mallfoxgreen — Cursed Angel Prologue [NSFW]
Published: 2012-11-30 02:40:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 611; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 3
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Description                                             Cursed Angel


   FOR WEEKS, all he can see at the beginning of every dream that envelopes his mind is nothing but a blank void. He would wonder aimlessly within the emptiness every time he falls into the world of sleep. At first, there was nothing, not a soul to meet the eye.
   Then, she would appear. This young woman has been making her presents in every one of his dreams, for what reason is unknown. Even though he has no idea why she appears in all of his dreams, he feels the need of wanting to know her, to feel and hold her in order to be complete.
    She would continuously seem to be teasing him with the idea of having her to himself, but all she gives him is a glimpse of her eternal beauty through her very silhouette a distance away.
    "Who are you?" He inquired, every time he sees her, and every time he'll get the same response.
    This time it was different. For the first time, the dream changed. Unknowing to him, a large body stood behind the young man. His realization snapped into place when a shadow casted upon him.
    Alarmed and fearful, he slowly turns his head to see a large monster-like demon creature standing on its high legs like a human—slouched over with large arms with two inch claws that can slice through steal and deadly red slit eyes glaring down at him.
    It seared at the young man for a moment before striking an attack.
    He nearly avoided being sliced to death as his t-shirt was slashed, barely missing the skin. His quick reaction saved his life, for now. The young man fell back on his rear end.
    He then tried to stand in attempt to get away from the monster, but is proven useless. His legs are in too much shock to hold any more strength in them. He knew he was going to die. His world slowed down as he prepared for the killing blow.
    Just before it can happen, and like that, the monster is killed on the spot. It was sliced in half—vertically. Its body fell seconds after, bleeding a puddle of its own blood. The young man stared wide eye at the now dead body in fear, horrified, and amazement, all mixed in once.
    He breathed heavily.
    It wasn't long till he calmed down. He then felt a present, but he knew not to be alarmed for he recognizes this present. He stood back to his feet once the strength has returned for support and turn to face his rescuer. The woman stood three feet from where he stands.
    "What are you?" He inquired. From what he had witness… she can't be no ordinary woman, let alone human. Then he realizes the true reason why she kept her distance and why she easily defeated that monstrosity like it was nothing.
    Her eyes.
    Her eyes—what everybody calls a window to the soul—are different, abnormal. They are an eerie red coloration, the exact copy of that demonic creature. Cold and empty. It was almost as though she doesn't know the meaning of kindness nor knows of love or to feel loved. Despite the inhumanly gaze, he saw right through the mask.
    Behind them is pain… sadness… misery… all that melancholy emotion seen right into those redeyes that he doubts anybody took the change to see.
    As he stood there, he tried to understand the reason behind the sudden change in the course of his dream.
  "What are you…?" His repeated his previous question. At that very moment, everything around him started to slowly fade.
    And before he knew it, everything is plunged into whiteness.

    WHITENESS… the pale color of white is all to be seen, empty and quite. All that disappeared when an eternal sounding of a digital alarm filled his unconscious mind. It eventually became louder and louder with each second.
    Then, his world of sleep is greeted by the bright light of the morning sun bleeding through the partly covered curtain window. His auburn eyes slowly and tiredly opened. The young man—Daniel Thorndike—stared up at the bare ceiling while drowsily in a daze.
    Daniel stretched his muscles before sitting up right. His medium length brunette hair stuck wildly everywhere. His long bangs hung loosely like always, covering most of his eyes. He sat in silence, looking down at his wrinkled bed sheets.
    "Who are you?" Daniel repeated his first unanswered question, knowing very well the answer won't come. "Why?" The young man inquires to himself. He felt confused, more so than before.
    His eyes drifted over to his digital alarm-clock by his right hand side on the nightstand. The time reads: Seven Forty-Five.
    "Oh crap, I over slept!!" His sudden burst of shouts is so loud that it can be heard throughout the house.
    Down stairs, in the kitchen, a woman with short strawberry-blonde hair; looking around in her early thirties sitting at the kitchen table heard the uproar while reading her newspaper.
    It did not bother her; in fact she simply smiled amusingly. Her ears is greeted by the dull sound of thumping fast feet hasting down the flight of stairs just before barging into the kitchen in a hurry.
    Daniel flings his backpack over his shoulder on a single strap.
    "Ugh, I can't believe this!" He said with aggravation in his voice.
    "Over slept, I see." The woman—his aunt, Sofia Monroe—calmly responded without shifting her sky-blue eyes from her paper. Her amusing smile never left her lips.
