Mashuky — A Very Fattening Game
#chess #chubby #demons #expansion #fat #obese #weightgain #nevertrustdemons
Published: 2017-10-01 15:52:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 324892; Favourites: 1310; Downloads: 0
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Description In a place between the empty spaces of the world, a girl sat at a chessboard with a demon. The monster was huge and hulking, all pale green skin and twisted horns and little yellow eyes. The girl was small and slight, brown-skinned, black-haired, and afraid, and as she looked up at the demon looming across the table her cheeks were pallid with fear. Her clothes were strange; a huge, oversized pair of leggings and a top so massive she was almost buried within the billowing fabric, the slight breeze that blew through that pale forgotten place making the loose material rustle playfully. The demon leered at her, waiting, and after a final pause to collect her thoughts, she leaned forwards over the chessboard. She extended one slender hand and moved a white pawn two squares forwards – and with that the game had begun.

The demon didn’t hesitate before responding in kind, sliding a pawn of his own forwards to mirror hers. Then it was her turn, his turn, her turn, his turn. Their pieces marched forwards, vying for control over the centre of the board as the minutes trickled slowly by. The girl’s knight slew a pawn without retribution, and her confidence grew. For an eternal spirit of Gluttony, the demon didn’t seem so great at chess after all.

Then she made a mistake. She only spotted the vulnerable pawn once her fingers had left her bishop, and she bit her lip knowing what must come next. It had been inevitable, she supposed – it had been insanely wishful thinking to hope that she could win the whole game without taking a single casualty. Still, as the demon’s clawed finger pushed its queen forwards to take her pawn, she couldn’t help but grimace. His own taken piece was sitting neatly beside the board, but he took her slain pawn in his fist. He grinned at her grimly; then with a crunch, he crushed the marble figure to dust between his fingers and let the fragments blow into her face.

At once there sprang a heat deep inside her stomach and she scowled, cheeks flushing red with the discomfort. Beneath her baggy top she felt her belly swell gently forwards, becoming rounder and softer, and she shuffled uncomfortably on the narrow stool as she felt her buttocks shift, growing discretely beneath her. She put a hand on her stomach, grimacing as she felt its new size – it was swollen as though she’d just eaten a large meal, but she knew that unfortunately that wasn’t the case.
Fifteen pounds was the price of a pawn. Not the end of the world, not at all; she could burn that amount off in a month or two, and it would all be worth it for the sweet reward of victory.

She returned her attention to the game. She’d lost a pawn, but now he was overextended and she moved a bishop out aggressively, threatening the demon’s queen and forcing it to withdraw. She claimed another of his pawns instead, taking an advantageous position in the centre of the board. His knight moved forwards recklessly and she took it without thinking, barely managing to hold back a groan of dismay as she realised that in doing so she had exposed herself to retaliation. That vulnerability did not escape the demon’s eye; he sacrificed a pawn to capture her bishop, and as he crushed the piece in his hand she felt the heat spring up inside her once again.

She berated herself viciously as she started again to grow. Stupid, stupid! There was no time limit on her turns, so why was she rushing? Losing a bishop so carelessly was just idiotic, especially in as vital a game as this.
The growth was faster this time, her gut bulging quickly outwards. The slight pudge that had come from the loss of the pawn was soon buried under a veritable potbelly, a thick layer of flab softening her entire midsection. Her hips spread wider with the sudden gain, and she looked anxiously down as her thighs thickened within their leggings, even as her breasts inched forwards to limit her view. The clothes that had looked so huge on her when she had first sat down still looked a little oversized – but only a little.
She did a little mental maths, cursing her recklessness the entire time. 132 pounds plus 15 for the pawn, plus 40 for the bishop. She was now 187 pounds, heavier than she’d ever been before in her life by a decent amount. She’d been slightly overweight in college, but only slightly – now she was firmly into obese territory, her body thickened all over by soft fat.

This was still acceptable, though. Fifty-five pounds was a lot to put on, but she could work it off again, she was sure. Three million dollars could buy a pretty nice home gym, after all, and that was the prize at stake for the victory here. As long as she didn’t lose more than a couple more pawns she’d be fine.

The game continued. The girl was focusing intently, trying to make up for her past mistakes, and as the match moved into the middlegame she began to do well. She took one of his bishops and pushed him into check, forcing him to move his king into cover. The girl was playing the game of her life, and the demon was losing.

