Master-chan — [PUF] | Nobou

Published: 2018-05-30 21:28:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 2020; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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"You think I care?"
❯❯ GENERAL------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
█ name | Ogawa, Nobou 〔小川,信〕
█ nicknames | He has plenty but.. none of them are very nice.
█ gender | Male
█ age / DOB | 16, August 31st 
█ height / weight | 5'2", 115lbs
█ hero name | Pompeii

❯❯ QUIRK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
█ quirk type | Emitter
█ quirk niche | Defensive Support

█ quirk description |  Ash Generation
                                          - Nobou's quirk allows him to conjure and emit giant clouds of volcanic ash from his lungs. Although Nobou can produce all three forms of the charred matter (solid, liquid, and gas), his main attribute is in it's gas form, which is typically used for screening; to cover him or allies from sight for quick escapes. This gaseous cloud is also a deadly moving toxin that can cause others asphyxiation, blood clotting, and burns, if exposed to it for too long.

        ► [ATTACKS]
Pyroclastic Flow [basic]
                            - An incredibly fast moving current of hot gas and ash that reaches speeds up to 450 mph. This puffy clouds typically clings to the ground, running along it and can go as far as 30ft from the user. This attack is used as his typical smoke screens, as well used as a wall sometimes to separate him from the target. Stepping into this cloud is dangerous after all, as the heat itself can cause 1st degree burns (similar to sunburns) and prolonged exposure will begin to inflict 2nd degree burns while beginning to suffocate the target in the process.

                        Ash Surge [basic (power move)]
                            - A pryroclastic flow has the potential of making what's called a surge. It's similar to it, but this attack has a higher gas to rock ratio, making it more aerodynamic and rise over ridges and hills. This attack is extremely powerful, so much so that its capable of blasting and eroding material big and small (kind of like sandblasting something to become a smooth surface). Inhaling this is considerably worse for the target to handle. This moves deposits thin layers of ash everywhere, and its no different than snorting up a very fine clump of sand. This is the only move of his that's impervious to water, as the cloud will merely run across it like it was earth itself.

                        Fireball [defense]
                            - While ash itself cannot be set to flames, the gas he emits from his mouth is not only hot and toxic, but flammable in itself. Nobou can set his clouds of smoke on fire at any given moment if he has a fire source to start it off (like his lighter, for example). Typically this is never used offensively by Nobou but rather its like him holding a torch to an animal in order to make them back away. Of course though, like any other flame, coming in contact with it won't be a fun time.

█ quirk weaknesses | Water, Ice, Freeze and Wind
                            - Coming in contact with water is by far his worse enemy. Although he has access to liquid ash, he's not sure how to utilize it yet in a successful manner. As far as he's concerned, it's useless and cause nothing but issues. Temperatures that negate his natural, super-heated quirk, also renders it ineffective. Wind, obviously, will clear his smoke screens easily.
█ quirk goals | More than anything in the world this child's main aspiration in life right now is that he wants to surpass his brother in every way, shape, and form. If not that, at least strong enough to twist him into a pretzel knot without having his lungs collapse and is thrown into a wheezing fit. Hero business and helping others... yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll get to that. First, we beat the snot out of Niko.

STATS         ► control | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (A)
        ► defense | ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ (B)
        ► intelligence | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (S)
        ► stamina | ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ (F)
        ► strength | ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ (D)
        ► speed | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★  (S)

█ personal strengths | Nobou is best suited as a long range hero, working in the back lines who's quirk that can reach the front at any time. He's also extremely useful for escapes, both for himself and others. While sadly he uses his wits for selfish gains, that only shows how talented he is at reading people before they make a move on him or anyone else. With information in mind by just a glance, he's able to work around obstacles and quirk disadvantages quite efficiently.

█ personal weaknesses | Nobou has poor teamwork skills; stubborn and often hot-headed he's clouded by the notion that he knows everything and already has planned out all possible outcomes, and as such, he should be leading the charge into everything. Either that, or he doesn't want to associate himself with the problem at all and opt out on ignoring it, or running off. Being spoiled like 3 week old milk Nobou doesn't like to get his hands dirty, and is usually never really in the mood to even lift a finger. Nobou's quirk also makes him physically ill, so after awhile he'll become as useless as a patient in a hospital bed, struggling to breathe correctly and think sensibly.

