Maurislave — The Art of Persuasion

#annasophiarobb #hypnosis #hypnotizedgirl #hypnosismindcontrol #hypnosisfetish
Published: 2020-08-15 15:51:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 17368; Favourites: 137; Downloads: 25
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He was not an especially attractive man. Not that he was at all repulsive - no major deformities or great failures of skin-, body- or hair-care - but he simply did not have anything which would draw the eye. A normal, slightly asymmetric face, an unpronounced jawline, slightly rounded cheeks, averagely shaped musculature. His body was certainly amplified by his fitted suit, giving truth to the axiom that women tend to look better than men because they actually try to and so when the occasion calls for a man to put effort into his grooming, clothing and overall appearance, even a plain man will become attractive. So it was that at this gala, he was not turning heads constantly, but any woman who would be predisposed to his 'type' certainly let her eyes linger on him for a moment.

She was basically the archetype of modern Western beauty. Blonde and blue-eyed, but with skin more tanned than those traits would indicate. Cute, rounded cheeks that nevertheless descend into the thin jawline and prominent collarbones of a woman who managed her figure and, possibly, her food intake. All combined with extensive but crucially not-obvious makeup to cover up any blemishes on her skin, accentuate the colour of her lips and the innocence of her face, and generally give the impression of having far more perfect skin than was realistically possible. This was all framed by a tight black dress which hugged her modest figure in a way which made her confidence in her body clear, and hence made her body even more attractive. And on top of all that, given that she was here at the gala of a prestigious scientific conference, she had the talent and drive to back up that beauty.

He could not resist her, and it would be difficult to blame him, all things considered.

The hall was not so packed that he could not reach her, and the moment she caught his eye he started to make his way across the room. Careful to keep himself fully presentable and authoritative, he dodged around other attendees. And as he did, he gathered all his confidence. His head pounded as the concentrated energy of will willpower threatened to burst from his forehead.

"Noyamir." He whispered, as his brown eyes met her blue through a gap in the crowd. The lance of mental power left him harmlessly, directed by his incantation. The word itself was meaningless, only useful for the meaning it had for himself, as a focus for his volatile magical energy. For a moment, he stopped in thought. Some philosophers would say the same is true of all words - they have no inherent meaning, only that bestowed on them by the speaker. Even if it were the case, his incantation was special in that it was designed to be meaningless. Were it to conjure up any new thoughts in his head as he vocalised it, the spear he was generating could well have slipped from his mental grasp and turned to stab himself, and that would not do at all.

That risk aside, he was an experienced practitioner of the art, and he already felt that the spell had reached its target. He had a slightly harder task now, needing to weave between servers and politely decline hors d'eouvres while keeping at all times a direct line of sight to her. As he did so, he could feel how his mental weapon rotated on the surface of her mind, creating a subsonic whirring which would override her surface thoughts, leaving her wandering attention no focus except the immediate stimulus of eye contact. While that happened, his spell would slowly pierce into her deeper thoughts and start to weave new ideas about that new stimulus, engendering feelings of trust and hope, flavoured with a small seed of attraction and submissive arousal.

That would come later, he would need to be closer for the spell to fully wave its way into her consciousness. But for now it would lock her on to him. As long as he could maintain eye contact, she was completely paralysed.

So it was that when he reached where she was standing, her face was already turned to him and locked in a friendly smile. She looked odd only by how her eyes barely blinked, and her ummoving smile was undermined by a misty, unfocused look in her eyes (even if they remained staring into his).

"What have you done to me?" Her voice was measured. Clearly, there was anger and fear, but she was mature enough to not explode in the middle of an event like this. He smiled. Another reason to like her.

"What is your guess?" He wasn't mocking her. Testing would be a more appropriate word. Would she put aside her scepticism and arrive at the parsimonious explanation? Would she prove herself worthy of falling under his spell?

"You... You've done something to my thoughts. Some kind of mind control." He saw muscles at the corner of her eyes straining, but the lids barely fell. "I can't look away from you, and the more I look the more I feel..." Her face couldn't frown, so her voice did in its stead. "Like I should be looking at you. And trusting what you say. Now you're close, I feel you're rather handsome. But I didn't when we first locked eyes, so I think that's part of your trick, too."

"But you still feel attracted to and enthralled by me?"

"Yes, though I have no idea how you're doing it."

"The feelings are still real though?" At this point, his sly grin betrayed that he was starting to toy with her. But this sort of verbal affirmation was exactly what would deepen his spell.

Her smile widened a bit as she acknowledged her feelings and they responded by getting slightly stronger. "Yeah, I am feeling them. I do, truly, want to talk to you and hear more of what you have to say. But I'll ask you this. Why are you doing this? Don't you feel bad using whatever technique you've developed for evil?"

"Evil?" He gasped. "What's so evil about hypnosis?"

For a moment she didn't respond to his feigned confusion. It seemed almost too ridiculous to warrant a response. But she still wanted to hear his explanation. She wanted to hear his voice more. "Well, yeah. Everyone knows that mind control is, like, a villainous thing. Forcing away someone's free will is wrong. It's definitely against human rights somehow... Actually I guess there's no provisions against mind control, but it's still definitely bypassing consent. And I know how I feel and what you obviously want me to do."

"How is this not consensual?" His face hardened, and while it was certainly not the most handsome look, she still stared openly at him. He was focused now, shaping his will as his argument developed, giving him another weapon to plunge into her thoughts. "I admit, it is certainly unconventional, but consider this. If a stranger approached you in a bar, someone you are initially not willing to have any sort of relationship with, but you talk to them anyway. After talking to them, you find them funny and interesting, and you decide to accompany them to their home and their bedroom. You have changed your mind after talking to them, and that's fully natural. Just like how I am persuading you now." He said it as a statement of fact, and with it more lances of his spell went through her eyes and into her mind, starting new trains of acquiescent thoughts.

"Okay... I guess, but if the same stranger spiked my drink with alcohol, that would be criminal and immoral. You're not 'convincing' me, you're using some sort of... something." He didn't bother to correct her - explaining the Art was a meaningless distraction which could wait until later. "To make me change your mind, not letting me change my mind with new information. It's still not respecting me as a person."

He made a stabbing motion at his own heart, but she didn't see it. Both of their faces were stationary. "To compare me to a criminal of that sort is insulting. You may be right that I am seeing you, for now, as an object of affection more than a person, but in our time together I will grow to appreciate you in more ways, I am convinced." He wasn't lying, she had already impressed him, and while she would be his, she would be far more than a tool for pleasure. "And to speak to your underlying point, a drug robs you of your ability to choose, it is a stimulus which prevents consent. My stimulus is not robbing your will, it is changing it. To be sure, you will agree to whatever I say regardless of your initial point of view, but you will do so because you have changed your mind thanks to my actions, not because I have prevented you from refusing."

He had taken hold fully, now. Her head was tilted with interest. Despite herself, she was beginning to be convinced, and she wanted to hear more. Some thoughts in her head were silently asking to be convinced. She was compelled by her own thoughts to hand on to every one of his words.

And yet, she still had the will to argue back. "Then take the example of blackmail. What if, right now, instead of using your hypnosis on me, you had said you would hurt my family if I didn't do as you asked? I would be convinced, and decide of my own free will to follow your orders, just like I'm starting to come around to doing right now. But that would be definitely immoral according to basically anyone."

"I definitely agree in that case. Threatening people is clearly wrong. But in this case, it is the threat that is wrong. Were you to submit to my commands because of that threat, you would be doing a good thing. A sacrifice for which you would be praised, while your blackmailer would be rightly considered a villain. But the problem is the threat, not the changing of your mind. But there is no threat here. Only a change. There will be no consequences if you do not submit to my control. I have no need for such threats, because you will submit."

