MatthewJamesOsborn — The horsemans
Published: 2018-09-22 01:49:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 705; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Description Chapter 22 aiden dark past
2 days has pass and they met atsuko in real life her appearance is Japanese and little Chinese her and Roman been trying to track down her sister.

mean while aiden and his family are having dinner with Lara and tori family.

hey aiden,ruby and kairi glad you guys can make it said Lara hey Lara we brought donuts for the dinner said kairi thanks guy said Lara they enter the house hey aiden,kairi and ruby it’s good that you can make it my father will be done he just talking to an old friend who stop by to say hi said tori.

is the food ready tori? said ruby yeah in a minute said tori hey it’s good to see you man said a male voice that aiden knew and turned around.

what aiden? Said the man Damien it’s good to see you said aiden as he man hug him I see you grow taller said Damien and I see that your still wearing beanie are the other FBI agents keep telling you to take it off said aiden.

yeah yeah they don’t appreciate style said Damien how’s the leg said aiden still kicking I maybe old and have gray hair but I’m not going down like that said Damien as he and aiden laugh.

what how do you two know each other? said ruby well .........uh said aiden stuff......n......stuff said Damien well I say let’s eat and talk about this later said tori.

after an hour of eating aiden and Damien began to tell their story.

well i should tell it it began year ago 5 months after my birthday and before I play the game I was doing part time at my job Damien and I met when he save a dog and cat life and needed help with some medical stuff I help him out then he offer me to help me a job he told me that he worked for FBI and he can use a man like me since I look like someone who can easily get in to places with the right clothing I got curious and wanted to help out in any way I can he told me gangs, drug dealers, mafias and etc were going to play cards he has a secret and safe house with high tech computers we planed the job he got me a good disguise a waiter outfit with a red vest, dark fedora hat, white and grey face mask and black leather gloves said aiden.

I gave him a baton for any trouble and this began the operation said Damien.

flashback months ago.

Damien every thing all set? Said aiden has he is walking in the building you sure this plan will work? Said aiden come on aiden boy have faith in your mentor said Damien.

aiden show the Id and continue into the were house alright keep your eyes and your head down and listen to what I say to stay alive said Damien on it said aiden ok pick up the try order for room 1 said Damien.

he pick up the tray and went to deliver the order to room 1 in room 1 there is a large circle table with man and woman playing poker.

here are your orders said aiden thank you said one of the guys aiden silently left and hid behind a closet door as he listen to their conversations.

you getting this? said aiden yeah just listen the wire and the camera on your shirt should pick it up said Damien how business said woman oh you know making good cash man those teens really are begging to be high oh how’s those murder sprees going said woman you know just murdering said man.

later as aiden and Damien list more they got a lot of information ok aiden we got enough get out there now said Damien he was about to sneaky leave but he accidentally knock over a box and sirens were herd outside.

hey you he must of brought them here kill and wear face at his funeral said another man well I’m mentally disturbed for life said aiden as he got out his baton and began to fight the criminals.

after fighting’s them aiden ran to the exit freeze! Said a police officer he raise his hands and press a button on his phone which cause a small black out what the!? Said police officer aiden made a run for it to the hideout without getting caught.

good job my boy we made even more arrests and crippled the black marketing said Damien anything to help people stay safe said aiden oh speaking of people we just saved a lot people as well aiden here little something said Damien has he took money out.

no thanks I was not doing it for money just to help said aiden alright you are noble I like that about you said Damien.

flashback ends

and that was it I went back to my normal life I’m sorry that kept this from everyone and just for the record it was only one time only said aiden everyone was silent.

I guess you guys need some space said aiden as he got up Lara grab his hand.

aiden look you don’t have give us space we all love you especially me you know how I lost my legs and that was a pretty bad time but I got through it just like you have sure it was dark and dangerous but you help a lot of people aiden said Lara.

it’s true bro sure kept it from us but those were different times and your still my brother said kairi and your still my son said ruby let’s not forget your one of my best friends said tori your my boyfriend said Lara as she kiss him later everyone say there byes aiden and his family went home. End of chapter 22
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