More about this project:
2012 -The year of Originality project - MarchI'm done with the February's part! Thank you very much guys, that you like my project, I'm really glad! You are help me with your comments a lot! As I will do my final exam animation in this half year at the school, I'm really busy, so I can't answer for your comments always, but I will try, I promise!
Thank you again!
I decided, that I will start a big, one year personal project: 2012- The year of Originality
:bulletgreen: What?
I always love original characters, original stories, admire other artist's creativity and originality, and I always wanted to create some fanart about their stories. As I don't have too much time, near the univer
Huhh... I believed, that I can write for everybody's comment in this weekend, but I've got some ... uhrm... news about my university exam, so I can't be here DeviantArt more than the daily sketch :/ I hope, the problem not so big, as I think, and I can come back soon here, guys!
Today is the 70th character in my sketch oc project, so I'm glad, that I'm here, and I can take my time daily to do the sketches, and submit for you :3 (And the list almost full! ) When Madeleine Rosca's comic published in my country, I was really happy, because I really love her style and story about Lucy, I collected the books with the whole story too! As I think, her style really lovely, the characters are so beautiful with a lot of details, and with the steampunk bakcorunds in the comic was really great! If the Hollow Fields published in your country, buy it, it's really good! :3 And of course, watch her gallery too for these lovely, and amazing stuff!
Lucy (c)
2012 -The year of Originality project
More about Lucy:
Több infó a projektről:
2012 -The year of Originality project - MarchI'm done with the February's part! Thank you very much guys, that you like my project, I'm really glad! You are help me with your comments a lot! As I will do my final exam animation in this half year at the school, I'm really busy, so I can't answer for your comments always, but I will try, I promise!
Thank you again!
I decided, that I will start a big, one year personal project: 2012- The year of Originality
:bulletgreen: What?
I always love original characters, original stories, admire other artist's creativity and originality, and I always wanted to create some fanart about their stories. As I don't have too much time, near the univer
Abban reménykedtem, hogy ezen a hétvégén végre tudok mindenki kommentjére válaszolni, ahogy a note-okra is, de jött némi... hír a diplomamunkámmal kapcsolatban, úgyhogy lehet hogy a napi szkeccseken kívül nem fogok tudni mással foglalkozni itt DeviantArton :/ Mindenesetre én reménykedem, hogy a gond nem akkora, mint amennyinek én gondolom, és akkor minél hamarabb itt tudok lenni veletek, sokkal többet >.<
A mai szkeccsem a 70. karakter már a projektben, szóval még mindig nagyon örülök, hogy tudom tartani ezt a napi szkeccs tempót, mert nem hittem volna, hogy sikerül xD (És a listám majdnem tele is van! )
Amikor Madeleine Rosca képregényét kiadták itthon nagyon örültem, mert rögtön megtetszett a stílusa a rajzolásának, noh és persze nem csalódtam, a történet is nagyon tetszett, csak annyi volt rossz benne, hogy rövid. :/ Viszont kigyűjtöttem mind a három kötetet, úgyhogy mindenkinek nagyon ajánlom, hogy lesse meg a gallériáját, és vegye meg feltétlenül a képregényét! ^^ Főleg azért, mert a karakterei aranyosak, és szépen kidolgozottak, a hátterek és a környezet steapunkos, és a történet is nagyon izgalmas!
Lucy (c)
2012 - Az eredetiség éve
Több Lucyról: