Meadonroe β€” Incorrigible. | #.79 | VANIRIOUSS by-nc-nd

#vanoss #h20delirious #h20vanoss #vaniriouss
Published: 2017-05-02 03:07:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 433; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description The room had been silent. Aside from the soft humming that came from the small laptop on the wooden desk in the corner of the room. The screen showed a short glimpse of Evan's Twitter account, for it to shift to Facebook. Evan stood bent over, typing away on the keyboard with one hand, whilst pulling the curtains to the side and opening the window with the other. Jonathan relaxed on the bed, with his arms bent behind his head and his eyes fixed on the white ceiling. He had kicked off his jeans, socks and shoes upon their return from the ice rink, and the cool air felt heavenly on his heated skin. Apparently, the smothering heat in the cafeteria had affected him just as much as the freezing cold on the ice rink. Sounds of the keys being punched in rapidly, filled the semi-small bedroom, accompanied by the sounds of passing cars and the soft moans of the outside wind. The serenity aided Jonathan in feeling comfortable enough to let his thoughts wander, and his eyelids flutter shut. The man was only one step away from slipping into a warm slumber, when the mattress sunk in slightly, and the sound of a zipper caught his attention. With one eye open, he silently watched Evan step out of his faded, slim-fit jeans, and chuckled when he saw the Asian man fold the piece of clothing neatly, before putting it down on the desk. Evan's legs were tanned, muscular and surprisingly bare. Were Asians hairless or did the guy shave?

"Say, Dee?"

Jonathan moved to the edge of the bed, creating room for Evan to lie down next to him, yet the 25-year old never did. He simply sat up against to wall, his legs laid out over Jonathan's. He ran a hand through his short hair, ruining the spikes in the movement. Black strands of hair now drooped down the sides of his rounded face, whilst a yawn found its way out of his mouth. Jonathan scratched his nose, and his eyes trailed back to the ceiling. "Yeah?" The wind made the curtains sway softly, and pull at the kaki tank top Evan wore. The tight fabric accentuated the shape of his chest, yet it was loose enough to be picked up by the wind. The winters were known to be harsh in Canada, but it had remained fairly calm at the moment, and for that, Jonathan was thankful. He appreciated the cool breeze, despite his passionate hatred for the cold.

"How did you find out you were bisexual?"

A pair of blue eyes shot open, and their owner sat more upright. He sent Evan a confused look, all the while Evan's face was straight. In reality, Jonathan would give anything to avoid the given topic, but he wasn't sure if this question might have been a gift from God himself. Curiosity was a healthy mind set, and the fact that Evan was the one asking about homosexuality, gave life to a small spark of hope Jonathan had been holding onto for nearly 3 years now. The North Carolinian cleared his throat, and clutched his black, over sized T-shirt closer to his chest.

"I .. I think by doing."

He caught Evan's expression, which revealed that he had very little understanding of the given response to his question. Thus Jonathan rubbed his scalp with a hand, his lips pursed and brows furrowed. How would he be able to properly answer said question? He hadn't an idea of how his homosexual feelings came to be, they just .. did, and he decided to just accept them, rather than fight them. That did not mean he did not wonder why exactly he had to be attracted to men, but rather than to demonize himself and his sexuality. He turned his head toward Evan, and allowed himself to take in Evan's physique. Truth be told, it was the man's beauty that had captivated Jonathan from the beginning, and even though he knew how shallow or superficial it would sound, he had learned that physical attraction could be just as meaningful. His Asian roots might have helped, but above all, it were his gentle eyes and smile that put Jonathan over the edge.

"What I mean by that, is that I learned that kissing a dude, isn't that much different from kissing a girl. It felt strange nonetheless.."

Evan sunk back against the wall, an arm resting on his knee. He took a moment to take in Jonathan's facial features. Features he and most of his friends had been deprived from for many years. It still remained a mystery as to why the man found it dire to keep those hidden from the world, but a feeling of safety and privacy justified the idea in some form. For a 30-year old, Jonathan managed to keep a youthful appearance. His face was rather sharp, and oddly symmetrical. A trait, not many people were blessed with. He had a small nose and a sharp jawline. But what completed the image of Jonathan Dennis Barker were the handful of freckles that colored his cheeks. But there was more than just his the features that made up his face, granted, most were only treated to view exactly that, there was a body below it. His body was tall, slender, with just the right amount of muscle mass. As Evan had learned at PAX 3 years ago during Jonathan's drunken episode, the man had told him to be just a few inches taller. His voice had a rich bass, but he would often times pitch his voice for comical effect.

