During the pandemic I wasn’t able to get over the fact that I had graduated highschool and knowing I wouldn’t return to see my classroom that I loved,the school staff in my class were nice and kind including the classroom therapist and psychologist,she had her certificates hanging in her office and she would be kind,compassionate and thoughtful.
I knew my I wasn’t gonna return…it was a place to get away from the pain at home,no more drama with my aunts,no anger it was just peaceful including the humidifier next to my table.
the pandemic made me depressed and empty,I couldn’t see my sibling due to the pandemic, I felt more empty inside even when the pandemic ended. I have always thought about dark stuff too dark to mention but when I draw it on paper or digital I feel desensitized, I feel sadness but i barely show it sometimes or try not too, I love drawing but I noticed how I have been trying to keep myself stable online like when I uploaded my artwork of a cursed version of lightning bliss,I thought some would like it but I noticed I wasn’t getting any activity from viewers, I’m not mad or anything It’s normal for me to let others do their thing.
The pandemic really had a giant impact on me and all I can say is that I have been feeling sad and mad but mostly sad in a melancholy way.
“we grow up, we have lives but sometimes I feel alone,I miss when we used to play,dance and have fun only for us to be busy with jobs and worry about money now…where did the fun go”
life is now depressing sometimes knowing that people are now fantasizing about a medical condition you actually have and that it’s a risk to me and others, but I still hope that I can someday make others smile and laugh and enjoy art stuff like me and to create change in the animation scene and art,game and music scene…someday…someday.
thank you for reading and I hope your okay and I hope you have a nice day