Basic Information
Name: Tres de Espadas de Mariposas ("Sparta")
Age: 3 Years
Sex: Intact Male
Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier
Coat Color: Blue Brindle
Genotype: AA CC dd Ee KbrKbr SSp
Height: 48 cm
Weight: 32 kg
Health Testing: None
Personality Sparta is a big and affectionate dog who loves nothing more than cuddling up with his favorite people. Despite his size, he has a gentle and loving nature that endears him to everyone he meets. Sparta thrives on attention and is highly motivated by praise, always eager to please and be recognized for his efforts.
However, Sparta can be quite skittish around certain things. He is easily frightened by loud noises, and tends to be shy and nervous around small dogs and farm animals. But despite these fears, Sparta is being actively trained to work through these behaviors. He is making progress each day and showing that with a little patience and guidance, he can overcome his fears and become a more confident dog.
Overall, Sparta is a lovable and affectionate dog who craves attention and praise. Although he can be shy and skittish around certain things, he is working hard to overcome these challenges and become the best dog he can be.
Pedigree Information Sire: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
Litter Sheet: N/A
Breeding Information Times Bred: 0
Litters: None
Achievements Titles Earned:
- None
RNG Accomplishments and Placements:
- None
Effort Accomplishments and Placements:
- None