Marsten — Clawscape - Chapter 1

Published: 2005-08-05 17:23:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 627; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 20
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Description Clawscape
- A fantasy tale by David Sutherland

Obligatory introduction note-
This screenplay is written for animation, with the intention of being eventually translated into an animated series. Because of this, the screenplay takes more time to depict locations and actions than it does in explaining character motivation and history. These things are gradually discussed through character interaction and dialogue.
As a result, when reading this, it is important to allow yourself to see the story, rather than to concern oneself with literary standards. Appreciate the story in the way you would an ongoing tv series, rather than you would appreciate a book. Do not worry if you do not understand something, all will eventually be explained. Sit back, relax, and let the images form in your mind. And most of all, enjoy.

Chapter 1 - Peculiar Traveler

A large, grassy field, looking orange from the red of the rising sun. Camera pans across the field and the grass that flows in the wind. Towers from a large city are visible in silhouette against the background, out of focus.
On top of a hill stands Marsten, a large tiger. He's about eight foot tall, and built huge with muscles, obviously a warrior. He wears stylish armour, covered with decorations and so forth. He is staring past the camera into the horizon.
Suddenly, a young otter hurries up to Marsten. He is a scout, and dressed appropriately.

Sir, it's time. They are assembling.

Let me see.

The otter hands Marsten a makeshift telescope lens, bound in leather. The tiger looks through it. Camera cuts to the image seen through the telescope - an army, seen from the hilltop, hundreds upon hundreds of soldiers. All are wolves, all are brutal and fierce, painted and wearing dented and smeared armour, they look terrifying.

There's so many of them…

What should I tell the troops, sir?

Tell them… Tell them that the wolf alliance continues to march against us. We will stand firm against them.

Otter (nervous)
Yes, very well sir.

The otter leaves, the tiger alone watches the red sunrise.

It's going to be a bloody day…

Cut to
City, morning
Camera starts high up outside the city, looking down. The city has walls, and as the camera pans over it, we see just how large it is. Thousands of people crowd through the streets, between the towering buildings. All the buildings are made of rock, and in a rather archaic design.
Camera pans over to the city gates, tall and imposing. They open slowly, and the cities own army begins to march out. As the first troops leave, the camera swings over their heads in a bird's eye view, rushing down the grimy city streets, and settles in the main square.
Another soldier, this time a stallion called Mrar dressed in city guard armour, is dispersing the crowd of people.

Mrar (shouting)
Move on. There's a state of emergency. Return to your homes, and you will be advised on what to do at a later date. A state of martial law is now in force.

Mrar continues to move on the crowd, all assorted species and ranging from peasants to noblemen. There are cries of concern and worry, children cry and so on. But gradually the crowd begin to deteriorate, doors are closed, families hide in their homes.
One figure seems to be moving against the crowd. Mrar turns around and notices this figure. He is a tall, young fox, a deep scar running over his cheek. He wears traveler's clothing, complete with a hooded cape and has a sword fastened on his belt. He is Brenath, and he is watches the crowd as they move past him.

You there. Didn't you hear me? Move on.

Brenath ignores him Mrar approaches, growing angry.

I said that you have to leave. Martial law.

Brenath (coldly)

Why? Are you insane? The alliance is readying to attack.

So? Why should I care?

Idiot! Get off the street immediately!

I have more important matters to concern myself with. Get out of my way.

Mrar (drawing his sword)
Foolish boy. You're leaving this street, even if it's being dragged away.

Cut to
Battlefield, morning
Marsten stands still on the hilltop, looking out over the barren grasslands. The young otter scout stands beside him.

The soldiers are assembling.

Have them take up positions a league from the city walls. We'll defend it from there, and meet their army head-on.

Yes, sir.

This is it, then. After years of stupid political threats, it's come to this.

Are you scared?

We all should be. All of us. (pause) Get the soldiers ready. They will not take Kordaia without a fight.

The camera pans back from the two figures, and across the space of grassland between the hill and the city, now thronging with tents and soldiers, tense with the threat of impending battle.

Cut to
City, morning
Mrar and Brenath face each other, eyes bristling with hatred. They observe each other, swords drawn, waiting. And then, suddenly they strike.

