MegaCrashtheHedgehog — Top 10 Movies I Like That Everoyne Else Hates

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Published: 2019-07-15 23:40:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 16437; Favourites: 46; Downloads: 2
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Description Everyone has that one movie that they seem to like, or even love, when everyone else hates it. I of course have those movies as well. So let me start off by saying none of these movies are perfect. Some of them have a lot of problems and I do mean a lot, but still some of them aren't bad in my opinion. I think some of them are alright, and then are actually some I think are good so keep that in mind. My ranking of these films are based on how hated they are and how much I can defend them. Now remember, if you don't like these movies, I'm not forcing you to like them, I'm just gonna give my say on them and why I think they don't deserve so much hate. I don't have a good Segway into the list, so without further adieu, these are my top 10 movies I like that everyone else hates.

Number #10: Looney Tunes: Back in Action
So as most of you know, I wasn't a fan of Space Jam. It's a harmless movie that I loved as a kid, but I just find pretty "Eh" today. I honestly prefer Looney Tunes: Back in Action. This is the kind of film I'm expecting Sonic the Hedgehog to turn out to be. That's not exactly a good thing but since I like this movie I can say it'll be better than nothing. So the main reason I like this film is because it understands the Looney Tunes better than Space Jam. The Looney Tunes in Space Jam were funny, but somehow felt like parodies of themselves. I can understand why Chuck Jones hated it. Here, the movie clearly has more respect for the classic characters. Bugs is back to being an attention hogging show stealer, Daffy is an attention stealing and greedy wacko, and while the rest of the Looney Tunes are restricted to mostly cameos, they still retain their classic traits. Also, no Lola! So that's a plus. The human characters are the weakest part of the movie. The only one I kinda like is DJ. Brendan Fraser is his usual entertaining self, and DJ is a kinda likeable character even if his dialogue is mostly bland. Still, Fraser makes the best of it. Steve Martin is almost unrecognizable in this movie, and he gives probably my least favorite performance. He isn't funny, just really awkward. If I'm being honest, I really don't like Kate. She's not funny, she's annoying, and really doesn't do much in the film. The blending of live-action and animation is pretty damn good, and there's some really cool cameos in the film. My personal favorite being Matthew Lillard, along with Shaggy and Scooby Doo. Also, can we just agree that the voice acting is great? Sure, it was a dumb decision to make Brendan Fraser voice Taz instead of bringing in Jim Cummings, but we got the likes of Bob Bergan, June Foray, Billy West, Joe Alaskey, and even legendary animator Eric Goldberg voicing Speedy Gonzales, Michigan J. Frog, Marvin the Martian, and one line for Bugs. Going back to Daffy, I like that this movie makes him a combination of classic looney daffy and greedy and money hungry daffy. This film isn't perfect, the story is really dumb, and I mean really dumb. Still better than Space Jam, but still pretty dumb. I also don't like how much they hint at this being a "movie within a movie". It basically ruins the "surprise" at the end. If you can call it one. Most of the jokes are also hit or miss. Still, I find this movie pretty enjoyable despite how dumb it is.

Number #9: Solo: A Star Wars Story
So there's three Star Wars movies on this list so be prepared for that. I'll be honest, Han Solo is probably my favorite Star Wars character, but even I didn't ask for this. Still I went to the film, my theater was loaded with cheerful Star Wars fans to my surprise, someone even yelled "Chewie punch it" before the film started which got a laugh out of everyone, and when the movie ended, we all enjoyed it as far as I could tell. Then when I looked up reviews, I was surprised to find how many people hated this movie. Ok guys I get that this isn't A New Hope but it really that bad? I'm not saying it's great, but I think it's fairly good movie. Most complaints I heard said it's unnecessary, it's not funny, it's boring, and has poorly established characters. I guess I do agree that it's not really funny except for a couple of lines spoken by Donald Glover, and the new characters aren't very interesting. A bit of a nitpick, but it's kinda stupid on how Han got his name. Honestly I enjoyed a lot of this film. There's thing that are familiar, things that are new, and things that actually do wow me. For starters, the acting is great. Donald Glover is easily the best actor in the movie, proving why he's one of the best ones working today. Alden Ehrenreich is surprisingly really good as Solo. He's no Harrison Ford, but he's pretty good. Woody Harrelson is Woody Harrelson, Paul Bettany plays a cliché villain but he's Paul Bettany so he makes it work, and Jon Favreau has a small appearance in the movie so that was nice. I think this movie could've been even better if Phil Lord and Chris Miller had been kept as directors(bad move on Disney's part), but I think the adventure in the film was still fun. It's like Ant-Man but not nearly as good. The visuals are once again really good. There's some great CGI, and like all Star Wars movies there some amazing practical affects, costume designs, and makeup. The cinematography and lighting is really good, and hey, there's a cool cameo at the end. Speaking of which, to all the people who didn't understand the Darth Maul scene, just know that the animated Star Wars shows are canon. That's all I'll say.