Reluctantly, she sacrificed a pawn to put a hole in his defences, and once again felt the boiling heat deep inside of her. She put a hand to her belly, felt the soft flab swelling beneath her hand. It might have just been her imagination but she almost felt out of breath, already winded by the new weight pressing on her body. She shook her head, feeling slightly sick as she realised she now weighed over two-hundred pounds. She tried to think of the three-million dollar bounty for victory, trying her best to distract herself from the destruction of her body. As she leaned forwards to take her next move though, she was disturbed to feel her belly press against her thighs, the unfamiliar feeling of flab pressing against flab completely unsettling her.

Suddenly, things started going wrong; she missed obvious threats, leaving pieces exposed for no reason at all. The demon leered over at her as it tapped a knight forwards, forcing her into a hasty castling move to prevent an early checkmate. Almost lazily, it reached forwards to take the chance to steal away one more of her pawns, and she groaned as another fifteen pounds piled onto her bloated body. She moved her queen forwards to ward him off, seeing only too late his obvious next move as his knight leaped again to fork her bishop and queen, threatening both at once. Giving up any hope of a poker face, she buried her face in her hands.

There was always resignation. She didn’t have to move – she could flick her king over right now, forget this damned stupid game, and go back to her normal life wiping down tables and taking two-dollar tips. She’d be nearly a hundred pounds heavier than she had been, of course, trapped in the same dead-end job and cramped housing as before – just now she’d have obesity to deal with as well. Trying not to break down, she cast her mind again to the thought of the three million. Another forty pounds from losing this next bishop would be awful, but she knew she could win this game – and working off all this weight would be a lot more pleasant from a big detached house with a home gym than it would be in her miserable little flat. She steadied herself. This was going to be worth it. It had to be.

Resolutely, she reached forwards and moved her queen out of danger, hearing the demon chuckle as he immediately snatched her bishop and crushed it to dust in his fist, and immediately the awful swelling started again as forty pounds heaped themselves onto her already-swollen body. She shuddered as she felt her bloated belly come into contact with her thighs even without her leaning over, her potbelly melting into two thick rolls as more and more weight piled on. Her thighs themselves grew thicker and thicker, forcing her legs apart as they spread wider; she felt her hips bulge, her buttocks sagging down as they grew wider than the stool upon which she was perched; even her chest expanded, straining the fabric of the top that had only minutes ago been vast on her. Even her leggings were showing the strain, stretched so thin across her butt and thighs they were rendered almost transparent, the caramel skin beneath showing through the beleaguered fabric.

Just breathing was noticeably harder now, the weight of her swollen body pressing in on her claustrophobically. She didn’t even want to think about how much harder exercise was going to be now – she had put on nearly her body weight again in pure flab, and it was suffocating.

Grunting with the strain, she leaned over the table again and continued the game, beads of sweat trickling down her newly round face as she manoeuvred pieces around the board. Both players had their rooks in play now, and the girl used hers to trap the demon’s other knight, capturing it – but at the cost of another pawn. It was telling that she could barely notice what had changed as another fifteen pounds found their way onto her body, the gain almost lost among the flab that sheathed her form.
Her pulse pounded loud in her ear as she took another move, the sight of her own fat arm making her shudder. Her elbows were almost buried, flab creasing over them even with her arm out straight. Her thick, sausage-like fingers fumbled with the piece as she picked it up, hands slick with perspiration.
Each extra pound made focusing harder, and the more trouble she had with focusing the more pounds were cast onto her form. It was a cruel cycle, and one that bit her once again as one of her rooks was left unprotected by an ingenious gambit from the demon. It was her turn but she had no way of saving the piece, so it was with a heavy heart that she bit her lip, made a move, and awaited the heat burning in her gut.

Rooks were valued higher than knights or bishops at sixty pounds each, and as such this gain was the fastest yet. She grunted in pain as her gut surged forwards, her top bursting apart with the strain and revealing her vast belly in its entirety. Thick caramel rolls enveloped her thighs, framed by bulging love handles and oversized breasts as every part of her body swelled larger and larger. Her legs were forced further apart by the thickening of her thighs, rolls of flab springing up beneath her arms and on her back as slabs of sagging fat folded over themselves as they grew. Her arms were forced away from her sides as she grew wider, and she shifted uncomfortably on the stool as her butt bloated, straining even the elastic material of her leggings to breaking point. She reflected woefully that one of her thighs was now probably wider than her waist had been not half an hour ago, bemoaning the two-hundred pounds of fat that now clung to her body.

