majestic-glory — Hawkeye X Reader- Chapter 48 Beginning of the End
Published: 2015-07-03 05:25:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 2130; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Description Thor bit into his fourth pop tart, chewing loudly as he watched the scientist slave over his makeshift work desk. The group of four had retreated to the kitchens as the sun had begun to set. The scientist needed a lot of light in order to work properly and they didn’t want to risk being spotted by a passing patrol. Natasha was seated cross legged atop one of the benches a half-eaten sandwich discarded beside her. She closely examined one of her stolen guns, dissembling it with the skill of a professional and cleaning the inner workings with a clean dishrag. Fury watched her tiredly as he ate his own sandwich, though his mind was far away. Like any good leader he was running through strategy and trying to foresee anything that could be thrown his way. Nick Fury was not used to being helpless and didn’t enjoy it in the least.
The scientist yawned loudly, leaning back in his chair. “I should get a medal for this.”
“Is it done?” Fury asked, leaving his sandwich forgotten on the bench and going to stand by the scientist.
“It’s done, it just needs to be placed correctly and activated.”
Natasha flipped her hair out of her face. “Let’s get going then.”
“What me?” The scientist questioned wide eyed.
Fury’s single eye zeroed in on the small device. “There is no time for you to teach Agent Romanoff how to use it.”
“B-but.” He stuttered.
Thor chuckled around his fifth pop tart. “The little man acts like a girl.”
Ignoring Thor’s comments the scientist continued. “I don’t even know how to use a gun.”
Placing her newly reassembled gun into the scientist’s trembling hands Tash smirked. “It’s easy, just point this end at the bad guy and shoot.”


Bruce’s eyes flicked open. The dark brown irises retracted until the pupil took up most of the eye. You watched him tensely, hands gripping tightly onto your weapons. A grimace contorted Bruce’s face as he brought a hand to his head, his seemingly black eyes darting from you to Steve. You chewed the inside of your cheek trying to will your hands to stop tremoring.
“Dr. Banner?” Steve spoke in a surprisingly steady voice.
You shifted your weight. “Bruce, are you ok?” Your voice was less even.
He groaned in reply, a deep growling sound that made your blood run cold. You glanced at Steve before taking a measured step backwards.
Steve carefully placed a hand on the doctor’s shoulder. “You’re with friends.”
Bruce’s nostrils flared as he stared up at Steve with his black eyes. “Friends?”
“Yes,” Steve replied, subconsciously taking a small step backwards. “We’ve fought beside one another remember?”
Bruce winced, scrunching his eyes shut and taking deep breaths.
“Bruce?” Your voice was a little steadier now.
He glanced at you, his eyes near normal. “I-I’m fine.”
You and Steve shared a small smile before he crouched down to Bruce’s level. “Are you alright to walk?”
He sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. “Yeah, just give me a moment.”
You gave a sharp nod. “I’ll wait for you in the hall, I think I can hear some of the guards stirring.”

Before too long Both Steve and Bruce had emerged, Bruce seemed to be in a fairly good condition, though he did sway on his feet a little.
You nudged a nearby guard with the toe of your boot as they approached. “I couldn’t bring myself to kill them all. I think we better get a move on.”
Steve knelt before a buff man with greying temples and began to search his person. You opened your mouth to protest.
“I saw him with this earlier,” Standing Steve held out a small plastic rectangle that was smeared with trace amounts of blood. “I think it’s a key of some sort.”
Your brow furrowed. “I don’t think we have time to go looking for what it opens.”
“But they have the weapons don’t they?” Bruce questioned groggily.
Your eyes darted to Steve awaiting his response.
“Yes, and I think I know which floor they’re on.” His reply was not what you had been hoping for.
“You want to go and get them don’t you?” You asked tiredly.
He slid the small card into his belt. “I need my shield.”
“Of course you do,” You mutter under your breath.  “Alright, you have fifteen minutes. Bruce and I will be waiting for you on the ground floor if you’re not back by then…”
Steve clapped you on the shoulder. “You’d make a good soldier ________.”
As you watched him leave you were not so sure. Your orders from Fury had been strict, retrieve the captured team members and return straight back to the ruined hotel. Now the already pitifully small team was split into even thinner groups. This was not going even remotely how you’d hoped it would.