Cut to
Marsten stands at the hilltop, watching as the Wolf Alliance army lines up before him. There are hundreds of them, and as they stand there, they begin to pound their spears against the ground, bang on their shields, taunting in sharp dark barks or words. Marsten faces them down, his renown sending hesitation against the opposing army. Inside, though, he's terrified. There's a long shot as, from behind the hill, his own army starts to assemble and line up beside the tiger.

Cut to
City streets
Meanwhile, Brenath and Mrar are fighting one another, fiercely. Sound is of the army outside taunting and chanting still. There's a pause in the combat-

Mrar (wounded)
Rrrr, damn you. Who the hell are you?

Someone you should never have met.

The two resume their battle, trading blows. Action-music plays. Suddenly the combat is over, as Brenath catches Mrar off-guard, and plunges his sword into the stallion's gut. It's over fast, as the fox used clearly dirty and dishonorable tactics.

Brenath steps back, and flicks his sword, sending a lick of blood over the stallion's body. He sheathes his blade, and resumes his path through the streets, without a backwards glance.

Cut to
Marsten turns to address the lines of his soldiers.

My friends. Many of you have fought beside me for years. Some I have grown up with. Others I have trained personally. I know you all, and I know the pain that you will now endure. But we must fight, and fight we shall!
I had hoped that this day would never come. The force before us is large, and we are all that stand between it and our great land. For that reason, and that reason alone, we must not fail! And if you feel the grip of fear upon you, remember that I shall be there with you.
Ride forth! Forth, to chaos and ruin!

And with that, the tiger unsheathes his sword (a truly massive blade, at least six foot tall) and leads the charge. The army of hundreds run down over the hill, against the force of thousand that await them.

Cut to
In the city, at the tallest tower of the greatest city, several miles from the battle but with a clear view of the on goings, is a large balcony. On this balcony stands a thin badger, dressed in noble clothing, with numerous guards standing nearby. He is Prince Victorius, and a small squirrel attendant follows him.

My liege, the alliance has begun its campaign.

Yes, I can see that. Our army has been dispatched.

The news is dire. They outnumber us greatly.

Then we shall hold our own, and make good our time.
Sire, perhaps it is time to consider… relocating?

The time isn't ready yet. I will not flee unless the great walls themselves come crashing down.

Sire… The royal line must be preserved. Think of your coronation. Ever since your father's death, the land has been in turmoil. If you were to pass away before you could become crowned king.

It matters not. Even if they did break through the walls, there are several thousand peasants before they arrive here. Call it… Call it natural survival.

Cut to
Ebon  Tower
Establishing shot of a tall tower, curved and almost Arabian in design, constructed of sheer black rock. The summit seems to reflect the light, causing the red sunrise to dance around it like fire.
Cut to inside:
A close-up shot of Brenath, the image shimmering and swimming as the fox walks through the city streets. The camera tilts backwards, revealing that the image is passed through water, like a lens. The image stands hanging in the air, in a circle, suspended by nothing but an archaic eight-sided design made of squares etched on the ground several feet below.
Standing observing the image are two robed figures. Species indeterminable, due to hoods. A small light drifts around each figure, like a firefly.

Figure A
This person was sighted in the city an hour ago.

Figure B
He is responsible for the death of Mrar?

Figure A
Yes. The ties of fate indicate so.

Figure B
What does the destiny prognosticators say about him?

Figure A

Figure B
What? Is that even possible?

Figure A
No. All entities in this world are linked to it through their destinies.

Figure B
Could there be some mistake?

Figure A
We have followed his pathlines backwards. They begin yesterday evening, nothing can be found concerning him before then.

Figure B
What should we do?

Figure A
It is no glitch, no wards. He is no magus, and only we could sever the threads of destiny. This being is a living paradox.

Figure B
That doesn't tell me what you think we should do.

Figure A
I don't know.

Figure B
I will go personally.

Figure A
Very well. But be careful. I do not trust this individual.

Figure B
I'm always careful.

The second figure turns to leave.