It was her turn, and she returned her attention once more to the board, trying to forget the abysmal state of her once-healthy body. They were reaching the endgame now, most of the pieces cleared from the board, and after her clumsily-managed midgame her situation was looking dire. She hadn’t lost many more pieces than the demon but his positioning was far superior; were this any other game she’d resign, but… well, what choice did she have now? To go back to her old life, now massively obese but still as broke and miserable as ever? She didn’t have much more to lose.
She tugged off what was left of her top with some difficulty, throwing the obliterated garment to the ground. The demon leered at her, little yellow eyes filled with amusement, but she ignored him as she pondered her move.

It looked hopeless. She scanned the board, trying to focus despite the many discomforts of her new body. Nothing. There was nothing; he had her surrounded and outmanoeuvred on every front. The situation was hopeless. Unless…
There was one way she could win. The board was set, the pieces were ready; she could leave her queen exposed, and if he took the bait, her rook and knight could force him into a desperate checkmate. With the situation as awful as it was, it could be her only chance.

The obvious problem with the plan, however, was that it necessitated the sacrifice of her queen – and she was valued more highly than any other piece on the board. 140 pounds were the cost for its capture, and she wasn’t sure that was a price she could bring herself to pay. She was already 332 pounds if her maths was correct, unhealthily obese by anyone’s standards; another 140 on top of that would leave her at a crippling 472 pounds. Was the three-million even worth it if she was so fat she could barely leave the house? She wasn’t sure that she could ever burn off that much weight.
She looked down at herself pensively, the strange feelings and sights of her new body making her shiver. So many sensations that she had never felt before – and had never wanted to feel, for that matter. The pressure of her breasts resting atop her belly; the feeling of skin rubbing against skin as her folds brushed against one another with a slight movement; the pressure on her chest that made taking deep breaths difficult. This was her body now – whatever happened, she had to deal with this.

Screw it. She’d come this far; if she let herself lose now because she was afraid to sacrifice a little more, she’d be going home with nothing to show for this hellish ordeal besides this awful new form. 140 pounds in exchange for three million dollars was, she resolved finally, acceptable.

Now for the act. She slid her queen forwards to where it was threatened by his rook – then affected an exaggerated wince, pretending to curse herself for the stupid move. His lips curled back and he laughed, sliding forwards to claim his prize – but she would be the one laughing in the end, after this final torment.

He shattered her queen in his palm, and she couldn’t hold back a sob as her body ballooned massively. Her leggings were obliterated by the sudden expansion, splintering off her body and leaving her completely naked but for a couple of scraps of elastic fabric trapped beneath her monstrous rear. Every part of her swelled in unison; her arms and legs thickened massively, knees and elbows enveloped as she grew; her butt consumed the stool completely, sagging over it in every direction as it bloated madly, larger and larger; her breasts leaped up several cup sizes, drooping further down either side of her belly as their new weight annihilated any perkiness they may have had left. Worst hit though was, of course, her gut. It expanded outwards as though it were being inflated, new rolls forming then melting away as her stomach swelled into such vastness that it became just one huge bulge of fat, marked only by the deep cavity that was her navel. It was immense, a great dome of fat that protruded violently from her midsection, a huge monument to this reckless decision to challenge a demon.  
She leaned backwards, gasping with exhaustion and fear as finally the mad gain slowed to a halt, leaving her wheezing desperately for air. Her pulse was pounding irregularly in her head, her heart ailing under the absurd new body it was expected to service, but once she’d steadied herself she grinned. She had him.

Barely able to reach the board past the vastity of her gut she reached strenuously forward and, with an unladylike grunt, managed to grab her knight in one fat-drenched hand, lurching forwards with it to place it in its new spot. Suddenly the demon seemed to spot her deception, little eyes widening with anger as it saw what had happened. It hunched over the board, scanning for any possible way out, but before long it knew as well as she did that it was finished. His king was pinned, trapped between her knight and rook with no hope of salvation. She saw it lean back on its own stool, laughing silently to itself as it gazed upon her – it had underestimated her perhaps, but the demon had made its mark on her. It would have her soul in the end, and that end would come much sooner than she realised.
With an expression that was halfway between a grin and a scowl, it flicked over its king and conceded the game.