Number #8: Meet The Robinsons
So this film gets a surprising amount of hate, which I do not understand. I guess you could say that it's because the film released before it was Chicken Little which is a film, everyone, including me, absolutely hates. So no one had the most positives opinions on Disney at the time of this films released, and I feel like no one really loved Disney again until The Princess and The Frog a whole two years later. No offense to Bolt. Even back then this movie wasn't that beloved. I mean sure, Lewis isn't the greatest main lead due to how he just wont stay put for most the film, but I really like this movie. Is it in my top 20 favorite Disney movies? No, but is it still really good? Yes. The film follows an orphan named Lewis, although I'd say he looks more like a Cornelius. Lewis was abandoned by his mother as a baby, and ever since has wondered who his mother is. Lewis is like Jimmy Neutron only not as funny. He creates some cool inventions but none of them work, except for a memory machine which he plans to show off at a science fair. At the science fair, he meets one of my favorite Disney characters, Wilbur. Wilbur tries to keep Lewis safe from a man simply called "Bowler Hat Guy" who wants to steal Lewis's invention. Bowler Hat Guy sabotages Lewi's presentation, and then Lewis is depressed. So in order to prove he's from the future, Wilbur takes him there. Then Wilbur's time machine crashes, now Lewis is stuck in the future, and then it's a series of crazy and hilarious shenanigans that lead to great morals and funny jokes. This movie originally could've actually turned out be terrible if it weren't for John Lasseter coming in and rewriting a 3rd of the story. The film was initially a Back to The Future ripoff and we all know that wouldn't have done any good for Disney. Even though the story still ended up being the weakest part of the movie, there was still effort put into it. Even though a lot of aspects in the film, mainly involving characters, are basically setup for the tv show they were apparently planning. I really like the characters in the movie. Lewis, while being a poor mans Jimmy Neutron, is still a likeable character who we genuinely feel sorry for. Wilbur's just really funny. He's voiced by Wesley Singerman who also voiced Charlie Brown a couple of times so that's nice. I don't know why so many people disliked the Bowler Hat Guy. He's basically Doofenshmirtz 5 months before Doofenshmirtz was a character....no really. He easily has the best lines in the movies. Even though this is technically a comedy, there's a lot of heart placed in the movie. A theme of family. The ending even chokes me up a little bit every time I watch it. Similar to a film further down the list, the film wants to tell us to keep up hope. We all want a good future. We all want success. Sure not all of us will end up being the next big thing, but if we put a little work into it, that bright and gleaming future can be a reality for anyone. That's another theme in this movie, keep moving forward. When Lewis sees his own future, he knows and we know that it's not just being handed to him, he has to work for it. I think Meet The Robinsons is a film more people need to see. Yes the story is a serious mess that doesn't make much sense when you think about it, but the film as a whole really deserves a second chance.

Number #7: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of The Sith
So yes, this film isn't perfect. I know the dialogue is ridiculous, and there are several scenes in this films story that don't make sense or are just plain unnecessary, but really that's all I don't like about it. Then again, I've only seen the movie once. This movie honestly learned from the previous two films mistakes. To a certain degree that is. Somewhat better CGI, better action, better acting, and no Jar-Jar to be found. There's a lot of great moments. From the fight against Count Dooku, to Order 66, to the fight between Obi-Wan and Grievous, to the battle between Mace Windu and Palpatine, to Anakin's turn to the dark side, to the freaking awesome battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan. Seriously, do people just forget these moments were in the film or is it just me? Hayden Christensen is really good in this and shows he's come a long way from Goosebumps, Ewan McGregor gives what might be my favorite performance of his, and Ian McDiarmid is creepy, unsurprisingly. I also really like how it feels like there are actual stakes in this movie. It feels like what the heroes are fighting is actually threatening. I'm not trying to say this film is perfect, it doesn't hold a candle to the original trilogy, but I think it's overlooked due to how bad the other two movies were. So yeah, Revenge of The Sith is not perfect by any means, but it's fairly enjoyable. 

Number #6: X-Men: The Last Stand
Now yes, there are problems with it. For one thing, Angel is completely wasted in this film. One of the most interesting members of the X-Men and he serves no purpose at all. You could take him out of the movie and it wouldn't change a damn thing. Second, Cyclops is not just killed off when he finally became interesting in these movies, but his death his executed poorly since it doesn't really have much impact on the other characters. Honestly I feel sorry for James Marsden since Cyclops is somehow his most well known performance even though he was pretty much wasted and I honestly think he's been in better things. To his credit, when he is on screen, he gives a good performance. Third, everything involving the Dark Phoenix saga is poorly handled. I think we can all agree on that. Even though I've never read the comic I still didn't like how it was handled. And fourth, Juggernaut....do I even need to say anything? Besides that, I thought it was a good movie. I'm serious, I like it. It's not as good as the first two films, but it was still a fun movie. The plot is half way interesting, the acting is great, the action is really great, seriously the scene with Magneto and the bridge was awesome, and honestly I thought Professor X's death was really sad. Even though they brought him back without explaining how. Hugh Jackman is awesome as usual, Ian McKellen is great, Patrick Stewart was great, Kelsey Grammer is brilliant as Beast, basically all the actors are good in this movie. The only ones I don't like are Ben Foster as Angel, and Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut, both for obvious reasons. So overall while it's very flawed, I really like this movie.

