MaSi-83 — Naga 36

#lamia #naga #pier #tf #fitness #photomanipulation #snakegirl #transformation
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A fresh breeze blows from the sea over the pier. A young woman jogs across the sturdy wooden planks. Her dark hair is tied into a plait and wags back and forth with every step. Like every Saturday, Etenia enjoys the early morning hours for her training in the fresh air. Today, however, exercise is particularly important to her, as she will spend another 6 hours sitting in the car.

Back in her apartment, she freshens up and sets off to visit her grandfather. As the journey is so long that, Etenia only gets to visit him every few months. In recent years, her grandfather has increasingly tried to persuade her to carry on the traditions of the tribe. But Etenia is not interested and has in the past already canceled a visit because she doesn’t wanted to talk about it. Today, however, after the long journey, she gives her grandfather a big hug.
"How are you, Chief?" she asks him.
"I'm feeling my age, but I'm doing all right. And don't call me chief, there's no one left to follow me. The Scipito tribe no longer exists," he replies.
"What about me?"
"You have a mind of your own. Or are you telling me that you're going to follow the traditions and carry on the legacy of our tribe after all?"
"Oh that. No, my life is in Los Angeles. And the heritage of our tribe is well documented in the museum you built with Bob."
"Oh, the museum. It only helps to keep the memory of our tribe alive. But it's important that the old rituals are carried out. The animal spirits must not ..."
"Oh, grandfather. Please leave out the old fairy tales, that might have been convincing 20 years ago when I was a little kid. But those days are long gone."
"They're not fairy tales! And Bob doesn't care about the rituals at all. If I don't find a successor to perform the rituals, an ancient evil will be unleashed and ..."
"Exactly, the 'animal spirits'. Please stop it. I don't want to argue with you. Can't we talk about something else?"
After a deep sigh from her grandfather, they change the subject and have a pleasant long conversation. In the evening, Etenia says goodbye and sets off on her journey home. It was a good visit. A worthy last visit, because two months later the last chief of the Scipito tribe dies.
The descendants of the tribe from all over the country come together at the funeral. They honor the last of their own who lived according to the old customs. The museum director Bob is also present. It is a dignified funeral and everyone pays their respects to the deceased chief. Only at the very end, when the first relatives are already leaving, does Bob bring up a little business. He asks about artifacts that he would like to display in the museum.
All the descendants of the tribe sense that Bob wants to exploit the situation for publicity. But no one really objects and Bob leaves the funeral with the plan to fill a few empty spots in the museum. It's not long before Bob adds a new highlight to the museum, the Seal Stone of the animal spirits. The stone where the ritual of the spirits was held every full moon night. The number of visitors to the museum is much higher than usual due to the report on the death of the last chieftain and Bob is very pleased with his actions. This changes two weeks later when he looks out of the window on the night of the full moon and sees an eruption of colorful lights rising into the sky above the abandoned reservation. Astonished by the spectacle, he gets up and goes to the window.
Most of the lights rise far above the clouds and spread out in all directions, a few remain at a low altitude. One of the lights makes a small arc and heads straight for Bob. Startled, he takes a step back, but the ball of light penetrates the window at high speed and hits the man in the upper body.
Subscribe to Bob instantly understands what has just happened, an animal spirit has chosen his body as its new home. A body that is now changing to accommodate the animal spirit. The toes in his shoes fuse and harden, bristles sprout from his heels up his legs to his hips. It is here at the hips that the most extensive changes take place, an additional pair of legs form. Just a few moments later, Bob is standing in his room on four hooves and with the lower body of a horse. He is now a centaur. Completely stunned, he stands motionless illuminated by the still rising lights. A little later, the lights reach the first populated areas nearby. Here, too, a few animal spirits find a new home in the body of a human. Each is followed by a transformation to adapt the body to the animal spirit.
Numerous human-animal hybrids are confronted with the reality of their new life. The lights of the animal spirits continue to spread, reaching the east coast and west coast after only a few hours. Along the way, some of them find a host, many of them find a human to merge with in the populous cities along the coast. Even more, however, stream across the ocean and will spread around the world within a day.