Cut to
The conflict is now in full force, as the army meets the alliance in brutal combat. Victims fall and die on both sides, there are numerous quick shots of the soldiers swinging their swords, falling in combat. Marsten himself kills three wolves with one swing from his blade.

Keep going!

Cut to
Low-shot as Brenath steps into a small, overgrowing garden on his way through the residential district of the city. He stops, turning to face those who stand before him - three cloaked figure, each of which has a firefly. He eyes them slowly, with contempt.

What do you want?

The first of these figures steps forward, and pulls back his hood. Underneath, we realize that he is a lynx. It is Dranos, one of the figures from earlier.

You are to come with us.

Well, at least you get right to the point. And why should I do that?

There is no option. You are an abnormality in this world. We suspect that you are not, in fact, from this world at all. You must therefore come with us, so that our order can discover the truth behind this.

Your order?

We belong to the Order of the Ebon Tower.

A magical order? Some things never change, no matter where you go, I guess.

So you admit that you're a stranger to this world?

Brenath (reaching for his sword)
Get out of my way.

I'm afraid that I cannot allow that.

With that, Brenath grips his sword and lunges for the other figure. Camera pans over between the two. A few foot from the mage, and Dranos motions with his hand. The flickering firefly that was drifting around him zips forward, and encircles Brenath, spiralling around him. As it does, a thin trail of light follows it, wrapping around the shocked fox.

What? What is this?

The fireflies of the other two figures lunge forward also, as the strands of light from the three acts to bind and restrain Brenath like rope.

The grand master was correct. You are not a magus.

The bindings grow tighter, until the fox is unable to stand, and falls to land on the grass. He growls.

Release me!

I'm afraid that we won't be doing that. You will be our guest. For now, and possibly for a long while.

Cut to
The army has been taking heavy casualties; bodies are strewn around in heaps. Fighting continues, but the warriors are now growing weary as the day goes on. Marsten is injured, bleeding slightly from the shoulder, but not critically.
The alliance, however, are faring far better.

There are too many of them! Fall back! Fall back to the encampment!

Cut to
Royal Balcony
Victorius continues to survey the city.

My liege, our troops have been taking heavy injuries.

I see.

We do not believe that they will survive several more days of this conflict.

What are you trying to say?

We should pull them back.

To the city walls?

That seems to be what is necessary, sire.

I see… Prepare a cartridge. I will take my leave of this city on the morrow.


Is there a problem?

Well… What of the people?

(Contemptuously)  What about them?

They will die!

Why should I care? If they cannot fend for themselves, they deserve whatever comes to them.

Obviously distressed, the attendant turns to leave.

Cut to
Battleground, evening
Marsten stumbles into the medical tent, followed by his otter attendant.

Allow the soldiers who haven't fought yet to take the lead. Those who have should rest now.

The tiger removes his armour, and an attending physician begins to see to his wounded shoulder.

Has there been word from the palace?

None sire.

Cut off and alone here… What is the prince thinking?

Cut to
Prison cell, late evening
Camera looks up through bars at the setting sun. Zooms back slowly to reveal Brenath, pacing to and fro in an agitated manner.
He turns to look out at the moon, camera from the window's view looking inwards at him. He continues to pace. Time ticks past. Silence.
Gradually he finds himself staring at the locked door. He leans in close, examining the lock. He pushes the door. It doesn't give. He throws himself against it, full force. It holds. He begins to kick the door. Nothing, save the loud echo of his bids for freedom, pounding and echoing in the empty halls.
Suddenly, he hears something.


He looks around, listening.

Hey, someone there?

Moving away from the door, he steps back. The voice is coming from a room opposite. He looks through the bars of the cell door.

Who's there?

Camera zooms in to show the prison cell opposite, through the bars of Brenath's own cell.

Hey, listen mister. Can you help me out?

What are you talking about?

Listen carefully. Do you hear that?

Hear what?


Indeed, a sound can be heard in the distance.

Cut to
Battlefield Encampment
Marsten is still recovering in the physician's tent, when he abruptly stands, a look of horror on his face.


Cut to
From behind the Alliance troops comes a horrifying sound, a deep thundering roar. Troops look up, confused and afraid. And then, from over the horizon and like bats out of hell itself, burst the aerial squadron. Huge gryphons, dragons, flying beasts of all sorts. Some carry boulders; others burning caskets of oil, and others breathe fire itself. Screams of horror fill the air, as they join the massacre.