Number #5: Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
I'll just say it right now, I didn't grow up with Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. Whenever people talk about it, one reason they love it is because it was a childhood favorite. Then when they got older they saw this film, and they hated it. For me, that's not the case. I grew up with Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and I loved it as a kid, and now that I'm basically a young adult and have gotten much more mature, I still love it. I have seen Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory and frankly, I liked it, I really did, but I wouldn't call it one of the greatest movies of all time like so many others have. It's kinda like The Wizard of Oz, I respect it, but I don't love it. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory is more my style. Sure it's not greatest movie of all time material, but I still really enjoy it. I also appreciate that it's bit more accurate to the book. I actually really like Johnny Depp in the role of Willy Wonka, and believe it or not this was my first Johnny Depp movie and quickly solidified him as one of my favorite actors. Willy Wonka himself in this movie is also more book accurate. I remember reading the book for the first time, and Willy Wonka was actually pretty self centered, even if he does mean well. The movie portrays Wonka as that kind of man. Weird, Bizarre, eccentric, odd, and not good with kids. Remember, this is a guy who spent about 20 years alone in a factory with no one to talk to besides Oompa Loompas. Speaking of the Oopma Loompas, I like them better here. Instead of looking like short aliens, they look like actual short people. And credit to Deep Roy. He plays every single Oompa Loompa and it somehow works. The kids are also better than the other film. In the original film, all the kids were pretty one note and a few of them honestly didn't seem that bad. I'd hang out with a few of them. Here, they really are awful kids. Augustus is a carless, gluttonous, stick in the mud who eats first and asks questions never, Violet is essentially a show dog in human form who's all about being the best at everything, Veruca is less annoying and more clever but still spoiled, and Mike Teavee is angry and rotten who could care less about anything. He doesn't even like chocolate. We're supposed to dislike these child characters, but the film still makes them interesting. I'll admit, I like Charlie in Willy Wonka more than this film, and that's mainly because this Charlie doesn't have much of a character. Sure you could say he's a self insert character, but I feel like those types of characters are a cheap way for the writers to be lazy. I also like the original Grandpa Joe better too. The one in this film is fine, but doesn't have as much personality. Finally, I like the songs better here. I mean yeah, I enjoy the songs in Willy Wonka, but I really like how each of the songs in this one are in a different style. Plus this movie isn't technically a musical so the songs don't come off as forced as Willy Wonka. So yeah I really enjoy this movie. Not one of my favorites, but I think it deserves more respect.

Number #4: Tomorrowland
Wow, I am surprised at many people hate this movie. I mean I knew some people wouldn't like it, but I wasn't expecting the amount of hate it got. One of the biggest complaints about it was that it barley featured Tomorrowland. I'll confess this now, I have never been to a Disney theme park before. Yeah seriously. So I have no experience of going to the actual Tomorrowland and getting that sense of wonder so many others have. So there's one reason I like this movie, I cant relate to most of the people who have been to the real deal. This movie is half of a sci-fi movie and half a fun movie with a big message. More reasons why I like it? Well one thing, it looks great. It looks a bit too cartoony for my tastes in certain scenes, but it wasn't too distracting. Even though there were points where characters just don't apply to the laws of physics. This is a Brad Bird film, so looking great is to be expected. The story has a lot going on, but overall I think it raps up nicely. I really like all three of the main leads. I think Casey is a fun and spunky main character. She gets in over her head a few times, but she has a really likeable personality. She also has good chemistry with Frank, played by George Clooney. Who's his usual self. As long as he isn't Batman, he's great. I also really like Athena who's serves as our humanistic robot character, which is a character type I usually really like. The acting is pretty great. Again, George Clooney is George Clooney, but Raffey Cassidy does a good job delivering all the usual techno babble, and Britt Robertson is really good at pretending to be a teenager despite being in her mid 20s when this film came out. Speaking of her, Casey is easily my favorite character but she asks a very important question when people bring up how terrible the future will be: "What are we doing to fix it?" The message of this film is to be a bit more optimistic about the future, which is something I think we all need to be. I mean think about it, we used to be all about the future. By the time television was invented and big summer blockbusters were really becoming a thing, movies and tv shows were flooded with ideas of the future. Most notably The Jetsons and Back to The Future. We dreamed about flying cars, hoverboards, robot servants, moving sidewalks, and time machines as far as the eye can see. However, these days we fear the future more than anything. All we can think about is robot uprisings, global warming, the next world war, and the government doing something stupid. Believe it or not, I even asked some of my closet friends and mentors on what they think the world will be like in 100 years or so. Most of them basically said "we're all screwed." It seems no one believes a utopian future is possible anymore, but this movie tries to tell us that if we actually try, actually attempt to look up for once, then a utopia where all our dreams can come true is possible. I mean did we invent the airplane, or electricity, or the wheel by sitting around worrying about what happens next? I am really surprised this movie bombed. I mean, again, the film is directed by Brad Bird. This movie isn't perfect since there is a bit of a tonal problem, and the story feels a bit too cluttered. Going back to this movie not showing much of Tomorrowland, I can see where people are coming from, but I think it helps convey the message. We want Tomorrowland. We want to see it, we want to see more when it only gave us a sample, but we have to go get it. This movie is a mess, but it's a fun one with a great message.

