More about this project:
2012 -The year of Originality project - FebruaryI'm done with the January's part! Thank you very much guys, that you like my project, I'm really glad! You are help me with your comments a lot! As I will do my final exam animation in this half year at the school, I'm really busy, so I can't answer for your comments always, but I will try, I promise!
Thank you again!
I decided, that I will start a big, one year personal project: 2012- The year of Originality
:bulletgreen: What?
I always love original characters, original stories, admire other artist's creativity and originality, and I always wanted to create some fanart about their stories. As I don't have too much time, near the uni
Here the first sketch in this month! I'm really glad, that I'm here, and never mind, that I really busy in these times, I can keep the time to draw these sketches. All of you give me a lot of energy and power to do this project! (As I can't answer for the comments yet ._.)
I draw again from the New Generation pokemon trainer OC, and I must say, that it was really great to draw Vance, I love his personality so much!
And you must go and look around in *ichan-01 's gallery, beautiful, funny and interesting pictures and characters, I really love the scenes, and perspectives on some picture :3
Vance (c)
2012 -The year of Originality project
More about Vance:
Több infó a projektről:
2012 -The year of Originality project - FebruaryI'm done with the January's part! Thank you very much guys, that you like my project, I'm really glad! You are help me with your comments a lot! As I will do my final exam animation in this half year at the school, I'm really busy, so I can't answer for your comments always, but I will try, I promise!
Thank you again!
I decided, that I will start a big, one year personal project: 2012- The year of Originality
:bulletgreen: What?
I always love original characters, original stories, admire other artist's creativity and originality, and I always wanted to create some fanart about their stories. As I don't have too much time, near the uni
Íme az első vázlatom ebben a hónapban, amiért nagyon boldog vagyok, hogy sikerült a januárt lezárnom jó eredménnyel, és el tudom kezdeni a következő szakaszt minden gond nélkül A kommentjeitek, a sok fav rengeteg energiát és erőt ad nekem a folytatáshoz, habár sajnos a kommentekre még mindig nem egészen tudok válaszolni. Örülök, hogy tudok időt szakítani a szkeccsekre, hiába két-három hete alig van egy cseppnyi nyugalmam ^^"
Mindenesetre itt van az újabb pokémon trainer OC a New Generation csapatból, már csak egy van hátra, utána el kell búcsúznunk tőlük a projektben.
Vance-t nagyon jó volt rajzolni, mivel nagyon tetszik a személyisége, olyan kis harcias xD
Ugyanakkor mindenképpen ajánlom az alkotó gallériáját, sok szép, érdekes, és vicces képet és karaktert találhattok ott, nagyon szeretem a perspektívákat, amiket használ egy-egy jelenetképen.
Vance (c)
2012 - Az eredetiség éve
Több Vanceről:
pokemon (c) gamefreak/nintendo