Meadonroe — One question remains.. | Watch_Dogs | #.6 by-nc-nd

#watchdogs #aidenpearce #jordichin
Published: 2018-05-20 04:58:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 348; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description Once his skin had adjusted to the soft breeze and burning UV rays, Aiden found himself relaxing into the soft cushioning on the, rather comfortable, lounge chair. The sensation of coldness spread through his fingertips and into the small bones underneath. Conversations hummed all around him in the background, and for a moment, the man lost himself in a state of safety and serenity. Jordi had been eyeing some redheaded waitress, and after a short moment of silence, he returned to his chair, a heavy sigh crawling from his mouth, to meet the oxygen filled air around them. "Women are .. Well, they make you work for the goods. Putting it like that.. It doesn't differ much from the rich bastards that hire me. Always having the little man work for the goods. Isn't that right, Pearce?"

He was met with dead silence, and upon tracing the source, he found a dozing Irishman. Jordi's face displayed confusion, with a small hint of understanding, and he repositioned himself in the chair, one of his arms draped lazily over the head support. "Boy, am I glad I'm not some basement dwelling hack-kiddie.." A few minutes passed, and slowly but surely the silence was getting to Jordi. More and more as time went on, and after a good 10 minutes, he nudged the Irishman softly with his lacquer shoe. "Hey, Pearce. You're being a drag.. Don't leave me hanging like this." After a few more minutes of enduring the man's soft snores, which would have been barely audible, had he not been seated this close to the man, Jordi threw in the towel and lighted a cigarette. A soft vibration against his leg tore Aiden out of his soft slumber within seconds, jolting his torso up and letting his arms trail down the edges of his body in search of his phone. With an inspecting eye, Jordi watched the Irishman struggle to find his item of interest and eventually offered a hand.

"Under your sweet little booty, Pearce. Your coat." Jordi pointed a finger at the trench coat that still laid sprawled over the chair. "It remains a mystery how you managed to stay alive without a watchful eye to guide you through the daily struggles of being human."

With one hand rubbing his through his heavy eyes, Aiden pocketed his coat for his precious phone, only to discard the item onto his lap once he saw the caller ID. The man threw his head back once more, but kept his emerald eyes firmly open this time. He was tired, and he knew it all too well. He needed rest, if only it wasn't such a burden to come by for him. "How do you do that?" Aiden looked over to his side, to find Jordi mid-drag, and even before he could move his lips to form any sentence, Jordi continued to let his mouth run at its usual pace. "Being absolutely paranoid about your safety, then falling asleep in the midst of a crowd, yet being alert enough to recognize the sound of your phone among the many conversations held around us?" Letting out a soft grunt to signify the repositioning of his core, Aiden simply shook his head. "Self taught skill, I suppose." Jordi gave him a curt nod of the head, before crushing the cigarette in a nearby ashtray. "Do you people ever sleep? Aside from the short intervals I just witnessed." The short answer would be 'rarely'..

Though Aiden managed to get just the right amount of sleep for him to function for just the right amount of time to do his job, he had to admit that he spent the remainder of his days practically begging for a good night's rest. No sleep for the wicked, as they say.

The man ran a hand through his short-cropped chestnut hair, and let out another grunt as he stretched his spine and arms. He felt his shoulder blades part and rejoin during the shift in motion, and gladly welcomed the relief of pressure on the muscles. His eyes found the observant stare in Jordi's dark, almond-shaped eyes, and he wasn't sure how to read that expression with utmost certainty. Was he really that much of a mess? Damien hadn't been riding his tail that much.. As a matter of fact, work had been slow lately, but that still didn't ensure any peace or calm to his weary mind. Not in the least.. No. How long was he out for? By the looks of it, not too long, the same people surround him, and Jordi didn't seem all too bored. A safe bet would be 20 minutes. Enough to relief some stress, but not nearly enough to fuel his starving body. For a man that knew how to treat a car, he sure had little respect for his very own engine.

"I'm sorry. I'm just.." He found Jordi's stern gaze again, then decided against indulging into that type of conversation. Chin might be accustomed to sharing his personal sob stories with random strangers waving around a piece of paper with zero value in Aiden's world, he wasn't too willing to spoil the beans just yet. He had just met him.. And he hadn't been able to figure him out yet. It was too risky..

"I'm gonna go." He pushed himself up, leaning down to pull his sweater over his shoulders, and lazily draped his, now completely wrinkled up, trench coat over his frame. Even the smallest of movements felt like a ton of bricks on his body. He carefully positioned his black cap over his short hair, making sure the visor covered most, if not all of his forehead, eyes and nose bridge, then turned on the balls of his feet. "It was nice meeting you, Jordi. Gimme a call whenever you've got a job you need help with. I'll.. I'll see what I can do."

As he was about to lean down to shake the Asian man's hand, he felt a wave of darkness wash over him, and soon after he lost all strength in his legs. Shocked, Jordi jumped up from his chair to catch the hacker's body before it was sent down crashing to the ground.

The surrounding onlookers looked up in surprise, curious as to what had just transpired, yet lax in their actions to call for any actual help. Draping an arm around the Irishman's waist, Jordi pulled the man back onto his feet and guided him through the mass of faces, toward the exit. "You're heavier than you look, Pearce. Did I not warn you about dying on me? Who was right again? Me, Jordi Chin. But do they listen .."
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