Introducing Magical girl Query...! with a body! surprise! this is what Query looks like while using a glamour charm . Cute isn't she? (This is not her actual body, the other one is still missing,, ;; ) of course she only uses it when going out for 'human' events and out publicly not to cause a scene. As you can see, I didn't want to go over board with the magical girl design, since I was already showing off something new, Her fake body. So it's simple but I hope it's double-a-okay for what it is. I'll drawing this form often now, hopefully it's a likeable design (based her off a tween)
a little information on magical girl Query...
Gem: Quartz
Colour: White
Weapon: Katars
Gem shape: Octagon
Power: Smoke
References were used
design of the armor: Estrella-Angel(?)
note: excuse my bad prop making (the weapon) I was half experimenting. . .