In Los Angeles, Etenia has just gone to bed when she too is filled with the light of an animal spirit. Startled, she sits up. Her legs push against each other and fuse together. Her knees and ankles disappear, replaced by a muscular body that grows longer and longer under the blanket. From the waist down, firm green scales cover her new body. At first, Etenia does not understand what is happening, she is simply filled with an unusual feeling. But when the gigantic snake body emerges from under the blanket, Etenia screams in horror. It takes her a few minutes to realize that it is her own body. The animal spirit that now lives with her in her body immediately gives her perfect control of all her new muscles. Etenia is able to move her altered body purposefully and smoothly. Etenia has realized that she is controlling this gigantic snake in her bedroom, but it is only now that she lifts the blanket and looks down at herself. As she had feared, the snake's body joins her. She screams again briefly. Her human body ends at her hips and extent into a giant snake. She resembles a naga from the myths of various Asian cultures. She quickly covers her snake body with the blanket again and lets herself fall back into bed. Lying still, the new strange sensory stimuli become all the clearer. The edge of the bed over which her body hangs, the rough carpet that brushes against her scales and the opposite wall against which the tip of her tail presses are all impressions that overtake her. To avoid these sensory impressions, she slowly pulls her entire reptilian body under the blanket. The soft bed is much more comfortable, even if she is now pressing her green scales against her still human upper body.
Etenia's mind is racing, but she still can't make sense of what has happened. After an hour in bed, she realizes that there have been a lot more fire and police sirens the whole time. She carefully gets out of bed and is pleasantly surprised at how easy it is for her to move around with her snake body. In the living room, she switches on the TV. The very first channel she switches on shows a special report on the current situation. There are hundreds of people who have contacted the emergency services. They all report essentially the same thing, they have been turned into partial animals. Etenia watches the news intently and switches through the channels. There is not much new or concrete information about the cause, just more reports about the extent of the situation. Etenia is so captivated by the reports that she occasionally forgets that she herself is also affected. In the middle of the night, there is a first insight: the origin of the mysterious lights seems to be in the center of the USA. With this information, Etenia slithers into her bed and finally falls asleep.
The next morning, Etenia is startled when she realizes once again that her legs have been replaced by a gigantic snake body. With her memory of last night refreshed, she goes straight to the TV in the hope of finding out something new. As expected, the news is still dominated by the latest events. To Etenia's astonishment, a woman with big cat ears is presenting the news on one channel. The shocking information in the news is that at least 8% of the population is affected and there is still an unknown number of unreported cases. The good news is that there are apparently no serious mental effects on those affected. No one is overcome by animal instincts.
After an hour of doom watching, Etenia feels hungry, it's almost 11:00 AM and she hasn't eaten breakfast yet. A glance in the fridge tells her that she has to go shopping soon. After breakfast, she turns back to the news. Just as she has settled down on her sofa and arranged her snake body comfortably, the phone rings. Startled, Etenia takes the call.
"Hallo darling, have you seen the news?" her mother calls from the other end.
"I have. This is all completely crazy."
"We're fine here, are you fine too?" asks her mother.
"Yes. Mom, I'm fine."
"I'm relieved about that. I was afraid you'd become one of those freaks too."
"Well, I'm fine, but I'm not sure how to explain this to you..."
"Please tell me you're still yourself."
"I'm still me. Would you be a different person if you lost a leg?" Etenia speaks angrily to her mother.
"Daughter, that's not what I meant. So you're 'changed' too?"
"Yes, I am. But I'm fine, I think."
"How much have you 'changed'?" the voice asks cautiously.
"My legs, ... my legs have been replaced by a big snake." There is no reaction from her mother.
"I have light green scales with a fine pattern of dark lines," says Etenia as she strokes her new body.
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry for you."
"There's no information at all about what's happened or whether. It might only be temporary. Besides, I've gotten used to the 'new me' surprisingly well."
"Very good, be strong. There will probably be a good solution, we just have to wait."
"Do you know anyone else who is affected?"
"I haven't spoken to many yet, but there are probably at least two or three in the neighborhood."
"The last estimate in the news was 9%, that's almost one in ten. And not just here, but all over the world."
"Yes, I've heard that too."
After a bit of gossip, they end the conversation.