Natasha ducked behind a dumpster, dragging the scientist by the collar of his shirt. The pungent odor of rotting food assaulted her sense of smell as she tried to keep in the shadows. The scientist’s breathing came in ragged gasps as he doubled over. His fitness was nowhere near where it should be, which would make an already difficult job tougher.
Tash grabbed him tightly by the wrist. “Are you sure this is the place?”
He nodded silently, unable to form words.
“You just can’t make it easy, can you?” She complained as she watched the horde of guards shift restlessly.
“It has to be placed in a central position to the signals origin point.” The scientist spluttered out.
Tash turned her gaze on him. “Ok, cover my back from here. And please try not to shoot me.”
He clutched tightly to the gun Natasha had lent him, his hands visibly trembling. His eyes glinted in the darkness helping to portray him as a frightened animal. Natasha squeezed him on the shoulder reassuringly before creeping out of her hiding spot.

She slid along the grimy sidewalk with the grace of a serpent. Her breathing was deep and even as she silently advanced towards a small brigade of men and women. The nearer she became the more evident it was that these supposed ‘guards’ were no more than average people infected by the virus. A woman nearest to Tash cradled a small pistol in her acrylic nailed hands. A man standing not far from the woman wore a bicycle helmet and skin tight lycra, and beside him was a boy not much older than fourteen dressed in a slightly disheveled school uniform. Natasha slowly rose to her feet, blue eyes darting between each stationary face. Holding her firearm close to her body she made slow and steady steps towards the female. There was no reaction from any one of the guards until Tash’s boot accidently crunched on a shard of broken glass. All heads snapped back in her direction, glassy eyes staring out at her. The woman stumbled forward flailing her gun out in front of her. Tash didn’t think twice about pulling the trigger of her own gun which struck the woman in the chest and sent her reeling back. The remaining infected began to shout out and ineffectively fire their guns. However the sheer number of bullets that flew through the air was enough to send Tash scrambling back for the dumpster. The scientist screamed out as his own bullets tore through the night. He missed his targets more times than he hit them but nonetheless his help was needed.

Natasha ducked her head low as she reloaded her weapon. The reverberating chorus of firing guns and rebounding bullets was almost deafening. Infected individuals began to fall like dominoes as the fray wore on. The scent of rubbish was now joined with the equally as strong scents of gunpowder and blood. The very two scents Natasha had grown to love. As macabre as the scene before her was Tash couldn’t help but admit that she was enjoying herself. There was just enough danger to send her heart racing but not enough to genuinely worry her. The only thing that upset her in the slightest was the fact that these people she was mowing down were in reality innocent, but she didn’t allow herself to think about it for long.

After the last of the diseased finally fell Natasha turned to the scientist with a small smile. “Nice job.”
He averted his gaze, stashing the gun back into his jacket pocket. “Nice? I don’t really think anything about that was nice.”
“There’s no point feeling guilty about it.” She replied stonily.  
“I don’t feel guilty, I just think that your choice of words were insensitive.”  
“Look,” Tash frowned. “What’s your name?”
The scientist sighed. “My name’s Asher.”
“Look Asher, in my line of work this sort of thing is mundane. To me this is no different than bagging groceries at Costco, so sometimes my choice of words may not be as subtle as they probably should be.” She forced a smile.
He dipped his head. “I suppose that makes sense,” He glanced up at her. “Must suck to be in your line of work.”
She shrugged. “I actually kind of enjoy it, it’s pretty much all I’ve ever known. Now come on, we don’t have long until reinforcements are sent.”
Asher said no more, forcing himself to his feet and following closely behind Tash.