    "Yeah, and on this day of all day's too." Daniel knew he doesn't have time for an actual breakfast, or anything for that matter. He just threw together whatever wardrobe he can lay his hands on; a pair of long-sleeved shirt, jeans, and sneakers.
    His hair is still a bit of a mess, but better then how it was before. Since he doesn't have the time for a decent breakfast, instead he grabbed the only available food source on the table; a piece of jam toast. He bolted towards the front door.
    "Hey," his aunt turns to her sprinting nephew. "aren't you going to give me a goodbye morning  kiss?" She inquired.
    "Sorry, no time, gadda go, see ya!" He said all in one breath, and quickly to a point you can barely understood a word. Daniel unintentionally slamming the door shut behind him. His aunt only chuckled in amusement as she turned back to her morning paper.
    "That boy really knows how to start off a morning." She said to no one in particular.

         MEANWHILE ELSEWHERE, Daniel rushed through the streets of his neighborhood. He took a leaped over a brick wall before landing without injuring himself.
    He then dashed down the nearest park. Daniel nearly avoided a collision with a young couple as he continues running towards his destination.
    "Hey, watch it kid!" The man who he assumes to be the boyfriend yelled across to him.
  "Sorry." He hollered over his shoulder apologetically without diminishing his jaunt. Daniel is in a hurry because of a class trip to an art museum. Daniel is on his way to school—Monochrome High. Hopefully he makes it in time, or otherwise he'll miss out on the fun.
    Most kids his age would find it boring and tend not to care too much on art history, but not Daniel. He fines it more as an opportunity, looking and learning of all the famous artistes and their paintings.
    Daniel has always like art since he was in kindergarten. He's always drawing and doing other crafting project. Daniel has always wanted to become an artist, a painter most likely.
    His parents thought he will. Though he's not quite a professional as of yet. But he has passion. Daniel hopes that someday he'll make his parents proud.
    Daniel, meanwhile, ran pass an alleyway, unaware that he has drawn unwanted attention. Its fury ears perked up once noted the boy running by; releasing a light rasped growl related to a rabid infected animal.
    Daniel didn't realize he is being followed till he heard barking penetrating through his barrier of thoughts. He gazed over his shoulder to see a dog not too far off behind. He sees the canine only has one good working eye while the other has a visible scar on his left.
    The stray charge's toward the seventeen year old like a hungry wolf. Daniel induced his speed in attempt to run from danger.
    "Aw come on!" he started. "First I slept through my alarm, didn't have time for even a quick breakfast, and now this?! Can things get any worse?" He inquired that dangerous question. Unfortunately for him, two more appeared as they joined in the chase. Daniel ten strived himself to push himself over his limitations.
  "I SPOKE TO SOON!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. His adrenalin kicked in, only to realize that even a dose of nature's emergency energy boost is still not enough to escape the hungry rabid beasts. He'll have to use his wits to get himself out of this situation.
    The chase continues for a minute as Daniel tries to come up a quick plan to ditch the fleabags while under pressure.
  'Dammit! I gadda lose them somehow!' Think Daniel, think!' He thought in desperation. As he sprints for his dear life, Daniel caught sight of a metal fence in-between a different alley and instantly came up with an idea.
    'That's it!' He smiled at his own brilliances. Daniel ran towards the fence along with the dogs hot on his trail. He knocked over some trashcans and other derby as a way to slow them down.
    With whatever power he got left in his legs, Daniel jumped as high as he can to the top of the fence. He franticly claimed, ascending over before the canine beasts can get a chance to get their jaws into him. And just in time. The dogs bark and growl as they came to a complete halt. They jump around while clawing at the metal fence as they are trying to fine away through the cursed barrier between them and the boy. Daniel laughed at their faces, cockily.
  "Ha! Thought you had me there, didn't you fleabags, especially you, one-eye mutt?!" He taunted. The one he mentioned growled angrily and barked at him.
    "Well you won't be getting any of this today. See ya." Daniel provokingly slapped his rear with a cocky grin. This only angered the dogs. The dogs gave off a fearsome growl as they claw at the stubborn fence. However, it didn't faze Daniel as he ran off towards school.
  'I hope I'm not too late.' He thought afterword as he ran toward his school.

    MEANWHILE, at the school campus grounds, a man well in his mid-thirties stood by a bus while holding a clipboard as he checks off each of his students entering the bus down to the last. The teacher—Mr. Rumen—took notices to one of his pupils standing not far off the main gates. The young man—Lloyd Banks—franticly looks at his surroundings in search or waiting for someone.
    He would once in a while gaze down at his cellphone to see for the time. At the last second it switched over from eight-o nine to eight ten.