Cut to
Brenath continues his conversation with the other prisoner.

That sound is the enemy's aerial strike. They're closing in. It won't be long before they storm the city itself.

So? I don't care about this damned city.

You care about your own life, don't you? They kill any prisoners they find, they don't take slaves. You want out of here, you're going to have to help me.

Help you? Why?

Because, to be blunt, you don't stand a chance to get out of here otherwise. You don't know about the magi, do you?

You know about me? That I'm from a different world, then?

Yes, among other things. Now, listen very carefully. Look outside of the door, to the right.

Brenath does so, looking down the hallway.

You should see something that appears to be a small, iron bird cage. You see it?

Sure enough, on the opposite wall and about twenty foot down the hallway, hands from the wall a small casket.

You'll need to get that open. Chip some small stones off the rock from the wall.

Cut to
With the aerial squadron finally having closed the field, nightfall begins. The alliance warriors push forward, crushing the forces before them. Caught between the enemy army and the city walls, Marsten stands fierce, marshaling his few remaining warriors. Camera focuses and zooms to his face, he's obviously very worried.

Cut to
A small stone hits against the metal 'bird cage'. Another follows.

Keep trying.

Yes, I know. Shut up.

Finally, a stone hits against the cage's lock. The door swings open, and from the cage flits a small firefly. It charges down the hallway, and dives between the bars on the cell opposite Brenath's.
There's a short pause, before a quiet whispering… and with no warning, the door opposite falls from its hinges, clattering against the floor loudly.
From the open doorway staggers an arctic cat; it's fur a pale white, about twelve years of age. He looks weary, worn, and dressed in rags. The firefly follows him, and stays with him from now on. Having now escaped from his cell, he is Calice.

Mmmph, boy does it feel good to get out of there!

Yes, well unlock this door?

Oh. Yes, of course.

He whispers to the firefly, which in turn flits over to the door. It seems to glow brighter for a moment, changing the shadows in the room, before it returns to its owner. With a soft click, Brenath's cell door sways open.

Good. Now, how do I get out of here?

Is that it? You don't want to ask anything else?

Like what?

Well, who I am, for instance.

I don't care.

Fine, fine. I'm Calice.

I said I don't care.

Calice (cheerfully)
I know. But boy, I've not had anyone to talk to for decades after being locked in there.

Decades? The mages locked you in there when you were just a kid?

No… But now that we're free, we should try and keep a low profile. The Order could still be dangerous, even if they are distracted now.

As if to reiterate this point, an explosion is heard not far away.

Cut to
Royal palace
The prince walks briskly over the battlements, his attendant trailing behind.

They have breached the city walls. We must evacuate the people.

No, damn it!

But my liege…

We will not surrender to those dogs! Not now, not ever!

Our nation is going to fall, sire! We cannot let pride blind us.

Pride? Pride has nothing to do with this. Now, is my coach ready?

It's in the royal stables, but…


The prince steps forward, bristling with anger. He grabs his attendant by the throat, the little squirrel choking and gasping.

Now, my little servant. You love the common people so much, and then you can spend the rest of this war with them!

And with a feral shove, the prince sends his attendant backwards, flailing over the battlements. Camera shot for a few seconds as the attendant plummets downwards, towards the city streets many feet down, before cutting back to the prince, who walks away towards the camera.

So hard to find good help nowadays…

Cut to
Prison, outside.
Calice and Brenath step nervously from the shadows, and look up and down the street. It's deserted.

It's empty.

The guards have deserted. The prince is weak, and without strong leadership the army is like a headless chicken.

The soldier I fought earlier seemed pretty strong.

Mrar? He was. He trained under Marsten, all of his students were strong. Although usually not too bright.

How do you know all of this?

I'll tell you later. First of all, we need to find a way out of the city. Look!

The cat points upward, and the two gazes in horror at the sky, filled as it is with the aerial strike force - dragons and gryphons fly overhead.

That's the way to the city gates, isn't it?

