member9 — Here Kitty, Kitty - Jen 2

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Description A render for Part 4 of  's  Here Kitty Kitty - Sample ChapterThe elevator music is killing me.I scratch at my chest, a large box tucked under one arm. The brown uniform is standard for delivery men, but it itches like mad. At least I’m not wearing the brown shorts that usually go with it. I have limits, even when I’m undercover.After what seems like an eternity of waiting, there is a soft bing and the elevator doors open. I give a sigh of relief and step out into the hotel hallway. I pull the baseball cap I am wearing down a little further, just in case there are any cameras. It never hurts to be a little cautious.I’ve done assignments in classy, five-star resorts, where the views were spectacular and the rooms were models of luxury. This place is not one of them. I walk down the hotel hallway, glancing behind me and to either side. The paint on the walls is faded and peeling. The carpet is a dull orange brown and looks like it was put in fifty years ago. The doors on either side are stained and dirty.In other words, this place is a total dive. I can only guess why anyone would actually want to stay here. In the case of my unwitting dates for the evening, however, I don’t have to guess. The hotel room they are in just happens to give an unobstructed view of the law offices across the street.I stop in the middle of the hallway. The door I’m looking for is just ahead. Number 325. It’s the last one at the end of the hall, on the left side. I risk a quick glance behind me. There’s no one. I’m all alone, at least as far as I can tell. And it looks like I didn’t need to worry about cameras. There are none in sight. Aside from the bars on the window at the end of the hall, there is hardly no security here at all. That’s good. I work best in the shadows. I don’t exactly want a record of what I’m about to do, at least not digitally, anyway. As for the three women in Room 325…well, I don’t think any of them will be remembering me either. The assignment I’ve been given is a simple one. Three women, all trained agents. I need to gain entry to the room they’re in, incapacitate all three, steal video footage off a laptop, then delete whatever is left. Easy peasy. It’s an easy $50,000.Of course, a year ago I would never have dreamed of pulling off a job like this. The very thought would have absolutely terrified me. But I’ve changed a lot over the last year. I’ve been increasing my equipment and adding to my skills and training. I’ve had to in order to have a hope of keeping up with Cat Girrl. You see, Cat Girrl…that is, the sexy latex-clad cat burglar that is the terror of Lakeside City’s jewelry stores…Cat Girrl is my girlfriend. Well, maybe more like a mistress. She doesn’t know it, at least not really. So maybe my concubine? Sex slave doesn’t seem to be right.Hmm. I’m not sure if there’s a good name for it.The two of us have a complicated relationship. It started back when I caught Cat Girrl during a museum heist, and it’s only gotten more complicated since then. Cat Girrl likes to be chased, and she likes to be caught. And I…well I like to fuck her brains out. Preferably when she’s unconscious, and probably tied up. When she’s awake, there’s no telling what she’ll do. She might kiss me or claw me. I never know. Most girls wouldn’t really enjoy the prospect of being chloroformed and then ravaged by a man. Cat Girrl, on the other hand, seems to kind of dig it. I think she likes the danger. She probably enjoys being dominated too. I honestly don’t know. Like I said, our relationship is complicated. The point is, she makes me work for it. The last time I caught her I hypnotized her and left a subliminal command in her mind to text me once a week, just to tell me where she was. She’s programmed to delete the text and immediately forget about it. It’s not much, but it’s a little clue to help me find her. And so far it’s worked out really, really well.The last few months have been truly awesome. I’ve had quite a bit of mind-blowing sex with my little kitten, and she doesn’t remember any of it. I’m only regretting that I see her just once a week. I wish I had programmed her to text me twice. Or three times. Or hell, just live with me.In the meantime, however, I haven’t had much in the way of a steady job. I had to gather all sorts of equipment and train myself to have even half a chance of catching Cat Girrl in the first place, and so lately I’ve been putting that to good use. In the underworld I’m known as Tomcat. I thought that was a fitting moniker, considering that this all started because of Cat Girrl. I do odd jobs for odd people. Most of them require breaking and entering, a little thuggery or theft, and almost always a chloroform rag over a pretty girl’s face. Turns out that there are a lot of people out there who will pay plenty for the kind of freelance work that I do. I’ve worked for the mob, spy agencies, mercenaries, even supervillains. Once I did some clean up for a sitting senator. The point is, I have more money now than I ever did before. Of course, if I’m ever caught then I lose everything. And there’s always the constant risk of death. But other than that this is actually pretty fun. I have no idea who the three women in Room 325 are. I know they’re armed and potentially dangerous. I’ve seen pictures of all three, and they’re definitely all lookers, but that doesn’t narrow it down at all. Both ARTEMIS and SCORPION are filled with attractive female agents, and those agencies are working opposite sides of the fence. Hell, these girls could be FBI or even CIA for all I know. Maybe something else entirely. I don’t know, and frankly I don’t want to.I’ve learned not to ask too many questions about my jobs. It pays not to know too much about an assignment like this. I know what I have to do. For me this is a relatively simple assignment. I call it a “Nap and Grab.” The girls take a little nap, and then I grab whatever I’m here to get. Sometimes, that means grabbing the girls themselves, but not this time. But either way, it always pays good. I walk down the hallway and knock on the door. There is the sound of some sort of commotion from inside. A voice yells. Then the door opens and I see a beautiful blond.She is a tall woman, wearing a blue suit and holding a pair of glasses. She has a nice rack and a curvy body, but her face is a bit too sharp to be truly gorgeous. Her hair is long and straight and her suit fits her like a glove. ,Her eyes widen when she sees me. Then she frowns.