    "Damn, where the hell is he?" He murmured to himself. His right leg repeatedly bounces impatiently into the ground. The longer he waits the more fidgety his body becomes.
    He has been holding back the trip for as long as he could, but now it's all up to his friends to show up.
  "Mr. Banks." Mr. Rumen called to the young man. Lloyd turns to his teacher. "It's time for us to depart."
  "No we can't leave, yet, Mr. Rumen." He retorted. He quickly walked up toward his art teacher. "He's gonna be here any minute, I'm sure of it."
  "I'm sorry, Mr. Banks, but we're behind schedule as it is, and we can't afford any more delays."
  "But—" Lloyd's sentence was cut short by a sudden shout of "HEY" riding through the wind to their direction. They turn to the source and saw a Daniel running towards them. Lloyd let out a sigh of relief. He has been stalling for his childhood best friend, after all.
  "Hey wait, don't leave without me!" Daniel called for the final time before skidding to a stop. He use his knees for support, completely out of breath from his none stop running. "I… made it…" He gasped out in-between words.
  "Man, you got me worried for a minute there." Lloyd said. "Do you have any idea what you put me through? Seconds later and we would've left your sorry ass behind." He told with anger in his tone.
  "I know, I know." He replied as he slowly steady his breathing pace. "Sorry about that Lloyd… I'll make it up to you… and thanks for stalling them long enough for me to get here."
  "Hey don't sweat it. What are best buds for?" He grinned, wrapping his arm around Daniel's neck in a friendly, brotherly matter.
  "Eh-hem." The boys turned to their teacher. "Now then, shell we move on, or continue with this bonding moment, hmm?" Mr. Rumen said while adjusting his rimless-glasses.
    "Right." Lloyd released Daniel. "Sorry for the hold up." He said. He and Daniel entered the bus. Once on board, the bus driver begins to part ways from their school ground and hits the road. Daniel and his best friend both sat together in the center back since all the other good seats have been taken. Daniel put his bag on to his lap and pulled out a binder.
  "Hey Lloyd," Daniel friend turned to him. "wanna see my latest master piece?"
  "Hell yah. Show it to me, bud." Lloyd replied. He has always like the way his friend sketches realistically, far better then he could ever do. Daniel pulled out a piece of paper in his folder and showed it off with pride.
    "Check it out. What do you think?" Just like that, Lloyd's expression dropped. The picture he is looking at has been the same sketchy silhouette of an unknown girl Daniel has started to draw weeks ago. "Another one? Seriously?" He raised his eyebrow upward in disappointment.
  "Sorry, I just…" Daniel sighed. "I had another dream, with her in it again."
  "Hey, don't get me wrong. It's awesome, really, better than the last one. But why concentrating only on one thing while you could do so much more than doing sketches of her all the time? Like an—what are they called… Otaku."
    "What's that?"
    "It's a Japanese term used to refer to an obsession person from what I looked up."
  "No, I'm not obsessed with her, I just…" Daniel sighed again. "I don't know Lloyd. I feel like I'm getting closer to figuring out who that girl is. This might sound strange and crazy to you, but I feel like I want to get to know her."
    Lloyd looked at him in confusion.
    "Look, I know it sounds weird and strange to you, but that's how I feel. It's like… I don't know." Daniel told as he moved his gaze out the window to watching the landscape pass by line of vision. "I just feel the need to know who she is." He sighed once more. 'Or what she is.' He then thought.
    Lloyd crosses his arms as he put his thinking cap on, thinking of a solution of Daniel's problem. "Hmm… Can't really help you there bud. But think I may have an idea to your problem."
    "Like what, exactly?"
    "Just to tell you, I could be wrong. But I think it could be some kind of sign to my perspective."

    "Like…?" Daniel slowly asked, not quite likening where this is going, but is prepared for what Lloyd has to say.
    Lloyd suddenly gave Daniel a big mischievous smirk, which only made him more nervous.
    "Like it's telling you that it's time for you to get yourself a girlfriend." He announced shamelessly. Daniel felt embarrassed by Lloyd's choice of answer. He could feel his face slightly burn.
    "I mean, come on, I've already got a girlfriend since freshmen year." He said with a happily joy in his voice. "Anyway, that's what I think. You should really get yourself a girl, especially this time of year."
    "What do you mean by that exactly?" Daniel looked confuse. Though part of him has an idea of what that is.
    "I mean it's the last year of high school for us. And that you're more stressed out than usual. Working your ass off to get into a good college, that's unhealthy." Lloyd replied as he wraps his arm around his childhood friend.
    "Oh? And this is coming from a guy who mostly gets C's on grade average." Daniel retorted with a small sly smile paste on his lips.