"What matters most, is that I've accepted my sexuality. That there is no shame in being attracted to a man, and that love comes in may shapes and forms."

Evan shook his head as he mentally let go of his inspection. He ran another hand through his thick, messy head of hair, then sent a nod Jonathan's way. He had to accept that, not only was Jonathan a good-looking guy, the thing that kept Evan tied to him, would simply be his personality. Jonathan's personality had always fascinated Evan, in both positive and negative ways. But he felt a connection between them, a bond that could not be explained or put into words. Jonathan had always been there, a small green circle on his phone or computers. Known as the voice that brought madness, controversy and laughter. Oh, the laughter..

Evan smiled. It seemed the best thing to do. "Maybe if you'd show your face to your fans, you might be able to use your popularity as a little gateway to.. -"

"I like the anonymous fame, thank you." Johnathan interrupted, shaking his head vigorously. "Besides, most people have a pretty clear idea on what I look like."

Evan yet again tilted his head, eyebrow arched upwards. "Yeah .. That idea consists out of a hockey mask wearing clown. Not really living up to the real thing." A chuckle. "Ever seen the women in Connecticut? Either hoes or nos."

Not really living up to the real thing.. During the time he spent with Jonathan, Evan had gained more knowledge that he realized. Not only did he meet a completely different side of the North Carolinian man, but he had learned that both of these individuals needed to be, in order for him to remain sane. One supported the other, and neither could be without the other. Jonathan Dennis Barker relied on the chaos and mentally liberating actions H20Delirious was known for, whilst H20Delirious needed that sensible feeling of reality and maturity that Jonathan Dennis Barker provided him with. And Evan knew that it had been foolish to prefer one over the other, especially since both personalities completed each other. Delirious was Jonathan's escape from reality, whilst Jonathan was Delirious' escape from chaos.

As soon as their laughter died down a little, Evan rubbed his arms nervously. "I guess Delirious wouldn't be Delirious without somewhat intoxication. Right?" A motion that didn't go unnoticed by the 28-year old. "Hell no." He laughed. "Then you'd be playing games with Jonathan, and to be honest .. Who really likes that guy?" Evan took a moment to let those words sink in, perfectly able to read between the lines of that 'confession'. But he decided to not give into it, and keep the spirits high and positive. There's a time and place for everything, and this wasn't the right one. He licked his lips, eyes fixed on the balcony's railing. "Yeah, some weird North Carolina dude that moved to Connecticut for some unexplained reason. What a weirdo .." Thank God intoxication halted Jonathan's ability to think straight. Point proven by the sound of the man's crazy laughter. "Such an outcast. A fucking paria .. That guy should kill himself!" His chuckles sent a chill down Evan's spine, yet he listened to Jonathan's voice. "But luckily, Delirious is here to save the day."

"Remember that night when you had one beer too many, and I had to drag you back to your hotel room?"

Jonathan nodded, a grin visible on his lips as he visibly thought back to the memory. "What stayed with me, was how worked up you would get about my pot. I've gotta say, Ev, I'm glad you toned it down a bit." He looked into Β Evan's eyes, and awaited the chuckle he knew would follow."Fact of the matter is, after being locked away in a rehabilitation facility, I feel like I have the right to make my own decisions on addictive patterns. And in my opinion, weed isn't as harmful or damaging as any of the other drugs I'd use to put in my system." Evan grinned. "That wasn't what I was getting at. Remember that I told you that Delirious probably wouldn't be Delirious, if it wasn't for somewhat of intoxication?" He received a silent nod of the head. "You continued by saying that without intoxication, me and the guys would be playing games with Jonathan. And you didn't seem to understand why anyone would enjoy spending time with him." Another nod. "I kept silent when you said that, and told myself that that wasn't the right time and place to delve deeper into it. But now that we've come a long way together, I think we have reached that point already."

"Evan, don't. I was only kidding."