Number #3: Power Rangers
I was a big Power Rangers fan growing up, but I never watched the original series. I am aware of the endless reboots, those are what I watched. This was that film everyone was comparing to the 2015 Fantastic Four movie, which I think is unfair. Like I said in my Fantastic Four fancast, I have never once seen that movie aside from a bunch of clips. Honestly this movie is 1000 times better than whatever the hell that movie was. Sure I'm not a fan of how bleak the color style is, but this movie still has way more life than Fantastic Four. The villain is also better. Elizabeth Banks is really cheesy in some scenes but overall I really like her. In terms of a maniacal world conquering and relentless villainess, Cate Blanchett's Hela is still better at...pretty much everything, but Rita Repulsa is still a fun villain. Bryan Cranston is Bryan Cranston, and Bill Hader is really good as Alpha 5. All the actors for the Rangers were great, especially Dacre Montgomery and RJ Cyler. I'll be honest, I like the Rangers suits and the Zords. Everyone seemed to complain about them, but I thought they looked fine. I will say however, I didn't like the design of the Mega-Zord and Goldar. They seem cheap and kinda lazily slapped together. I get that they probably wanted to make less complicated designs to make it easier on the people that animated the CGI, but really I think they could've done better. This movie isn't for everyone. It's clearly made to appeal to solely fans of Power Rangers and casual fans most likely wont enjoy it. Still, it you were put off by something involving this movie, then I think you should give it a chance. You just might be surprised.

Number #2: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
I'll admit that I didn't like this on my first watch, but giving it a second look, I like it. I'll say it right now, it's not perfect. For starters, even if the movie is fun, the story is kinda a mess. Kinda like Tomorrowland, it tries way too hard to establish a lot in such little time, and that makes the film feel cluttered. Also, the Rhino only showed up for about 5 minutes! If you're only going to have him in the film for 5 minutes, then don't put him all over the advertising! I thought Electro was a really good villain, but they shouldn't have killed him off in the end, but despite that, I still like it. It's not great, but it's still good enough. The action scenes are great. They're fast paced, well edited, and were exciting to watch. A lot of people complain about Gwen Stacy being useless and a bad love interest. I strongly disagree with this. Not only does she not get kidnapped constantly, but she's helpful in helping Peter stop Electro. People also say that she doesn't have a character arc, which is not true. She has a lot on her plate considering her boyfriend's a superhero and can easily get her in danger, and not to mention she has to choose between leaving New York and staying with Peter. I don't want to do any comparing to the Sam Rami films but what exactly did Mary-Jane do again?....yeah that's what I thought. People complained about product placement which honestly didn't bother me personally. I also really like Harry Osborn, well at least before he became Green Goblin and then I just think they went overboard with him. Dane DeHaan is really good in the role. Not only is he creepy, but he makes me buy him as a sympathetic character. I'm not sure how to feel about him wanting Spider-Man's blood. On one hand, yeah using Spider-Man's blood to save himself could kill him, but he's dying anyway. On the other hand, Spider-Man probably doesn't want Harry's death to feel like it was mostly his fault. I don't really have much I can say on this film. I can understand why so many people dislike it, I originally didn't like it, but I gave it a second chance and it turned out alright. Once again, the story is cluttered, and some of the trailers for the film were honestly pretty bad since they basically lied to us and gave away way too much, but overall I think The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a good movie. If I'm being honest, I still like all other Spider-Man films, with the exception of Spider-Man 3, better, but this still didn't deserve the hate it got.

Honorable Mentions:

The Belko Experiment
This came out the same day as the 2017 Beauty and The Beast so you probably don't remember it. This movie was not favored by critics. It's got a 52% on Rotten Tomatoes, and a 6.1 out of 10 on IMDB. Honestly I have a feeling it'll become one of those underrated gems in about 10 or 20 years. It's really just a fun action horror movie that has some really good scares. A bunch of office workers are trapped in a building and have to kill each other to survive. It's fun, it's gory, and has likeable characters. Speaking of which, my only complaint if the film unceremoniously killed the best character in the movie. Besides, I thought it was great.

Brother Bear
So yeah this was another Disney film that was not popular with the critics. This was one of those films I grew up with. So the main complaint is that the characters are really annoying. The only character I found annoying were those two moose. Koda was kinda annoying, but really you actually feel sorry for him when you learn what's really going on. I watched this movie with my own younger brother growing up, so I kinda relate to the characters. The songs aren't as good as Tarzan but I still enjoyed them.

Jurassic World
I feel like the only one out there who likes this movie unironically. Seriously, I thought this movie was awesome Not to the level of Jurassic park, but still a lot better than most people give it credit for. The Indominus Rex was scary, Chris Pratt is was awesome, and overall I just had fun with it.

Unfriended: Dark Web
The first one is more of a guilty pleasure. This is one is one I can defend as a good movie. This movie had great acting, great editing, a suspensful story, and had me on the edge of my seat.

Number #1: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Oh boy, was this the most controversial movie of 2017 or what? From people saying it didn't understand lightsabers to people who think it's promoting white genocide. Yes, there are people who think that. Now there are people who love this film, but in terms of getting so much vocal backlash from the people who didn't like it, I've never seen a more despised film. Now are there problems? Yes. For one thing, I didn't care for what was going on with Finn, Rose, Poe, and Leia. It wasn't god awful, but Poe and Leia's storyline was slow paced, and Finn and Rose's storyline really led to nothing. Some of the dialogue felt like it was trying its hardest to make the next iconic Star Wars line. Now yes, there are some really good lines here, but you don't have to try so hard to make them iconic. It's Star Wars, not Stephen Spielberg. Also, I'm not a fan of the ending of the film. Not because of what happened to Luke, but because of it just ending off with a kid staring off into space who apparently has the force. It felt pretty abrupt and anticlimactic. While The Force Awakens had such an epic climax that ended on a strong cliffhanger, but this had a pretty good climax with an abrupt ending. However, besides that, I loved the film. Lets start off with the visuals. This is without a doubt the best looking Star Wars film. There are some scenes in this movie that would look awesome as a poster. The acting is great all across the board. Daisy Ridley, who was more fun loving in The Force Awakens, plays a more serious version of Rey in this film. Also, no I wont start defending Rey because who knows how many freaking comments I'll get for that calling me a piece of sh*t. Adam Driver gets to play a more developed Kylo Ren who in this film is shedding the shackles of his former self. In The Force Awakens, he was mainly a younger version of Darth Vader. Here, he realizes that he's only a Vader wanna be and tries to be his own thing. He does some things in this movie that I would've never expected from him before watching this movie. Finn, while not given a lot to do, is still entertaining thanks to John Boyega who is once again great. Oscar Issacs is thankfully given more to do here because I was so afraid they would do to him what the X-Men films did to Cyclops. The Last Jedi gives Issacs a lot more room. They develop Poe somewhat since it seems like they're trying to make him the next Han Solo. While no one can replace Han or Harrison Ford, I still really like Poe. Unsurprisingly, Mark Hamill is fantastic and deserves a freaking Oscar. Why he still doesn't have one I will never know. Now this is where I defend the movie, and here it goes:

Luke was out of character: No, no he was not. He's just 40 years older, has a beard, and has lost faith in himself after losing Ben Solo. You'd be a grouchy old hermit living on an island in the middle of nowhere too if you couldn't keep your best friend and your sister's son from turning to the dark side.

The force can't do that!: To be fair, they never said they couldn't. Also, why are we suddenly trying to apply logic to the force? Last I checked this is the franchise where space wizards fight each other with laser swords and explosions are capable of happening in space. Y'know space...where oxygen isn't a thing? Not to mention I'm someone who at this point will except that you can do whatever with the force. You wanna say it's caused by midi-chlorians, or it's controlled by your emotions, then go ahead, whatever.

They killed off Snoke without revealing anything about his backstory: Ok two things: 1. They killed off Emperor Palpatine in Return of The Jedi and didn't reveal his backstory until a whole 16 years later! You people have no right to judge! 2. Even if they don't tell us his backstory, I doubt Snoke was even meant to be that interesting to begin with. Sure Andy Serkis was good in the role, but really, Snoke was just a character they had to come up with to make Kylo Ren more interesting.

It's too comedic: Well comedy is subjective so I can't really defend this that well, but I'm just sick of people bringing this up! I will say that I thought it was funny. This is probably the funniest Star Wars movie ever made in my opinion.

Why was Poe wrong about everything?: Ok yeah I agree that this subplot dragged on, but I don't agree that it was completely pointless and Poe being wrong about everything led to nothing. This movie is all about misdirection. We cant always have the subplot where the hotshot young hero actually knows more than the old sage and eventually saves the day with his quick thinking. This is a trope we've seen before, and the sad truth is that in real life it's almost always the opposite. Just because you're young and you've got a good head on your shoulders doesn't automatically make you right! I mean Luke left Yoda without completing his training and look where that got him.

Why'd did they humanize Kylo Ren?:.....real people are asking these questions. Real people with brains, hearts, and blood in their veins. Oh yes, God forbid that we make our villain interesting and give him motivations and character arcs, that's a real crime....do you people not know what a character is?