“Delivery,” I say cheerfully. I can see the suspicion flash in the woman’s eyes. “We’re not expecting any–”“Just need you to press accept here,” I continue in the same cheerful voice. I hold my phone up innocently and press the button.I see the woman’s guarded expression and her hand reaches for the inside of her suit jacket. “What is–?” The phone flashes in a sporadic barrage of colored symbols and lights. Immediately the woman’s face goes blank and her shoulders slump. Her hand drops to her side. She stares mindlessly at the phone.,It’s a simple hypno app, a bit of Kane Tech that has helped me time after time in the past. It is programmed to be effective for the female mind, and is better than a flash grenade for stunning someone. Quieter, too.“Good girl,” I whisper. “Time for a little nap.” I pull a pen out of my pocket and stick it into the side of the woman’s neck. There is a soft hiss and the woman’s eyes widen slightly. She gives a soft grunt, then slumps over. I catch her before she hits the ground and drag her inside the hotel room. I close the door softly behind me.The pen is another little gadget of mine. It doesn’t write, but instead it’s filled with a powerful sedative and a hidden syringe. I’ve used it dozens of times and it hasn’t failed me yet. Blondie is already gone and she never even knew what hit her. She gives a defeated little whimper as she slides down the wall toward the floor. I smile, enjoying the feel of her limp body against mine. I gently set her on the floor, her head slumped to one side and her legs spread wide. Her eyes are closed, her breathing is steady and slow. Her mouth is slightly open. She looks way more pretty like this, helpless and vulnerable, with all trace of worry and concern gone from her face. I give her a quick kiss on the forehead and give her breasts a parting squeeze. Like I said, easy peasy.I stand up and turn around. My next two targets are waiting for me.The hotel room is a typical two-room affair, with a small kitchenette and living room separated by a flimsy wall. There is a bathroom off to one side, and a large king bed, couch, and small table in the living room. The whole place is drab, dirty, and dimly lit. From the bathroom comes the sound of a shower running.Perfect. This will be even easier than I thought.I pull a dart gun out of the box and toss the empty container aside by the door. The gun is a simple yet effective design. It uses a compressed CO2 cartridge and is quite accurate over a short distance. The darts themselves are loaded with a mixture of sedative, muscle relaxant, and a little narcotic to give a bit of a buzz. It's my own recipe. It usually takes more than one dart to put a person down, but once they do go down they don't wake up for hours, and they certainly don't remember anything afterwards. "Cammie? Who was at the door? Room service? Can you order me a coffee?"I move slowly to the corner and glance into the living room.A woman is standing in front of a laptop computer set up on the table. She is a little shorter than the blond and not quite as busty, but she's still quite lovely. Her brown hair is neatly braided. Unlike the blonde, she wears a pair of tight-fitting jeans and a black tank top. There is a gun on the table next to her, along with a half-eaten sandwich. A large camera on a tripod is set up near the window, pointed at the law offices across the street. It’s connected to the laptop.The brunette turns around, her expression puzzled. “Cammie? Did you–?”She blinks at me and her jaw drops open. Her hand moves instinctively for the gun on the table. I level the dart gun and shoot.I have to admit, the dart gun is one of my better ideas. It's quiet and easy to use. And while I certainly prefer using chloroform to put a woman under, the darts are the easiest way to knock a person out quickly and silently. Especially one who is armed and dangerous.There is a soft thwip as the dart flies through the air. The brunette barely has a chance to register the sound before the dart hits her in the neck. She gasps, her eyes widening. She jerks her hand up, knocking the dart away. But it is too late. Already she is wobbling on her feet. She reaches out for the back of the chair, but misses and stumbles forward."You...you..." she slurs. Her eyes glass over and her shoulders slump. Her arm swings limply at her side. Her legs wobble."Shhh, time for bed now, honey." I take a step forward and fire the dart gun again.This time the dart hits her right in her breast. The brunette staggers and falls back onto the bed, her body bouncing once. Her eyelids flutter and her head lolls to the side. "Mmm...whasshh happennn...?"I move towards the girl and give her a reassuring pat on her thigh. "It's alright, baby, no more thinking now. Close your eyes and go to sleep."The brunette groans. "But I donnn't…donn’t wannnt to..." She closes her eyes and sighs. A small smile plays across her lips. She gives a sleepy little