There's another exit. A smaller one, near the castle. But if we can get to the royal stables, we can get some mounts to ride. We'd never make it on foot.

The two turn to leave, hurrying through the city as it trembles from the alliance's onslaught.

Cut to
City streets, inside city gate
With the gates clearly visible in the background, Marsten leads his small group of warriors in a last-ditch battle against the invaders. For a few moments they seem to be going very well, slaying a good number of their opponents. But the sheer force of numbers, stepping backwards over their injured and dead, pushes them back and the broken boulders dropped from above.

Regroup! Pull back and regroup!

Cut to
Royal stables
The area is now deserted, aside from the royal carriage waiting at the corner of the stable block, pulled by large insectoid creatures that vaguely resemble a cross between real-world horses and a praying mantis.
Victorius hurries across the gardens to the stables, his stately robes flowing behind him. He gets to the coach, climbs atop, and is about to take off, when….
The camera zooms over to a pair of two figures, moving in shadow, slipping their way through the trees on the corner of the garden.

Victorious (standing, upon the coach)
Come out of the shadows!

And sure enough, from the shadows, steps Brenath and Calice. Victorius looks at Calice, with a look of fear and horror.


Calice (grinning sweetly)
Yes. I'm out of your prison, prince Victorius.

I see. Well, today has been a night of much disaster; it would make only sense that you would be released on this damnable hour as well.

You two know each other?

Oh yes, very much so. It was our friend the prince here that had me sealed away. For the good of the kingdom, wasn't it Vic?

I see that you've not lost your impertinence. The Order will chase you across the face of the earth, Calice!

Then it's a good thing that I ran into this person here. Oh, allow me to introduce you. Prince Victorius, this is Brenath, a stranger from another world.


You remember the teachings, don't you? Well, you should remember. I was the one that taught them to you.

This is ridiculous! It's some sort of trick, it has to be!

No trick, it's true.

Now, if you don't mind…

And with that, Calice begins to whisper. His firefly glows…

No… No!!

And before Brenath's very eyes, the prince's fur, his flesh and muscle, all tears itself free from the bones, wrenching apart and crackling into nothingness like flames. The prince screams, his very flesh incinerating and dissolving into nothing, leaving only the charred skeletal figure, which tumbles from the carriage and collapses on the grass of the palace garden.
Brenath stares in amazement.

Mmmm. Revenge tastes so good.

Was that absolutely necessary? It wasted valuable time.

Don't be so cold. You need to learn to relax. Live a little.

Whatever. Let's just get out of here.

Together, they climb up onto the vacant coach, and snap the reins. The insects hiss, and begin to trot towards the exit.

Cut to
Outside royal garden
Finally cornered and terribly outnumbered, Marsten fights back with all his remaining ferocity, swinging his huge sword back and forth against the horde that has him pinned against the gates. Only two soldiers stand with him, a boar and a deer. The three stand with their backs to the gates, watching. As their enemies watch them back.

What are they waiting for?

They're hoping we'll surrender, Marsten sir.

They'll kill us anyway, but they enjoy it if we give in first. Gives them greater prestige.

Damn it…

And clutching his axe, Biggs charges at the horde. Having taken onto a few steps, he falls to a fierce arrow that embeds itself in his skull with a sickening thud.

Giving an enraged roar, Wedge also charges. He, too, falls.

Marsten stands alone, clutching his blade, horribly outnumbered. He growls. He breathes slowly. Before him, the enemy soldiers hiss, and snap, and bark, and growl, and whisper quietly in their dark tongue, approaching slowly…

And then, the gate to Marsten's right opens. With a loud metal clang, the wood swings outwards. The opposing force steps back so as not to be caught beneath the gate's outward swing, and Marsten hurries for the open gate. As he does, though, a golden carriage rolls outwards, pulled by two powerful insects.

On top of the carriage, riding it, are Calice and Brenath. Marsten stares at them in bewilderment.


Ah. Hello there. Long time no see.

Yes. How did you get here?

I escaped, of course. Do you want on?

Where's the prince?

Dead, of course. Not that you'll care.

What? I served him loyally for decades! What are you…

Don't give me that, Marsten. He left you and his people for dead. He was an arrogant, power-mad fool, and has been since his father died. And you know this to be true. And deep down, you know that what I did back then was right.