Bruce’s head slumped forward comically as he dozed off for the third time. You yawned, tilting your own head back to stare up at the ceiling tiles. The ground floor was thankfully pitch-black, the only illumination coming from a set of dying red emergency lights above the elevator. The shadows offered you and Bruce some mild cover but you still felt completely exposed. Fatigue was quickly taking a hold of your body and every single one of your muscles protested at the slightest twitch. So far you had been lucky enough to escape any serious injury but that was not to say that you weren’t injured. Cuts and bruises marked your entire length. Some were worse than others but all let off their own little twinges of pain. You traced the falcon effigy on your belt with your thumb as you picked at the dusty carpet with your other hand. It was important that you keep yourself moving no matter how pointless the action. If you didn’t stay active there was no doubt that you would end up asleep.

The doors to the elevator slid open and a crimson highlighted silhouette stumbled out. From what you could tell the figure was masculine and in good physical condition but that didn’t mean it was Steve. Forcing your screaming muscles into a crouch you watched the figure soundlessly. He limped slightly, favoring his left leg as he timidly approached your general position. You waited not moving an inch, you weren’t going to risk revealing yourself just yet.
“_________, It’s me Steve.” A voice whispered into the static air.
You leapt up without another second to spare and waved a hand feverishly. “Over here.”
The moment Steve got close enough you embraced him, haphazardly throwing your arms around his large frame. He returned the hug awkwardly, his hands hovering just above your lower back. You could feel the cold metal of the shield strapped to his back.
“I was beginning to think you’d been caught,” You said releasing him. “I see you got your shield.”  
You were just able to make out his smile in the dim light. “I don’t think they even noticed that I was there until it was too late,” He held out a small bag. “I found Clint’s bow as well.”
Stopping yourself from hugging him again you grinned. “Finally some good news. Lets get the hell out of this dump, I never want to see another converted office block again.”
With a light heart you each threw one of Bruce’s arms over your shoulders and helped him out into the cool night air.  

When you entered the hotel you were immediately greeted by an outraged Fury.
“Where have you been Agent _____?” His voice was only barely contained.
You were so tired you didn’t even give him a second glance as you helped Bruce into an out of place chair. Not even Clint got the greeting he had been hoping for. You just ignored everyone, sliding yourself down on the linoleum floor. Your emotions were everywhere, you grieved the loss of Maria, rejoiced in the victory of reuniting the team and were relieved that Clint was ok.
“____________?” Clint placed a hand on your shoulder.
You gazed into his eyes. “I love you.”
He blinked, slightly taken aback by you public confession but his expression soon softened. “I love you too _______.”
You heard Fury clear his throat indignantly but continued to ignore him as you pulled Clint down by his shirt. He raised his eyebrows surprised by your uncharacteristic forwardness. Tracing the plane of his cheekbone with your thumb you roughly pressed your lips to his and were surprised to find his mouth bend to your will. He crushed his body against yours seemingly ignoring whatever pain it caused him, and gripped your waist tightly. The kiss lasted less than a minute but when you pulled away you were both breathless.
“When’s it my turn?” Tony asked, pulling you from the moment.
You glanced up at the shocked faces around you but didn’t feel ashamed.
“Steve knew where his shield was being kept and went to retrieve it while I waited with Bruce.” You answered Fury’s earlier question quietly.

Natasha spoke before Fury could reply. “Was there any ammo? We’re running low.”
“Some, it’s all in the bag,” Steve replied. “I found your bow as well.” He said turning to Clint.
Clint smiled his dazzling smile. “Maybe we do have a chance.”
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Comments: 6

Dracoandjamie [2015-08-22 12:55:46 +0000 UTC]

Yeah can't wait for the next

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AkitoKiki [2015-07-28 18:21:07 +0000 UTC]

Whoooo. Exciting! Cant wait for the next one

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

majestic-glory In reply to AkitoKiki [2015-07-31 03:40:23 +0000 UTC]

it's comming i'm just in the proofreading stage at the moment 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkitoKiki In reply to majestic-glory [2015-07-31 04:03:34 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

roxygthor [2015-07-06 17:42:27 +0000 UTC]

Aww yeah

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MaddChaos [2015-07-03 05:40:39 +0000 UTC]

Yes! Hawkeye is back in action! Cant wait for your next update my friend! Very well done.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0