    "Hey, I got some few A's and B's." Lloyd said defensively. "But what can I say; I'm an easygoing, layback type of guy." He folds his arms behind his head as he lay back in his seat.
    "No kidding." Daniel rolled his eyes.
    "You should still consider getting yourself a girlfriend though. Trust me; I'll be good for you." Lloyd winked reassuringly to his friend. Daniel said nothing after that. He just looked out the window, lost in his thoughts. An image of that girl shadow figure invaded his mind.
    'Who are you?' He thought.

    THEY ARRIVED to their destination. The students gathered around as they gazed at their surroundings inside the large art gallery. Lloyd whistled in amazement, echoing off the walls as it fades into the background.
    "Whoa, it's a lot bigger in here then it is out there." He said. He gazes up at the stain glass ceiling at the very heart of the museum.
    "I've always wanted to come to this place. And now, here I am." Daniel stared up at the ceiling as well. "I'll finally get the chance to get a good look at all those paintings mom and dad once told me about!"
    "Will you just shut up about it already?"
    Daniel and Lloyd recognize the owner of the voice anywhere. They don't want to deal with that person, not today anyway. The boys turned to be greeted by three high school jockeys.
    In the center between the other two is their main guy; Michel Herman. He has been their bully since elementary. Although Daniel is more often picked on than his best friend, considering he's… not much of a fighter, nor a strong one at that.
    Lloyd has always gotten his back whenever they lay a hand on his friend. He will and can get physical with them if he has too.
    "All you ever do is blab about is art this, painting that. BORING." Michel crossed his arms; he bore an expression of boredom.
    "Well at least he knows what he going to do with his life and working his way to get into a good collage. Unlike someone I know." Lloyd retorted in defense for Daniel. Even though Daniel never asked for his help, but is grateful to have him as a friend.
    "What's that supposed to mean?" Michel inquired with aggravation.
    "Hell, I can't really picture you going to college. Not with the grades you have anyway."
    "What was that?!"
    "You heard me!" Lloyd challenged.
    "Yo! Nobody talks like that to our homeboy and gets away with it." One of Michel's friends said while the other cracked his knuckles, preparing for a fight. Just as the fight was about to break out, Mr. Rumen intervenes.
    "Hey, hey, knock it off." He stepped in between to prevent from getting to one another. "All of you, I will not allow such behavior to continued. Or otherwise I am force to report you gentlemen to the principal for disturbing the peace when we get back."
    All the boys, except for Daniel, backed down.
    "Now, I want you all to be good boys and play nice with each other for the rest of the day. If any disturbance occurs, I will have no choice but call your parents to come and pick you up. Capiche?"
    "Yes Sir." They replied simultaneously.
    "Good. Alright class, if you would please follow me so we can get started." Mr. Rumen called out to his class as they enter into one the corridors.
    "You should consider yourself; otherwise I would have kicked your ass." Mitchel told Lloyd to his face before walking away, alongside with his friends.
    "…I really, really hate that guy." Lloyd murmured in a grunt.
    "You didn't have to stick up for me, you know." Daniel said. He looked unhappy as he felt disappointed, disapproving with his self. He is thankful to have Lloyd as a friend. But at the same, he'll tent to feel utter uselessness whenever his friend deals his problems.
    "Oh came on. You're my best friend. You did it for me once in middle school, remember?"
    "Yeah, right before getting beaten up to a pulp." He groaned. He remembered clearly being covered in burses and having a bloody nose as well a black eye.
    "Face it, I'm weak. I can't even throw a good punch to save my own life."
    "That's not the point." Lloyd said. "Look, we've been friends for a long time, right? You've been a brother to me since I never had any siblings. And the only friend I can count on for almost anything. So whenever you're in trouble or whatever, don't hesitate to give me a call, alright?"
    Daniel stared at him for a moment before a smile formed on his face. He nodded in acknowledgment, happy to know that he is indeed lucky to have a good friend.
    "Thanks, Lloyd." He replied.
    "No biggy." After they had their little friendly chat, both the boys followed up to the rest of the group.

    AS NOON CAME around the corner, the students all sat outside having lunch in the courtyard since they don't allow food and drinks inside the gallery. They chat amongst themselves, talking about anything that came to mind to ease some of the boredom they gained.
    Daniel and Lloyd sat under one of the trees in the middle of the yard. While Lloyd is text messaging, Daniel on the other hand has his sketchbook out. He once again found himself drawing the same picture of the girl in his dreams.
    This time, with her inhumanly eyes shown after she revealed her true self… or at least, that's what he figure. While too deep in his thoughts, Daniel failed to notice someone standing over him.
