibly could be denied oops


True Name: Lou
Kit name: Amber
Tattoo: Pink-Earth
(Eventual) Profession: Warrior

Positive Personality Traits:


[ Extroverted ] [ Ambitious ] [ Fearless ]

[ Extroverted ] Amber is extremely social as a kit--thriving in the presence of other cats and thriving in conversation. When it comes to her status, she definitely considers herself more of a leader than a follower. She wants to share her ideas, share her opinions, though she might be a little forceful when cats don’t accept them.

[ Ambitious ] This Pink-Earth is open to take whatever chance that presents itself, and she’s willing to work. She hasn’t exactly found herself yet, being only a kit, but she believes that she’ll find excitement soon enough.

[ Fearless ] Inspired by the Earth-Tribe elders’ tales, Amber has aspired to be the one who confronts danger when all else fails. Although she has never come face-to-face with the beasts described in her favorite stories, she has taken inspiration from the heroes. She knows that when her time comes, she won’t be the first to flinch.


[ Witty ] [ Passionate ] [ Genuine ]

[ Witty ] Lou is happiest when sharing an inside joke. Her quick wit and clever humor are something that she admires about herself. She enjoys pulling things out of her own life and flipping them around--it’s an easy stress reliever and a fast escape, although some cats don’t appreciate her jokes when it involves themselves.

[ Passionate ] If Lou finds something she believes in, you can bet she’s not going to let it go. She’s experienced in the respected art of proving cats wrong, and won’t stand to be proved wring herself. She is absolutely zealous when describing something she supports.

[ Genuine ] Through all of her unwise jokes and endless arguments, the she-cat means well. Well, most of the time, yes. She wants to help other cats because she can think back and remember times when she was in their place with no one but herself.

Negative Personality Traits:


[ Somewhat truculent ] [ Stubborn ] [ Instigator ]

[ Somewhat truculent ] Even though Amber truly loves her brothers, there’s always been a form of sibling rivalry between them. Amber would never admit that she competes in their rivalry game, but she’s gone to foolish lengths to win. Being the only she-cat in a litter of toms, disagreements were often settled in brief bouts of roughhousing or ear-nipping. Growing rather accustomed to this, Amber sometimes tried to settle disputes with other kits by using the same method--the reactions were obviously not positive!

[ Stubborn ] Like most kits, she wants her way, but this trait will follow Amber all through her life. Oh, what a joy for her parents.

[ Instigator ] Amber can never stand to be bored. She’ll strive to get attention somehow, even if it’s negative attention; she’ll settle for it.


[ Inflexible ] [ Impulsive ] [ Domineering ]

[ Inflexible ] The last thing Lou would ever find herself doing would be succumbing to another cat. She has her own ideas in her own head--and she’ll stick to them. She’s independent, but she’s also stubborn, and that’s a mix that’s not easy to work with.

[ Impulsive ] A quick thinker, yes, but an illogical one at that. A problem could have many solutions, so which one do you pick? For Lou, it’s always the first thought that hits her. The she-cat only wishes to help, but she gives no forethought before acting.

[ Domineering ] This accompanies Lou’s inflexibility. On rare occasions, when her tolerance--however little--runs out, she might assert her thoughts and opinions on other cats. It’s a trait she hates and wishes to rid of herself; though, behind closed doors, she has a sinking feeling that others think she’s bossy or narcissistic.

Anything else you want to add:


General: Amber’s signature tall, tufted ears are something she’ll obviously be recognized by. Though, beyond her ears, the she-cat has a long, quite slender body, which is covered in fur that is not quite as soft and fluffy as it is sleek. Her tail, which is almost the length of her body, adds to that effect. As a kit, Lou had a short, stocky appearance as any kit does but grows into the build of her mother--long legs and a thin frame.

Fur: Even at a simple glance, Amber is clearly the daughter of Maika and Kehri. She inherited her gentle cinnamon fur from her mother while Kehri most prominently gave her two dark patches that emphasize her eyes. Amber has relatively short fur while it bunches up around the scruff of her neck, cheeks, and the caudal region of her hind legs. The fur on her torso is laced with ruddy marbled tabby marks while her legs are branded with darker ticked markings.

Face: Amber’s face deceitfully appears to be rather rounded with the fur that adorns it but in actuality her muzzle and cheek bones are pretty narrow. Her nose and maw are pointed and her face is angular under all that fur. Amber’s eyes begin a light blue like her father’s but concentrate into the sharp sapphire and violet of her mother’s eyes.