giggle."Good girl," I murmur, stroking her cheek. "That's a good little agent. Sleep." I shoot a third dart into her upper thigh.That usually does it, but the brunette is still barely holding onto consciousness. Her eyes are heavy, her pupils rolling. Her body is limp, but one of her hands is trying to lift off the bed. "You...cann't..." she groans. "Whooo arrre...?"I reach down and slip my hand under her head, turning her face towards mine. "Close your eyes now, sweetie," I whisper."Mmmm," the brunette replies. She obediently closes her eyes, her long, thick lashes brushing against her cheeks."That's a good girl." I press my mouth against hers, slipping my tongue between her lips.She is too drugged to react, but she accepts my kiss with a low moan. She tastes like coffee and cigarettes. Her lips are amazing. I can feel myself growing erect.After a long moment I finally break the kiss. I stroke the brunette's hair and look down at her face. She's finally out. Sleeping like a babe. Too bad she won't remember me.I straighten up. It’s a shame I don't have the time and liberty to enjoy these beauties a little more. But I've got a job to do, and there's one girl left standing. Even as I tear myself away from the brunette, I hear the shower stop.I'm thinking of using chloroform for the last girl. What can I say, I'm a sentimentalist.I move into the small kitchenette, then crouch out of sight of the bathroom door. I look around the corner.In the next room, the bathroom door is just beginning to open.I pull out the chloroform cloth. It's nice and thick, and of course I pre-soaked it with chloroform before I ever even got in the elevator. It pays to be prepared.The bathroom door swings open, and a young, naked woman steps out. She is holding a towel in front of her, but lucky for me it's not on her, so I get the full view. Her breasts are large and firm. She has a lovely hourglass figure. She is tall, with short black hair and piercing blue eyes. She has a tattoo on her hip, a small, stylized scorpion. Guess that answers the question of which organization these ladies work for.This girl is seriously hot, and the sudden sight of her full naked body like this actually stuns me into inaction for a moment.And the girl is just as shocked as I am. Her eyes widen as she sees the brunette snoring on the bed. She steps forward, her lovely nude body flushed pink from the hot shower and glistening with beads of water. "Angela? What--?"I've recovered my senses. I can't let this beauty get to the gun on the table. I dash out from the kitchenette and grab her from behind, my arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her back and off her feet. I clamp the chloroform-soaked rag over her mouth and nose.The girl shrieks into the cloth and begins struggling like a wildcat. "Grhgghmm?! Hgrmmmphh!!"I push the chloroform soaked rag harder against the girl's face. She's surprisingly strong, and her twisting, slippery body is hard to hold onto. But this isn't my first rodeo, and I hold her tightly against me, her wet hair against my face and her warm, naked body wriggling in my arms. My hand has found her breast and I squeeze it like a lovely round handhold. Her legs lash wildly into the air and she tries to elbow me in the stomach."Shhh," I whisper. "Time for bed, little kitten.""MMM!" she groans into the rag. Her eyes roll and she bucks her hips against me, but it's no good. At least for her it's not. I'm enjoying the hell out of her round, firm ass rubbing up against my crotch.We struggle for several long seconds, but it's already over. I've got her in a hold she's not getting out of, and she's already breathing in the chloroform. I can feel her body beginning to loosen, her struggles slowly weakening and her muscles softening. Her kicks become weaker, and her clawing, batting hands lose all their strength."That's right," I say into her ear, "just let go now, baby. You're going to sleep real well tonight."She lets out a soft moan. Her naked body lurches in my arm, then relaxes. Her eyes are closing. Her breathing is slowing.I can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. This has been easier than expected. I'll have the video, and be long gone before the girls awake. But damn am I turned on right now. My erection is pressing hard into this girl's soft buttocks, and I have to take a deep breath to avoid pushing her against the wall and taking her right here.Instead, I just enjoy the moment. The girl is breathing deeply, her chest rising and falling gently now. Her arms hang loosely at her sides. Her legs dangle on the hotel floor. Her body is soft and warm against me and she smells like fresh roses. I fondle her round breasts, my fingers tracing her nipples and the contours of her large, pliant orbs."Go to sleep," I whisper."Mmmm," she mumbles, her head lolling back against my shoulder."Sleep," I repeat, and kiss her on the cheek.Her body goes totally limp in my arms, her eyes finally closed. All resistance and fire is gone. There is nothing but her soft, even breathing."That's a good girl."I slowly lower the naked, unconscious girl to the floor. As her legs slide down, they open.She's got a beautiful pussy."Sorry, honey," I mutter. I force myself to look away. I can't allow myself to be distracted.I have work to do.
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ala33 [2023-12-30 06:13:24 +0000 UTC]

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member9 In reply to ala33 [2023-12-30 16:15:39 +0000 UTC]

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scarecrow98 [2023-12-18 00:02:23 +0000 UTC]

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member9 In reply to scarecrow98 [2023-12-18 01:18:10 +0000 UTC]

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