I did few art the past 2 days, my son is kinda super sick, and we don't know what he actually has. Luckily, we have an appointment with the doctor this afternoon. Let's hope it's nothing more than a vile but easy to get rid of virus.
That been said, I did this design of the father of my fursona's son. He is his father biological only, he doesn't even know that he has a son nor does Xiaolan know about his real father. He's contented as it is with his mom's boyfriends that is and his precious jiujiu (uncle). He doesn't need anyone else XD
I had another oc to play that tole until now, but the design was not fit enough to my taste. So I decided to just do one that suits the story and is look alike with Xiaolan's design. Kinda logic as they're related XD Still I tried my best to keep few differences, enough to tell easily that they're not the same oc. Bao' has a simpler colors palette, the light blue is smooth out without solid pattern, the hands/paws are black, the face has a marking, the white "sploches/dots" are just following the forearm/leg and belly light blue instead of everywhen on the body, etc.
Notice : the tattoo was made by myself // the pinyin symbol only means Zhou in Chinese [simplified]
Base @ GodbirdArt on patreon
Design @ Myself [but based off Xiaolan's design that was made BrokenVocaloid on DA [Link here ]]