At once the girl’s eyes began to dim, that place between places fading away until she could see the outlines of her own tiny apartment once again. Hastily she stumbled to her feet before the world came back into full focus, barely able to resist moaning in pain at the unaccustomed strain on her knees and ankles. She wobbled there as the universe shivered around her, the strange geometry of that in-between place slipping from view as she returned slowly to her own world, the peeling wallpaper of her apartment erasing that boundless space.
Then, the spectral world was completely gone and she was left standing in her room, wheezing and groaning with the weight of her monstrous body. On the little table before her was a chess board, several of the pieces crushed into splinters, and beside that was a huge mound of silver ingots.

Ignoring them both for the moment, she took a couple of tottering steps and collapsed heavily onto her couch, feeling the sweat chill her naked body as she sat there gasping. She had won. The cost had been steep, but in the end she had seized victory and returned with her prize. Her eyes alighted on the pile of silver, gazing, almost lost in its shining, gleaming beauty and the imagining of all the glorious things she could buy with it all. A new house, a new car, a vacation… somehow though, all those things she’d been lusting for before the chess game seemed strangely less important now. They were out of focus and far away, blurry and distant. Prompted by her gurgling belly, she grinned ironically; she had a better idea for how to spend the first of her newfound wealth…

Grabbing her phone from the coffee table with one thick hand, she dialled the number for the local pizza delivery place.
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Comments: 15

F3uertrunk3n [2023-06-15 22:08:16 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mashuky In reply to F3uertrunk3n [2023-06-16 17:24:20 +0000 UTC]

👍: 4 ⏩: 0

DoomWinter [2021-07-16 19:06:32 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Tamaril-86 [2021-04-23 02:09:31 +0000 UTC]

GLORIOUS!! I think i might draw that belly!

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Mashuky In reply to Tamaril-86 [2021-04-23 18:54:24 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Tamaril-86 [2021-04-23 02:09:06 +0000 UTC]

GLORIOUS!! I think i might draw that belly!

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

hurricanestormer [2018-09-27 13:20:25 +0000 UTC]


👍: 3 ⏩: 0

ExpansionEnthusiast [2018-03-15 08:41:44 +0000 UTC]

Loved the concept, and the execution. Magical + reluctant weight gain is my absolute favourite. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Atlya [2018-01-29 18:59:09 +0000 UTC]

Cool story!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PMQTime [2017-11-06 11:26:18 +0000 UTC]

Great story! I enjoyed how it was a slow burn, then rather a lot happened to her at once

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Forcedlactationlover [2017-11-02 01:02:21 +0000 UTC]

Three million Dollars, in exchange for an extra 300 plus pounds. The demon will get her anyway, if she spends too much of her gains on pizzas. But, if she's smart, it was worth it.
Well done!  

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

MassiveDoom [2017-10-21 16:52:26 +0000 UTC]

Excellent story, my friend. The demon may have won after all...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

clarkpalmed [2017-10-03 02:46:00 +0000 UTC]

Nice one, especially given the speed with which it was written! I personally enjoyed the 'snappy start', it lent an air of mystery to the beginning of the story. Who is the protagonist, why is she here, what does she want out of this game, etc. I guess I just like those questions being slowly answered instead of presented all at once. I see how it could be disorienting, though, so I'm sure whatever edits you make will only improve it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TacoIsotope [2017-10-02 01:01:38 +0000 UTC]

Amazing story! You had detail that would make John Steinbeck gasp! You're a really talented writer my guy! Why not write a book maybe??

One critique though, maybe give a TINY bit more characterization before throwing us into a story. Other than that, 10/10.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mashuky In reply to TacoIsotope [2017-10-02 20:00:08 +0000 UTC]

Haha, your incredibly high praise is very much appreciated, thank you . Maybe some day I'll write a book featuring chubby girls and put it on Amazon or something, but for now DA will have to do .

I was trying for a very snappy start with the beginning, but a couple of people have mentioned it being too quick so I fear I overdid it. I'll probably go back and tweak that at some point. Thanks for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0