Etenia has had enough of the news for now and instead watches a movie. She literally wraps herself up on her sofa so that her human body almost disappears between the coils of her snake body. As the credits roll, she zaps through the news again, but there is no new data worth mentioning. The new naga spends the rest of the day testing out her body. How long is her body, how tightly can she wind herself and how high can she rise? These are some of the questions she pursues, although she cannot reach her full potential because of the ceiling height. Etenia prepares her dinner a little earlier than usual, not because she is hungry, but rather because she is bored. Once again she switches on the news. Now there are also reports of deaths. People have got into dangerous situations as a result of their transformation; a car doesn't drive particularly well if you suddenly have no feet. Much more tragic, however, are deaths in which people react in panic to their changed fellow human beings, attacking and killing them. For this reason, it is now repeatedly emphasized that they are still relatives or friends.
With the television switched off, the young woman lies down in bed, but she can't sleep yet. Her thoughts gradually begin to revolve around what will change in her life. As a naga, she can no longer drive a car, the shower is now far too small for her body and then there is the issue of fashion and clothing. Pants of any kind are now useless for Etenia, all she can wear are skirts or dresses. But does she even need a skirt? She hasn't worn any clothes from the waist down since her transformation and she hasn't felt uncomfortable without them. Her gaze falls to the closet, there is so much in there that she no longer needs.
Finally, she realizes that she no longer needs or can wear shoes. Annoyed, she grabs a pillow and presses it against her face to muffle her cry of frustration. Before she falls asleep, many other things come to mind that are now changing. The next morning after waking up, there is this brief moment when she does not yet remember the past events. But when she unconsciously grabs her snake body, everything comes back.
It's Monday, she should actually be at the office today. But with a glance down her long body, she decides to stay at home. She quickly dials the office number and explains that she is 'affected' and does not come. The person on the other end accepts this without argument and asks how Etenia is affected. However, the naga does not answer the question.
She raids her fridge for breakfast and realizes she has to go shopping today. It's a thought that still makes her a little queasy. The naga opens the fridge again and it is just as empty as before. Etenia grabs her purse and a bag and slithers to the front door. She peers cautiously into the stairwell, seeing no one. She quietly passes the door and closes it behind her. She takes a deep breath as she clears this first hurdle. Quickly she turns to the stairs and realizes the next obstacle: she can't walk down any more stairs. Taking the elevator for just two floors is not Etenia's style, but she will probably have to get used to it. After a short wait, the elevator door opens and the naga squeezes herself into the cabin, having to stack her body several times to fit in completely. The way to the supermarket is not far, but it feels much longer for Etenia today. Countless eyes stare at her, making the young woman nervous. She moves a little more frantically to the store and once there, she goes inside. She breathes a sigh of relief for a moment. As she looks around, she again sees numerous surprised faces. Embarrassed, she turns to her shopping, trying to avoid eye contact with others as much as possible. After five minutes, she notices someone unusual. A man with a tail and large ears is standing by the shelf. His body is also completely covered in gray fur. He has put on loose clothing, but it is quite obvious that he is more wolf than human. The fact that other affected 'humans' are here to shop reassures Etenia greatly and she continues her shopping. A little later Etenia sees a man with huge wings, although he has folded his wings on his back he is constantly bumping into something and the brown feathers drag a little on the ground. Over the next week, the Naga slowly gets used to going out in public, it comes in handy that the government has decided that everyone affected is exempt for a week.
At the end of the week, the updated figures are announced in the news, 12% of the population is affected and the source of the event has been found. The Indian Reservation has been identified as the source of the lights and thus the worldwide transformations. There is a large report about the last chief and that he has recently died and that the ritual to contain the animal spirits had not been performed since then.

One year later.

The world has changed, but things have turned to a new normal. Etenia goes 'jogging' regularly again. As before, she loves to train on the pier, but what has changed is that she now regularly sees
mermaids swimming in the water.

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DEMONCHICKEN69 [2024-08-20 01:29:37 +0000 UTC]

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MensjeDeZeemeermin [2023-11-15 02:21:24 +0000 UTC]

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