    What broke his state of trance is when he realized a shadow cast over his being. He turned to see Mr. Rumen looking over his shoulder, looking at the picture he just drew.
    "Mr. Rumen…" He said, relieved to know it is not Michel.
    "Impressive piece of work, Daniel." He complemented as he crouched down to get a better look. "Yes, very impressive indeed." Mr. Rumen then turns his gaze over to the to his pupil.
    "Tell me, is she someone you know by memory? Or something you thought up?"
  "Um…" Daniel hesitated. He has no idea how to answer that question. "It's… hard to say." He answered unsurely, yet, truthfully. Mr. Rumen gave him a confuse look behind his rimless glasses.
    "What do you mean?" He inquired. Daniel hesitated once more while trying to come up with some realistic explanation, but finds it difficult. Before he could give a response, Lloyd jumped in the conversation.
    "What he means by that is he couldn't tell if he made her up in his dreams or he could've seen someone similar to that in his drawing."
    "Dreams?" Mr. Rumen turned to Daniel in curiosity. Daniel felt his face lightly heat up with embarrassment. How could Lloyd blunt out about his dream openly to their teacher without his promotion. Daniel shot his friend a glare while Lloyd only shrugged in apology.
    He sighed.
    "Well sir… it's just that hard to explain."
    "No need to force yourself. I can tell that you're not comfortable with this subject.  So I won't pray." He said understandingly.
    "I do have to say though; this is still a really well drawn picture, quite realistically. I—especially like the way you drew her eyes. All thought to my perspective, the eyes looks a little, how do I put it… edgy."
    "What do you mean, Mr. Rumen?" Daniel asked.
    "The way she looks at you is unnerving, like she not human. Unless that's what you're aiming for."
    "That's how she appeared in my head."
    "Well either way, this still consider an A plus." Mr. Rumen smiled. He then stood back up. "Keep at it and you'll get a promising career in the near future." After that is said, Mr. Rumen wandered over to check on his other students.
    Lloyd turned to Daniel once their art teacher is out of hearing range.
    "If I didn't know any better, the both of you are almost like father and son. Well, brothers are more like it."
    "Come on, he's just a teacher, nothing more." Daniel retorted.
    "Just saying." Lloyd raised both his hands. "You should still consider finding yourself a hot girlfriend, though." He added with a sly smirk. Daniel face burned at his remark.
    "Would you just lay off the subject already? Jesus." He murmured as he pushes him by the shoulder. Lloyd only laughed at his embarrassment. He can be so easily flustered, it's amusing.
    "Alright students, if you're done with your lunches then let us proceed with the tour." Mr. Rumen called to his class. The students gathering their belongings as they followed their mentor back into the gallery.
    Daniel put his sketchbook back into his backpack while Lloyd threw away their trash into the garbage bin nearby before following the crowd. From then on, the rest of the day went well.
    Daniel—unlike some of the other student—had a great time. After all, he does have passion for art, including his love for paintings.

    LATE AFTERNOON, the sky turned into a colorful shade of orangey-red. The sun sets over the horizon behind the mountains of the valley, as well over some large buildings of this town.
    Every one of the students hitched a ride home by their family. They are told before coming on this trip to have their parents or guardians pick them up by near closing time. Most had already gotten a ride home before then.
    While Daniel and Lloyd descends down the steps, a woman with dark hair—same as Lloyd—parked next to the driveway and honked her car, calling to her son.
    "Daniel, need a lift?" He offered.
    "Nah, it's alright. My aunt is gonna be picking me up in a little while."
    "You're sure of that?" Lloyd inquired. He received a confirmed response by a single nod Daniel gave.
    "Alright then," he shrugged "if you do need a lift, give me a call." Lloyd held his hand next to his ear to give a point.
    "`Kay. Later." Once Daniel said his good bye, Lloyd climbed into his mom's car and they drove off. Moments after, his cellphone rang.
    "Hello?" He answered.
    "Hey, Aunt Sophia. Will you be here in a bit? `Cause I'm already out."
    "That's why I called you, sweetie. I won't be able to be picking you up due to work today. So I'll be staying over longer tonight. I'm sorry, hunny." His Aunt replied.
    "What? But I—"
    "I'm sorry sweetie, I have to go now. Just asks Lloyd to give you a ride, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to. Bye."
  "Wait, the problem is—" Before Daniel can finish, he had been cut off as the other end ended with a click.
    "Problem is Lloyd as already left. Damn it." He talked to himself, sighing. Daniel then followed his aunt advice and pushed the speed dial. Daniel placed his phone up to his ear, waiting.
