masquerade73 — Music Freewrite 002
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Description 1. Shrine – Beats Antique – Collide – 5:54

She moved between the pillars of the ancient ruins lithely, as though she'd been there every day of her entire life. The mysteries that the walls held enticed her, and she touched them gingerly as though politely asking if she could come to know the secrets.

The entire terraced Greek country side was visible from the ruins. The air was fresh and clean, something you could rarely find in North America. In remote corner of the world, time stood still.

She stood for a moment, trying to feel the presence of spirits long since passed as they were when they had stood on the ground she now visited. She imagined the temple maidens taking offerings into the grand temple to be sacrificed to the Gods. She imagined the soldiers that might have come to pray before a grand battle. She wished she could have known them, wished they could have been remembered.


2. Aaj Mausam Bada Be-Iman Hai – Mohammed Rafi – World is India – 6:20

Spices scented the air and bright fabrics adorned the room. Everyone was happy. The bride sat in the middle of her rejoicing female relatives. A skinny artist sat before her adorning her hands with grand, intricate designs of henna paste. The scent of the paste wafted up to mix with the other spicy scents in the air. Food was being passed around and everyone was singing.

The bride watched the design being laid down on her skin: a beautiful peacock emerging from a sea of flowers. She was secretly excited about not having to do anything for herself until after the wedding was over, a beautiful tradition that offered her the option to be completely selfish for a few days.

She thought of her soon-to-be husband. He was almost a doctor, and would be able to make a lot of money for their families. Despite the fact that it was an arranged marriage, she had known him for her entire life. She wasn't sure she if she loved him, yet. But he was, without a shadow of a doubt, her best friend. That would make the whole ordeal easier, of that she was sure.


3. Rama Lama Bang Bang – Roisin Murphy – Ruby Blue – 3:35

Halloween was a beautiful night, especially at the graveyard. She wandered through the growing horde of zombies and reveled in the experience. She herself was dressed as a zombified office worker, and being around her "undead" brethren made the 26-year-old feel better about her zombie fetish. She passed by a group of hair band zombies, two hooker zombies, and a sumo zombie groaning a greeting and receiving an equally heartfelt groan in reply.

She looked around for her friend. All she knew was that her friend was attending the shindig.


4. The Saints Will Never Come – Mike Morasky – Left 4 Dead 2 Soundtrack – 1:20

New Orleans was a sight, a true sight. Especially during Mardi Gras, everyone was jubilant and fancily dressed. The smells of Cajun cuisine spilled from air conditioned restaurants onto the streets.


5. So I Thought – Flyleaf – Flyleaf – 4:51

I couldn't register what had happened. I sat in the uncomfortable chair in the disinfectant scented hallway and ran my hands through my hair. What had happened? I spoke to you only four hours ago… told you I loved you. You promised me you'd drive carefully, like I made you promise me before I would hang up the phone. And you always did. But now… what now?

The doctor said it was up to God now. What had God ever done for us before? We were struggling as it was: paying rent, bills, while trying to finish school. We were on the brink. Now…

Regardless of the financial consequences what in the world am I supposed to do without you? I tried so hard not to picture your face as I'd seen it heading into the O.R., bruised and cut and bloody and broken. I tried so hard not to remember myself screaming at you to open your eyes, to wake up, to stay alive.

What will I do now?


6. End Title – The Album Leaf – Nightmare Revisited – 3:47

I opened my eyes. It's midnight. I feel your warm breath on the back of my neck and I smile. I put my hand behind me and find your fingers on the mattress. I touch them gingerly, trying not to wake you up. You're so beautiful when you sleep.

I think of how far we've come, and how far we have to go. I know we'll make it, though. We've conquered everything so far, so why should this be different? I'm sure you think the same thing when you're awake.


7. This is Halloween – Marilyn Manson – Nightmare Revisited – 3:24

It's a true freak show, and she was scared. She dodged through tall, imposing figures, trying to find a way out. Somehow, she knew there was no end to this nightmare.