The ruined the identity of Rey's parents: No. No they did not. They answered you're damn question and now they've got to sit and listen to you whine about it. It seems that the logic behind most peoples complaints is that a Jedi in the Star Wars movies can only be interesting if they're related to Luke. Which makes no sense. You really think it's not possible for someone to be a Jedi if they're not related to someone's who famous or royal? You don't have to be related to someone great to do great things yourself. This franchise is built around everyone being related to each other. Luke is Vader's son, Leia is Luke's sister, Kylo Ren is Han and Leia's son, Yoda is R2D2's uncle....wait where was I going with this? Oh yeah complaints. Anyway it seems that the only way for us to be surprised now is to have someone to be revealed as being related to no one. If you don't buy that then....sorry?

And yeah, that's about it. Not counting the Mary-Sue thing, that's all the big complaints I've heard. At least the ones that I just dont understand. I think the reason a lot of people just got so butt hurt about this film is because it's a challenging film. All the previous films were, lets be honest, pretty predictable. Well, with the exception of The Empire Strikes Back. That's why I love this film so much, it wasn't what I expected. While I didn't like the ending, I appreciate that it left me unsure of what will happen next. Now yes, people are entitled to their opinions, which is why I'm here giving you mine. I loved the film and as someone who loves it it's my job to defend it. I wonder if this is how DCEU defenders feel when defending their films? Let me just say this real quick, even if you don't like the film, don't attack the people who made it. Even with films I hate, I don't go out of my way to send death threats to the director and the actors. Yeah for those of you who don't know, there were people who hated this film so much that they sent death threats to Rian Johnson, and to the actress who played Rose, Kelly Marie Tran. Guys, if you do those kinds of things, then you're not a fan, you're an a-hole. I apologize for that little rant, I just wanted to get that off my chest. I wont force anyone to like this movie, but if you haven't seen this film, then please watch it. You just might be surprised. I'm not afraid to say it: I loved Star Wars: The Last Jedi!

So those were the top 10 movies I like that everyone else seems to hate. Do you agree or disagree. If so let me know in the comments and maybe we can have a lively discussion on what films you like and dislike. And stay tuned for another countdown on the movies everyone else likes but I personally don't like. Until next time, have a great night, be safe, and take care.

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MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to The-Autistic-Artist [2021-01-13 01:51:26 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-Autistic-Artist In reply to MegaCrashtheHedgehog [2021-01-13 01:52:25 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to The-Autistic-Artist [2021-01-13 02:10:54 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-Autistic-Artist In reply to MegaCrashtheHedgehog [2021-01-13 02:16:37 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

XenomorphProductions [2020-09-25 19:25:32 +0000 UTC]

I LOVE Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, it's better than the 1971 film

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DarthSpiderMaul [2020-08-19 16:47:54 +0000 UTC]

Number 10: Never saw in my life.
Number 9: Needs a remake.
Number 8: Really good. Part of my childhood.
Number 7: Best Star Wars movie in my opinion and was made even better with the final season of Clone Wars.
Number 6: While it was bad and killed off a lot of good characters, it was fortunately erased by DOFP.
Number 5: I could watch it every few years. More accurate to the book than the original movie from 1971.
Number 4: Good movie If you want something new and haven't seen it.
Number 3: Haven't seen that movie, but the "Iron Man, Spider-Man" reference in the trailer was funny.
Number 2: I don't see why people hate it, I love both The Amazing Spider-Man movies and wish they would make a third movie which Sony owes us due to TASM 2 ending on a cliffhanger. Still like Tom Holland though. I actually think all the Spider-Man movies are good while some are better than others.
Number 1: Hate this movie with the blackness of my soul. Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson almost murdered the Star Wars franchise with that movie. If you want to help erase it from canon sign the petition below


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Revanite262 [2020-08-02 18:07:46 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Dairugger [2020-07-22 02:54:59 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

mavadohelghanmaul [2020-07-15 15:25:00 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

GodDragonKing [2020-06-08 15:24:13 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

MislamicPearl [2020-06-08 10:01:49 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to MislamicPearl [2020-06-08 11:48:36 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lorddurion In reply to MislamicPearl [2020-06-08 11:21:21 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ComedyYesHorrorNo [2020-05-30 01:45:28 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to ComedyYesHorrorNo [2020-05-30 02:50:24 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheCartoonWizard [2020-01-09 23:04:00 +0000 UTC]

I like Meet the robinsons 

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to TheCartoonWizard [2020-01-09 23:36:46 +0000 UTC]

Good for you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Demonkiller47 [2019-11-14 03:54:21 +0000 UTC]

Number 10: liked
Number 9: never watched and never will
Number 8: it was okay
Number 7: my personal favorite prequel Star Wars film
Number 6: liked
Number 5: liked
Number 4: it was okay
Number 3: liked
Number 2: double liked
Number 1: LOATHE ENTIRELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

hero1211 [2019-08-18 05:13:54 +0000 UTC]

I like 99% of theses movies

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to hero1211 [2019-08-18 06:28:11 +0000 UTC]

Good for you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hero1211 In reply to MegaCrashtheHedgehog [2019-08-18 12:55:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to hero1211 [2019-08-18 17:05:38 +0000 UTC]

Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hero1211 In reply to MegaCrashtheHedgehog [2019-08-18 17:08:20 +0000 UTC]

thanks the only movie i really had a problem with is Charlie and the chocolate factory, it could just be but i think they could of made Verucca a little more spoiled kind of like the one with Gene Wilder  www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wAlQf…  i think it's that song that really drives home the brattyness 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

UltimateOswald [2019-08-01 06:11:48 +0000 UTC]

I like all those Star Wars movies.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to UltimateOswald [2019-08-01 06:35:40 +0000 UTC]

Good for you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ChoujinkiMetalder [2019-07-31 21:17:59 +0000 UTC]

You should watch the Japanese Super Sentai instead...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to ChoujinkiMetalder [2019-07-31 21:32:09 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry what?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ChoujinkiMetalder In reply to MegaCrashtheHedgehog [2019-08-01 20:41:39 +0000 UTC]

Super Sentai, the Japanese counterpart of Power Rangers...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to ChoujinkiMetalder [2019-08-01 21:10:08 +0000 UTC]

Right, I thought so. I'm not that knowing of the Power Rangers history so I apologize.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JokerPenguinRiddler [2019-07-20 02:02:38 +0000 UTC]

I liked the Tim Burton chocolate factory film too. I thought it was one of his best work.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to JokerPenguinRiddler [2019-07-20 03:03:20 +0000 UTC]

Good to know.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ErinPrimette [2019-07-18 17:06:03 +0000 UTC]

I can enjoy The Last Jedi for some FinnRey feels.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to ErinPrimette [2019-07-18 18:59:02 +0000 UTC]

Nice to know.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GodDragonKing [2019-07-17 02:59:10 +0000 UTC]

I didn't see Power Rangers 2017, but if people are comparing it to the 2015 Fantastic Four then they must have only been basing their opinions on the first trailer. That, horrible, horrible first trailer that I admit really lowered my expectations before the second one came out. Regardless, the Rangers in the movie sound like good characters, but I will admit the movie does like it could have used some more action. I think Hasbro decided to allow a sequel despite the movie not doing well at the box office in hopes they can eventually repeat the success of the live action Transformers.

I never understood why anybody was interested in Snoke. He was such a boring character in TFA with no little presence the conversations with him could have occurred off screen. He was not given any kind of significant build up, he was just there. My reaction was "who the fuck is this guy?"

With regards to the "Rey is a Mary Sue" complaints about The Last Jedi, those people weren't paying any attention to the movie. Rey got schooled when she attacked Luke with a stick, only getting anywhere because she grabbed a lightsaber. Luke wasn't trying to win, he didn't hit back much and spent most of the fight dodging before he took her stick. In the fight with Snoke's bodyguards, it was made very clear that she only beat Kylo Ren in TFA because he was thrown off by Han's death and injured by a blaster bolt. But haters of the movie only pay attention to the part where Rey saves him, and block out anything else. I have a friend who threw the "Mary Sue" argument, I pointed out the the reasons why Kylo Ren fought so much better in this movie, and he had no counterargument.

I see people complain about poor sword form, but that has been the case in almost every fight in Star Wars. Lifting a bunch of rocks? Yoda expected Luke to be able to lift his X-Wing, and it's implied he could have if his doubt weren't holding him back. That was before it was established there was anything special about Luke, giving us the hint such a thing is trivial even for a beginner.

Regardless, you can look here for more reasons why the complaints thrown at the movie are either shallow or hold it up to a double standard. Who cares if Leia surviving in space is scientifically accurate or not? She still nearly died. I don't see anybody complaining that all the giant vehicles should sink into the ground from sheer weight like they would in real lif.e

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to GodDragonKing [2019-07-17 08:55:44 +0000 UTC]

The trailers most likely turned off a lot of people from Power Rangers. To be honest, there isn't too much action in the film, but I think this helps since it means more room for character growth. Not sure if you've heard of this yet, but they're planning to reboot the series. With how hard the movie bombed Hasbro wants to hit the reset button. Which unfortunately means a new cast.

My point exactly. Snoke was such a boring Palpatine wanna be to the point where when The Last Jedi came out it's obvious that this was pretty much the writers and directors intentions. Snoke is more of a plot device than an actual character and if you ask me, it works since it improves Kylo Ren. So at the end of the day, who cares who Snoke is?

Honestly my defense for Rey is that she clearly has parental issues and is going through and identity crisis. A Mary-Sue is a term that not only gets thrown around too much, but it means a female character is perfect in every way. Which makes her boring. Rey is not perfect. She tries to find someone to look up to in Leia, Han Solo, and Luke, but so far it hasn't gone well. This leads to Rey having an identity crisis. She clearly doesn't know who she's trying to be. Is she a nobody? Is she a hero? Is she a soon to be villain? These are answers Rey hasn't discovered yet, and I find that intriguing. You make an excellent point as well. Rey may have the force and has somewhat mastered it, but she still isn't the greatest hand to hand fighter. When Rey defeated Kylo Ren in The Force Awakens, she got lucky because Kylo Ren was ready for her. When Rey made it out safely in the throne room fight, she got lucky because Kylo Ren helped her. Also, that friend of yours sound like he got served to say the least.