Now, you can stay here and die, or you can come with us. It's your choice, but make it and make it fast!

Marsten pauses. For a moment. Silence, except for the enemy horde as they regroup. Arrows fly, and clack hopelessly against the coach's armoured shell. Without further word, Marsten leaps up onto the carriage as well.

Hold on tight!

Brenath snaps the reins, and the steeds charge through the small enemy regiment, scattering them. Camera swings upward, and we see the broken, burning remains of the city behind them…

Fade to black

Fade up
A mile or so from the city, dawn.
It's the next morning, and the sunrise is much brighter than it was the day before. The ruins of the once-great city of Kordaia lie in rubble and ruin. Camera pans to the left, to show the three figures of Calice, Brenath and Marsten, watching from a hillside.

They've occupied the city.

Long pause, and a tear falls from the tiger's eye.

Yeah, good riddance to it.

It was my home. My land and my honour.

Hmph. Homes are over-rated anyway.

Would you never want to return to yours?

No. I knew what I was doing when I left it.

You've still to tell us why, and how.

I don't care. I'm going now.

Where are we going?

What? I said that I'm going. Not us.

Fine. We'll just have to follow you, then.


We're the only survivors. It'd be dangerous to go anywhere alone for now.

Fine, we'll move together. For now. For a short while. But don't get in my way.

So where shall we go?

Pause, as the camera zooms out to show the horizon.

Wherever the world takes us.

The three figures head down from the hill, and away into the sunset, out of view. But as they do, a slight shimmer in the air catches the light. Slowly it fades up… and four small lights, in a row, hover in the air. The camera moves closer, until we realize that they are not lights… but bright, blazing eyes. Two pairs, one a deep green and another an icy blue, the corners tapered in a two-dimensional way as though the eyes are not out of their sockets, but as though the rest of the body is simply invisible. Flames lick upwards from the eyes. And suddenly, they talk. The blue eyes have a distinctly young, female voice, while the red is older and male.

The three are assembled.

Yes. The time is at hand, once again.

They must not be permitted to fail.

The echoes of the previous failure are felt still to this very day. Are you sure that these three are up to the challenges laid before them?

You ask for certainty in the face of all that has gone before? I cannot give it, because I do not know.

Remember that you are responsible for the failure of the ones that came before.

Yes, I am well aware of that. You are growing senile in your old age.

And you are still impetuous. But what decision do you make?

I was in error before, but now I will make a different move.

The two lights fade our, shimmering slightly.

Cut to
Royal Garden
The gardens are in ruin. A few bodies litter the background, among the rubble and fires. A few wolves scuttle back and forth in the background, not noticing as the two lights shimmer back into existence. Victorius' remains lay in the foreground.

This time, our decision is made from the concerted effort of a millennia-age of wisdom.

Is it wise in itself, though, to set this upon the world?

We have little choice. What would we be if we learned nothing from our mistakes?

Camera pans across to focus on the charred remains of Victorius, the two lights out of shot. A female hand, with a slight bluish hint, reaches from off-screen and touches the skull.

It is a gamble, yes. But it must pay off. There is no other alternative.

The hand moves out of shot, and the two voices fall silent. As they do, a faint glow covers the remains. Slowly it zooms out, as small rivulets of flesh creep from the surrounding area, muscle and tissue forming around the remains, slowly building it again until, composed only of torn and charred flesh, Victorius lives again.

End of Chapter One.
'Chapter 2: Trust and Betrayal' coming soon
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Comments: 2

mOoNeChO666 [2005-08-05 18:01:14 +0000 UTC]

No joy with Fictionpress? I guess it's not for everybody But yay!! Now I can advertise you to my DA pals who'll love Clawscape as much as I do!!

(By the way people = I AM THE OTTER!!!!)


Anyways, I'd read Chapter 4 just now but I'm going to Ayr in like 20 minutes so I'll print it out and get back to you with my oppinions when I return!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Marsten In reply to mOoNeChO666 [2005-08-06 11:45:07 +0000 UTC]

I really hope you enjoy the new chapter, though.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0