"That's... not the point." She tried to gather her thoughts, though as much of her mind screamed in agreement with him, it was hard to deny at this point that submission was inevitable. And now he had started to circle her like a hungry shark, forcing her head to spin along with him. And as her instincts forced her to maintain the sight of his wonderful eyes, they overpowered any attempts to cohere her counterargument. Her voice faltered.

"You're right, this talk of hypothetical blackmail is not the point. The point is that your mind is changing. I am doing nothing malicious to you or anybody else. I am simply helping you to see the world differently, and specifically to see me differently." He could see and feel his spell had done its work. His voice was full of confidence as he gathered his will, barely keeping it from overflowing for a final attack.

"I... I don't know. Like, you have so much power over me. It's wrong when, like a boss solicits dirty photos from an employee." Her hands subconsciously adjusted the top of her black dress downwards ever so slightly. "So isn't it wrong when you make someone who you've hypnotised feel this way?"

"Hmm, so you're saying hypnosis is equivalent to an abuse of power. Perhaps a valid point, but..." He whispered another meaningless word and thrusted his power forwards, he couldn't contain it any longer without endangering his own thoughts. "You don't really believe it, do you?"

Her surface thoughts were already gone, replaced by instinctual submission, so he washed straight through them. Her inner thoughts were porous, already compromised by tendrils of his spell. But there were many gaps of free thought. Intelligent, strong thought. He didn't break them. Instead, he enveloped them completely, and kindly guided them towards the correct answer.

"No. I don't. I'm just arguing for the sake of it, really. I like what you've done to me."

"And you understand you feel like this because you decided that? You understand that nothing bad would have come of it had you successfully resisted me?"

"Yes. I trust you." Her smile was wide and real. Her eyes were blank but bright. "It's the opposite, I feel happy for submitting. It's a reward for complying, not a punishment for disobeying."

"Indeed. This is a mutually beneficial agreement, so it makes perfect sense you would agree to it. I have you submissive and obedient to me. You have pleasure." He guided her towards complete agreement. It no longer required any real effort.

"Yep. It's totally great. Actually, I don't know why I had any ethical issues with it. If anything, it's a good thing. To convince someone to do something which benefits both parties. It's basically what society is about, right?"

"Exactly. So I assume you understand your position? You are completely under my control. You will obey every command I give. You will not question my orders. You will happily submit."

"Yep. My thoughts have been getting me ready for it the entire time. You will make me happy, and in return I will obey. I will obey your commands, I will do what you say, and I will never complain. I am under your control. And even though your power was great, I still made this choice. I consent to our arrangement freely. I willingly give up my free will."

He smiled. She smiled back. They kissed. He led her away by the hand. They left the gala.


DA tells me this is my 100th deviation in the featured gallery. I believe (and will act as though it does) this means that this is my 100th story. That is very cool!

I went a bit meta here, as you can see, more a conversation about hypnosis than a hypnotic conversation. This does somewhat reveal the ethical framework through which I justify to my SJW self writing this fetish constantly. As I was writing, I did realise the framework has some holes which I will continue to ignore because me being horny is simply a fact of life (and for the forseeable future, is something for which I have no other outlet )

Nevertheless, I feel like this is a good place to emphasise that the only reason I feel it acceptable to write this morally questionable fetish is that it is not real. Fiction does not determine people's behaviour, but it can and definitely does desensitise people to certain things. Luckily (for my ethical quandries, not for my libido...) mind control isn't real, so there is nothing to be desensitised to. There is still a very real problem of objectification. But, I guess, pornography is kinda inevitable. And I really hope my writing elevates the manip subjects beyond being agency-less fetish fuel. So yeah, I'm largely at peace with it.

Tangent aside, hope you enjoyed, and hope you'll all stick with me for the next 100 stories!

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EVILTWINMORDRED [2020-08-31 18:02:31 +0000 UTC]

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SuperSentaiHeroes [2020-08-18 03:21:08 +0000 UTC]

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