That's the thing, Rey was able to do something better than Luke. She was able to lift all those rocks when Luke couldn't lift his X-Wing, and that's because Rey was more confident than Luke. Rey did something Luke couldn't when he was young, big deal! It's not the end of the world. Sure she didn't train as much as Luke, but the circumstances were better Rey and helped motivate her.

Exactly, people are trying too hard to apply logic to this series when logic was hardly ever a factor. Again, explosions in space. Does anyone complain about that? No!

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GodDragonKing In reply to MegaCrashtheHedgehog [2019-07-17 20:40:13 +0000 UTC]

The second trailer was actually good, it was just the first one that turned people off. But I suppose the damage had been done. Maybe a reboot will work, it did do wonders for the Transformers movies. Aside from still wanting the characters to be fleshed out, I hope the reboot keeps to the idea this movie had where it actually made the individual Zords practical instead of just existing to form the Megazord. They still need to combine to defeat Goldar, but given that the Megazord was lumbering giant it wouldn't have been effective against the Putties attacking the town.

Hell even with the extra screen time he got in the prequels, we still don't actually know much about much more about Palpatine than what we saw of him in ROJ. We learned he was a politician who manipulated his way to become emperor because George Lucas hates Richard Nixon (he stated he based Palpatine on Nixon from the start). Why do we need a detailed backstory on Snoke? Even though TLJ killed him, it still made more use of him by letting Andy Serkis chew the scenery, and the character was actually threatening. TFA I found him too silly to take seriously when the holograms made him appear three stories tall. In fact when you look at TFA's production it's clear there was no plan for him, which certainly explains he downright goofy design that leaves him with a face that looks like a butt and that he wears a bathrobe.

My friend started grasping at straws before eventually admitted he found Rey to be grating. I didn't want to be rude so I didn't go any further. I had my fun watching him at a loss for words when I pointed out why Kylo Ren did so much better in TLJ. I debated with another person on youtube about the movie, and eventually they gave up and admitted my arguments made sense. I was still polite the whole time, sadly that person ran into some defenders of the movie who were more hostile.

I have seen people point on Quora that it's a common myth among fans you need training to use the Force. Luke used the Force without much idea as to what he was doing in ANH, and in ESB he pulled his lightsaber to his hand without any prior indication he knew he could even do that. He used the Force purely on instinct. We see you need practice to be adapt with the Force, and to use a lightsaber with any kind of skill, but using the Force in of itself doesn't require any instruction. After all the first Jedi didn't have anybody to teach them.

That is also my thoughts. Rey was also much better motivated. Also she's not even the hero during the climax. She helps shoot down some TIE Fighters and gets the everyone out of the cave, but Luke is the one who held off the First Order and is the legend to the galaxy.

I didn't see anybody complain about how Luke was an expert X-Wing pilot despite not having ever seen an X-Wing before either.

I also notice that nobody complained in the Star Wars animated shows when somebody with basic instructions did more than Luke did. Savage Oppress in TCW pushed a starship that was much larger than Luke's X-Wing, and he had about the same level of instruction Luke did.

They just seemed to complain because more people know you will die in outer space. None of those people seem to care that blasters can also go from causing explosions to only inflicting minor injuries.

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somecallmeJ [2019-07-16 23:00:10 +0000 UTC]

I liked Revenge of the Sith (more people like the prequels because of how bad the Disney Star Wars movies are) and Power Rangers (we won't be getting a sequel anyway).

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MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to somecallmeJ [2019-07-16 23:28:42 +0000 UTC]

I'm aware how much people hate the Disney Star Wars movies and are suddenly going "Oh the prequels weren't that bad!". Since I enjoy those movies, I strongly disagree. And yes, I am aware that they're rebooting Power Rangers. Thanks for commenting.

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Negaboss2000 [2019-07-16 22:59:15 +0000 UTC]

I like a lot of those films too ^^

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MegaCrashtheHedgehog In reply to Negaboss2000 [2019-07-16 23:23:24 +0000 UTC]

Good to know.  

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Negaboss2000 In reply to MegaCrashtheHedgehog [2019-07-17 10:21:41 +0000 UTC]

Yeo ^^

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DCA-Art-15 [2019-07-16 09:15:40 +0000 UTC]

Power Rangers 2017 was pretty amazing

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MislamicPearl [2019-07-16 04:10:00 +0000 UTC]

Meet the Robinsons is legit one of my favorite Disney movies of all time, and Wilbur one of the best kid characters!
I also like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, it was one of the first films I ever saw in cinema (before then my mom would just get us films on VHS). I've never seen the original Willy Wonka movie either so that's probably why I'm more lenient towards its flaws, even with Johnny Depp's weird interpretation of Wonka (I was a fan of the book as a kid and in my opinion Depp kinda overdid it with the weirdness a bit - not to mention he didn't really look like Quentin Blake's illustrations.) Haven't seen any of the rest of the movies.

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