    The phone rang on the other side for a moment or so. Finally, he heard Lloyd's voice. Just as he barely about to give a response, he discovered it was a voice box.
    Instead of leaving a message after the beep, Daniel ended his call for he does not want to bother to leave a message. He let out a hard sighed in great disappointment and aggravation.
    "I should've known. Lloyd barely answers his calls." He sighed again. "I'll just try again in a few minutes." Minutes turn to half an hour, and half an hour turned to one hour… then two… then three…
    It has already become late evening. Daniel—thought try and try again, he STILL can't get through to Lloyd. Daniel grew frustrated. He realizes he that it is too late, he is stuck with no way of returning home.
    And he can't just walk home, either. It's nearly twenty miles on foot from where he is. That's about over 32000 feet in length! Not only that, it is also dark out. It's dangerous to be walking home this way.
    "Dammit Lloyd! What's the point of you having a cell phone you're not gonna answer the goddamn thing! Uhg!!" He placed his hand over his face in stress. He then took a deep breath to calm himself.
    "Looks like I'll have to spend the night out here till Aunt Sophia get home." Daniel let out another sighed in distress. He doesn't like the idea of sleeping outside on a cold bench, and the fact it's even more dangerous, but what choice does he have.
    As Daniel sat there on his lonesome, he is unaware that someone stood behind him. "Hey kid," he turned to see the society guard three feet away from his. "aren't you supposed to be at home in bed at this hour? Its already pass ten o'clock." He said.
    The man doesn't look any older then in his late thirties.
    "As much as I love to be home in bed, sir, I can't. I'm stuck out here till much later at night."
    "Well, sucks to be you kid. Didn't you give your parents a call to come pick you up?" The society guard inquired.
    "My aunt won't be home till three in the morning. And no, I can't call her from work because I don't have her emergency number, nor can I contact her by cellphone." Daniel looked downcast.
    "She has it off most of the time while at work, anyway." He sighed. The society guard felt pity toward Daniel as he stood to his feet. He drapes his backpack lazily over his shoulder.
  "If I'm bothering you of me being here, then I'll just go and find a bench somewhere to wait or sleep on. I'll figure something out." He said while descending the concert steps.
    "Nice meeting you." He turns to the man one final time as he leaves. Daniel is left alone and unsure of what to do or where to go. But despite it, he is willing to find a way around his problem without trying not to be a nuisance to anyone.
   The society guard can't help but feel sorry for him. He normally doesn't do caretaking or is allows anybody in the gallery after closing time, and he is sure Daniel is old enough to take care of himself.
    However, he can't seem to let the young man wonder in the dead of night on his own like this.
    "Kid," Daniel paused and turned to the man, curious to know what he has to say. "how old are?"
    "Seventeen , sir." He replied.
    "Ah~, you're still a minor, then. It would be wrong of me to leave you out here to defend yourself, a kid." Daniel took that offensively, but said nothing. "My duty as a society guard, you can spend the night here inside the museum till your guardian gets home."
    "Thanks… but I don't want to be a bother to you. So, thanks anyway for the offer."
    "Don't be an idiot, boy! When a society guard says it's fine, then it's fine. And besides, you're not a nuisance; I've dealt with people much more bothersome then you. It's not like you'll get in the way or anything, right?"
    "No sir, but—"
    "Then come on inside, before you catch yourself a death of cold out here, kid." He said.
    "I'm not a kid. I have a name, you know."
    "Then tell me your name if you dislike being called that." The man retorted.
    "It's Daniel." Daniel replied. He hated the fact the security guard is a bit—or more—of a dick. But he has no choice then to suck it up and deal with it.
    Just seconds before entering the museum, Daniel suddenly felt a strange vibe that someone or something is watching them. He inspects his surrounding carefully; watching the street, empty of any life at this time of night.
    No matter how he looks at it, the feeling of being watched is making him very alerted. Ignoring the sensation, Daniel puts his guard up.
    "Hey," Daniel snapped out of his thoughts. "the entrance is this way. Better hurry up before I accidentally lock you out." The guard retorted in a bad jokingly manner.
    Daniel shrugged off the vexing feeling and quietly followed the man inside. He placed his backpack down near one of the benches next by the entrance as the man locks the doors.
    "You can sleep here for tonight. It won't be comfortable, but it is hell a lot better than spending the night out in the cold air."
    'You got that right.' He thought.
    "Well, I'll be taking my route around the gallery. By the way, when will your aunt be home, again?"
    "Three AM, sir."
"Fine. I'll come and wake you up so you can give her a call, alright."