❯❯ PERSONALITY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Extrovert | Witty | Insightful | Romantic

Sensitive | Calculating

Callous | Disloyal | Cowardly | Raunchy

Mean seems to be an understatement when trying to describe Nobou to a fellow classmate. He is perhaps infamous rubbing people the wrong way the minute they meet - what with his snarky attitude and aloof mannerisms, caring not if he hadn't already had you in his sights, its no wonder why hardly anyone will consider this kid as a "friend", or even feel uneasy calling him an acquaintance. The boy is quickly overshadowed by his tactless nature; a predatory lifestyle only seeking physical contact whenever he grows greedy and wolfish. After he gets what he wants, most friends and lovers are dished to the side like yesterday's trash before he's onto something better - not a single second thought to the act either. He's very aware of another person's feelings, in fact almost empathetic in a lot of loop holes in those rare moments of expressing kindness, but it feels almost as backstabbing when he deliberately turns his back on people knowing far too well what their reaction will be.

It's a shame to think about. Nobou is incredibly smart, too smart for his own good, but he uses his clever wits and charm to lure in what he wants. He plays the game with confidence, always, which is typically why he's quite the social butterfly. Good or bad rumors alike, it doesn't seem to hinder him from speaking his mind. And boy, does he talk a lot. He runs his mouth way too often. So often in fact, it's guaranteed he'll eventually find himself in a dangerous situation - threaten to be hit due to his rash choice of words. With such spunk in that little body you'd think he'd step up to the challenge, but all that bark comes crumbling down like a deck of cards. He has no bite other than whatever comes out of his mouth, and thus often flinch and at most scream if someone decides to fake him out with a punch. In all honesty, he's not that big of a threat as people would make him out to be. Truly a swift kick from a bigger kid would shut him up for the day.

Of course with all this mayhem and horrible socialization skills, there's a greener side of the yard. Nobou, when he wants to, is a very compassionate and loving individual. It's only expressed through a romantic manner, but its enough to show someone that he deeply appreciates them in every shape and form. Those he's taken a liking to will have to deal with him constantly pestering them sadly, but its all in good intentions. Nobou tends to smile a lot more with them, ask how their day has been so on and so forth. He'll even go as far as seek help from them, and return the favor by being an ear to vent to. It seems so small, but its rarity for people who haven't piqued his interest to see him get so involved. It's pretty evident he has commitment issues, but that doesn't mean he's completely heartless. He just... has some bumps and kinks to work out is all.  

█ likes = Carbonated drinks | Maroon | Smoking | Pop Music | Anything with meat in it | Green tea | Sour(flavor)
█ dislikes = Greasy foods | Most Folk music | Density (in others) | Exercising | Summer | Rejection | Bitter(flavor)

❯❯ HISTORY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"I'm predestined to become something cause of my quirk. Why can't I just be me?"

While children all around the world suffer from homelessness, hunger, war, and tragedy, they are blessed not being cursed with the suffering of being the middle child in a prestigious family. Can you imagine that? Constantly being ignored and forgotten, being held to standards you simply can't reach... miserable. Absolutely miserable. What does it mean to have everything you could ask for, but still feel that there's nothing? Having a quirk made you special, did it not? So why had it always felt like a burden to carry for Nobou?

Nobou comes from a long line of quirk users, and becoming a hero to serve the public was almost tradition at this point. It's their duty as family, he's been told, to use their powers for good and to fend off evil.. blah, blah, blah. Nobou, even as a child, wasn't interested. Well, he used to be. Hell, in fact he was excited to become a hero one day. His older brother, Niko, was practically his idol. He was a strong, intelligent, and handsome individual who's hero status was god-like. He soaked in praise like a sponge; he was, and has always been, center of attention. Nobou wanted to be just like him. The older he became however.. 8 - 13 perhaps, he realized that he wasn't anything like Niko. He was weak and sickly, tiny and easily shoved around at school. He couldn't fend for himself even if he wanted to. And as far as he knew, his quirk was useless. All he could do back then was whenever he caught a cold or worse, he'd cough up a storm and had to hack out black gunk from his chest and spat it into the trashcan. Ash - liquid ash he didn't know how to tap into unless he grew ill. How pathetic he was.. he was nothing. Just when his mind started telling him these awful things, a new face popped up in the family. This became his younger sister, Naomi, who immediately stole the world's spotlight. From a woman with flames for hair out came a baby girl with water for hair.

Great. Another asshole stealing his parents attention.

