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2012 -The year of Originality projectHappy New Year for everybody! ^^
As this is the first day of the year, I decided, that I will start a big, one year personal project: 2012- The year of Originality
:bulletgreen: What?
I always love original characters, original stories, admire other artist's creativity and originality, and I always wanted to create some fanart about their stories. As I don't have too much time, near the university, and my other things, and the 2012 is here, I had an idea, that I will do a project. Project, that I can show, how many artists and original stories, characters are here, in DeviantArt. As my english is bad, sorry, but I will try to show and
Here the first not hungarian artist, who's my friend too :3
I really love her art, and style, and I think, she is the most active artist friend of my xD She always submit a lot of picture to DA, they are always funny, cute, or have a really good athmosphere, or they are just adorable. I love the way how she draws the faces, and characters, and her figure's outfit always cute and adorable >.<
And she is a very kind and great artist, with a lot of patience, as I know, that my english not my best xD But really good to talk with her, and I always feel sorry, that I can't write answer notes more often ._.
So, I choose her Sasha original character, who is one of my favourite OC from her (and Perg, and Nat, and I can write more from them xD). I really love her outfits, these are so cool, fresh and cool, and cool, and... uhrmm So I really love her personality, and her electricity power too, and I wanted to draw her for a really long time ago too
Sasha (c)
2012 -The year of Originality project
More about Sasha:
Több infó a projektről:
2012 -The year of Originality projectHappy New Year for everybody! ^^
As this is the first day of the year, I decided, that I will start a big, one year personal project: 2012- The year of Originality
:bulletgreen: What?
I always love original characters, original stories, admire other artist's creativity and originality, and I always wanted to create some fanart about their stories. As I don't have too much time, near the university, and my other things, and the 2012 is here, I had an idea, that I will do a project. Project, that I can show, how many artists and original stories, characters are here, in DeviantArt. As my english is bad, sorry, but I will try to show and
Nyohh, következő alanyom az első külföldi rajzos ebben a projektben, aki az egyik barátom is
Nagyon szeretem a rajzait, mert mindig viccesek, aranyosak, vagy van egy bizonyos kisugárzásuk, aurájuk ami megfogja az embert. Ami kifejezetten tetszik, ahogyan megrajzolja az arcokat, illetve az arckifejezéseket a karaktereinek, nagyon kifejezőek és hatásosak számomra, ahogy a helyzetkomikumai is viccesek xD A színezése is tetszik, ahogy az is, hogy némely rajzát mennyire egyszerűen, de ütősen tudja ábrázolni. Az ismerőseim közül ő az egyik legtermékenyebb alkotó, mivel majdnem minden második nap tölt fel új rajzot. Ráadásul nagyon kedves és nagyszerű alkotó is, igen nagy türelemmel -főleg, hogy az angolom nem éppen a legjobb ^^" Mégis sokat tudunk beszélgetni, ezt leszámítva is.
Ugyan nagyon sok karakterét szeretem, ott van Perg, akkor Nat, meg még sorolhatnám, de Sasha is a kedvenceim közé tartozik, már nagyon régóta szerettem volna lerajzolni. Imádom a ruháit, amik mind menők, modernek, frissek, és menők... xD És nagyon szeretem a karakter elektromos képességeit, illetve a jellemét is :3 Egyszerűen csak cool
Sasha (c)
2012 - Az eredetiség éve
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