"`Kay." After that is said, the security guard left Daniel alone. In all honesty, he prefers to be accompanied by the jackass guard then being left alone. For some reason, the strange vibe did not leave. He felt like something is going to happen, something bad. But what that is? He doesn't know.
    Daniel shrugs it off. He thought he was just being paranoid. Perhaps he is just tired. It may be the weekend, but Daniel is never the one to stay up late—beside on New Year's Eve.
    He should have been in bed an hour ago. Daniel yawned as he stretches his arms. He uses his backpack as a pillow, though it's not the most cushiony headrest he ever laid on, it will have to do.
    After yawning for the final time and saying "good night" to himself, Daniel has fell asleep in seconds. It wasn't long till his dream consumed his mind. Once again, it is the same dream. Just like last time, it is different. This time, however, Daniel is face to face with the young woman.
    She looks at him in the eyes and he looks back. At first her red eyes caught him off guard. Since he aware of it now, it was no surprise to him. Daniel stood there, unsure of what to say or even if he should wait for her to talk.
    Right when he was about to say a word, the young woman bet him to it.
    "They're coming…" She said. Her voice, eerie, yet, a hint of kindness and gentleness can be sense within her tone.
    "Who's coming?" He inquired.
    "You're in danger… You must run…"
    "Run from whom, or from what? You're not making any sense of this." As confused as he may be, Daniel can tell in his guts that whatever it is, something horrible is about to happen. He just knows it.
    "Run… Run… RUN!"
    Daniel woke up with a start. His face dripping wet with cold sweat. The last thing he remembered is the young woman telling him to "run" before she transformed into a full-fleshed monster, into one of them.
    Daniel sighed in relief. It was only a dream. He then realized something important.
    The lights, all the light within the gallery are off.
    "What the hell… Why are all the lights out?" Daniel then wondered if this is some kind of a prank set up by the security guard. If it is, it's not funny to him. Also it is unprofessionally immature for a full grown man to prank on him like this.
    "Alright, you had your fun. Now can you please, turn back on the lights?" There is no answer. "Seriously, this is not funny by a long shot. In fact, it's downright creepy! And I proudly admit that!" He shouted.
    He demanded once more for the lights to be turned on. But when there's no answer again, Daniel started to feel wary.
    "Hello…" He called out to the darkness. The only sound he heard is the echo of his own voice bouncing off the walls. Daniel swallowed a lump in his throat. As scared as he is, Daniel bravely stood up.
    He then took a step forward before striding down to one of the halls. The only reliable source of lighting is the moon, providing some guidance into the building. However, that alone is still not enough to ease away Daniel's nervousness. Something is wrong, very wrong.
    He called out again. The answer is the same.
    "Where the hell is he?" He murmured. As Daniel wondered aimlessly in the corridors, he then heard a sound. He can't make out what it is. Without a second thought, Daniel took the path to his left down another hall. The closer he got, the more instinctive the sound became.
    It almost sounded like something is munching sickly on soft tissues, and it's enjoying it. Daniel causational approached himself towards one of the openings leading to the next room. What he saw in that room, can never be unseen.
    There stood at the center of the galleria, three silhouetted figures gathered together. Though it is hard to see, Daniel can barely make out through the darkness. He felt his breath and heart rate pick up for he have witness the most horrific sense to ever meet his eyes.
    There laid the security guard DEAD and soaked with his own blood, surrounded by man eating monsters. His eyes are pale, soulless, left behind with the look of terror still remaining in them in his final time. While Daniel stood frozen in pure terror, the monsters notice a present.
    They turn to see him at the entrance way. Daniel eyes widen when he got a better look at the horrid creatures. They resemble the one he saw in his dream; this time there are three of them.
    And the fact he knew it's not a dream. Though he wishes it is. They quickly forgotten their first prey and went after Daniel instead. Knowingly how dangerous the situation has become, Daniel snapped himself out of whatever trance he was in and ran for his life.
    He can hardly see where he is going within the halls with little light given. Just when Daniel though he is home free, he winded up in another room by mistake, a mistake that'll surly cost him his life. Daniel turns and realizes there is no chance of escaping.
    The monsters had him cornered, trapped. Each step they took, Daniel will distend himself. This continued till his back hit a wall, his breath rapped, his heart quickened to a point he thought it might give out from extreme fright. The whole time in his head he found himself praying to god for salvation.
    Daniel didn't want to die, not yet, and not like this. But he knew he is going to die here. No one is going come to save him, even god can't save him. His lags became week before giving out. His back slides against the wall surface. Daniel watches with utter fear.