His real potential in his quirk came to life the day he decided to pick up smoking. Being a bad boy and refusing to do as he was told just wasn't enough to get his parents to look his way. He knew this batch of sketchy kids liked to hang out and smoke behind the school yard, so he took it upon himself to join them one afternoon. Of course, he was horrified of these boys - they were taller and older and could easily fold him like paper if they wanted... but, they had seemed amused at Nobou's request to smoke with them, and so just to see him throw a coughing fit like all first time smokers, they let him have a cigarette. To their surprise Nobou didn't even squeak. They were more starry eyed at the overwhelming smoke cloud he could make after every sigh. Impressed, the boys decided to let Nobou in their small circle for the rest of the school year. Ah, thoughtful kids... too bad he couldn't care less for their sweet side. Normal, dumb kids. Packs of cigarettes would go missing from their pockets and none of them put two and two together. They never saw Nobou again.

As you can guess, a wild back lash from both parents and the oldest scolded and nagged at Nobou's new found habit. It was a large argument that lasted days, but after awhile and a couple of demonstrations Nobou was able to convince his family that smoking helped unlocked a way to control his quirk, or at least, kick start it in the right direction. His mother looked reluctant, his father was conflicted, and Niko... oh Niko. The man was scowling into his little brother's soul like it was disgusting trash that was meant to me thrown out yesterday.
"I suppose we can't argue," his mother had said with a sigh. "We were starting to get worried you wouldn't be able to find use in your power at all."
"But now that you have-!" barked his father, suddenly bursting with excitement, "You'll be able to attend Plus Ultra!"

"Plus.. Ultra?"

"Yes! It's a hero facility just like U.A.! Ahh, look at that - my boys growing up and becoming heroes! Hahah!" Nobou was suddenly burrowed into his father's arms, practically suffocating in his muscles as he ruffled up his hair. The boy couldn't really share the same excitement as his father.. in fact he looked almost... defeated. "What.. h-hero facil-- I thought I was going to Azabu..." Nobou stuttered. His dad only cupped his cheeks with a big smile. "No, no, no! Not with your gift you're not! Don't you see, son? You're gonna be a hero! Just like me! Just like your mother, and your brother too! You'll be known all over the world! Ahah, I can already picture my boys now."

"Exactly. So lets not disappoint, little brother, and set a good example for upcoming hero一" Niko enters into the conversation, hoisting up his baby sister Naomi. He gently poked her chest to make her giggle. "一all three of us we'll be a team. So, try and not mess around and get kicked out again, alright, Nobou?"

Nobou's eyes looked down and elsewhere... this isn't what he wanted. Dejectedly though, he mumbles, "Yeah.. alright."

❯❯ TRIVIA------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

█ fun facts

  • VC |  mafumafu
  • Nobou is right handed.
  • Nobou has painted nails, but only his middle fingers are painted red. Since it's on his middle finger, he's associated the color with negative connotations like aggression, danger, and lust for blood.
  • His family are all quirk users, all of which are earth/earth material related.
    • Mother; Flame Enitity Mutation
    • Father; Seismokinesis (earth-bending)
    • Sister; Water Enitity Mutation
    • Brother; Crystallite Transformation
  • His natural hair color is a dark grey, similar to ash.
  • Nobou wears gauges, specifically 14mm. His favorite ones are the solid black plugs, but from time to time he'll switch it out for a flower or something cute like that. 
  • Sometimes, he cries in public.
  • Nobou wears makeup, and it's very rare to see him without it.
  • Nobou plays piano.
  • Sorry ladies, Nobou lets you know loud and clear he's only for men, and men only.
  • Most will catch Nobou smoking way before school begins, and or sometimes up on the roof during lunch.
  • Although he's half Korean, he knows very little to none of the language.
  • He prefers pen over pencil, but if he had to use pencil, he likes mechanical ones.

---Rp info
timezone | Central Time Zone | (UTC -6:00)
RP methods | Lit / Semi-para / HCs
                        - Discord
WARNING | While I am certainly open for shipping of this character, keep in mind Nobou isn't a very loyal lover. If you are to notice Nobou getting close to another character in the group, please do not feel personally attacked by that. It's in his nature to be with many partners at once... then again, not the most solid definition of a boyfriend in the first place. So be careful.

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Comments: 4

tony776 [2021-09-30 17:02:50 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Haruumiiko [2018-06-18 21:20:11 +0000 UTC]

And here we see a bowl in it's natural habitat--


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Delsinmcgr [2018-05-31 15:58:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Master-chan In reply to Delsinmcgr [2018-06-01 13:15:30 +0000 UTC]

thank you !!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0