"Could be, but I have the right to be heard. So, allow me to grind those negative thoughts on yourself into dust. Surely you remember how often I have told you what I, personally, like about you. I have pointed out your capacities, talents and lovable personality traits. So .." Evan brushed his nose with a finger, then let his head fall back against the wall. "So ,whenever you feel like you are a worthless pile of garbage, which I know you do more than you admit, I want you to think back to that. Repeat after me and remember and accept the things that, other people think, make you great."

"No, I'm not judging you or anything .. It's just odd. I know that you guys are tight, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm tight as balls with Tyler and Craig, but .. You've been all over each other all throughout PAX, and now you guys are still together .."

"I know what you're thinking, and it's none of that! I promise."

"Hey, even if it is all of that, it's cool, man. Who am I to say anything about that?"

"It's none of that, Lui."

The 31-year old on the other end of the connection voiced a laugh.

But what exactly was 'that'? Evan knew he had been quick to deny anything of the sorts, but the sole reason for Luis to even joke about the matter, was due to the prolonged time he had spent in Jonathan's company. And the truth was, the time spent with Jonathan, hadn't lessened over time. Despite the ridiculousness that laced the reasons, they'd always find a way to find each other again. Which made Evan dig deep in himself and ask himself the question : Was 'that' becoming a reality? Had the foundation been built with each meeting?

A pillow crashed into the face of the unsuspecting American, so he lost his balance and fell backwards onto the bed. In a laughing mood, Evan crawled on top of his slender body, continue his pillow-based assault. Between supplication and swearing, the 28 year old managed to grab one Evan's arms to pull himself from beneath his heavy body. Panting, he ran a hand through his short hair, before he threw himself on top of the 23-year-old man. "I'm gonna make you regret even thinking about what you just did!" Evan managed to dodge some of Jonathan's fists, to pin the man against the wall with his back. "You've got nothing on me. How much do you even weigh ? 60kg?"

With a flushed face, Jonathan tried to free himself from Evan's grip, but those efforts proved to be in vain. "66, thank you very much. And we can't all be steroid using gymnasts!" Evan lowered his chin to his chest, gasping for breath. "Supplements are not steroids, you skinny bitch." He looked the man in the eyes, a grin present on the faces of both men. "And exercise is recommended, you know! I'm not sorry for wanting to be in shape!" With his free hand, Evan reached for the pillow.

"I'm gonna ask you one last time and if you do not answer my question, it ends here." He saw Jonathan's grin grow in width. "What is ... your favorite .. game?" Evan said between pants.

"I'm not .. .. .. telling you."


Laughter filled the room while the two men were going at each other with a simple pillow. The storm completely forgotten, and simmering in the background while their voices drowned out the rumble.

Evan watched as Jonathan stared off into the distance, probably to take in the old game-posters that adorned the shown side of the bed room door. He loved the moments he had spent with Jonathan, since they allowed him to revive his inner child. Jonathan knew no judgment, no prejudice, at least none harmful enough to make Evan change minds. The outside wind howled significantly louder, yet Evan found himself unable to leave the bed. He dared not to lift his legs from Jonathan's, scared to disturb his peaceful state of mind. He knew there was no word to explain this feeling, but he decided to give in to it. He propped himself up, to later drop himself next to Jonathan's smaller form.His face buried in the man's shoulder, Β Evan let his eyes fall shut. He was aware both were at ease, both felt comfortable enough to accept the truth. A truth that was confirmed when a hand gently brushed through his dark hair.
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Comments: 6

MissVictorious98 [2017-05-04 11:40:10 +0000 UTC]

XsquealX 😍 Fantastic! Beautiful! Finally, Evan has given in to this thing called love! πŸ˜†

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Meadonroe In reply to MissVictorious98 [2017-05-04 14:33:33 +0000 UTC]

Β  Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

M4R4N14MH [2017-05-02 18:12:40 +0000 UTC]

I am smiling so much it is beginning to hurt!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Meadonroe In reply to M4R4N14MH [2017-05-02 19:28:41 +0000 UTC]

Im happy to see you are still enjoying it.

Now, let's celebrate Delirious' 30th birthday together! ^^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

M4R4N14MH In reply to Meadonroe [2017-05-02 19:35:06 +0000 UTC]

He has now lived three decades!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Meadonroe In reply to M4R4N14MH [2017-05-02 19:37:25 +0000 UTC]


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