    He has no hope left, and no possibility of survival. His mined flashed with memories of him growing up, his friends and family. His parents… the accident… Daniel closed his eyes tightly as he prepared for a brutal death. His final words' coming out of his is "I'm sorry…" He couldn't keep his promise to his parents, and he's abandoning his remaining family behind.
    He would have scream, but knows it was pointless. No one would hear. He's as good as dead. Daniel waited and waited. There is no pain, nothing came to him. He dared himself to take a peek. The demonic-monsters no longer paid any attention to their victim, their heads turned. Daniel looked pass them.
    He saw a person—a woman most likely—standing at the heart of the entrance hall. Daniel squint his eyes as if forcing his vision to see through the dark. He gasped. He recognizes this woman. Though he can't be a hundred percent sure, there's no doubt that this is the same woman in his dreams, red eyes and everything. Her eyes gave off an eerie glow.
    The monsters growled. Their teeth stained with the blood of their past preys. The woman stood for moment or so, she then walked into the galleria casually and calmly. One of the monsters went for an attack. This unfazed her. Before Daniel could say anything, in a blink of an eye, the monster head is cleanly decapitated from its shoulders.
    The body skidded along the floor. A puddle of its blood formed around the base where the head once been. Daniel looked on in disbelief and amazement. He shouldn't be, but he is anyway. In her hand is a long, large claymore-like sword, uniquely built and design to last through out the ages and still remain brand new.
    Blood drip's off the tip as it runs down along the blade. Daniel then realized when did she draw her sword? It was so sudden that he didn't realize it till seconds after the monster is killed. The two remaining evil creatures stood their grounds, waiting for the right moment to strike.
    They then both attacked. The young woman easily propelled herself in to the air and over their heads. She brought out one of her guns and blasted one of them in the head. It skull scattered into smithereens, none existing as if a miniature bomb exploded within its own brain.  It collapsed. The last one swiped at her with all it's got.
    The woman dodges with ease. Not a single scratch can be put on her. Just when the demonic being thought it almost had her, her sword pierced through the abdomen, stopping the monster in place before being sliced in half vertically. Its blood spread everywhere—though it did not touch the woman, leaving her free of blood stain. She turns to the young man.
    Daniel felt his breath caught in his throat. The young woman stared at him for a moment longer before striding up to him. Daniel tried to back away, but the wall is preventing him from doing so.
    "S… Say back…." He said. His words, however, did not seem to take any effect on her. Instead she ignored it and kept on walking towards him.
    "No, don't come near me!"
    Once again, she didn't listen.
    The young woman then crouched to his level, looking at his strait in the eyes. Daniel started to hyperventilate. Why he is afraid of her? He shouldn't be. He has seen her many times before in his dreams… but then again, this is not a dream, and he knows it.
    "…I see. That is why their drawn to this world, because of you." She said. Daniel stared at her in confusion. What did she mean by it? And why does she think that? He doesn't understand. Does he even want to understand? He can't decide.
    "W…What… do you mean?" He asked, though fearing for the answer that's never been given. Instead, she said "You'll be a use to me". That alone brought chills up and down his spine. Just what the hell did she meant by that statement? Use for or as what? She's not making any sense to him.
    Daniel body tensed and his breath caught in his throat when the woman reached out her hand and touched his face, caressing his cheek.
    "Will you help me?" The woman asked out of the blue. He didn't know what to say in return. Daniel became hypnotize not only by her red eyes, but her beauty. She is one of the most beautiful individual he has ever seen. Even his dreams did not reveal such beauty, only blackness of her whole being.
    "Will you… help me?" She repeated. Daniel gulped. And without a second thought, he nodded in reply.
    "Good." She slowly slithered her hand from his cheek, sending shivers all other is body and made its way to his throat. Then so suddenly, she grasped his neck in a lock grip, cutting off air supplies. Daniel desperately tried to shake off her iron grip, but to no avail.
    Daniel's vision begins to fade, and fast. He couldn't believe is going to die. This woman, who just saved his life, winds up taking it. …But why? What did he ever done to deserve this cruel fate.
    "Don't worry," she said in a monotone voice "I'm merely putting you to sleep. I won't kill you." She reassured. But in this point, it is hard to believe her words. Before Daniel completely lost consciousness, the final words that rolled off her tongue "Remember our agreement… We will meet again". After that, everything has fallen into darkness.
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Comments: 3

HewyToonmore [2012-11-30 02:44:45 +0000 UTC]

Not bad.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mallfoxgreen In reply to HewyToonmore [2012-11-30 02:56:59 +0000 UTC]

That was fast read.
And thank you. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HewyToonmore In reply to mallfoxgreen [2012-11-30 02:59:03 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0