Accessories: N/A

- Maika
Father - Kehri
Siblings -

Roleplay Example: Roleplay from #City-Of-Sundown
Just a little background information--Gage was Wynter’s close friend, almost like her guardian. He died of the infection that exists in in CoS universe.
Also--Lara is a cat with a double personality, she’s usually pleasant but there are rare moments when she cannot control herself. Her aggressive side is dubbed “Holly.” In roleplay, the day before the post below Wynter encountered this “Holly” along with a few other cats and things didn’t end up going so well!
The student could barely make out the scene in front of her. There was...was it a pathway? Yes, dirt pathway. It wound itself around in intricate patterns and faded out behind dead trees. Trees that were etched against the blank, stripped sky. After a few moments she realized she was walking.
Her paws hurt.
How long had she been on this path? She couldn’t remember; she couldn’t remember anything.
Wynter flinched. Had something moved behind that tree? Or maybe it had been the one to her left. Her vision swam. Her thoughts were nothing but primordial.
A snippet of fur. She felt eyes sear into her fur. The air was filled with something so familiar, yet she couldn’t remember...a name. The figure made himself visible. Gray fur. Evergreen eyes. Something tugged in the back of Wynter’s mind. A friend. A foe? A friend. Gage. He looked concerned. He opened his mouth to speak though his voice reached Wynter’s ears as a jumble of sharp sounds.
Her legs could no longer support her. When had the air gotten so thick? The student really couldn’t remember having to breath so hard before. She couldn’t keep up with the air. Maybe it was that the air couldn’t keep up with her lungs. Wouldn’t it be easier if everything just...stopped.
The air caught in her chest. Gage’s eyes widened in fear and, painfully, he tore his gaze from Wynter and was forced to run.
Wynter was...scared? No, no she didn’t feel...feel scared. She didn’t feel. She wasn’t really there anymore, was she? Her mind and thoughts became questions. What’s going on? Who is doing this? Why? Why? Consciousness was fading, fading fast...
This was the infection.
The first sound hit her ears, a scream, and she jolted awake to her paws. She could hear her heart thunder in her ears.
“What the hell was that?” Wynter lazily got to her feet, fatigue clouding her vision and her mind still in a dream. What did it take to get a decent nap around here? She needed rest from the incident with Lara yesterday. She knew the infected were crazy, but she had never expected to see that behavior from a healthy cat. What went on in that she-cat’s mind? Wynter didn’t even want to know.
The tortie stretched her long, skinny limbs and proceeded to investigate where the strange shriek had originated. It was so hard to track anything in the dead city--there were so many tall, crumbling buildings, corners and alleyways, sound scurried across the walls like frightened prey. Then she saw them--A group of gang cats that seemed to be engaged in a physical fight. But, as Wynter scented the air, she caught something familiar, something too familiar, something dark. Upon closer inspection, realization hit Wynter like an expert predator’s aim. It was that crazy she-cat from yesterday. It seems the cat had lost her grip on reality once more--Wynter couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her. The poor cat couldn't help it...but this madness needed to stop.
Acting on pure instinct, Wynter leaped down from the low, flat roof she had been perched on and onto a trashcan. The can wobbled for a moment and the student thought it was going to crash and give away her position--but thankfully it evened out just in time. "Damn it, that was close." She sighed under her breath. She recovered herself, leaping to the ground and finding various things to climb on until she was on a windowsill just above the still screeching cats.
Wynter held her breath. Did she really want to do this? Did she really want to risk it? The demon in cat's skin was out for blood, who said she even had a chance to defend herself let alone Lara’s victims? It was time to put on a brave face. The she-cat dropped down onto the pavement behind Lara and crouched down, puffing out her fur, widening her eyes and pulling her lips back in a snarl to reveal needle like teeth. "Step away, Ms. Prickly-Ass." She growled.
She knew she was getting herself into a whole lot of trouble.
Why Maikehri is awesome:
uhm pls have you seen them
No, but really. Look at their dynamics--the pretty boy and the lovely grump. What more could you want in a relationship?
Your favorite color: Blue and green u__u
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Comments: 3

SimplyNeon [2013-05-29 01:34:19 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow! She looks so much better than my attempt at Amber!
Maika and Kehri are adorable couples

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

meeshmoose [2013-05-29 01:26:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Frostbreeze67 [2013-05-29 01:10:51 +0000 UTC]

*o* so purtyyy

👍: 0 ⏩: 0