A man on stilts with an eyeball hanging by his cheek half-lunged at her. Another man with pointy teeth and sharp fingers shrieked at her. She tried to push on but her path was blocked with a zombie bride pushing her back and shrieking incoherencies, pulling at her hair and hitting herself with her bouquet.

She pushed around the frightening figures and came to the edge of a fountain. She tried to get around it but the mod of freaks closed in. Before she knew what had happened she was under water, and she couldn't get out.


8. Like You – Evanescence – The Open Door – 4:17

He's in the other room. I can hear him panting, half-shrieking at nothing. I hold your small body in my arms. I stroke your hair and try to silently tell you that everything will be okay.

I was appalled with myself, I'd let him get around me. I had been protecting you, like I was supposed to. But you were crying so loudly… you know you're not supposed to be loud when he's drunk. He gets so angry so quickly.

I briefly reached up to my face to brush at the place where he'd struck me to make me get out of his way before I reached back down to sooth your stinging skin. He'd hit you so many times… Mom made me promise to protect you before she died. It was like she'd known, he never drank before she died. She must have known what would happen. I remember the fear in her eyes when she told me to protect you from everything. And now I've failed both of you, sis. I'm so sorry.


9. Lacyan Way – Lumin – Tribal Matrix – 5:17

The sound of the sea guided her movements. The grassy cliff was a secluded, peaceful place where she could connect to Gaia and learn from her. She stretched herself in all directions, moving gracefully and inhumanly at the same time. She listened while she moved. She listened to the sound of the sea, to the sound of the wind. Gaia was speaking to her, and she needed to decipher the code.

She had learned many things on this cliff side. She'd learned of human tendency, she'd learned of animals, the forest, the water, and of the Gods. She'd met several of them here, and had learned from each of them.

As she moved today she was asking something specific from Gaia. She needed to understand herself. She had to make a choice, and soon. Her choice would determine the future of the people of the land. She had to protect them, but if she chose to do that, she would be sacrificing herself. Was she strong enough? She wasn't sure. Even if she could bring herself to do it, would she survive?


10. To The Rescue – Datarock – Nightmare Revisited – 3:33

This was a hell of a place for a chase. She relished it. She made one last second of eye contact with her partner before they parted, running between the intricate machines punching out hundreds of thousands of miniscule things. The perp was in here somewhere.

She dodged a wayward arm of one piece of machinery and saw him running between two more just ahead of her. She deeked around another machine and came out only twenty feet behind him. She picked up the pace, trying to catch him.

He looked over his shoulder and saw her coming. He dodged left and was gone. She looked around for him. She wasn't sure what gave her the idea, but she looked up and he was riding a mechanical arm to the second floor. She called out to alert her partner to the development.


11. That Time of Year – Sick Puppies – NCIS: The Official TV Soundtrack-Vol. 2 – 3:51

He stood on the street outside her house looking through the frost rimmed window. Inside the well-lit home she was decorating the tree with her sister. She was lovelier than he'd remembered. She wore a green sweater and her hair fell in a cascading wave down her back.

She paused her work for half a second and turned to look out the window. Their eyes met and tears came into hers. She dropped the ornament she held and ran to the front door, leaving her sister confused. She wrenched the door open and ran out of the house towards him.

He dropped his duffle and braced to catch her in his arms. She was crying when she reached him. He hadn't told her he was getting home from Afghanistan a month early.


12. Pirandello Kruger – Solar Fields – Mirror's Edge OVS – 7:09

Water seemed to be the only component that made up this magical place. She stepped through water wherever she went. Water flowed down the walls, dripped from the ceiling. It was peaceful here, it was simple. She wore a white robe, the hem floated on the surface.

And as soon as everything was peaceful, it turned into a light show. The water began changing colours, flowing pink and orange and green and red and black and white in quick succession. Each time a new colour reached her skin a new emotion took over: love, glee, tranquility, aggravation, anger and enlightenment.

The changes in emotion left her jarred, and she prayed for the change to stop. The water became water again, before it burst into a sea of red. She picked up her skirt and ran. The colour was gaining on her. She nearly ran into a wall of water in her haste, and had to fall to miss it. She tried to scramble out of the way of the colour, but the attempt was futile.
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